changelog updated
hDOP and vDOP values are now computed from the variances of the NEU components of the receiver position estimates
changes regarding PPP
minor changes
ADD: write age of corr to influx
add: folder
bug fixed
health status of the Galileo satellites is now defined by the combination of HS, DVS and SISA
deleted: make_test_config
deleted: mountPoints restart start stop
deleted: mountPoints onoff restart start stop up2archive
CHANGE: from Loukis to BKG comparision
initail import
initial import
extended to other files
ADD: rocky9 Dockerfile
config updated
delete some files
updated config
ADD alpine Dockerfile
fix typos
CHANGE: #171 print version
CHANGE: update Dockerfiles, add bookworm
an initialization of the supported GNSS in Eph upload is now added
minor changes to support windows operationg systems
bnc version increased to 2.13.1
documentation is updated
changes regarding PPP: allow single frequency PPP and allow to select the frequency bands that are used
try to adjust iono noise in case of cycle slip
folder for igs rt acc activities added
folder for bkg brdc product generation added
revert last changes
An option 'Wait for full clock epoch' is added to combination procedure