7 years |
stuerze |
additional changes to allow 10 Hz observation data processing
7 years |
stoecker |
see #105 - reenable Qt4 build options, drop generic version dependend …
7 years |
wiese |
CHANGE: #105 QT5
9 years |
wiese |
ADD: config keywords in context help
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
the possibility to load an ocean loading file is added in GUI for …
9 years |
stuerze |
the approach how to wait for clock corrections in PPP mode, which was …
9 years |
stuerze |
Agency and solution ID added in SINEX TRO File header
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
stuerze |
some code cleanup
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
stuerze |
automatic file name generation for ppp output files is added
9 years |
weber |
Typo in SINEX TRO Interval specification corrected
9 years |
weber |
Set default interval for SINEX Troposphere files to 1 hour
9 years |
stuerze |
snx tro interval is added in GUI
10 years |
stuerze |
some LC options are added
10 years |
stuerze |
some renaming regarding PPP
10 years |
stuerze |
some renaming regarding PPP
10 years |
stuerze |
NMEA TCP port functionlity removed into bncgetthread class in order to …
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding PPP default options
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding PPP default options
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
stuerze |
minor modification regarding GPS observation usage in SSR I mode
10 years |
weber |
Default values for code and phase sigma and noise in panel introduced
10 years |
weber |
Default values for CRD and Tropo Noise introduced
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
stuerze |
some gui chages regarding planned activities
10 years |
weber |
Configuration parameter PPP/logfile changed to PPP/logfilePPP
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Enable/disable options
10 years |
weber |
PPP audio response added
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Activate or block PPP option data fields
10 years |
weber |
Activate or block PPP option data fields
10 years |
stuerze |
sinex tro file support added,
troposphere results in overall ppp …
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
stuerze |
preparation for sinex tro
10 years |
stuerze |
some gui preparation for sinex_tro file output
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
copied from trunk/BNC/src/PPP/pppWidgets.cpp
11 years |
mervart |