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  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r6906 r6912  
    396396&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.6.4 <a href=#reqclog>Logfiles</a><br>
    397397&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.6.5 <a href=#reqcplots>Plots for Signals</a><br>
    398 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.6.6 <a href=#reqcedit>Set Edit Options</a><br>
    399 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.6.7 <a href=#reqccommand>Command Line, No Window</a><br>
     398&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.6.6 <a href=#reqcdir>Directory for Plots</a><br>
     399&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.6.7 <a href=#reqcedit>Set Edit Options</a><br>
     400&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.6.8 <a href=#reqccommand>Command Line, No Window</a><br>
    4004013.7. <a href=#sp3comp>SP3 Comparison</a><br>
    401402&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.7.1 <a href=#sp3input>Input SP3 Files</a><br>
    903904<p><a name="reqcinp"><h4>3.6.2 Input Files - mandatory</h4></p>
    905 Specify the full path to RINEX Obseration and RINEX Navigation file(s) to be processed.
    906 </p>
    908 <p><a name="reqcout"><h4>3.6.3 Output Files - mandatory if 'Action' is set to 'Edit/Concatenate'</h4></p>
    909 <p>
    910 Specify the full path to RINEX Obseration and RINEX Navigation output file(s). Default are empty option fields, meaning that no RINEX Observation and RINEX Navigation output files will be generated.
     906Specify full path to input RINEX Observation file(s), and<br>
     907specify full path to input RINEX Navigation file(s).
     910When specifying several input files BNC will concatenate their contents. In case of RINEX Observation input files with different observation type header records, BNC will output only one specific set of adjustet observation type records in the RINEX header which fits to the whole file contents.
     913Note that you may specify several RINEX Version 2 Navigation files for GPS and GLONASS.
     916<p><a name="reqcout"><h4>3.6.3 Output Files - optional if 'Action' is set to 'Edit/Concatenate'</h4></p>
     918If 'Edit/Concatenate' is selected, specifying the full path to output RINEX Observation file(s) and specifying the full path to output RINEX Navigation file(s) is optional. Default are empty option fields, meaning that no RINEX files will be saved on disk.
    913921<p><a name="reqclog"><h4>3.6.4 Logfile - optional</h4></p>
    915 Specify the name of a logfile to save information on RINEX file Editing/Concatenation or Analysis. Default is an empty option field, meaning that no logfile will be saved.
    916 </p>
    917 <p>
    918 Note that logfiles may become quite large. Hence BNC provides an option 'Summary only' to limit this logfile contents to essential information only.
    919 </p>
    921 <p><a name="reqcplot"><h4>3.6.5 Plots for Signals - mandatory if 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'</h4></p>
    922 <p>
    923 Multipath and signal-to-noise sky plots as well as plots for satellite availability, elevation and PDOP are produced per GNSS system and frequency with the multipath analysis based on CnC observation types (n = band / frequency). BNC allows to specify the systems  (C = BDS, E = Galileo, G = GPS, J = QZSS, R = GLONASS, S = SBAS) and frequencies you want to use for the plots. The following string is an example for option field 'Plots of signals':
     923Specify the name of a logfile to save information on RINEX file Editing/Concatenation or Analysis. Default is an empty option fieled, meaning that no logfile will be saved.
     927Note that logfiles from analyzing RINEX files may become quite large. Hence BNC provides an option 'Summary only' to limit this logfile contents to some essential information in case 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'. The following is an example for a RINEX quality check analysis logfile:
     929QC Format Version : 1.0
     931Navigation File(s): brdm1660.15p
     932Ephemeris         : 6421 OK   4 BAD
     933  Bad Ephemeris   : brdm1660.15p S27 2015 06 15 05 04 00
     934  Bad Ephemeris   : brdm1660.15p S27 2015 06 15 05 46 40
     935  Bad Ephemeris   : brdm1660.15p S27 2015 06 15 05 59 28
     936  Bad Ephemeris   : brdm1660.15p C08 2015 06 15 08 00 00-
     938Observation File  : cut01660.15o
     939RINEX Version     : 3.02
     940Marker Name       : CUT0
     941Marker Number     : 59945M001
     942Receiver          : TRIMBLE NETR9
     943Antenna           : TRM59800.00     SCIS
     944Position XYZ      :  -2364337.2971   4870285.5843  -3360809.8188
     945Antenna dH/dE/dN  :   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
     946Start Time        : 2015-06-15
     947End Time          : 2015-06-15
     948Interval          : 30
     949Navigation Systems: 6    C E G J R S
     951  C: Satellites: 13
     952  C: Signals   : 3    2I 6I 7I
     954      C:   2I: Observations      :  29094
     955      C:   2I: Slips (file+found):    183 +     2
     956      C:   2I: Gaps              :     31
     957      C:   2I: Mean SNR          :   42.2
     958      C:   2I: Mean Multipath    :   0.40
     960      C:   6I: Observations      :  29048
     961      C:   6I: Slips (file+found):    191 +     0
     962      C:   6I: Gaps              :     57
     963      C:   6I: Mean SNR          :   44.8
     964      C:   6I: Mean Multipath    :   0.00
     966      C:   7I: Observations      :  29048
     967      C:   7I: Slips (file+found):    191 +     2
     968      C:   7I: Gaps              :     57
     969      C:   7I: Mean SNR          :   44.4
     970      C:   7I: Mean Multipath    :   0.30
     972  E: Satellites: 7
     973  E: Signals   : 4    1X 5X 7X 8X
     975      E:   1X: Observations      :   7440
     976      E:   1X: Slips (file+found):    332 +     1
     977      E:   1X: Gaps              :     11
     978      E:   1X: Mean SNR          :   44.3
     979      E:   1X: Mean Multipath    :   0.36
     982  G: Satellites: 31
     983  G: Signals   : 4    1C 2W 2X 5X
     985      G:   1C: Observations      :  31331
     986      G:   1C: Slips (file+found):    959 +    20
     987      G:   1C: Gaps              :     81
     988      G:   1C: Mean SNR          :   44.2
     989      G:   1C: Mean Multipath    :   0.69
     992  J: Satellites: 1
     993  J: Signals   : 6    1C 1X 1Z 2X 5X 6X
     995      J:   1C: Observations      :   2880
     996      J:   1C: Slips (file+found):     43 +     0
     997      J:   1C: Gaps              :      0
     998      J:   1C: Mean SNR          :   44.0
     999      J:   1C: Mean Multipath    :   0.60
     1002  R: Satellites: 24
     1003  R: Signals   : 4    1C 1P 2C 2P
     1005      R:   1C: Observations      :  24500
     1006      R:   1C: Slips (file+found):    194 +    36
     1007      R:   1C: Gaps              :     76
     1008      R:   1C: Mean SNR          :   45.2
     1009      R:   1C: Mean Multipath    :   0.81
     1012  S: Satellites: 4
     1013  S: Signals   : 2    1C 5I
     1015      S:   1C: Observations      :  11520
     1016      S:   1C: Slips (file+found):      5 +   145
     1017      S:   1C: Gaps              :      0
     1018      S:   1C: Mean SNR          :   41.1
     1019      S:   1C: Mean Multipath    :   0.91
     1022> 2015 06 15 00 00  0.0000000 39  0.6
     1023G14   1.50   14.90   2  L1C s. 32.4  C1C  . 0.76
     1024G15  11.79  117.66   6  L1C .. 39.1  C1C  . 0.86  L2W .. 20.9  C2W  . 1.10  L2X .. 37.1  C2X  . 1.11
     1025G16  53.56 -107.67   4  L1C .. 48.8  C1C  . 0.31  L2W .. 39.9  C2W  . 0.26
     1026G18  72.61   84.24   4  L1C .. 50.0  C1C  . 0.29  L2W .. 43.1  C2W  . 0.26
     1027G19   6.07 -124.61   4  L1C .. 36.1  C1C  . 0.91  L2W .. 18.6  C2W  . 0.43
     1028G20   4.75  138.88   4  L1C s. 35.5  C1C  . 0.00  L2W s. 15.6  C2W  . 0.00
     1029G21  40.44  132.24   4  L1C .. 45.7  C1C  . 0.59  L2W .. 33.3  C2W  . 0.24
     1030G22  55.62  -12.81   4  L1C .. 51.6  C1C  . 0.44  L2W .. 41.7  C2W  . 0.26
     1031G26  56.96  -45.95   8  L1C .. 50.8  C1C  . 0.56  L2W .. 42.7  C2W  . 0.23  L2X .. 50.7  C2X  . 0.30  L5X .. 55.7  C5X  . 0.00
     1032G27  33.71 -136.99   8  L1C .. 46.9  C1C  . 0.51  L2W .. 35.5  C2W  . 0.34  L2X .. 45.9  C2X  . 0.36  L5X .. 52.0  C5X  . 0.00
     1033G29  15.74   68.66   6  L1C .. 41.3  C1C  . 0.93  L2W .. 22.8  C2W  . 0.44  L2X .. 38.1  C2X  . 0.37
     1034R01  52.20  117.58   8  L1C .. 52.5  C1C  . 0.42  L1P .. 50.5  C1P  . 0.39  L2C .. 43.8  C2C  . 0.49  L2P .. 43.5  C2P  . 0.39
     1035R02  47.13   19.13   8  L1C .. 53.3  C1C  . 0.31  L1P .. 52.0  C1P  . 0.45  L2C .. 47.9  C2C  . 0.39  L2P .. 47.6  C2P  . 0.39
     1036R03   3.03  -10.43   8  L1C .. 36.0  C1C  . 2.06  L1P .. 34.4  C1P  . 1.03  L2C .. 36.6  C2C  . 0.69  L2P .. 37.0  C2P  . 0.65
     1037R08   9.52  152.59   8  L1C .. 41.3  C1C  . 1.11  L1P .. 39.9  C1P  . 0.76  L2C .. 38.3  C2C  . 0.89  L2P .. 38.1  C2P  . 0.63
     1038R14  15.31  -50.83   8  L1C .. 39.0  C1C  . 1.16  L1P .. 37.4  C1P  . 0.78  L2C .. 34.3  C2C  . 0.63  L2P .. 34.0  C2P  . 0.57
     1039R15  22.97  -99.16   8  L1C .. 43.7  C1C  . 0.72  L1P .. 42.2  C1P  . 0.47  L2C .. 42.0  C2C  . 0.46  L2P .. 42.2  C2P  . 0.39
     1040R16   4.62 -152.37   8  L1C .. 40.4  C1C  . 1.24  L1P .. 39.1  C1P  . 0.89  L2C .. 35.3  C2C  . 0.73  L2P .. 33.9  C2P  . 0.57
     1041R17  42.68 -161.68   8  L1C .. 50.6  C1C  . 0.56  L1P .. 48.6  C1P  . 0.43  L2C .. 39.1  C2C  . 0.56  L2P .. 38.4  C2P  . 0.32
     1042R23  14.50   88.21   8  L1C .. 43.8  C1C  . 1.25  L1P .. 42.5  C1P  . 0.61  L2C .. 35.2  C2C  . 0.88  L2P .. 34.3  C2P  . 0.59
     1043R24  47.18  133.41   8  L1C .. 47.0  C1C  . 0.48  L1P .. 46.0  C1P  . 0.45  L2C .. 42.9  C2C  . 0.40  L2P .. 43.1  C2P  . 0.32
     1044E18   0.00    0.00   8  L1X .. 45.0  C1X  . 0.58  L5X .. 47.2  C5X  . 0.26  L7X .. 46.1  C7X  . 0.00  L8X .. 51.1  C8X  . 0.00
     1045J01  79.88   57.76  12  L1C .. 49.9  C1C  . 0.18  L1X .. 53.8  C1X  . 0.25  L1Z .. 51.3  C1Z  . 0.26  L2X .. 51.3  C2X  . 0.23  L5X .. 55.9  C5X  . 0.00  L6X .. 46.5  C6X  . 0.00
     1046S27  16.07  -73.59   4  L1C .. 36.8  C1C  . 0.92  L5I .. 41.7  C5I  . 0.75
     1047S28  38.67  -50.73   4  L1C s. 44.9  C1C  . 0.00  L5I s. 45.0  C5I  . 0.00
     1048S29  41.34   46.37   2  L1C .. 39.2  C1C  . 0.00
     1049S37  41.34   46.37   2  L1C .. 39.9  C1C  . 0.00
     1050C01 -14.73  163.85   6  L2I .. 42.5  C2I  . 0.47  L7I .. 46.6  C7I  . 0.23  L6I .. 45.5  C6I  . 0.00
     1051C02  33.21  145.93   6  L2I .. 37.9  C2I  . 0.29  L7I .. 43.0  C7I  . 0.18  L6I .. 43.3  C6I  . 0.00
     1052C03 -37.46  -58.16   6  L2I .. 44.1  C2I  . 0.21  L7I .. 46.6  C7I  . 0.21  L6I .. 47.3  C6I  . 0.00
     1053C04  64.99   -5.73   6  L2I .. 37.7  C2I  . 0.37  L7I .. 41.8  C7I  . 0.25  L6I .. 42.9  C6I  . 0.00
     1054C05 -42.36  -80.31   6  L2I .. 35.9  C2I  . 0.27  L7I .. 38.7  C7I  . 0.21  L6I .. 39.6  C6I  . 0.00
     1055C06 -15.26  -74.59   6  L2I .. 47.0  C2I  . 0.60  L7I .. 47.1  C7I  . 0.24  L6I .. 48.0  C6I  . 0.00
     1056C07  34.21   14.11   6  L2I .. 32.8  C2I  . 0.87  L7I .. 36.4  C7I  . 0.40  L6I .. 35.2  C6I  . 0.00
     1057C08  -0.07 -107.77   6  L2I .. 49.7  C2I  . 0.17  L7I .. 49.1  C7I  . 0.21  L6I .. 50.2  C6I  . 0.00
     1058C09 -10.42  107.30   6  L2I .. 41.6  C2I  . 0.54  L7I .. 42.6  C7I  . 0.37  L6I .. 42.3  C6I  . 0.00
     1059C10  32.77    7.17   6  L2I .. 36.9  C2I  . 0.87  L7I .. 36.7  C7I  . 0.58  L6I .. 36.0  C6I  . 0.00
     1060C11  33.14   61.19   6  L2I .. 43.1  C2I  . 0.57  L7I .. 44.0  C7I  . 0.52  L6I .. 43.6  C6I  . 0.00
     1061C14 -22.42  106.32   6  L2I .. 49.6  C2I  . 0.35  L7I .. 50.7  C7I  . 0.26  L6I .. 52.3  C6I  . 0.00
     1062> 2015 06 15 00 00 30.0000000 39  0.6
     1069Note that in addition to cycle slips recorded in the RINEX 'file', cycle slips identified by BNC are reported as 'found'.
     1072<p><a name="reqcplots"><h4>3.6.5 Plots for Signals - mandatory if 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'</h4></p>
     1074Multipath and signal-to-noise sky plots as well as plots for satellite availability, elevation and PDOP are produced per GNSS system and frequency with the multipath analysis based on CnC observation types (n = band / frequency). The 'Plots for signals' option lets you exactly specify the observation signals to be used for that and also enables the plot production. You can specify the navigation system (C = BDS, E = Galileo, G = GPS, J = QZSS, R = GLONASS, S = SBAS), the frequency, and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for fequency and tracking mode or channel must be seperated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for each navigation systems must be seperated by blank character ' '. The following string is an example for option field for 'Plots of signals':
     1075ts for signals' option lets you exactly specify the observation signals to be used for that and also enables the plot production. You can specify the navigation system, the frequency, and the tracking mode or channel as defined in RINEX Version 3. Specifications for fequency and tracking mode or channel must be seperated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for each navigation systems must be seperated by blank character ' '.
    939 <p><a name="reqcedit"><h4>3.6.6 Set Edit Options - mandatory if 'Edit/Concatenate' is set</h4></p>
    940 <p>Once the 'Edit/Concatenate' action is selected, you have to 'Set Edit Options'. BNC lets you specify the RINEX version, sampling interval, begin and end of file, operator, observation codes, comment lines, and marker, antenna, receiver details. Note that some specification are only meaningful for RINEX Observation files but not for RINEX Navigation files.
    941 </p>
    942 <p>
    943 When converting RINEX Version 2 to RINEX Version 3 Observation files, the tracking mode or channel information in the (last character out of the three characters) observation code is left blank if unknown. When converting RINEX Version 3 to RINEX Version 2 Observation files:
    944 <ul>
    945 <li>C1P in RINEX Version 3 is mapped to P1 in RINEX Version 2</li>
    946 <li>C2P in RINEX Version 3 is mapped to P2 in RINEX Version 2</li>
    947 <li>If several observations in RINEX Version 3 come with the same observation type and same band/frequency but different tracking modes, BNC uses only the one provided first for creating RINEX Version 2 while ignoring others.</li>
     1091<p><a name="reqcdir"><h4>3.6.6 Directory for Plots - optional if 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'</h4></p>
     1093If 'Analyze' is selected, specifying the path to a directory where plot files will be saved is optional. File names will be composed from the RINEX input file name(s) plus suffix 'PNG' to indicate the plot file format in use. Default is an empty option field, meaning that plots will not be saved on disk.
     1096<p><a name="reqcedit"><h4>3.6.7 Set Edit Options - mandatory if 'Action' is set to 'Edit/Concatenate'</h4></p>
     1097<p>Once the 'Edit/Concatenate' action is selected, you have to 'Set Edit Options'. BNC lets you specify the RINEX version, a signal priority list when mapping RINEX Version 3 to Version 2, the sampling interval, begin and end of file, operator, observation types, comment lines, and marker, antenna, receiver details. Note that some specifications are only meaningful for RINEX Observation files but not for RINEX Navigation files.
     1101<li>The RINEX Version 2 format ignores signal generation attributes. Therefore, when converting <u>RINEX Version 3 to Version 2</u> Observation files, BNC is forced to somehow map RINEX Version 3 to RINEX Version 2 although this can't be done in one-to-one correspondance. Hence we introduce a 'Version 2 Signal Priority' list of attributes (characters, forming a string) for mapping Version 3 to Version 2, see details in section 'RINEX Obserations/Version 2'.</li>
     1102<li>When converting <u>RINEX Version 2 to Version 3</u> Observation files, the tracking mode or channel information in the (last character out of the three characters) observation code is left blank if unknown. This is a compromise, knowing that it is not in accordance with the RINEX Version 3 documentation. The default 'Version 2 Signal Priority' list of observation attributes when mapping RINEX Version 3 to Version 2 is 'CWPX_?', see again details in section 'RINEX Observations/Version 2'.</li>
     1111You can specify a list of observation codes in field 'Use Obs. Types' to limit the output file contents to specific observation codes. GNSS system characters in that list are followed by a colon and a two or three characters observation code. A two characters observation code would mean that all available tracking modes of the affected observation type and frequency will be accepted as part of the RINEX output file. Observation codes are separated by a blank character. Default is an empty option field, meaning that any input observation code will become part of the RINEX output file.
    9561115Specifying comment line text to be added to the emerging new RINEX file header is another option. Any introduction of a newline through '\n' in this enforces the beginning of a further comment line. Comment line(s) will be added to the header immediately after the 'PGM / RUN BY / DATE' record. Default is an empty option field, meaning that no additional comment line will be added to the RINEX header.
    957 </p>
    959 <p>
    960 You can specify a list of observation codes in field 'Use Obs. Types' to limit the output file contents to specific observation codes. GNSS system characters in that list are followed by a colon and a two or three characters observation code. A two characters observation code would mean that all available tracking modes of the affected observation type and frequency will be accepted as part of the RINEX output file. Observation codes are separated by a blank character. Default is an empty option field, meaning that any input observation code will become part of the RINEX output file.
    9681123<p><u>Figure 8:</u> Example for 'RINEX Editing Options' window.</p>
    970 <p><a name="reqcinput"><h4>3.6.4 Input Files - mandatory if 'Action' is set</h4></p>
    971 <p>
    972 Specify full path to input RINEX Observation file(s), and<br>
    973 specify full path to input RINEX Navigation file(s).
    974 </p>
    975 <p>
    976 When specifying several input files BNC will concatenate their contents. In case of RINEX Observation input files with different observation type header records, BNC will output only one specific set of adjustet observation type records in the RINEX header which fits to the whole file contents.
    977 </p>
    978 <p>
    979 Note that you may specify several RINEX Version 2 Navigation files for GPS and GLONASS.
    981 </p>
    983 <p><a name="reqcoutput"><h4>3.6.5 Output Files - mandatory if 'Action' is set</h4></p>
    984 <p>
    985 If 'Edit/Concatenate' is selected, specifying the a path to output RINEX Observation file(s) and specifying a full path to output RINEX Navigation file(s) is mandatory.</p>
    9871125<p><img src="IMG/screenshot25.png"/></p>
    9881126<p><u>Figure 9:</u> Example for RINEX file editing with BNC in Post Processing mode.</p>
    990 <p>
    991 If 'Analyze' is selected, specifying a 'Log' file to output analysis results is mandatory. The following is a RINEX quality check analysis logfile example:
    992 <pre>
    993 Analyze File
    994 ------------
    995 File:            cut02530.12o
    996 Marker name:     CUT0
    997 Receiver:        TRIMBLE NETR9
    998 Antenna:         TRM59800.00     SCIS
    999 Start time:      2012-09-09 00:00:00.000
    1000 End time:        2012-09-09 23:59:30.000
    1001 Interval:        30
    1002 # Sat.:          56
    1003 # Obs.:          54159
    1004 # Slips (file):  295
    1005 # Slips (found): 52
    1006 Mean MP1:        0.25382
    1007 Mean MP2:        0.163092
    1008 Mean SNR1:       4.83739
    1009 Mean SNR2:       5.09455
    1010 </pre>
    1011 </p>
    1012 <p>
    1013 In this logfile '# Slips (file)' stands for the number of cycle slips reported in the RINEX Observation file while '# Slips (found)' stands for additional cycle slips identified by BNC.
    1014 </p>
    1016 <p><a name="reqcplots"><h4>3.6.6 Directory for Plots - optional if 'Action' is set</h4></p>
    1017 <p>
    1018 If 'Analyze' is selected, specifying the path to a directory where plot files will be saved is optional. File names will be composed from the RINEX input file name(s) plus suffix 'PNG' to indicate the plot file format in use. </p>
    10201128<p><img src="IMG/screenshot29.png"/></p>
    10211129<p><u>Figure 10:</u> Example for creating RINEX quality check graphics output with BNC.</p>
    10301138<p><u>Figure 13:</u> Sky plot examples for signal-to-noise ratio.</p>
    1032 <p><a name="reqccommand"><h4>3.6.7 Command Line, No Window - optional</h4></p>
     1140<p><a name="reqccommand"><h4>3.6.8 Command Line, No Window - optional</h4></p>
    10341142BNC applies options from the configuration file but allows updating every one of them on the command line while the contents of the configuration file remains unchanged, see section on 'Command Line Options'. The syntax for that looks as follows
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