
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#98 closed task (fixed)

help for BRDC Construction

Reported by: regina.operation@… Owned by: stuerze
Priority: normal Component: BNC
Version: Keywords:


Dear colleagues,

I would like to know how does the construction of BRDC work on BNC.
BNC is configurated to save rinex navigation files (GPS and GLONASS separated)on a directory with an interval of 15min.
When I start a stream (RTCM3.1 on TLSE1 station for example), BNC produce rinex navigation files, but some of them are empty or other one contains only GPS information. But when I scan the stream, I found 1019 and 1020 RTCM messages each 30s.
Could you please explain us this behavior? does BNC take into account only one time the ephemeris of a PRN and wait a new generation of ephemeris to save it ?

Thank you for your answer.
Best regards

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comment:1 by stuerze, 8 years ago

Dear Gregory,

I'm sorry for the late answer, I'm currently in parental leave. Yes the following is true for files and uploaded ephemeris:

Broadcast Ephemeris received in real-time have a system specific period of validity in BNC, which is defined in accordance with the update rates of the navigation messages.

GPS ephemeris will be interpreted as outdated and ignored when older than 4 hours.
GLONASS ephemeris will be interpreted as outdated and ignored when older than 1 hour.
Galileo ephemeris will be interpreted as outdated and ignored when older than 4 hours.
BDS ephemeris will be interpreted as outdated and ignored when older than 6 hours.
SBAS ephemeris will be interpreted as outdated and ignored when older than 10 minutes.
QZSS ephemeris will be interpreted as outdated and ignored when older than 4 hours.

Via IP port all incomming data sets are available.

Best regards, Andrea.

comment:2 by stuerze, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

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