
Opened 4 weeks ago

Closed 4 weeks ago

#194 closed defect (worksforme)

Problem with chunks in relays

Reported by: mabbati@… Owned by: stoecker
Priority: major Component: Professional Caster
Version: Keywords:


Good morning,

We are having problems when relaying from the BKG caster to the caster of one of our suppliers. If we relay from several mountpoints we only receive data from one of them, breaking the connection with the other relays of the same caster.
The vendor has told us that this is a known problem and that another caster software, SNIP, has fixed it in one of their latest releases.

The details provided by SNIP to our supplier were as follows: The root cause was in fact the chunking transfer mode that BKG still uses on Rev2/Version2 connections (secure or otherwise). They send out a fixed 100bytes/octet packet and that seems to be part of it (older units such as Trimble GNSS devices also a 100/x64 byte size, yet that has never caused a problem). SNIP har now released a new version 3.16

Could you please check this anomaly?
In case we need to do some test with our provider's caster, it is a public provider, which we can tell you more details through a more private communication channel.

We have detected this problem with version 2.0.45 of BKG NtripCaster.

Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
Mauricio, from GMV.

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Change History (1)

comment:1 by stoecker, 4 weeks ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

As far as I understand the SNIP release page it says that the SNIP caster had an error with chunked transfer encoding (which is not outdated, but a part of HTTP transfer which helps a lot with proxies and other middle boxes) and this error is fixed now in new release.

I don't see anything which BKG caster needs to do here.

If you have further information where an issue in the BKG caster lies, please reopen the ticket and add the additional information.

Relaying multiple streams works perfectly fine normally.

The remote caster you're connecting to: Is this probably a SNIP with a version < 3.16?

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as closed The owner will remain stoecker.
The resolution will be deleted. Next status will be 'reopened'.

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