
Oct 8, 2021:

11:26 AM Changeset in ntrip [9511] by stuerze
minor changes regarding PPP

Oct 7, 2021:

2:50 PM Changeset in ntrip [9510] by stuerze
try to solve an upoad error
2:13 PM Changeset in ntrip [9509] by stuerze
minor changes

Oct 6, 2021:

10:50 PM Changeset in ntrip [9508] by stuerze
some changes regarding PPP

Oct 5, 2021:

4:01 PM Changeset in ntrip [9507] by stuerze
minor changes

Sep 28, 2021:

9:45 PM Changeset in ntrip [9506] by stuerze
minor changes

Sep 27, 2021:

8:47 AM Changeset in ntrip [9505] by stuerze
change log entries added

Sep 24, 2021:

2:34 PM Changeset in ntrip [9504] by stuerze
update regarding PPP
2:34 PM Changeset in ntrip [9503] by stuerze
bug fixed regardin leap seconds

Sep 23, 2021:

3:03 PM Ticket #109 (Sometimes the systemctl command gets stuck when stopping ntripcaster ...) closed by stoecker
worksforme: Newest version 2.0.37 and 2.0.38 can use systemd service which …
2:57 PM Ticket #111 (TLS protocol together with a proxy server doesn't work) closed by stoecker
2:31 PM Changeset in ntrip [9502] by stoecker
add missing includes
2:07 PM Changeset in ntrip [9501] by stoecker
all notificytions from all PIDs
1:58 PM Changeset in ntrip [9500] by stoecker
set mainpid also in detach process
1:21 PM Changeset in ntrip [9499] by stoecker
support systemd watchdog

Sep 17, 2021:

10:56 AM Ticket #111 (TLS protocol together with a proxy server doesn't work) updated by neumaier
The TLS protocol together with the proxy works from version 2.0.36. …
10:15 AM Ticket #111 (TLS protocol together with a proxy server doesn't work) updated by Lucia
Has this issue been resolved? Thanks in advance, Lucia
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.