Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#9 Ntripcaster reset ntrip server connection immediately after authentication stoecker defect normal Professional Caster
#10 No User Interface if configuration is bad mervart defect normal BNC BNC 2.2
#109 Sometimes the systemctl command gets stuck when stopping ntripcaster service stoecker defect normal Professional Caster ntripcaster 2.0.13
#111 TLS protocol together with a proxy server doesn't work stoecker defect normal Professional Caster
#115 Crash of BKG Ntrip Caster Version 2.0.36 stoecker defect normal Professional Caster
#164 Cannot send RTCM data from ntrip server to the BKG caster. neumaier task normal Professional Caster ntripcaster 2.0.6
#175 Windows MSI v2.13.0 is identified as Trojan by Windows defender stuerze defect normal BNC
#119 Pull relays do not reconnect, recover on 2.0.36 mark@… defect major Professional Caster
#121 Possible SYN flooding on port 2101 regina.operation@… defect major Professional Caster
#123 BKG caster does not actively close server connections mark@… defect major Professional Caster ntripcaster 2.0.13
#194 Problem with chunks in relays stoecker defect major Professional Caster
#157 Cannot create users in web interface ntripcaster stoecker task critical Professional Caster
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.