16 months |
stuerze |
try to adjust iono noise in case of cycle slip
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
revert last changes
16 months |
stuerze |
revert last changes
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
An option 'Wait for full clock epoch' is added to combination procedure
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
16 months |
stuerze |
bug fixed
16 months |
stuerze |
bug fixed
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding ppp
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding ppp
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding ppp
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding ppp
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
17 months |
stuerze |
memory leak fixed in combination
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
changes regarding clock combination
18 months |
stuerze |
changes regarding ppp
18 months |
stuerze |
changes regarding ppp
18 months |
stuerze |
changes regarding ppp
18 months |
stuerze |
18 months |
stuerze |
changes regarding ppp
18 months |
stuerze |
bug fixed
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
bug fixed
18 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
18 months |
stuerze |
bugs fixed in ppp
19 months |
stuerze |
some changes regarding the combination
19 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
19 months |
stuerze |
minor changes to reset all ambigities per satellite
19 months |
stuerze |
sinex tropo file output updated
19 months |
stuerze |
sinex tropo file output updated
19 months |
stuerze |
sinex tropo file output updated
19 months |
stuerze |
19 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
19 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
19 months |
stuerze |
19 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
19 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
19 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
20 months |
stuerze |
output of from sp3 comparison changed
20 months |
stuerze |
output of from sp3 comparison changed
20 months |
stuerze |
output of from sp3 comparison changed
20 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
20 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
20 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
20 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
20 months |
stuerze |
allow to write summary only in sp3 comparison
20 months |
stuerze |
allow to write summary only in sp3 comparison
20 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
20 months |
stuerze |
allow to write summary only in sp3 comparison
20 months |
stuerze |
bug fixed
20 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
20 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
20 months |
stuerze |
same changes for future developments towards station individual …
20 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
20 months |
stuerze |
allow 30 sec update rate for sp3 files
20 months |
stuerze |
docu updated
20 months |
stuerze |
units are changed in sp3 comparison summary
20 months |
stuerze |
same changes for future developments towards station individual …
21 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
21 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
21 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
21 months |
stuerze |
docu updated
21 months |
stuerze |
blq filename is added in sinex tro header
21 months |
stuerze |
find function added in internal help contents
21 months |
stuerze |
Combination: some checks regarding the corrections epoch time are dded
21 months |
stuerze |
check regarding current time added in combination
21 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
21 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
21 months |
stuerze |
docu updated
21 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
21 months |
stuerze |
docu updated
21 months |
stuerze |
minor changes