
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#22 closed defect (fixed)

ntripcaster streaming latency bug

Reported by: edanastasio Owned by:
Priority: critical Component: Professional Caster
Version: Keywords: source.c, READ_RETRY_DELAY
Cc: stuerze


Dear BKG staff,
we are running BKG Ntripcaster v 2.0.21, and monitoring RTCM3 streaming latencies with BNC Client 2.10 (log latency set to every 5 minutes).

We probably found a bug (or something we could not explain) in one of the modules of the BKG Ntripcaster software.

The module src/source.c has a variable named READ_RETRY_DELAY

The value for this is set to 400.
Leaving this value, we observe an unexpected high latencies on all of our data streams.
If we change the variable to a lower value (we are currently using READ_RETRY_DELAY value of 50), latencies measured by BNC Client decrease systematically by about 0.5 seconds.

The figure attached shows an example for AUCK_RTCM streaming.
Red values are the one with READ_RETRY_DELAY set as default (400), whereas green values has this value set to 50.
Any comments/suggestions from you would be really appreciated!


Elisabetta D'Anastasio
GNS Science - Te Pu Ao

Attachments (1)

fig_latency-AUCK.jpg (101.1 KB ) - added by edanastasio 11 years ago.
24 hours latency log for AUCK_RTCM streaming

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

by edanastasio, 11 years ago

Attachment: fig_latency-AUCK.jpg added

24 hours latency log for AUCK_RTCM streaming

comment:1 by stuerze, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

The latency improvement resulting from the change of the mentioned parameter is of about 0.2 seconds only. A lot of other internal parameter have to be compatible to each other in order to guarantee a swimmingly sequence of all internal processes. Because the implemented adjustment is well proven in the area of IGS and EUREF mass usage, a general change in the NRTIP Professional Caster's source code is so far not planned.

comment:2 by anonymous, 11 years ago

Cc: stuerze added

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