
Mar 25, 2014:

3:37 PM Ticket #24 (Error description regarding GLONASS clocks sent by Loukis Agrotis) closed by loukis
fixed: The issue was due to a misunderstanding in the RTNET format change (to …

Mar 13, 2014:

11:49 AM Changeset in ntrip [5656] by mervart

Mar 4, 2014:

4:44 PM Ticket #24 (Error description regarding GLONASS clocks sent by Loukis Agrotis) updated by loukis
The concluding remark above should read: Andre’s response reinforces …
1:58 PM Ticket #24 (Error description regarding GLONASS clocks sent by Loukis Agrotis) updated by stoecker
Cc changed
Hmm, I only take and encode that data I get in the encoder. The values …
1:39 PM GLONASSDecoding.xlsx attached to Ticket #24 by anonymous
1:39 PM DecodeResults.tar.gz attached to Ticket #24 by anonymous
1:38 PM Ticket #24 (Error description regarding GLONASS clocks sent by Loukis Agrotis) created by stuerze
First message from Loukis: Attached is a …

Mar 1, 2014:

3:56 PM Changeset in ntrip [5655] by mervart

Feb 26, 2014:

2:56 PM Ticket #23 (Time Shift using orbit and clock corrections in Post Processing Mode) updated by stoecker
Status, Owner changed
2:56 PM Ticket #21 (Bug: SSR Update Intervall Indikator immer '0') updated by stoecker
Status, Owner changed
2:52 PM Ticket #23 (Time Shift using orbit and clock corrections in Post Processing Mode) updated by stoecker
Cc changed
2:52 PM Ticket #23 (Time Shift using orbit and clock corrections in Post Processing Mode) updated by stoecker
Component changed
2:02 PM Changeset in ntrip [5654] by wiese
ANTEX file updated

Feb 25, 2014:

6:01 PM Changeset in ntrip [5653] by weber
Documentation completed

Feb 24, 2014:

11:17 AM Changeset in ntrip [5652] by weber
Online help completed
11:13 AM Changeset in ntrip [5651] by weber
Documentation completed

Feb 23, 2014:

8:16 PM Changeset in ntrip [5650] by weber
Documentation completed
7:42 PM Changeset in ntrip [5649] by weber
Comment lines edited
6:08 PM Changeset in ntrip [5648] by mervart
5:53 PM Changeset in ntrip [5647] by mervart
10:29 AM Changeset in ntrip [5646] by weber
Ras stream output through TCP/IP port enabled
10:28 AM Changeset in ntrip [5645] by weber
Raw stream output through TCP/IP port enabled
10:25 AM Changeset in ntrip [5644] by weber
Raw stream output through TCP/IP port enabled
10:24 AM Changeset in ntrip [5643] by weber
Raw stream output through TCP/IP port enabled
10:23 AM Changeset in ntrip [5642] by weber
Raw stream output through TCP/IP port enabled
10:21 AM Changeset in ntrip [5641] by weber
Raw stream output through TCP/IP port enabled
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.