Changeset 6714 in ntrip

Mar 24, 2015, 4:14:33 PM (10 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r6713 r6714  
    848848  pppLayout1->addWidget(_pppWidgets._dataSource,             ir, 1);
    849849//pppLayout1->addItem(new QSpacerItem(4*ww, 0),              ir, 2);
    850   pppLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel("   RINEX observations"), ir, 3);
     850  pppLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel("   RINEX Obs file(s)"), ir, 3);
    851851  pppLayout1->addWidget(_pppWidgets._rinexObs,               ir, 4);
    852852  ++ir;
    853   pppLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel("   RINEX orbits"),       ir, 3);
     853  pppLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel("   RINEX Nav file(s)"),  ir, 3);
    854854  pppLayout1->addWidget(_pppWidgets._rinexNav,               ir, 4);
    855855  ++ir;
    859859  pppLayout1->addWidget(_pppWidgets._corrFile,               ir, 4);
    860860  ++ir;
    861   pppLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel("Input:"),                ir, 0);
    862   pppLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel("   Output:"),            ir, 3);
    863   ++ir;
    864861  pppLayout1->addWidget(new QLabel("Coordinates"),           ir, 0);
    865862  pppLayout1->addWidget(_pppWidgets._crdFile,                ir, 1);
    884881  pppGroup1->setLayout(pppLayout1);
    886   _pppWidgets._antexFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Observations should be referred to the receiver's and to the satellite's Antenna Phase Center (APC) and therefore be corrected for<ul><li>Receiver APC offsets</li><li>Receiver APC variations</li><li>Satellite APC offsets.</li></ul> Specify the full path to an IGS 'ANTEX file' which contains APC offsets and variations.</p><p>If you don't specify an 'ANTEX file' then observations will not be corrected for APC offsets and variations.</p>"));
    887   _pppWidgets._dataSource->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select real-time PPP from 'Real-Time Streams' or post processing PPP from 'RINEX Files'.</p><p><ul><li>Real-time PPP requires that you pull an RTCM stream carrying GNSS observations plus a stream providing corrections to broadcast ephemeris. If the observations stream does not contian broadcast ephemeris then you must in addition pull a broadcast ephemeris stream like 'RTCM3EPH' from NTRIP broadcaster</li><li>Post processing PPP requires RINEX observation files, RINEX navigation files and a file with corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris in plain ASCII format as previously saved with BNC.</li></ul></p><p>Note that BNC allows to carry out PPP solutions simultaneously for several stations.</p>"));
     884  _pppWidgets._dataSource->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select real-time PPP from 'Real-Time Streams' or post processing PPP from 'RINEX Files'.</p><p><ul><li>Real-time PPP requires that you pull an RTCM stream carrying GNSS observations plus a stream providing corrections to broadcast ephemeris. If the observations stream does not contian broadcast ephemeris then you must in addition pull a broadcast ephemeris stream like 'RTCM3EPH' from NTRIP broadcaster</li><li>Post processing PPP requires RINEX observation files, RINEX navigation files and a file with corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris in plain ASCII format as beforehand saved with BNC.</li></ul></p><p>Note that BNC allows to carry out PPP solutions simultaneously for several stations.</p>"));
    889886  _pppWidgets._corrMount->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a 'mountpoint' from the 'Streams' canvas below which provides corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris.</p>"));
    891   _pppWidgets._crdFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the full path to an ASCII file which specifies the streams of those stations you want to process. The file must contain one record per station with the following parameters separated by blank characters:<p><ul><li>'Mountpoint' of the station (mandatory).</li><li>Approximate X,Y,Z coordinate components of station's Antenna Reference Point [m] (ARP, specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if not available).</li><li>Nort, East and Up component of antenna excentricity [m] (specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if not available).</li><li>20 Characters describing the antenna type and radome following the IGS 'ANTEX file' standard (leave blank if not available).</li></ul></p><p>Records with exclamation mark '!' in the first column or blank records will be interpreted as comment lines and ignored.</p>"));
     888  _pppWidgets._crdFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the full path to an ASCII file which specifies the streams or files of those stations you want to process. The 'Coordinates' file must contain one record per station with the following parameters separated by blank characters:<p><ul><li>Either<ul><li>the 'Mountpoint' of the station's RTCM stream (when in real-time PPP mode) or</li><li>the first four characters of the RINEX observations file (when in post processing PPP mode).</li></ul>This parameter is mandatory. BNC will carry out PPP solutions only for those stations which are listed here.</li><li>Approximate X,Y,Z coordinate components of station's Antenna Reference Point [m] (ARP, specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if unknown).</li><li>Nort, East and Up component of antenna excentricity [m] (specify '0.0 0.0 0.0' if unknown).</li><li>20 Characters describing the antenna type and radome following the IGS 'ANTEX file' standard (leave blank if unknown).</li></ul></p><p>Records with exclamation mark '!' in the first column or blank records will be interpreted as comment lines and ignored.</p>"));
     891  _pppWidgets._antexFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Observations in RTCM streams or RINEX files should be referred to the receiver's and to the satellite's Antenna Phase Center (APC) and therefore be corrected for<ul><li>Receiver APC offsets</li><li>Receiver APC variations</li><li>Satellite APC offsets.</li></ul> Specify the full path to an IGS 'ANTEX file' which contains APC offsets and variations.</p><p>If you don't specify an 'ANTEX file' then observations will not be corrected for APC offsets and variations.</p>"));
     893  _pppWidgets._rinexObs->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the RINEX observations file(s).</p>"));
     895  _pppWidgets._rinexNav->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the RINEX navigation file(s).</p>"));
     897  _pppWidgets._corrFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the Broadcast Ephemeris Corrections file(s) as beforehand saved using BNC.</p>"));
     899  _pppWidgets._logFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the path to daily PPP logfiles using e.g. the following syntax (example):</p><p> ./PPP_$(STATION)_$(DATE).log</p><p>BNC will produce one daily PPP logfile per station. Variable $(STATION) stands for the affected station and $(DATE) stands for the date.</p>"));
     901  _pppWidgets._nmeaFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the path to daily NMEA files using e.g. the following syntax (example):</p><p> ./PPP_$(STATION)_$(DATE).nmea</p><p>BNC will produce one daily NMEA file per station, mainly to save NMEA GGA sentences from the PPP solution. Variable $(STATION) stands for the affected station and $(DATE) stands for the date.</p>"));
     903  _pppWidgets._nmeaPort->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>  </p>"));
     905  _pppWidgets._snxtroFile->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the path to daily SINEX Troposphere files using e.g. the following syntax (example):</p><p> ./PPP_$(STATION)_$(DATE).tro</p><p>BNC will produce one daily troposphere file per station to save troposphere parameters from the PPP solution in SINEX Troposphere format. Variable $(STATION) stands for the affected station and $(DATE) stands for the date.</p>"));
     907  _pppWidgets._snxtroSampl->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select a 'Sampling' rate for estimating troposphere paramers.</p>"));
    893909  QVBoxLayout* pppLayout2 = new QVBoxLayout();
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