Changeset 7216 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

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  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r7214 r7216  
    370370<p><a name="optconfig"><h3>2.1 Configuration Management</h3></p>
    372 As a default, configuration files for running BNC on Unix/Linux/Mac OS X systems are saved in directory '${HOME}/.config/BKG'. On Windows systems, they are typically saved in directory 'C:/Documents and Settings/Username/.config/BKG'. The default configuration file name is 'BNC.bnc'.</p>
    373 <p>
    374 The default file name 'BNC.bnc' can be changed and the file contents can easily be edited. On graphical user interfaces it is possible to Drag &amp; Drop a configuration file icon to start BNC (not on Mac OS X systems). Some configuration options can be changed on-the-fly. See annexed 'Configuration Examples' for a complete set of configuration options. It is also possible to start and configure BNC via command line.
     372As a default, configuration files for running BNC on Unix/Linux/Mac OS X systems are saved in directory '${HOME}/.config/BKG'. On Windows systems, they are typically saved in directory 'C:/Documents and Settings/Username/.config/BKG'. The default configuration filename is 'BNC.bnc'.</p>
     374The default filename 'BNC.bnc' can be changed and the file contents can easily be edited. On graphical user interfaces it is possible to Drag &amp; Drop a configuration file icon to start BNC (not on Mac OS X systems). Some configuration options can be changed on-the-fly. See annexed 'Configuration Examples' for a complete set of configuration options. It is also possible to start and configure BNC via command line.
    427427&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.3.5. <a href=#rawout>Raw Output File</a><br>
    4284283.4. <a href=#rinex>RINEX Observations</a><br>
    429 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.1. <a href=#rnxname>File Names</a><br>
     429&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.1. <a href=#rnxname>Filenames</a><br>
    430430&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.2. <a href=#rnxdir>Directory</a><br>
    431431&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.3. <a href=#rnxinterval>File Interval</a><br>
    436436&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.8. <a href=#rnxvers2>Version 2</a><br>
    437437&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.9. <a href=#rnxvers3>Version 3</a><br>
    438 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.10. <a href=#rnxvers3File>Version 3 File Names</a><br>
     438&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.10. <a href=#rnxvers3File>Version 3 Filenames</a><br>
    4394393.5. <a href=#ephemeris>RINEX Ephemeris</a><br>
    440440&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.1. <a href=#ephdir>Directory</a><br>
    442442&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.3. <a href=#ephport>Port</a><br>
    443443&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.4. <a href=#ephvers>Version</a><br>
    444 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.5. <a href=#ephversFile>Version 3 File Names</a><br>
     444&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.5. <a href=#ephversFile>Version 3 Filenames</a><br>
    4454453.6. <a href=#reqc>RINEX Editing & QC</a><br>
    446446&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.6.1 <a href=#reqcact>Action</a><br>
    756756<p><u>Figure 8:</u> BNC translating incoming observation streams to 15 min RINEX Version 3 Observation files.</p>
    758 <p><a name="rnxname"><h4>3.4.1 RINEX File Names</h4></p>
    759 <p>
    760 The default for RINEX file names in BNC follows the convention of RINEX Version 2. However, the software provides options to alternatively follow the file name convention of RINEX Version 3. RINEX Version 2 file names are derived by BNC from the first 4 characters of the corresponding stream's mountpoint (4Char Station ID). For example, data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and WETTZELL will have hourly RINEX Observation files named</p>
     758<p><a name="rnxname"><h4>3.4.1 RINEX Filenames</h4></p>
     760The default for RINEX filenames in BNC follows the convention of RINEX Version 2. However, the software provides options to alternatively follow the filename convention of RINEX Version 3. RINEX Version 2 filenames are derived by BNC from the first 4 characters of the corresponding stream's mountpoint (4Char Station ID). For example, data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and WETTZELL will have hourly RINEX Observation files named</p>
    770 If there is more than one stream with identical 4Char Station ID (same first 4 characters for their mountpoints), the mountpoint strings are split into two sub-strings and both become part of the RINEX file name. For example, when simultaneously retrieving data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and FRANCE, their hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files are named as</p>
     770If there is more than one stream with identical 4Char Station ID (same first 4 characters for their mountpoints), the mountpoint strings are split into two sub-strings and both become part of the RINEX filename. For example, when simultaneously retrieving data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and FRANCE, their hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files are named as</p>
    776 If several streams show exactly the same mountpoint name (example: BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u>), BNC adds an integer number to the file name leading i.e. to hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files like</p>
     776If several streams show exactly the same mountpoint name (example: BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u>), BNC adds an integer number to the filename leading i.e. to hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files like</p>
    782 Note that RINEX Version 2 file names for all intervals less than 1 hour follow the file name convention for 15 minutes RINEX Version 2 Observation files i.e.</p>
     782Note that RINEX Version 2 filenames for all intervals less than 1 hour follow the filename convention for 15 minutes RINEX Version 2 Observation files i.e.</p>
    791 In case of RINEX Version 3 file names, the following convention holds:
     791In case of RINEX Version 3 filenames, the following convention holds:
    807 Example for Mixed RINEX Version 3 GNSS observation file name, file containing 1 hour of data, one observation every second, 'MO' standing for 'Mixed Observations':
     807Example for Mixed RINEX Version 3 GNSS observation filename, file containing 1 hour of data, one observation every second, 'MO' standing for 'Mixed Observations':
    813 Note that file name details are produced from the streams mountpoint as well as corresponding BNC settings and meta data from the Ntrip Broadcaster source-table.
     813Note that filename details are produced from the streams mountpoint as well as corresponding BNC settings and meta data from the Ntrip Broadcaster source-table.
    839 When producing RINEX Observation files from mountpoints (examples) 'BRUS0', 'FRANKFURT'; and 'WETTZELL' the following skeleton file names would be accepted
     839When producing RINEX Observation files from mountpoints (examples) 'BRUS0', 'FRANKFURT'; and 'WETTZELL' the following skeleton filenames would be accepted
    958 <p><a name="rnxvers3File"><h4>3.4.10 Version 3 File Names - optional</h4></p>
    959 <p>
    960 Tick check box 'Version 3 file names' to let BNC create so-called extended file names following the RINEX Version 3 standard.
    961 </p>
    962 <p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use file names following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file contents is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
     958<p><a name="rnxvers3File"><h4>3.4.10 Version 3 Filenames - optional</h4></p>
     960Tick check box 'Version 3 filenames' to let BNC create so-called extended filenames following the RINEX Version 3 standard.
     962<p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use filenames following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file contents is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
    965965<p><a name="ephemeris"><h4>3.5. RINEX Ephemeris</h4></p>
    967 Broadcast Ephemeris can be saved as RINEX Navigation files when received via RTCM Version 3 e.g. as message types 1019 (GPS) or 1020 (GLONASS) or 1044 (QZSS) or 1043 (SBAS) or 1045 and 1046 (Galileo) or 63 (tentative, BDS/BeiDou). The file name convention follows the details given in section 'RINEX File Names' except that the first four characters are 'BRDC'.
     967Broadcast Ephemeris can be saved as RINEX Navigation files when received via RTCM Version 3 e.g. as message types 1019 (GPS) or 1020 (GLONASS) or 1044 (QZSS) or 1043 (SBAS) or 1045 and 1046 (Galileo) or 63 (tentative, BDS/BeiDou). The filename convention follows the details given in section 'RINEX Filenames' except that the first four characters are 'BRDC'.
    976 The following is an example for a RINEX Version 3 Navigation file name. The file contains one days data. 'MN' stands for 'Multi Constellation Navigation' data.
     976The following is an example for a RINEX Version 3 Navigation filename. The file contains one days data. 'MN' stands for 'Multi Constellation Navigation' data.
    1012 <p><a name="ephversFile"><h4>3.5.5 Version 3 File Names - optional</h4></p>
    1013 <p>
    1014 Tick check box 'Version 3 file names' to let BNC create so-called extended file names following the RINEX Version 3 standard.
    1015 </p>
    1016 <p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use file names following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file contents is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
     1012<p><a name="ephversFile"><h4>3.5.5 Version 3 Filenames - optional</h4></p>
     1014Tick check box 'Version 3 filenames' to let BNC create so-called extended filenames following the RINEX Version 3 standard.
     1016<p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use filenames following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file contents is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
    12321232<p><a name="reqcdir"><h4>3.6.6 Directory for Plots - optional if 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'</h4></p>
    1234 If 'Analyze' is selected, specifying the path to a directory where plot files will be saved is optional. File names will be composed from the RINEX input file name(s) plus suffix 'PNG' to indicate the plot file format in use. Default is an empty option field, meaning that plots will not be saved on disk.
     1234If 'Analyze' is selected, specifying the path to a directory where plot files will be saved is optional. Filenames will be composed from the RINEX input filename(s) plus suffix 'PNG' to indicate the plot file format in use. Default is an empty option field, meaning that plots will not be saved on disk.
    1522 While we have a plain ASCII standard for saving broadcast ephemeris in RINEX Navigation files, we don't have an equivalent standard for corrections to broadcast ephemeris. Hence BNC saves Broadcast Correction files following its own format definition. The file name convention for Broadcast Correction files follows the convention for RINEX Version 2 files except for the last character of the file name suffix which is set to 'C'.
     1522While we have a plain ASCII standard for saving broadcast ephemeris in RINEX Navigation files, we don't have an equivalent standard for corrections to broadcast ephemeris. Hence BNC saves Broadcast Correction files following its own format definition. The filename convention for Broadcast Correction files follows the convention for RINEX Version 2 files except for the last character of the filename suffix which is set to 'C'.
    2371 Note that the only mandatory parameters in this file are the 'Station' parameters, each standing for an observation stream's mountpoint or the 4-character station ID of a RINEX file name. The following shows further valid examples for records of a 'Coordinates' file.
     2371Note that the only mandatory parameters in this file are the 'Station' parameters, each standing for an observation stream's mountpoint or the 4-character station ID of a RINEX filename. The following shows further valid examples for records of a 'Coordinates' file.
    32763276<p><a name="upsp3"><h4>3.15.5 SP3 File - optional</h4></p>
    3277 <p>Specify a path for saving the generated orbit corrections as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create SP3 orbit files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.sp3<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.</p>
     3277<p>Specify a path for saving the generated orbit corrections as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create SP3 orbit files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.sp3<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the filename.</p>
    32793279Default is an empty option field, meaning that you don't want BNC to save the uploaded stream contents in daily SP3 files.
    3285 The file names for the daily SP3 files follow the convention for SP3 file names. The first three characters of each file name are set to 'BNC'. Note that clocks in the SP3 orbit files are not corrected for the conventional periodic relativistic effect.
     3285The filenames for the daily SP3 files follow the convention for SP3 filenames. The first three characters of each filename are set to 'BNC'. Note that clocks in the SP3 orbit files are not corrected for the conventional periodic relativistic effect.
    3300 Specify a path for saving the generated clock corrections as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.clk<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the file name.
     3300Specify a path for saving the generated clock corrections as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system:<br>/home/user/BNC${GPSWD}.clk<br>Note that '${GPSWD}' produces the GPS Week and Day number in the filename.
    3418 In case you need to log the raw data as is, BNC allows users to by-pass its decoders and directly save the input in daily logfiles. To do this, specify the decoder string as 'ZERO'. The generated file names are created from the characters of the streams mountpoints plus two-digit numbers each for year, month, and day. Example: Setting the 'decoder' string for mountpoint WTZZ0 to 'ZERO' and running BNC on March 29, 2007 would save the raw data in a file named WTZZ0_070329.
     3418In case you need to log the raw data as is, BNC allows users to by-pass its decoders and directly save the input in daily logfiles. To do this, specify the decoder string as 'ZERO'. The generated filenames are created from the characters of the streams mountpoints plus two-digit numbers each for year, month, and day. Example: Setting the 'decoder' string for mountpoint WTZZ0 to 'ZERO' and running BNC on March 29, 2007 would save the raw data in a file named WTZZ0_070329.
    36563656<p><a name="cmd"><h4>3.20. Command Line Options</h4></p>
    3658 Command line options are available to run BNC in 'no window' mode or let it read data offline from one or several files for debugging or Post Processing purposes. BNC will then use processing options from the involved configuration file. Note that the self-explaining contents of the configuration file can easily be edited. It is possible to introduce a specific configuration file name instead of using the default name 'BNC.bnc'.
     3658Command line options are available to run BNC in 'no window' mode or let it read data offline from one or several files for debugging or Post Processing purposes. BNC will then use processing options from the involved configuration file. Note that the self-explaining contents of the configuration file can easily be edited. It is possible to introduce a specific configuration filename instead of using the default name 'BNC.bnc'.
    37123712<p><a name="conffile"><h4>3.20.3 Configuration File - optional</h4></p>
    3713 The default configuration file name is 'BNC.bnc'. You may change this name at startup time using the command line option '--conf &lt;<u>confFileName</u>&gt;'. This allows running several BNC jobs in parallel on the same host using different sets of configuration options. <u>confFileName</u> stands either for the full path to a configuration file or just for a file name. If you introduce only a filename, the corresponding file will be saved in the current working directory from where BNC is started.
     3713The default configuration filename is 'BNC.bnc'. You may change this name at startup time using the command line option '--conf &lt;<u>confFileName</u>&gt;'. This allows running several BNC jobs in parallel on the same host using different sets of configuration options. <u>confFileName</u> stands either for the full path to a configuration file or just for a filename. If you introduce only a filename, the corresponding file will be saved in the current working directory from where BNC is started.
    38273827<td>Nov 2009 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 1.7 &nbsp;</td>
    3828 <td>[Bug] RINEX Navigation file format<br> [Add] Upgrade to Qt Version 4.5.2<br> [Add] Support of NTRIP v2<br> [Add] Rover support via serial port<br> [Add] Show broadcaster table from<br> [Add] Enable/disable panel widgets<br> [Add] User defined configuration file name<br> [Mod] Switch to configuration files in ini-Format<br> [Add] Daily logfile rotation<br> [Add] Read from TCP/IP port, by-pass NTRIP transport protocol<br> [Add] Save NMEA messages coming from rover<br> [Add] Auto start<br> [Add] Drag and drop ini files<br> [Add] Read from serial port, by-pass NTRIP transport protocol<br> [Mod] Update of SSR messages following RTCM 091-2009-SC104-542<br> [Add] Read from UPD port, by-pass NTRIP transport protocol<br> [Mod] Output format of Broadcast Corrections<br> [Add] Throughput plot<br> [Add] Latency plot</td>
     3828<td>[Bug] RINEX Navigation file format<br> [Add] Upgrade to Qt Version 4.5.2<br> [Add] Support of NTRIP v2<br> [Add] Rover support via serial port<br> [Add] Show broadcaster table from<br> [Add] Enable/disable panel widgets<br> [Add] User defined configuration filename<br> [Mod] Switch to configuration files in ini-Format<br> [Add] Daily logfile rotation<br> [Add] Read from TCP/IP port, by-pass NTRIP transport protocol<br> [Add] Save NMEA messages coming from rover<br> [Add] Auto start<br> [Add] Drag and drop ini files<br> [Add] Read from serial port, by-pass NTRIP transport protocol<br> [Mod] Update of SSR messages following RTCM 091-2009-SC104-542<br> [Add] Read from UPD port, by-pass NTRIP transport protocol<br> [Mod] Output format of Broadcast Corrections<br> [Add] Throughput plot<br> [Add] Latency plot</td>
    38923892<td>Dec 2013 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.10 &nbsp;</td>
    3893 <td>[Add] Started work on new version in Aug 2013<br>[Bug] Clock RINEX und SP3 file generation on Windows systems<br>[Bug] Broadcast Ephemeris generation<br>[Add] Transformation ITRF2008 to NAD83 and DREF91<br>[Add] CodeBias added to RTNET stream format<br>[Bug] GPS L2 in 'Feed Engine' output<br>[Mod] Made C1 in BeiDou default observation type instead of C2<br>[Add] Feed engine output sorted per stream<br>[Add] Feed engine output file name change on-the-fly<br>[Add] 'Append files' option for RINEX observation files<br>[Mod] Broadcast Corrections ASCII file output for message 1058 &amp; 1064 modified<br>[Bug] GPS L2 phase data in RINEX2<br>[Bug] GLONASS frequency numbers<br>[Add] RTCM v3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1046<br>[Add] Reset ambiguities in PPP when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Satellite clock offsets are reset in adjustment for combination when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Version 2.10 published</td>
     3893<td>[Add] Started work on new version in Aug 2013<br>[Bug] Clock RINEX und SP3 file generation on Windows systems<br>[Bug] Broadcast Ephemeris generation<br>[Add] Transformation ITRF2008 to NAD83 and DREF91<br>[Add] CodeBias added to RTNET stream format<br>[Bug] GPS L2 in 'Feed Engine' output<br>[Mod] Made C1 in BeiDou default observation type instead of C2<br>[Add] Feed engine output sorted per stream<br>[Add] Feed engine output filename change on-the-fly<br>[Add] 'Append files' option for RINEX observation files<br>[Mod] Broadcast Corrections ASCII file output for message 1058 &amp; 1064 modified<br>[Bug] GPS L2 phase data in RINEX2<br>[Bug] GLONASS frequency numbers<br>[Add] RTCM v3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1046<br>[Add] Reset ambiguities in PPP when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Satellite clock offsets are reset in adjustment for combination when orbit/clock correction IDs change<br>[Add] Version 2.10 published</td>
    4218 Although it's not a must, we suggest that you always create BNC configuration files with the file name extension '.bnc'.
    4219 </p>
    4221 <p>
    4222 We furthermore suggest for convenience reasons that you configure your system to automatically start BNC when you double-click a file with the file name extension '.bnc'. The following describes what to do on Windows systems to associate the BNC program to such configuration files:
     4218Although it's not a must, we suggest that you always create BNC configuration files with the filename extension '.bnc'.
     4222We furthermore suggest for convenience reasons that you configure your system to automatically start BNC when you double-click a file with the filename extension '.bnc'. The following describes what to do on Windows systems to associate the BNC program to such configuration files:
    4446 The following table shows a list of options contained in BNC's configuration files (default file name: BNC.bnc).
     4446The following table shows a list of options contained in BNC's configuration files (default filename: BNC.bnc).
    44784478<tr><td>rnxV2Priority</td><td>Signal priority</td></tr>
    44794479<tr><td>rnxV3</td><td>Version 3</td></tr>
    4480 <tr><td>rnxV3filenames</td><td>Version 3 file names</td></tr>
     4480<tr><td>rnxV3filenames</td><td>Version 3 filenames</td></tr>
    44824482<tr><td><br><b>RINEX Ephemeris Panel</b></td><td><br><b>Meaning</b></td></tr>
    44864486<tr><td>ephV3</td><td>Version 3</td></tr>
    4487 <tr><td>ephV3filenames</td><td>Version 3 file names</td></tr>
     4487<tr><td>ephV3filenames</td><td>Version 3 filenames</td></tr>
    44894489<tr><td><br><b>RINEX Editing and QC Panel</b></td><td><br><b>Meaning</b></td></tr>
    45484548<tr><td>serialStopBits</td><td>Stop bits</td></tr>
    4550 <tr><td>serialFileNMEA</td><td>NMEA file name</td></tr>
     4550<tr><td>serialFileNMEA</td><td>NMEA filename</td></tr>
    45734573<tr><td>antexFile</td><td>ANTEX file</td></tr>
    45744574<tr><td>nmeaFile</td><td>NMEA output file</td></tr>
    4575 <tr><td>snxtroFile</td><td>SINEX troposphere output file name</td></tr>
     4575<tr><td>snxtroFile</td><td>SINEX troposphere output filename</td></tr>
    45764576<tr><td>snxtroSampl</td><td>SINEX troposphere sampling rage</td></tr>
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