Changeset 7273 in ntrip
- Timestamp:
- Sep 14, 2015, 2:43:33 PM (10 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncmain.cpp ΒΆ
r7268 r7273 75 75 QString confFileName; 76 76 77 QByteArray printHelp = "Usage: bnc --nw \n" 78 " --version \n" 79 " --display <XXX> \n" 80 " --conf <confFileName> \n" 81 " --file <rawFileName> \n" 82 " --key <keyName> <keyValue>\n"; 77 QByteArray printHelp = 78 "Usage: bnc --nw \n" 79 " --version \n" 80 " --display <XXX> \n" 81 " --conf <confFileName> \n" 82 " --file <rawFileName> \n" 83 " --key <keyName> <keyValue>\n" 84 "\n" 85 "Internal keys:\n" 86 " --startTab <Top panel index number>\n" 87 " --statusTab <Bottom panel index number>\n" 88 " --font <Used font>\n" 89 " --casterUrlList <Visited URLs>\n" 90 "\n" 91 "Network Panel keys:\n" 92 " --proxyHost <Proxy host>\n" 93 " --proxyPort <Proxy port>\n" 94 " --sslCaCertPath <Path to SSL certificates>\n" 95 " --ignoreSslErrors <Ignore ssl authorization errors>\n" 96 "\n" 97 "General Panel keys:\n" 98 " --logFile <Logfile (full path)>\n" 99 " --rnxAppend <Append files>\n" 100 " --onTheFlyInterval <Reread configuration>\n" 101 " --autoStart <Auto start>\n" 102 " --rawOutFile <Raw output file (full path)>\n" 103 "\n" 104 "RINEX Observations Panel keys:\n" 105 " --rnxPath <Directory>\n" 106 " --rnxIntr <Interval>\n" 107 " --rnxSample <Sampling> \n" 108 " --rnxSkel <Skeleton extension>\n" 109 " --rnxOnlyWithSKL <Skeleton is mandatory>\n" 110 " --rnxScript <Upload script>\n" 111 " --rnxV2Priority <Signal priority>\n" 112 " --rnxV3 <Version 3>\n" 113 " --rnxV3filenames <Version 3 filenames>\n" 114 "\n" 115 "RINEX Ephemeris Panel keys:\n" 116 " --ephPath <Directory>\n" 117 " --ephIntr <Interval>\n" 118 " --outEphPort <Port>\n" 119 " --ephV3 <Version 3>\n" 120 " --ephV3filenames <Version 3 filenames>\n" 121 "\n" 122 "RINEX Editing and QC Panel keys:\n" 123 " --reqcAction <Action>\n" 124 " --reqcObsFile <Input observations file>\n" 125 " --reqcNavFile <Input navigation file>\n" 126 " --reqcOutObsFile <Output observations file>\n" 127 " --reqcOutNavFile <Output navigation file>\n" 128 " --reqcOutLogFile <Output logfile>\n" 129 " --reqcLogSummaryOnly <Summary output logfile>\n" 130 " --reqcSkyPlotSignals <Plots for signals>\n" 131 " --reqcPlotDir <QC plots directory>\n" 132 " --reqcRnxVersion <RINEX version>\n" 133 " --reqcSampling <RINEX sampling>\n" 134 " --reqcV2Priority <Version 2 signal priority>\n" 135 " --reqcStartDateTime <Start time>\n" 136 " --reqcEndDateTime <Stop time>\n" 137 " --reqcRunBy <Operators name>\n" 138 " --reqcUseObsTypes <Use observation types>\n" 139 " --reqcComment <Additional comments>\n" 140 " --reqcOldMarkerName <Old marker name>\n" 141 " --reqcNewMarkerName <New marker name>\n" 142 " --reqcOldAntennaName <Old antenna name>\n" 143 " --reqcNewAntennaName <New antenna name>\n" 144 " --reqcOldAntennaNumber <Old antenna number>\n" 145 " --reqcNewAntennaNumber <New antenna number>\n" 146 " --reqcOldAntennadN <Old north eccentritity>\n" 147 " --reqcNewAntennadN <New north eccentricity>\n" 148 " --reqcOldAntennadE <Old east eccentricity>\n" 149 " --reqcNewAntennadE <New east eccentricity>\n" 150 " --reqcOldAntennadU <Old up eccentritity>\n" 151 " --reqcNewAntennadU <New up eccentricity>\n" 152 " --reqcOldReceiverName <Old receiver name>\n" 153 " --reqcNewReceiverName <New receiver name>\n" 154 " --reqcOldReceiverNumber <Old receiver number>\n" 155 " --reqcNewReceiverNumber <New receiver number>\n" 156 "\n" 157 "SP3 Comparison Panel keys:\n" 158 " --sp3CompFile <SP3 input files>\n" 159 " --sp3CompExclude <Satellite exclusion list>\n" 160 " --sp3CompOutLogFile <Output logfile>\n" 161 "\n" 162 "Broadcast Corrections Panel keys:\n" 163 " --corrPath <Directory, ASCII>\n" 164 " --corrIntr <Interval>\n" 165 " --corrPort <Port>\n" 166 "\n" 167 "Feed Engine Panel keys:\n" 168 " --outPort <Port>\n" 169 " --waitTime <Wait for full obs epoch>\n" 170 " --binSampl <Sampling>\n" 171 " --outFile <File (full path)>\n" 172 " --outUPort <Port (unsynchronized)>\n" 173 "\n" 174 "Serial Output Panel:\n" 175 " --serialMountPoint <Mountpoint>\n" 176 " --serialPortName <Port name>\n" 177 " --serialBaudRate <Baud rate>\n" 178 " --serialFlowControl <Flow control>\n" 179 " --serialDataBits <Data bits>\n" 180 " --serialParity <Parity>\n" 181 " --serialStopBits <Stop bits>\n" 182 " --serialAutoNMEA <NMEA>\n" 183 " --serialFileNMEA <NMEA filename>\n" 184 " --serialHeightNMEA <Height>\n" 185 "\n" 186 "Outages Panel keys:\n" 187 " --obsRate <Observation rate> \n" 188 " --adviseFail <Failure threshold>\n" 189 " --adviseReco <Recovery threshold>\n" 190 " --adviseScript <Script (full path)>\n" 191 "\n" 192 "Miscellaneous Panel keys:\n" 193 " --miscMount <Mountpoint>\n" 194 " --perfIntr <Log latency>\n" 195 " --scanRTCM <Scan RTCM>\n" 196 " --miscPort <Mountpoint>\n" 197 "\n" 198 "PPP Client Panel 1 keys:\n" 199 " --dataSource <Switch between real-time and post processing>\n" 200 " --rinexObs <RINEX observation file>\n" 201 " --rinexNav <RINEX navigation file>\n" 202 " --corrMount <Corrections mountpoint>\n" 203 " --corrFile <Corrections file>\n" 204 " --crdFile <Coordinates file>\n" 205 " --logFilePPP <PPP logfile>\n" 206 " --antexFile <ANTEX file>\n" 207 " --nmeaFile <NMEA output file>\n" 208 " --snxtroFile <SINEX troposphere output filename>\n" 209 " --snxtroSampl <SINEX troposphere sampling rage>\n" 210 "\n" 211 "PPP Client Panel 2 keys:\n" 212 " --staTable <Stations table>\n" 213 "\n" 214 "PPP Client Panel 3 keys:\n" 215 " --lcGPS <Linear combination from GPS code data>\n" 216 " --lcGLONASS <Linear combination from GLONASS code data>\n" 217 " --lcGalileo <Linear combination from Galileo code data>\n" 218 " --lcBDS <Linear combination from BDS code data>\n" 219 " --sigmaC1 <Sigma for code observations>\n" 220 " --sigmaL1 <Sigma for phase observations>\n" 221 " --maxResC1 <Maximal residuum for code observations>\n" 222 " --maxResL1 <Maximal residuum for phase observations>\n" 223 " --eleWgtCode <Elevation dependent waiting of code observations>\n" 224 " --eleWgtPhase <Elevation dependent waiting of phase observations>\n" 225 " --minObs <Minimum number of observations>\n" 226 " --minEle <Minimum elevation>\n" 227 " --corrWaitTime <Wait for clock corrections>\n" 228 " --seedingTime <Seeding time span for Quick Start>\n" 229 "\n" 230 "PPP Client Panel 4 keys:\n" 231 " --plotCoordinates <Mountpoint for time series plot>\n" 232 " --audioResponse <Audio response>\n" 233 " --useOpenStreetMap <OSM track map>\n" 234 " --useGoogleMap <Google track map>\n" 235 " --mapWinDotSize <Size of dots on map>\n" 236 " --mapWinDotColor <Color of dots and cross hair on map>\n" 237 " --mapSpeedSlider <Offline processing speed for mapping>\n" 238 "\n" 239 "Combine Corrections Panel keys:\n" 240 " --combineStreams <Table of correction streams\n" 241 " --cmbMethodFilter <Approach\n" 242 " --cmbMaxres <Clock outlier threshold\n" 243 " --cmbSampl <Orbit and clock sampling\n" 244 " --cmbUseGlonass <Use GLONASS in combination\n" 245 "\n" 246 "Upload Corrections Panel keys:\n" 247 " --uploadMountpointsOut <Upload corrections table>\n" 248 " --uploadIntr <File interval>\n" 249 " --uploadSamplRtcmEphCorr <Orbit sampling>\n" 250 " --uploadSamplSp3 <Orbit sampling>\n" 251 " --uploadSamplClkRnx <Clock sampling>\n" 252 "\n" 253 "Custom Trafo keys:\n" 254 " --trafo_dx <Translation X>\n" 255 " --trafo_dy <Translation Y>\n" 256 " --trafo_dz <Translation Z>\n" 257 " --trafo_dxr <Translation change X>\n" 258 " --trafo_dyr <Translation change Y>\n" 259 " --trafo_dzr <Translation change Z>\n" 260 " --trafo_ox <Rotation X>\n" 261 " --trafo_oy <Rotation Y>\n" 262 " --trafo_oz <Rotation Z>\n" 263 " --trafo_oxr <Rotation change X>\n" 264 " --trafo_oyr <Rotation change Y>\n" 265 " --trafo_ozr <Rotation change Z>\n" 266 " --trafo_sc <Scale>\n" 267 " --trafo_scr <Scale change>\n" 268 " --trafo_t0 <Reference year>\n" 269 "\n" 270 "Upload Ephemeris Panel keys:\n" 271 " --uploadEphHost <Host>\n" 272 " --uploadEphPort <Port>\n" 273 " --uploadEphMountpoint <Mountpoint>\n" 274 " --uploadEphPassword <Password>\n" 275 " --uploadEphSample <Sampling>\n" 276 "\n" 277 "Add Stream keys:\n" 278 " --mountPoints <Add stream coming from ...>\n" 279 " --ntripVersion <Ntrip Version>\n"; 83 280 84 281 for (int ii = 1; ii < argc; ii++) {
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