Changeset 7177 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

Aug 10, 2015, 3:13:35 PM (10 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r7167 r7177  
    436436&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.8. <a href=#rnxvers2>Version 2</a><br>
    437437&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.9. <a href=#rnxvers3>Version 3</a><br>
     438&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.4.10. <a href=#rnxvers3File>Version 3 File Names</a><br>
    4384393.5. <a href=#ephemeris>RINEX Ephemeris</a><br>
    439440&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.1. <a href=#ephdir>Directory</a><br>
    441442&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.3. <a href=#ephport>Port</a><br>
    442443&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.4. <a href=#ephvers>Version</a><br>
     444&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.5.5. <a href=#ephversFile>Version 3 File Names</a><br>
    4434453.6. <a href=#reqc>RINEX Editing & QC</a><br>
    444446&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.6.1 <a href=#reqcact>Action</a><br>
    756758<p><a name="rnxname"><h4>3.4.1 RINEX File Names</h4></p>
    758 RINEX file names in BNC follow the convention of RINEX Version 2.11. So far BNC does not support extended file names as defined in RINEX Version 3.02. File names are derived by BNC from the first 4 characters of the corresponding stream's mountpoint (4Char Station ID). For example, data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and WETTZELL will have hourly RINEX Observation files named</p>
    759 <p>
    760 FRAN{ddd}{h}.{yy}O<br>
     760The default for RINEX file names in BNC follows the convention of RINEX Version 2. However, the software provides options to alternatively follow the file name convention of RINEX Version 3. RINEX Version 2 file names are derived by BNC from the first 4 characters of the corresponding stream's mountpoint (4Char Station ID). For example, data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and WETTZELL will have hourly RINEX Observation files named</p>
    762 </p>
    764767where 'ddd' is the day of year, 'h' is a letter which corresponds to an hour long UTC time block and 'yy' is the year.
    767 If there is more than one stream with identical 4Char Station ID (same first 4 characters for their mountpoints), the mountpoint strings are split into two sub-strings and both become part of the RINEX file name. For example, when simultaneously retrieving data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and FRANCE, their hourly RINEX Observation files are named as</p>
    768 <p>
    769 FRAN{ddd}{h}_KFURT.{yy}O<br>
    770 FRAN{ddd}{h}_CE.{yy}O.
    771 </p>
    772 <p>
    773 If several streams show exactly the same mountpoint name (example: BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u>), BNC adds an integer number to the file name leading i.e. to hourly RINEX Observation files like</p>
    774 <p>
    775 BRUS{ddd}{h}_0.{yy}O<br>
    776 BRUS{ddd}{h}_1.{yy}O.
    777 </p>
    778 <p>
    779 Note that RINEX file names for all intervals less than 1 hour follow the file name convention for 15 minutes RINEX Observation files i.e.</p>
    780 <p>
     770If there is more than one stream with identical 4Char Station ID (same first 4 characters for their mountpoints), the mountpoint strings are split into two sub-strings and both become part of the RINEX file name. For example, when simultaneously retrieving data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and FRANCE, their hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files are named as</p>
     776If several streams show exactly the same mountpoint name (example: BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u>), BNC adds an integer number to the file name leading i.e. to hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files like</p>
     782Note that RINEX Version 2 file names for all intervals less than 1 hour follow the file name convention for 15 minutes RINEX Version 2 Observation files i.e.</p>
    782 </p>
    784787where 'mm' is the starting minute within the hour.
     791In case of RINEX Version 3 file names, the following convention holds:
     795<tr><td><b>Parameter</b></td><td><b>&nbsp; # Char.</b></td><td><b>&nbsp; Meaning</b></td></tr>
     796<tr><td>Name</td><td>&nbsp; 9</td><td>&nbsp; Site, station and country code</td></tr>
     797<tr><td>S</td><td>&nbsp; 1</td><td>&nbsp; Data source</td></tr>
     798<tr><td>Start Time</td><td>&nbsp; 11</td><td>&nbsp; YYYYDDDHHMM</td></tr>
     799<tr><td>Period</td><td>&nbsp; 3</td><td>&nbsp; File period</td></tr>
     800<tr><td>Obs. Freq.</td><td>&nbsp; 3</td><td>&nbsp; Observation frequency</td></tr>
     801<tr><td>Content</td><td>&nbsp; 2</td><td>&nbsp; Content type</td></tr>
     802<tr><td>Format</td><td>&nbsp; 3</td><td>&nbsp; File format</td></tr>
     803<tr><td>Compression</td><td>&nbsp; 2-3</td><td>&nbsp; Compression method (optional)</td></tr>
     807Example for Mixed RINEX Version 3 GNSS observation file name, file containing 1 hour of data, one observation every second, 'MO' standing for 'Mixed Observations':
     813Note that file name details are produced from the streams mountpoint as well as corresponding BNC settings and meta data from the Ntrip Broadcaster source-table.
    787816<p><a name="rnxdir"><h4>3.4.2 Directory - optional</h4></p>
    802831<p><a name="rnxskl"><h4>3.4.5 Skeleton Extension - optional</h4></p>
    804 Whenever BNC starts generating RINEX Observation files (and then once every day at midnight), it first tries to retrieve information needed for RINEX headers from so-called public RINEX header skeleton files which are derived from sitelogs. A HTTP or HTTPS link to a directory containing these skeleton files may be available through data field number 7 of the affected NET record in the source-table. See <u></u> for an example of a public RINEX header skeleton file for EPN station Brussels. Note that the download of RINEX skeleton files from HTTPS websites requires the exchange of client and/or server certificates. Clarify 'SSL' options offered in panel 'Network' for details.
     833Whenever BNC starts generating RINEX Observation files (and then once every day at midnight), it first tries to retrieve information needed for RINEX headers from so-called public RINEX header skeleton files which are derived from sitelogs. A HTTP or HTTPS link to a directory containing these skeleton files may be available through data field number 7 of the affected NET record in the source-table. See <u></u> for an example of a public RINEX header skeleton file for EPN station Brussels. Note that the download of RINEX skeleton files from HTTPS websites requires the exchange of client and/or server certificates. Clarify 'SSL' options offered through panel 'Network' for details.
    810 Examples for personal skeleton file name convention: RINEX Observation files for mountpoints WETTZELL, FRANKFURT and FRANCE (same 4Char Station ID), BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u> (same 4Char Station ID, identical mountpoint stings) would accept personal skeleton files named</p>
    811 <p>
    812 WETT.skl<br>
    813 FRAN_KFURT.skl<br>
    814 FRAN_CE.skl<br>
    815 BRUS_0.skl<br>
    816 BRUS_1.skl</p>
     839When producing RINEX Observation files from mountpoints (examples) 'BRUS0', 'FRANKFURT'; and 'WETTZELL' the following skeleton file names would be accepted
    818847if 'Skeleton extension' is set to 'skl'.
    835864<br>- &nbsp; ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
    836865<br>- &nbsp; WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2 (RINEX Version 2)</li>
    837 <br>- &nbsp; SYS / # / OBS TYPES (RINEX Version 3, will be ignored when writing Version 2 files)</li>
     866<br>- &nbsp; SYS / # / OBS TYPES (for RINEX Version 3 files, will be ignored when writing Version 2 files)</li>
    838867<li>They may contain any other optional complete header record as defined in the RINEX documentation.</li>
    839868<li>They should also contain an empty header records of type
     958<p><a name="rnxvers3File"><h4>3.4.10 Version 3 File Names - optional</h4></p>
     960Tick check box 'Version 3 file names' to let BNC create so-called extended file names following the RINEX Version 3 standard.
     962<p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use file names following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file contents is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
    929965<p><a name="ephemeris"><h4>3.5. RINEX Ephemeris</h4></p>
    931 Broadcast Ephemeris can be saved as RINEX Navigation files when received via RTCM Version 3 e.g. as message types 1019 (GPS) or 1020 (GLONASS) or 1044 (QZSS) or 1043 (SBAS) or 1045 and 1046 (Galileo) or 63 (tentative, BDS/BeiDou). The file name convention follows the details given in section 'RINEX File Names' except that the first four characters are 'BRDC' and the last character is
    932 </p>
    933 <ul>
    934 <li>'N' or 'G' for GPS or GLONASS ephemeris in two separate RINEX Version 2.11 Navigation files, or</li>
    935 <li>'P' for GPS plus GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, QZSS, and BDS ephemeris, saved together in one RINEX Version 3 Navigation file.
    936 </ul>
     967Broadcast Ephemeris can be saved as RINEX Navigation files when received via RTCM Version 3 e.g. as message types 1019 (GPS) or 1020 (GLONASS) or 1044 (QZSS) or 1043 (SBAS) or 1045 and 1046 (Galileo) or 63 (tentative, BDS/BeiDou). The file name convention follows the details given in section 'RINEX File Names' except that the first four characters are 'BRDC'.
     970For RINEX Version 2 Navigation files the last character is 'N' or 'G' for GPS or GLONASS ephemeris in two separate files.
     973Regarding RINEX Version 3 you will find all ephemeris data for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, QZSS, and BDS saved together in one Navigation file.
     976The following is an example for a RINEX Version 3 Navigation file name. The file contains one days data. 'MN' stands for 'Multi Constellation Navigation' data.
    9651009Note that this does not concern the Broadcast Ephemeris output through IP port which is always in RINEX Version 3 format.
     1012<p><a name="ephversFile"><h4>3.5.5 Version 3 File Names - optional</h4></p>
     1014Tick check box 'Version 3 file names' to let BNC create so-called extended file names following the RINEX Version 3 standard.
     1016<p>Default is an empty check box, meaning to still use file names following the RINEX Version 2 standard although the file contents is saved in RINEX Version 3 format.
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