
Opened 6 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#109 closed defect (worksforme)

Sometimes the systemctl command gets stuck when stopping ntripcaster service

Reported by: ljbade Owned by: stoecker
Priority: normal Component: Professional Caster
Version: ntripcaster 2.0.13 Keywords:


I have installed the professional ntripcaster release 2.0.31 on an AWS EC2 server instance running Ubuntu 18.04

I followed the readme and added the ntripcaster scripts/ntripcaster.service file to /etc/systemd/system

It works fine most of the time and the service always starts fine after a system reboot.

However sometimes after I have edited the configuration files in /usr/local/ntripcaster/config I find the "systemctl restart ntripcaster.service" command hangs.

If I check the systemctl status it says the ntripcaster service is stuck in the stopping state with no logs to indicate the issue.

If I do a "systemctl stop ntripcaster.service" then "systemctl start ntripcaster.service" the chance of it getting stuck is lower but it does still happen occasionally.

To fix the stuck state I end up rebooting the server and everything then starts up again without issue.

I don't think I have had this command get stuck if I haven't modified the config files, but can't be 100% certain.

It should be fairly easy to recreate this as my config is rather basic with only a handful of mountpoints, users and groups. I haven't changed anything in ntripcaster.conf except for the host name, and basic contact details.

P.S. the version dropdown below didn't have 2.0.31 so I just selected another version.

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comment:1 by stoecker, 4 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Newest version 2.0.37 and 2.0.38 can use systemd service which provides better stability.

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as closed The owner will remain stoecker.
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