Changeset 9438 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

May 22, 2021, 10:55:18 PM (4 years ago)

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  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r9437 r9438  
    215215&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.2 <a href=#uphost>Host, Port, Mountpoint, Password</a><br>
    216216&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.3 <a href=#upsystem>System</a><br>
    217 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.4 <a href=#upcom>Center of Mass</a><br>
    218 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.5 <a href=#upsp3>SP3 File</a><br>
    219 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.6 <a href=#uprinex>RNX File</a><br>
    220 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.7 <a href=#pidsidiod>PID, SID, IOD</a><br>
    222 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.8 <a href=#upinter>Interval</a><br>
    223 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.9 <a href=#upclksmpl>Sampling</a><br>
    224 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclkorb>Orbits</a><br>
    225 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclksp3>SP3</a><br>
    226 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclkrnx>RINEX</a><br>
    227 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.10 <a href=#upcustom>Custom Trafo</a><br>
    228 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.11 <a href=#upantex>ANTEX File</a><br>
     217&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.4 <a href=#upformat>Format</a><br>
     218&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.5 <a href=#upcom>Center of Mass</a><br>
     219&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.6 <a href=#upsp3>SP3 File</a><br>
     220&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.7 <a href=#uprinex>RNX File</a><br>
     221&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.8 <a href=#pidsidiod>PID, SID, IOD</a><br>
     223&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.9 <a href=#upinter>Interval</a><br>
     224&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.10 <a href=#upclksmpl>Sampling</a><br>
     225&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclkorb>Orbits</a><br>
     226&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclksp3>SP3</a><br>
     227&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclkrnx>RINEX</a><br>
     228&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.11 <a href=#upcustom>Custom Trafo</a><br>
     229&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.15.12 <a href=#upantex>ANTEX File</a><br>
    229230&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.16 <a href=#upeph><b>Upload Ephemeris</b></a><br>
    230231&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.16.1 <a href=#brdcserver>Host &amp; Port</a><br>
    231 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.16.2 <a href=#brdcmount>Mountpoint &amp; Password</a><br>
    232 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.16.3 <a href=#brdcsmpl>Sampling</a><br>
     232&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.16.2 <a href=#brdcmount>Mountpoint, User, Password</a><br>
     233&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.16.3 <a href=#brdcsys>Satellite System </a><br>
     234&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.16.4 <a href=#brdcsmpl>Sampling</a><br>
    233235&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.17 <a href=#streams><b>Streams Canvas</b></a><br>
    234236&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.17.1 <a href=#streamedit>Edit Streams</a><br>
    41264128  <li>IGS14 which stands for the GNSS-based IGS realization of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 (ITRF2014), and</li>
    41274129  <li>ETRF2000 which stands for the European Terrestrial Reference Frame 2000 adopted by EUREF, and</li>
    4128   <li>NAD83 which stands for the North American Datum 1983 as adopted for the U.S.A., and</li>
    41294130  <li>GDA2020 which stands for the Geodetic Datum Australia 2020 as adopted for Australia, and</li>
    41304131  <li>SIRGAS2000 which stands for the Geodetic Datum adopted for Brazil, and</li>
    4179 <b>NAD83:</b> Formulas for the transformation 'ITRF2008-&gt;NAD83' are taken from 'Chris Pearson, Richard Snay 2013: Introducing HTDP 3.1 to transform coordinates across time and spatial reference frames', GPS Solutions, January 2013, Volume 17, Issue 1, pp 1-15.
    4180 </p>
    4181 <p>
    4182 <pre>
    4183 Translation in X at epoch To:  0.99343 m
    4184 Translation in Y at epoch To: -1.90331 m
    4185 Translation in Z at epoch To: -0.52655 m
    4186 Translation rate in X:  0.00079 m/y
    4187 Translation rate in Y: -0.00060 m/y
    4188 Translation rate in Z: -0.00134 m/y
    4189 Rotation in X at epoch To: -25.91467 mas
    4190 Rotation in Y at epoch To:  -9.42645 mas
    4191 Rotation in Z at epoch To: -11.59935 mas
    4192 Rotation rate in X: -0.06667 mas/y
    4193 Rotation rate in Y:  0.75744 mas/y
    4194 Rotation rate in Z:  0.05133 mas/y
    4195 Scale at epoch To : 0.00000000171504
    4196 Scale rate: -0.00000000010201 /y
    4197 To: 1997.0
    4198 </pre>
    4199 In order to perform a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;NAD83', a transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;ITRF2008' is done at first.
    4200 </p>
    4202 <p>
    42034180<b>GDA2020:</b> The formulas for the transformation 'ITRF2014-&gt;GDA2020' were provided via personal communication from Ryan Ruddick: 'Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020, Interim Release Note Version 1.01, Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping (ICSM), Permanent Committee on Geodesy (PCG), 03 March 2017'.
    42774254<p>Figure 30: Setting BNC's Custom Transformation Parameters window, example for 'ITRF2014->GDA94'</p>
    4279 <p><h4 id="upcom">2.15.4 Center of Mass - optional</h4></p>
     4256<p><h4 id="upformat">2.15.4 Format - mandatory if 'Host' is set</h4></p>
     4258BNC may upload the Broadcast Correction streams using different Formats. Supported are:
     4261  <li>IGS-SSR which was developed within the IGS Real-Time Working Group, and</li>
     4262  <li>RTCM-SSR which stands for the standardized and proposed SSR Messages which are developed within the RTCM SC-104 Working Group State Space Representation.</li>
     4266<p><h4 id="upcom">2.15.5 Center of Mass - optional</h4></p>
    42814268BNC allows to either refer Broadcast Corrections to the satellite's Center of Mass (CoM) or to the satellite's Antenna Phase Center (APC). By default, corrections refer to APC. Tick 'Center of Mass' to refer uploaded corrections to CoM.
    4284 <p><h4 id="upsp3">2.15.5  SP3 File - optional</h4></p>
     4271<p><h4 id="upsp3">2.15.6  SP3 File - optional</h4></p>
    42854272<p>Specify a path for saving the generated orbit corrections as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create SP3 orbit files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:
    4312 <p><h4 id="uprinex">2.15.6 RNX File - optional</h4></p>
     4299<p><h4 id="uprinex">2.15.7 RNX File - optional</h4></p>
    43144301The clock corrections generated by BNC for upload can be logged in Clock RINEX format. The file naming follows the RINEX convention.
    4328 <p><h4 id="pidsidiod">2.15.7 PID, SID, IOD - optional</h4></p>
     4315<p><h4 id="pidsidiod">2.15.8 PID, SID, IOD - optional</h4></p>
    43304317When applying Broadcast Ephemeris corrections in a PPP algorithm or in a combination of several correction streams, it is important for the client software to receive information on the continuity of discontinuity of the stream contents. Here you can specify three ID's to describe the contents of your Broadcast Ephemeris correction stream when it is uploaded.
    4338 <p><h4 id="upinter">2.15.8 Interval - mandatory if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
     4325<p><h4 id="upinter">2.15.9 Interval - mandatory if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
    43404327Select the length of Clock RINEX files and SP3 Orbit files. The default value is 1 day.
    4343 <p><h4 id="upclksmpl">2.15.9 Sampling</h4></p>
     4330<p><h4 id="upclksmpl">2.15.10 Sampling</h4></p>
    43444331<p>BNC requires an orbit corrections sampling interval for the stream to be uploaded and sampling intervals for SP3 and Clock RINEX files. The outgoing stream's clock correction sampling interval follows that of incoming corrections and is therefore nothing to be specified here.</p>
    4346 <p><h4 id="upclkorb"> Orbits (Orb) - mandatory if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
     4333<p><h4 id="upclkorb"> Orbits (Orb) - mandatory if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
    43474334<p>Select the stream's orbit correction sampling interval in seconds. A value of 60 sec may be appropriate.</p>
    43484335<p> A value of zero '0' tells BNC to upload all orbit correction samples coming in from the real-time GNSS engine along with the clock correction samples to produce combined orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris (1060 for GPS, 1066 for GLONASS).
    43764363Note that only when specifying a value of zero '0' (default) for 'Sampling Orb', BNC produces <b>combined</b> orbit and clock correction messages.
    4377 <p><h4 id="upclksp3"> SP3 - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
     4364<p><h4 id="upclksp3"> SP3 - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
    43784365<p>Select the SP3 orbit file sampling interval in minutes. A value of 15 min may be appropriate. A value of zero '0' tells BNC to store all available samples into SP3 orbit files.</p>
    4380 <p><h4 id="upclkrnx"> RINEX (RNX) - mandatory if 'RNX File' is specified</h4></p>
     4367<p><h4 id="upclkrnx"> RINEX (RNX) - mandatory if 'RNX File' is specified</h4></p>
    43814368<p>Select the Clock RINEX file sampling interval in seconds. A value of 10 sec may be appropriate. A value of zero '0' tells BNC to store all available samples into Clock RINEX files.</p>
    4383 <p><h4 id="upcustom">2.15.10 Custom Trafo - optional if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
     4370<p><h4 id="upcustom">2.15.11 Custom Trafo - optional if 'Upload Table' entries specified</h4></p>
    43844371<p>Hit 'Custom Trafo' to specify your own 14 parameter Helmert Transformation instead of selecting a predefined transformation through 'System' button.</p>
    4386 <p><h4 id="upantex">2.15.11 ANTEX File - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
     4373<p><h4 id="upantex">2.15.12 ANTEX File - mandatory if 'SP3 File' is specified</h4></p>
    43884375IGS provides a file containing absolute phase center variations for GNSS satellite and receiver antennas in ANTEX format. Entering the full path to such an ANTEX file is required here for referring the SP3 file content to the satellite's Center of Mass (CoM). If you do not specify an ANTEX file, the SP3 file will contain orbit information which is referred to Antenna Phase Center (APC) instead of CoM.
    4412 Note that Broadcast Ephemeris received in real-time have a system specific period of validity in BNC which is defined in accordance with the update rates and validity intervals of the navigation messages.
     4399Note that Broadcast Ephemeris received in real-time have a system specific period of validity in BNC, which is defined in accordance with the update rates and validity intervals of the navigation messages.
    44144401<li>GPS ephemeris will be interpreted as outdated and ignored when older than 4 hours.</li>
    44264413Furthermore, received Broadcast Ephemeris parameters pass through a plausibility check in BNC which allows to ignore incorrect ephemeris data when necessary, leaving a note 'WRONG EPHEMERIS' in the logfile.
    4427 Unhealthy ephemerides will be not excluded. A note 'UNHEALTHY EPHEMERIS' will be added in the logfile.
     4414Unhealthy Broadcast Ephemeris will not be excluded. A note 'UNHEALTHY EPHEMERIS' will be added in the logfile.
    4438 <p><h4 id="brdcmount">2.16.2 Mountpoint &amp; Password - mandatory if 'Host' is set</h4></p>
    4439 <p>
    4440 BNC uploads a stream to the Ntrip Broadcaster by referring it to a dedicated mountpoint that has been set by its operator. Specify the mountpoint based on the details you received for your stream from the operator. It is often a 4-character ID (capital letters) plus an integer number.</p>
    4441 <p>The stream upload follows Ntrip Version 1 and may be protected through an upload 'Password'. Enter the password you received from the Ntrip Broadcaster operator along with the mountpoint.</p>
    4442 </p>
    4444 <p><h4 id="brdcsmpl">2.16.3 Sampling - mandatory if 'Host' is set</h4></p>
     4425<p><h4 id="brdcmount">2.16.2 Mountpoint, User, Password - mandatory if 'Host' is set</h4></p>
     4427BNC uploads a stream to the Ntrip Broadcaster by referring it to a dedicated mountpoint that has been set by its operator. Specify the mountpoint based on the details you received for your stream from the operator. It is often a 9-character ID (capital letters) plus an integer number.</p>
     4428<p>For stream upload the Ntrip Version can be chosen. An Ntrip version 1 upload is protected through an upload 'Password' only. For an Ntrip Version 2 upload an upload 'User' is required in addition. Enter the user name and the password you received from the Ntrip Broadcaster operator along with the mountpoint.</p>
     4431<p><h4 id="brdcsys">2.16.3 Satellite System - mandatory if 'Host' is set</h4></p>
     4432Specify the satellite system(s) that shall be part of the uploaded stream (e.g. G for GPS or GRE for GPS+GLONASS+Galileo, or ALL).
     4434<p><h4 id="brdcsmpl">2.16.4 Sampling - mandatory if 'Host' is set</h4></p>
    44454435Select the Broadcast Ephemeris repetition interval in seconds. Default is '5', meaning that a complete set of Broadcast Ephemeris is uploaded every 5 seconds.
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