
Opened 3 months ago

Last modified 9 days ago

#185 assigned defect

Galileo OS SIS status decision tree

Reported by: octavian.andrei@… Owned by: stuerze
Priority: normal Component: Other
Version: Keywords: Galileo, OS, SIS, health status


Dear BNC colleagues,

I am wondering if the implementation of t_ephGal::isUnhealthy() function is aligned to the information presented on p.16-17 of the Galileo SDD (

Kindly also notice the footnote on page 16.

Kind regards,

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comment:1 by stuerze, 2 weeks ago

Owner: changed from team to stuerze
Status: newassigned

Dear Octavian,

Thank you very much for this hint and I'm sorry for the late answer. Somehow I have not seen your message. I will adjust the code to the description you mentioned.

Best regrads, Andrea

comment:2 by stuerze, 13 days ago

Dear Octavian,

Because BNC is not a receiver but decoding RTCM data, go I right in assuming that it will be unable to detect Galileo dummy navigation messages?

Because it is explicitly recommended not to use any SIS flagged as Marginal or Unhealthy, I would map the decisions to marginal to unhealthy as well.

But what would you recommend to do in case of 'SHS = 2', which means EOM? I'm not sure how to translate the footnote on page 16 to BNC, which is using RTCM encoded navigation data.

I would be very grateful for your advice.

Best regards, Andrea

comment:3 by stuerze, 13 days ago

PS: Signals with 'SHS = 2' should be used, correct?

comment:4 by anonymous, 10 days ago

Dear Andrea,

This is my understanding regarding the Galileo OS SDD:
As per SDD v1.2, SHS=2 leads to a "Marginal" status, thus the satellite signal shall NOT be used for PNT.
As per SDD v1.3, SHS=2 leads to a newly-defined "EOM" status. It also means that the satellite signal may be used for PNT.

From the real-time user, it is also important to understand to which SDD version the user device is aligned to and how the navdata is processed internally by the device.

Kind regards,

comment:5 by stuerze, 9 days ago

Dear Octavian,
Thank you very much for your hints!
Best regrads, Andrea

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as duplicate The resolution will be set to duplicate. Next status will be 'closed'. The specified ticket will be cross-referenced with this ticket.
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