Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Status Priority Component Version
#4 Specify data types in RINEX files stoecker closed normal rtcm3torinex
#5 Read RTCM 1013 message to get full date stoecker closed normal rtcm3torinex
#27 hints with respect to RINEX 3.02 default header stuerze closed normal BNC
#37 bnc --version stuerze closed normal BNC
#39 documentation of no-window mode weber closed normal BNC
#40 settings documentation weber closed normal BNC
#41 debug info weber closed normal BNC
#89 Add an option to decide, which mountpoints shall be used for navigation information stuerze closed normal BNC
#92 Leap second information should be added in BNC's ephemris IP port output stuerze closed normal BNC
#93 File Output of code and phase biases in standardized SINEX Format stuerze closed normal BNC
#165 BNC Posibility to disable the epoch check stuerze closed normal BNC
#168 Add Monitoring feature to BNC with Prometheus stuerze closed normal BNC
#169 BNC :: RTCMv3 :: NTP Server stuerze closed normal BNC
#170 structured logging stuerze new normal BNC
#179 reload config on demand stuerze closed normal BNC
#183 Additional Prometheus metrics in BKG NtripCaster stoecker closed normal Professional Caster
#189 error compiling BNC v2.13.1 on Ubuntu 24.04 with QT5 garyli@… closed normal BNC
#12 Outdated Love and Shida numbers in solid tide calculations mervart closed minor BNC
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.