
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#33 closed defect (fixed)

No output of GLONASS observations from ASCII port

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: mervart
Priority: normal Component: BNC
Version: BNC 2.1 Keywords: BNC, GLONASS


The version of BNC 2.11.0 extracted from the branch BNC_2.11.0 does not output GLONASS observations at all. I verified this with the test client and also by installing a different version of BNC which is successfully outputting the GLONASS measurements. I expect that this may also be the case for the RINEX observation files, but I did not verify this.
Loukis Agrotis

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comment:1 by stuerze, 10 years ago

I cannot verify that problem. I get for example the following for HOL21 data stream via port:

HOL21 R20  2  C1C   20607486.284 L1C  110197498.482  -1 S1C   44.250 C2P   20607488.944 L2P   85709134.856  -1 S2P   46.750
HOL21 R19  3  C1C   19384565.512 L1C  103694338.223  -1 S1C   50.000 C2P   19384564.412 L2P   80651098.442  -1 S2P   47.250
HOL21 R18 -3  C1C   23083323.108 L1C  123220254.434  -1 S1C   47.500 C2P   23083330.188 L2P   95837959.888  -1 S2P   41.250
HOL21 R11  0  C1C   22395441.372 L1C  119674414.725  -1 S1C   45.750 C2P   22395444.852 L2P   93080108.675  -1 S2P   39.000
HOL21 R10 -7  C1C   22927191.228 L1C  122214762.107  -1 S1C   47.250 C2P   22927198.828 L2P   95055916.554  -1 S2P   33.500
HOL21 R05  1  C1C   22274324.212 L1C  119069074.674  -1 S1C   47.250 C2P   22274330.152 L2P   92609329.211  -1 S2P   42.250
HOL21 R04  6  C1C   19664395.452 L1C  105302009.100  -1 S1C   49.250 C2P   19664395.252 L2P   81901598.404  -1 S2P   47.250
HOL21 R03  5  C1C   21370131.660 L1C  114396011.523  -1 S1C   47.750 C2P   21370132.140 L2P   88974698.003  -1 S2P   44.500
HOL21 S26     C1C   39102213.180 L1C  205483293.748  -1 S1C   44.750
HOL21 S20     C1C   39103221.420 L1C  205488780.946  -1 S1C   45.000
HOL21 G32     C1C   24553366.238 L1C  129028812.908  -1 S1C   46.750 C2W   24553366.718 L2W  100541950.603  -1 S2W   36.250
HOL21 G27     C1C   20653848.984 L1C  108536674.816  -1 S1C   50.750 C2W   20653846.484 L2W   84574057.296  -1 S2W   49.750
HOL21 G22     C1C   20818550.662 L1C  109402243.497  -1 S1C   50.750 C2W   20818543.342 L2W   85248484.617  -1 S2W   48.000
HOL21 G21     C1C   24667653.196 L1C  129629292.983  -1 S1C   44.500 C2W   24667651.956 L2W  101009787.038  -1 S2W   32.250
HOL21 G19     C1C   20415705.084 L1C  107285240.477  -1 S1C   50.500 C2W   20415698.024 L2W   83598820.413  -1 S2W   50.000
HOL21 G18     C1C   22538926.510 L1C  118442863.131  -1 S1C   49.250 C2W   22538922.090 L2W   92293044.250  -1 S2W   42.250
HOL21 G16     C1C   24538494.158 L1C  128950523.710  -1 S1C   47.000 C2W   24538493.278 L2W  100480903.619  -1 S2W   37.000
HOL21 G15     C1C   24711917.456 L1C  129862020.295  -1 S1C   47.000 C2W   24711916.916 L2W  101191210.345  -1 S2W   37.750
HOL21 G14     C1C   24616435.656 L1C  129360250.924  -1 S1C   43.500 C2W   24616436.696 L2W  100800184.281  -1 S2W   33.250
HOL21 G11     C1C   22760422.710 L1C  119606840.329  -1 S1C   48.500 C2W   22760419.030 L2W   93200135.524  -1 S2W   39.750
HOL21 G04     C1C   21645815.996 L1C  113749563.234  -1 S1C   50.250 C2W   21645812.516 L2W   88635978.911  -1 S2W   44.250

Maybe you have to increase the "wait for full obs epoch" entry within the feed engine panel.


comment:2 by stuerze, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

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