Changeset 9996 in ntrip for branches

Feb 28, 2023, 7:59:28 AM (2 years ago)

switch off DCM

2 edited


  • branches/BNC_2.13/src/bnchelp.html

    r9983 r9996  
    756756<li>Go to directory C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-src-5.15.8 and configure Qt using command
    758 .\configure -prefix C:\Qt\5.15.8\ -opensource -release -platform win32-msvc -icu -I C:\icu-windows\include -L C:\icu-windows\lib64 -qt-pcre -qt-zlib -qt-freetype -qt-harfbuzz -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-sqlite -qt-tiff -qt-webp -mp -confirm-license -openssl-linked OPENSSL_PREFIX="C:\OpenSSL-Win64" -opengl dynamic -webengine-proprietary-codecs -recheck-all -nomake tests -nomake examples -no-sql-mysql -skip qtdoc -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtscript -skip qtxmlpatterns -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtgamepad -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtpurchasing -skip qtwayland -skip qtspeech -skip qtlottie -skip qtscxml -skip qt3d -skip qtcharts -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtquickcontrols2 -skip qtremoteobjects 
     758.\configure -prefix C:\Qt\5.15.8\ -opensource -release -platform win32-msvc -icu -I C:\icu-windows\include -L C:\icu-windows\lib64 -qt-pcre -qt-zlib -qt-freetype -qt-harfbuzz -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-sqlite -qt-tiff -qt-webp -mp -confirm-license -openssl-linked OPENSSL_PREFIX="C:\OpenSSL-Win64" -opengl dynamic -webengine-proprietary-codecs -recheck-all -nomake tests -nomake examples -no-sql-mysql -skip qtdoc -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtscript -skip qtxmlpatterns -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtgamepad -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtpurchasing -skip qtwayland -skip qtspeech -skip qtlottie -skip qtscxml -skip qt3d -skip qtcharts -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtgraphicaleffects -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtquickcontrols2 -skip qtremoteobjects
    34073407  <li>Uncombined PPP</li>
    34083408  <li>Ionosphere-free PPP</li>
    3409   <li>Decoupled Clock Model (DCM) with Code Biases</li>
    3410   <li>Decoupled Clock Model with Phase Biases</li>
    34123410Therefore it uses code data (Pi), phase data (Li) or code&phase data (Pi&Li) from one or more GNSS.
    4288 Please note, for the PPP models 'DCM with Phase Biases' or 'DCM with Code Biases' currrently only one code or phase bias
    4289 per system (G,R,E,C)/modulation can be considered. Hence, for example the following list of 'Signal Priorities' would be valid:
    4290 <ul>  <li>'G:12&CW R:12&CP E:1&CX E:5&QX C:26&I'</li>  </ul>
    4291 <p>
    4292 For the other PPP models for example the following list of 'Signal Priorities' can be used:
     4287For the mentioned PPP models for example the following list of 'Signal Priorities' can be used:
    42934288<ul><li>'G:12&CWPSLX R:12&CP E:1&CBX E:5&QIX C:26&IQX'</li></ul>
  • branches/BNC_2.13/src/pppWidgets.cpp

    r9959 r9996  
    156156  _pseudoObs->addItems(QString("no").split(","));
    158   _modelObs->addItems(QString("Uncombined PPP,Ionosphere-free PPP,DCM with Code Biases,DCM with Phase Biases").split(","));
     158  _modelObs->addItems(QString("Uncombined PPP,Ionosphere-free PPP").split(","));
    159159  _pseudoObs->addItems(QString("no,Ionosphere").split(","));
    214214  // WhatsThis, PPP (3)
    215215  // ------------------
    216   _staTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify values for Sigma and white Noise of the Stations North, East and Height coordinate components in meters. Specify also a Sigma in meters for a priori model based Tropospheric delays and a Sigma in meters per second for the delay's Noise. You can also specify a 'NMEA Port' to output coordinates in NMEA format through an IP port of your local host. Specify a list of signal priorities for the observations that shall be used for PPP.</p><p>Specifying one record per Station is mandatory. BNC will only process data for stations which are listed here. To define a station, specify the 'Mountpoint' when in 'Real-Time Streams' mode or the 4-character station ID when in 'RINEX Files' mode.</p><p>'Sigma' is meant to describe the uncertainty of a single coordinate or tropospheric delay estimated for one epoch. 'Noise' is meant to describe the variation of estimates from epoch to epoch.</p><p><ul><li>A Sigma of 100.0 meters may be an appropriate choice e.g. for the initial N/E/H coordinates. However, this value may be significantly smaller (i.e. 0.01) for stations with well-known a priori coordinates.</li><li>A Noise of 100.0 meters for the estimated N/E/H coordinates may also be appropriate considering the potential movement of a rover position.</li><li>A value of 0.1 meters may be an appropriate Sigma for the a priori model based Tropospheric delay estimation.</li><li>Specify a Noise to describe the expected variation of the tropospheric effect over time. Supposing 1Hz observation data, specifying a value of 3e-6 would mean that the tropospheric effect may vary 3600 * 3e-6 = 0.01 meters per hour.</li></ul></p><p>'Signal Priorities' can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and frequency specific. Please note, for 'DCM with Phase Biases' or 'DCM with Code Biases' at the moment only one code or phase bias per system (G,R,E,C)/modulation can be considered. Hence, for example the following list of 'Signal Priorities' would be valid: <ul><li>'G:12&CW R:12&CP E:1&CX E:5&QX C:26&I'</li></ul><p>For all other PPP models for example the following list of 'Signal Priorities' can be used:</p> <ul><li>'G:12&CWPSLX R:12&CP E:1&CBX E:5&QIX C:26&IQX'</li></ul> <p> <i>[key: PPP/staTable]</i></p>"));
     216  _staTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify values for Sigma and white Noise of the Stations North, East and Height coordinate components in meters. Specify also a Sigma in meters for a priori model based Tropospheric delays and a Sigma in meters per second for the delay's Noise. You can also specify a 'NMEA Port' to output coordinates in NMEA format through an IP port of your local host. Specify a list of signal priorities for the observations that shall be used for PPP.</p><p>Specifying one record per Station is mandatory. BNC will only process data for stations which are listed here. To define a station, specify the 'Mountpoint' when in 'Real-Time Streams' mode or the 4-character station ID when in 'RINEX Files' mode.</p><p>'Sigma' is meant to describe the uncertainty of a single coordinate or tropospheric delay estimated for one epoch. 'Noise' is meant to describe the variation of estimates from epoch to epoch.</p><p><ul><li>A Sigma of 100.0 meters may be an appropriate choice e.g. for the initial N/E/H coordinates. However, this value may be significantly smaller (i.e. 0.01) for stations with well-known a priori coordinates.</li><li>A Noise of 100.0 meters for the estimated N/E/H coordinates may also be appropriate considering the potential movement of a rover position.</li><li>A value of 0.1 meters may be an appropriate Sigma for the a priori model based Tropospheric delay estimation.</li><li>Specify a Noise to describe the expected variation of the tropospheric effect over time. Supposing 1Hz observation data, specifying a value of 3e-6 would mean that the tropospheric effect may vary 3600 * 3e-6 = 0.01 meters per hour.</li></ul></p><p>'Signal Priorities' can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and frequency specific. <p>For the PPP models for example the following list of 'Signal Priorities' can be used:</p> <ul><li>'G:12&CWPSLX R:12&CP E:1&CBX E:5&QIX C:26&IQX'</li></ul> <p> <i>[key: PPP/staTable]</i></p>"));
    218218  // WhatsThis, PPP (4)
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