Custom Query (128 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 128)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#8 cannot register and webmaster email empty team defect blocker Other BNS 1.2
#102 Problem installing BNC V2.12 stuerze defect blocker BNC
#160 ntripcaster not fetching data team task blocker Other ntripcaster 2.0.13
#161 Segmentation Fault BNC 2.13 RTNET upload azeddine.benomar@… defect blocker BNC
#167 BNC :: Upload Ephemeris :: RTCM 1019 (GPS) only stuerze defect blocker BNC
#22 ntripcaster streaming latency bug defect critical Professional Caster
#29 qwt_symbol.h has bad include mervart defect critical BNC BNC 2.1
#34 Crash at run time with RTCM2 streams mervart defect critical BNC
#45 DOWNLOAD PAGE IS DOWN team defect critical Other
#157 Cannot create users in web interface ntripcaster stoecker task critical Professional Caster
#20 Leap second bug in BNC mervart defect major BNC
#44 Leap Second Update in 30 June 2015 stuerze task major BNC BNC 2.2
#60 Bad ToW stuerze defect major BNC
#79 Glonass PRN stuerze defect major BNC
#94 Data loss at beginning of the day stuerze defect major BNC
#119 Pull relays do not reconnect, recover on 2.0.36 mark@… defect major Professional Caster
#121 Possible SYN flooding on port 2101 regina.operation@… defect major Professional Caster
#123 BKG caster does not actively close server connections mark@… defect major Professional Caster ntripcaster 2.0.13
#149 ntripcaster-2.0.37 UDP-based mountpoint time-out after RTP Sequence number overflow stoecker defect major Professional Caster
#158 How to transmit data from ntripcaster to client stoecker defect major Professional Caster
#174 DVS status and SISA not considered for Galileo Satellites stuerze defect major BNC
#186 Continuous increasing of RAM memory used in real-time PPP stuerze defect major BNC
#194 Problem with chunks in relays stoecker defect major Professional Caster
#1 Error message "Wrong observation epoch(s)" weber defect normal BNC
#2 Ntrip-caster crash with segmentation fault: doublicate entry in sourcemounts.aut stoecker defect normal Professional Caster ntripcaster 2.0.13
#3 Duplicate data records in generated RINEX files stoecker defect normal rtcm3torinex
#4 Specify data types in RINEX files stoecker enhancement normal rtcm3torinex
#5 Read RTCM 1013 message to get full date stoecker enhancement normal rtcm3torinex
#6 ntrip server connection reset with ntripcaster stuerze defect normal Professional Caster ntripcaster 2.0.9
#7 Ephemerides missing from stream coming from TCP/IP port stuerze defect normal BNC
#9 Ntripcaster reset ntrip server connection immediately after authentication stoecker defect normal Professional Caster
#10 No User Interface if configuration is bad mervart defect normal BNC BNC 2.2
#13 Error storing RINEX ephemerids mervart defect normal BNC
#14 BNC 2.6 : On-the-fly configuration edition Marilyne <l_marilyne-BNC@…> defect normal BNC BNC 2.2
#15 Orbit corrections are missing when broadcast corrections are stored team defect normal Other
#16 BNC 2.6 : "Terminate called after throwing an instance of 'QString'" Marilyne <l_marilyne-BNC@…> defect normal BNC
#21 Bug: SSR Update Intervall Indikator immer '0' mervart defect normal BNC
#23 Time Shift using orbit and clock corrections in Post Processing Mode stuerze defect normal BNC
#24 Error description regarding GLONASS clocks sent by Loukis Agrotis stoecker defect normal Clock & Orbit
#25 message from Loukis regarding GLONASS MSM stoecker defect normal BNC
#27 hints with respect to RINEX 3.02 default header stuerze enhancement normal BNC
#28 wrong 1057 message? stoecker defect normal BNC
#33 No output of GLONASS observations from ASCII port mervart defect normal BNC BNC 2.1
#35 Strange gap in QC plotting stuerze defect normal BNC BNC 2.1
#36 skeleton documentation weber defect normal BNC
#37 bnc --version stuerze enhancement normal BNC
#38 bnc --key onTheFlyInterval "": seems to be ignored stuerze defect normal BNC
#39 documentation of no-window mode weber enhancement normal BNC
#40 settings documentation weber enhancement normal BNC
#41 debug info weber enhancement normal BNC
#43 BNC Won't accept our stream table stuerze defect normal BNC BNC 2.2
#49 BNC crash due to not catch exception stuerze defect normal BNC BNC 2.1
#50 Weekrollover in Galileo BCEs stuerze defect normal BNC
#51 Problem with installing vysotenko defect normal BNC BNC 2.1
#59 Date change coinciding with BNC crash stuerze defect normal BNC
#87 Bad latency stuerze defect normal BNC
#88 BNC for Raspberry Pi wiese task normal BNC
#89 Add an option to decide, which mountpoints shall be used for navigation information stuerze enhancement normal BNC
#90 Apparently wrong update rates for RTCM message type scanning of BNC stoecker task normal Professional Caster
#91 Location of BKG Professional NtripCaster source code stuerze task normal Professional Caster
#92 Leap second information should be added in BNC's ephemris IP port output stuerze enhancement normal BNC
#93 File Output of code and phase biases in standardized SINEX Format stuerze enhancement normal BNC
#95 Any plans to implement ntripclient for RTCM 3? team defect normal Other
#96 Incorrect bit-allocation for Galileo NDF JamesTCurran defect normal Other
#97 relay on https caster stoecker task normal Professional Caster
#98 help for BRDC Construction stuerze task normal BNC
#99 Missbehaviour of "Add streams from caster" dialog stuerze defect normal BNC
#100 RTCM messages delay stoecker defect normal Professional Caster
#101 RTCM block 1092 contain partial data! Ignored! stuerze defect normal BNC
#103 Possible wrong value of N4 (DF134) in IGS RTCM3EPH feed team defect normal Other
#104 No Glonass with RTCM_3.2 data stuerze defect normal BNC BNC 2.1
#105 Transition from Qt 4.x to Qt5 wiese task normal BNC
#106 BNC Client v 2.12.6 latency metrics stop recording in the log at beginning of UTC week stuerze defect normal BNC BNC 2.1
#108 Add monitoring functionalities for BNC stuerze task normal BNC
#109 Sometimes the systemctl command gets stuck when stopping ntripcaster service stoecker defect normal Professional Caster ntripcaster 2.0.13
#110 Missing GLONASS slot numbers in RINEX stuerze defect normal BNC BNC 2.2
#111 TLS protocol together with a proxy server doesn't work stoecker defect normal Professional Caster
#112 Case sensitive when checking request headers, not HTTP standard stoecker defect normal Professional Caster
#113 bnc-2.12.9-debian8-64bit-static fails when using --nw option stuerze defect normal BNC BNC 2.2
#114 Crashes related to number of TLS relays brandon.owen@… defect normal Professional Caster
#115 Crash of BKG Ntrip Caster Version 2.0.36 stoecker defect normal Professional Caster
#116 Alias mounts do not appear in sourcetable as online stoecker defect normal Professional Caster
#117 BNC 2.12.9 ubuntu 64 bit SEGFAULT stuerze defect normal BNC
#120 Galileo week rollover issue in RINEX nav stuerze defect normal BNC
#122 BNC only retrieves correction information in Auto NMEA if port is opened by another application mikko.seppala@… defect normal BNC
#124 BNC disconnect immediately after connection stuerze defect normal BNC
#126 BNC connecting to mountpoint, RINEX observations version 3, only L1 info stuerze defect normal BNC BNC 2.1
#128 BNC trunk fails to compile with GCC 10 stuerze defect normal BNC
#129 BNC with openssl1.1 on Debian 10 stuerze defect normal BNC
#131 problem with compiling wiese defect normal BNC
#132 BNC : bnc get thread exception stuerze defect normal BNC
#134 Old GNSS week in BCEP00BKG0 for BeiDou and Galileo team defect normal Other
#153 BNC is unable to open serial port stuerze defect normal BNC
#159 Can not launch BNC example config stuerze defect normal BNC BNC 2.2
#162 couldn't setup for base station team defect normal Other
#164 Cannot send RTCM data from ntrip server to the BKG caster. neumaier task normal Professional Caster ntripcaster 2.0.6
#165 BNC Posibility to disable the epoch check stuerze enhancement normal BNC
#166 No Verification email is recieved. team defect normal Other
#168 Add Monitoring feature to BNC with Prometheus stuerze enhancement normal BNC
#169 BNC :: RTCMv3 :: NTP Server stuerze enhancement normal BNC
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