Changeset 4896 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

Feb 5, 2013, 9:24:22 AM (12 years ago)

Documentation updated

1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r4895 r4896  
    29 Georg Weber<br>
    3029Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)<br>
    3130Department of Geodesy<br>
     31c/o Georg Weber<br>
    3232Frankfurt, Germany<br>
    3333[] or []
    4747BNC includes the following GNU GPL software components:
    49 <li> RTCM 2 decoder, written by Oliver Montenbruck, German Space Operations Center, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany</li>
    50 <li> RTCM 3 decoder for conventional and MSM observation messages and a RTCM 3 encoder & decoder for SSR messages, both written for BKG by Dirk Stoecker, Alberding GmbH, Schoenefeld, Germany</li>
    51 </ul>
    52 </p>
    53 <p>
    54 Note that some figures presented in this documentation show screenshots from earlier version of BNC. If so then there was no relevant change in the contents or no change at all.
     49<li> RTCM 2 decoder, written by Oliver Montenbruck, German Space Operations Center, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany;</li>
     50<li> RTCM 3 decoder for conventional and MSM observation messages and a RTCM 3 encoder & decoder for SSR messages, both written for BKG by Dirk Stoecker, Alberding GmbH, Schoenefeld, Germany.</li>
     54Note that some figures presented in this documentation show screenshots from earlier versions of BNC. If so then there was either no relevant change in the presented contents or no change at all.
    59 Earlier versions of BNC's Help Contents have been proofread by Thomas Yan, NSW Land and Property Information, Australia. He also provides builds of BNC for Mac OS X systems.<br>
    60 Scott Glazier, OmniSTAR Australia has been helpful in finding BNC's bugs.<br>
    61 James Perlt, BKG, helped fixing bugs and redesigned BNC's main window.<br>
    62 Andre Hauschild, German Space Operations Center, DLR, revised the RTCM Version 2 decoder.<br>
    63 Zdenek Lukes, Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy, extended the RTCM Version 2 decoder to handle message types 3, 20, 21, and 22 and added loss of lock indicator.<br>
    64 Jan Dousa, Geodetic Observatory Pecny, Czech Republic, helped with fixing bugs.<br>
     61Thomas Yan, Australian NSW Land and Property Information, proofread earlier versions of BNC's Help Contents. He also provides builds of BNC for Mac OS X systems.
     64Scott Glazier, OmniSTAR Australia, has been helpful in finding BNC bugs.
     67James Perlt, BKG, helped fixing bugs and redesigned BNC's main window.
     70Andre Hauschild, German Space Operations Center, DLR, revised the RTCM Version 2 decoder.
     73Zdenek Lukes, Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy, extended the RTCM Version 2 decoder to handle message types 3, 20, 21, and 22 and added the loss of lock indicator.
     76Jan Dousa, Geodetic Observatory Pecny, Czech Republic, helped with fixing bugs.
    6579Denis Laurichesse, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), suggested synchronizing observations and clock corrections to reduce high frequency noise in PPP solutions.
    7086<p> The purpose of BNC is to
    72 <li>retrieve real-time GNSS data streams available through NTRIP transport protocol,</li>
    73 <li>retrieve real-time GNSS data streams via TCP directly from an IP address without using the NTRIP transport protocol,</li>
    74 <li>retrieve real-time GNSS data streams from a local UDP or serial port without using the NTRIP transport protocol,</li>
    75 <li>generate high-rate RINEX Observation and Navigation files to support near real-time GNSS Post Processing applications,</li>
    76 <li>generate ephemeris and synchronized or unsynchronized observations epoch by epoch through an IP port to support real-time GNSS network engines,</li>
    77 <li>generate clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris through an IP port to support real-time Precise Point Positioning on GNSS rovers,</li>
    78 <li>generate synchronized or unsynchronized clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris epoch by epoch through an IP port to support the (outside) combination of such streams as coming simultaneously from various correction providers,</li>
    79 <li>monitor the performance of a network of real-time GNSS data streams to generate advisory notes in case of outages or corrupted streams,</li>
    80 <li>scan RTCM streams for incoming antenna information as well as message types and their repetition rates,</li>
    81 <li>feed a stream into a GNSS receiver via serial communication link,</li>
    82 <li>carry out a real-time Precise Point Positioning to determine a GNSS rover position,</li>
    83 <li>simultaneously process several Broadcast Correction streams to produce, encode and upload combined Broadcast Corrections,</li>
    84 <li>upload a Broadcast Ephemeris stream in RTCM Version 3 format,</li>
    85 <li>read GNSS clocks and orbits in a plain ASCII format from an IP port - they can be produced by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet and should be referenced to the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system. BNC will then</li>
    86 <ul>
    87 <li>convert the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed clocks and orbits into Broadcast Corrections with radial, along-track and cross-track components,</li>
    88 <li>upload Broadcast Corrections as an RTCM Version 3 stream to an NTRIP Broadcaster,</li>
    89 <li>refer the clock and orbit corrections to a specific reference system,</li>
    90 <li>log the Broadcast Corrections as Clock RINEX files for further processing using other tools than BNC,</li>
    91 <li>log the Broadcast Corrections as SP3 files for further processing using other tools than BNC,</li>
    92 </ul>
    93 <li>edit or concatenate RINEX files or check their quality.</li>
     88<li>Retrieve real-time GNSS data streams available through NTRIP transport protocol;</li>
     89<li>Retrieve real-time GNSS data streams via TCP directly from an IP address without using the NTRIP transport protocol;</li>
     90<li>Retrieve real-time GNSS data streams from a local UDP or serial port without using the NTRIP transport protocol;</li>
     91<li>Generate high-rate RINEX Observation and Navigation files to support near real-time GNSS Post Processing applications;</li>
     92<li>Generate ephemeris and synchronized or unsynchronized observations epoch by epoch through an IP port to support real-time GNSS network engines;</li>
     93<li>Generate orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris through an IP port to support real-time Precise Point Positioning on GNSS rovers;</li>
     94<li>Generate synchronized or unsynchronized orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris epoch by epoch through an IP port to support the (outside) combination of such streams as coming simultaneously from various correction providers;</li>
     95<li>Monitor the performance of a network of real-time GNSS data streams to generate advisory notes in case of outages or corrupted streams;</li>
     96<li>Scan RTCM streams for incoming antenna information as well as observation types and message types and their repetition rates;</li>
     97<li>Feed a stream into a GNSS receiver via serial communication link;</li>
     98<li>Carry out real-time Precise Point Positioning to determine a GNSS rover position;</li>
     99<li>Simultaneously process several Broadcast Correction streams to produce, encode and upload combined Broadcast Corrections;</li>
     100<li>Upload a Broadcast Ephemeris stream in RTCM Version 3 format;</li>
     101<li>Read GNSS orbits and clocks in a plain ASCII format from an IP port. They can be produced by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet and should be referenced to the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system. BNC will then</li>
     103<li>Convert the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed orbits and clocks into Broadcast Corrections with radial, along-track and cross-track components;</li>
     104<li>Upload Broadcast Corrections as an RTCM Version 3 stream to an NTRIP Broadcaster;</li>
     105<li>Refer the orbit and clock corrections to a specific reference system;</li>
     106<li>Log the Broadcast Corrections as Clock RINEX files for further processing using other tools than BNC;</li>
     107<li>Log the Broadcast Corrections as SP3 files for further processing using other tools than BNC;</li>
     109<li>Edit or concatenate RINEX files or check their quality;</li>
     110<li>Plot stream distribution map from NTRIP Broadcaster source-tables.</li>
    102 <li>RTCM Version 2 message types for GPS and GLONASS observations, </li>
    103 <li>RTCM Version 3 'conventional' message types for observations and Broadcast Ephemeris for GPS, GLONASS and Galileo (RTCM draft),</li>
    104 <li>RTCM Version 3 'State Space Representation' (SSR) messages for GPS and GLONASS,</li>
    105 <li>RTNET, a plain ASCII format defined within BNC to receive orbits and clock from a serving GNSS engine.
    106 </ul>
    107 </p>
    109 <p>
    110 Note that up to now decoding RTCM Version 3 'Multiple Signal Messages' (MSM) and 'High Precision Multiple Signal Messages' (HP MSM) in BNC for
    111 <ul>
    112 <li>GPS, GLONASS and Galileo follows the latest RTCM draft,</li>
    113 <li>QZSS follows a JAXA proposal,</li>
    114 <li>X tracking mode follows an agreement between BKG, Alberding and DLR,</li>
    115 <li>BeiDou follows an agreement between BKG, Alberding and DLR,</li>
    116 <li>SBAS follows an agreement between BKG, Alberding and DLR.</li>
     119<li>RTCM Version 2 message types for GPS and GLONASS observations; </li>
     120<li>RTCM Version 3 'conventional' message types for observations and Broadcast Ephemeris for GPS, GLONASS and Galileo (draft);</li>
     121<li>RTCM Version 3 'State Space Representation' (SSR) messages for GPS and GLONASS;</li>
     122<li>RTCM Version 3 'Multiple Signal Messages' (MSM) and 'High Precision Multiple Signal Messages' (HP MSM) including X-type observations for GPS, GLONASS and Galileo;</li>
     123<li>RTNET, a plain ASCII format defined within BNC to receive orbits and clocks from a serving GNSS engine.
     128Note that while BNC decodes RTCM's MSM and HP MSM messages for GPS, GLONASS and Galileo, the implemented decoding of
     130<li>QZSS follows a JAXA proposal;</li>
     131<li>BeiDou and SBAS follows an agreement between BKG, Alberding and DLR.</li>
    148163Although BNC is mainly a real-time tool to be operated online, it can be run offline
    150 <li>to simulate real-time observation situations for debugging purposes,</li>
    151 <li>for Post Processing purposes.</li>
     165<li>To simulate real-time observation situations for debugging purposes;</li>
     166<li>For Post Processing purposes.</li>
    153168Furthermore, apart from its regular window mode, BNC can be run as a batch/background job in a 'no window' mode using processing options from a previously saved configuration or from command line.
    159 <li>requires access to the Internet with a minimum of about 2 to 6 kbits/sec per stream depending on the stream format and the number of visible satellites. You need to make sure that the connection can sustain the required bandwidth.</li>
    160 <li>requires the clock of the host computer to be properly synchronized.</li>
    161 <li>has the capacity to retrieve hundreds of GNSS data streams simultaneously. Please be aware that such usage may incur a heavy load on the NTRIP Broadcaster side depending on the number of streams requested. We recommend limiting the number of streams where possible to avoid unnecessary workload.</li>
     174<li>Requires access to the Internet with a minimum of about 2 to 6 kbits/sec per stream depending on the stream format and the number of visible satellites. You need to make sure that the connection can sustain the required bandwidth;</li>
     175<li>Requires the clock of the host computer to be properly synchronized;</li>
     176<li>Has the capacity to retrieve hundreds of GNSS data streams simultaneously. Please be aware that such usage may incur a heavy load on the NTRIP Broadcaster side depending on the number of streams requested. We recommend limiting the number of streams where possible to avoid unnecessary workload.</li>
    180 The usual handling of BNC is that you first select a number of streams ('Add Stream'). Any stream configured to BNC shows up on the 'Streams' canvas in the middle of BNC's main window. You then go through BNC's various configuration tabs to select a combination of input, processing and output options before you start the program ('Start'). Most configuration tabs are dedicated to a certain functionality of BNC. If the first option field on such a configuration tab is empty, the affected functionality is - apart from a few exceptions -  deactivated.</p>
     195The usual handling of BNC is that you first select a number of streams ('Add Stream'). Any stream configured to BNC shows up on the 'Streams' canvas in the middle of BNC's main window. You then go through BNC's various configuration tabs to select a combination of input, processing and output options before you start the program ('Start'). Most configuration tabs are dedicated to a certain functionality of BNC. If the first option field on such a configuration tab is empty, the affected functionality is - apart from a few exceptions - deactivated.</p>
    182197Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Log' tab. The bandwidth consumption per stream, the latency of incoming observations and a PPP time series for coordinates are shown in the 'Throughput', 'Latency' and 'PPP Plot' tabs of the main window.
    599614<br>- &nbsp; COMMENT
    600615<br>line describing the source of the stream.</li>
    603616<li>They should finally contain an empty header record of type
    604617<br>- &nbsp; END OF HEADER (last record)</li>
    606 <li>They must not contain a header record of type</li>
    607 <br>- &nbsp; TIME OF FIRST OBS
     619<li>They must not contain a header record of type
     620<br>- &nbsp; TIME OF FIRST OBS</li>
    644 The triggering event for calling the script or batch file is the end of a RINEX Observation  file 'Interval'. If that is overridden by a stream outage, the triggering event is the stream reconnection.
     657The triggering event for calling the script or batch file is the end of a RINEX Observation file 'Interval'. If that is overridden by a stream outage, the triggering event is the stream reconnection.
    731744<p>Optionally you may specify a comment line text to be added to the emerging new RINEX file header. Any introduction of a newline through '\n' in this enforces the beginning of a further comment line. Comment line(s) will be added to the header immediately after the 'PGM / RUN BY / DATE' record. Default is an empty option field, meaning that no additional comment line will be added to the RINEX header.</p>
    732   <p>Specifying a 'RUN BY' string to be included in the emerging new RINEX file header is another option. Default is an empty option field meaning the operator's ID is automatically used as 'RUN BY' string.</p>
     746<p>Specifying a 'RUN BY' string to be included in the emerging new RINEX file header is another option. Default is an empty option field meaning the operator's ID is automatically used as 'RUN BY' string.</p>
    734748If you specify a 'New' but no 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will be filled accordingly. If you in addition specify an 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will only be filled accordingly where 'Old' specifications match existing file contents.
    795809where &lt;keyName&gt; stands for the name of an option contained in the configuration file and &lt;keyValue&gt; stands for the value you want to assign to it. This functionality may be helpful in the 'RINEX Editing & QC' context when running BNC on a routine basis for maintaining a RINEX file archive.
    797 The following example for a Linux platform calls BNC in 'no window' mode with a local configuration file 'rnx.conf' for concatenating four 15min RINEX files residing in the local directory to produce an hourly RINEX Version 3 file with 30 seconds sampling interval:
     811The following example for a Linux platform calls BNC in 'no window' mode with a local configuration file 'rnx.conf' for concatenating four 15min RINEX files from station TLSE residing in the local directory to produce an hourly RINEX Version 3 file with 30 seconds sampling interval:
    858 RTCM has developed Version 3 messages to transport satellite clock and orbit corrections in real-time. The current set of SSR messages concerns:
     872RTCM has developed Version 3 messages to transport satellite orbit and clock corrections in real-time. The current set of SSR messages concerns:
    860874<li>Orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris</li>
    12911305<p><a name="advreco"><h4>3.10.3 Recovery Threshold - optional</h4></p>
    1293 Once a 'Begin_Failure' or 'Begin_Corrupted' event has been reported, BNC will check for when the stream again becomes available or uncorrupted. Event 'End_Failure' or 'End_Corrupted' will be reported as soon as valid observations are again detected continuously throughout the 'Recovery threshold' time span. The default value is set to 5 minutes and is recommended so not to inundate users with too many event reports. 
     1307Once a 'Begin_Failure' or 'Begin_Corrupted' event has been reported, BNC will check for when the stream again becomes available or uncorrupted. Event 'End_Failure' or 'End_Corrupted' will be reported as soon as valid observations are again detected continuously throughout the 'Recovery threshold' time span. The default value is set to 5 minutes and is recommended so not to inundate users with too many event reports.
    1806 With respect to IGS, it is important to understand that a major effect in the combination of GNSS orbit and clock correction streams is the selection of ACs to include. It is likely that a combination product could be improved in accuracy by using only the best two or three ACs. However, with only a few  ACs to depend on, the reliability of the combination product could suffer and the risk of total failures increases. So there is an important tradeoff here that must be considered when selecting streams for a combination. The major strength of a combination product is its reliability and stable median performance which can be much better than that of any single AC product.
     1820With respect to IGS, it is important to understand that a major effect in the combination of GNSS orbit and clock correction streams is the selection of ACs to include. It is likely that a combination product could be improved in accuracy by using only the best two or three ACs. However, with only a few ACs to depend on, the reliability of the combination product could suffer and the risk of total failures increases. So there is an important tradeoff here that must be considered when selecting streams for a combination. The major strength of a combination product is its reliability and stable median performance which can be much better than that of any single AC product.
    1827 Note that BNC can produce an internal PPP solution from combined Broadcast Corrections. For that you have to  specify the keyword 'INTERNAL' as 'Corrections Mountpoint' in the PPP (1) panel.
     1841Note that BNC can produce an internal PPP solution from combined Broadcast Corrections. For that you have to specify the keyword 'INTERNAL' as 'Corrections Mountpoint' in the PPP (1) panel.
    18791893<p><a name="combismpl"><h4> Sampling - mandatory if 'Combine Corrections' table is populated</h4></p>
    1880 <p>Specify a combination sampling interval. Clock and orbit corrections will be produced following that interval. A value of 10 sec may be an appropriate choice.</p>
     1894<p>Specify a combination sampling interval. orbit and clock corrections will be produced following that interval. A value of 10 sec may be an appropriate choice.</p>
    18891903or generated by BNC while the program receives an ASCII stream of precise satellite orbits and clocks via IP port from a connected real-time GNSS engine. Such a stream would be expected in a plain ASCII format and the associated 'decoder' string would have to be 'RTNET', see format description below. </li>
    1891 The procedure taken by BNC to generate the clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris and upload them to an NTRIP Broadcaster is as follow:
     1905The procedure taken by BNC to generate the orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris and upload them to an NTRIP Broadcaster is as follow:
    18931907<li>Continuously receive up-to-date Broadcast Ephemeris carrying approximate orbits and clocks for all satellites. Read new Broadcast Ephemeris immediately whenever they become available. This information may come via a stream of RTCM messages generated from another BNC instance.</li>
    18951909Then, epoch by epoch:
    1897 <li>Continuously receive the best available clock and orbit estimates for all satellites in XYZ Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed IGS08 reference system. Receive them every epoch in plain ASCII format as provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet or generate them following a combination approach. </li>
     1911<li>Continuously receive the best available orbit and clock estimates for all satellites in XYZ Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed IGS08 reference system. Receive them every epoch in plain ASCII format as provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet or generate them following a combination approach. </li>
    18981912<li>Calculate XYZ coordinates from Broadcast Ephemeris orbits. </li>
    18991913<li>Calculate differences dX,dY,dZ between Broadcast Ephemeris and IGS08 orbits. </li>
    19001914<li>Transform these differences into radial, along-track and cross-track corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris orbits. </li>
    19011915<li>Calculate corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as differences between Broadcast Ephemeris clocks and IGS08 clocks. </li>
    1902 <li>Encode Broadcast Ephemeris clock and orbit corrections in RTCM Version 3 format. </li>
     1916<li>Encode Broadcast Ephemeris orbit and clock corrections in RTCM Version 3 format. </li>
    19031917<li>Upload Broadcast Corrections stream to NTRIP Broadcaster. </li>
    1915 BNC requires GNSS clocks and orbits in the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system and in a specific ASCII format. The clocks and orbits must be referred to satellite Center of Mass (CoM) and must not contain the conventional periodic relativistic effect. They may be provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet. The sampling interval for data transmission should not exceed 15 sec. Note that otherwise tools involved in IP streaming such as NTRIP Broadcasters or NTRIP Clients may respond with a timeout.
    1916 </p>
    1918 <p>
    1919 Below you find an example of precise clocks and orbits coming in ASCII format (which is named 'RTNET' in this document) from a real-time GNSS engine. Each epoch starts with an asterisk character followed by the time as year, month, day of month, hour, minute and second. Subsequent records provide the following set of parameters for each satellite:
     1929BNC requires GNSS orbits and clocks in the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system and in a specific ASCII format. The orbits and clocks must be referred to satellite Center of Mass (CoM) and must not contain the conventional periodic relativistic effect. They may be provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet. The sampling interval for data transmission should not exceed 15 sec. Note that otherwise tools involved in IP streaming such as NTRIP Broadcasters or NTRIP Clients may respond with a timeout.
     1933Below you find an example of precise orbits and clocks coming in ASCII format (which is named 'RTNET' in this document) from a real-time GNSS engine. Each epoch starts with an asterisk character followed by the time as year, month, day of month, hour, minute and second. Subsequent records provide the following set of parameters for each satellite:
    19882002<p><a name="upsystem"><h4>3.14.3 System - mandatory if 'Host' is set</h4></p>
    1990 BNC allows to configure several Broadcast Correction streams for upload so that they refer to different reference systems and different NTRIP Broadcasters. You may use this functionality for parallel support of a backup NTRIP Broadcaster or for simultaneous support of several reference systems. Available options for referring clock and orbit corrections to specific target reference systems are
     2004BNC allows to configure several Broadcast Correction streams for upload so that they refer to different reference systems and different NTRIP Broadcasters. You may use this functionality for parallel support of a backup NTRIP Broadcaster or for simultaneous support of several reference systems. Available options for referring orbit and clock corrections to specific target reference systems are
    2011 <u>IGS08:</u> As the clocks and orbits coming from real-time GNSS engine are expected to be in the IGS08 system, no transformation is carried out if this option is selected.
     2025<u>IGS08:</u> As the orbits and clocks coming from real-time GNSS engine are expected to be in the IGS08 system, no transformation is carried out if this option is selected.
    26422656<td>Dec 2008 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 1.6 &nbsp;</td>
    2643 <td>[Mod] Fill blank columns in RINEXv3 with 0.000<br> [Add] RTCMv3 decoder for clock and orbit corrections<br>[Add] Check RTCMv3 streams for incoming message types<br> [Add] Decode RTCMv2 message types 3, 20, 21, and 22<br> [Add] Loss of lock and lock time indicator<br> [Bug] Rounding error in RTCMv3 decoder concerning GLONASS height<br> [Mod] Accept GLONASS in RTCMv3 when transmitted first<br> [Add] Leap second 1 January 2009<br> [Add] Offline mode, read data from file<br> [Add] Output antenna descriptor, coordinates and eccentricities from RTCMv3<br> [Add] Reconfiguration on-the-fly<br> [Mod] Binary output of synchronized observations<br> [Add] Binary output of unsynchronized observations<br> [Bug] Fixed problem with joined RTCMv3 blocks</td>
     2657<td>[Mod] Fill blank columns in RINEXv3 with 0.000<br> [Add] RTCMv3 decoder for orbit and clock corrections<br>[Add] Check RTCMv3 streams for incoming message types<br> [Add] Decode RTCMv2 message types 3, 20, 21, and 22<br> [Add] Loss of lock and lock time indicator<br> [Bug] Rounding error in RTCMv3 decoder concerning GLONASS height<br> [Mod] Accept GLONASS in RTCMv3 when transmitted first<br> [Add] Leap second 1 January 2009<br> [Add] Offline mode, read data from file<br> [Add] Output antenna descriptor, coordinates and eccentricities from RTCMv3<br> [Add] Reconfiguration on-the-fly<br> [Mod] Binary output of synchronized observations<br> [Add] Binary output of unsynchronized observations<br> [Bug] Fixed problem with joined RTCMv3 blocks</td>
    26922706<td>Apr 2011 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.6 &nbsp;</td>
    2693 <td>[Add] Complete integration of BNS in BNC<br> [Add] SP3 and Clock RINEX output<br> [Add] PPP in Post Processing Mode<br> [Add] Some RINEX editing & QC functionality<br> [Add] Threshold for orbit outliers in combination solution<br> [Add] Real-time engine becomes orbit/clock server instead of client<br> [Mod] 'EOE' added to orbit/clock stream from engine<br> [Add] Correction for antenna eccentricities<br> [Add] Quick start mode for PPP<br> [Mod] Design of format for feeding engine changed to follow RINEX v3<br> [Mod] Implementation of SSR message encoding modified according to standard<br> [Add] SSL/TLS Support of NTRIP Version 2<br> [Mod] Switch to Qt version 4.7.3<br> [Add] RINEX editing, concatenation and quality check<br> [Add] Reading all configuration options from command line<br> [Mod] RTCMv3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1045<br> [Mod] Change default configuration file suffix from 'ini' to 'bnc'<br> [Add] Specific rates for orbits and clocks  in streams and SP3/RNX files</td>
     2707<td>[Add] Complete integration of BNS in BNC<br> [Add] SP3 and Clock RINEX output<br> [Add] PPP in Post Processing Mode<br> [Add] Some RINEX editing & QC functionality<br> [Add] Threshold for orbit outliers in combination solution<br> [Add] Real-time engine becomes orbit/clock server instead of client<br> [Mod] 'EOE' added to orbit/clock stream from engine<br> [Add] Correction for antenna eccentricities<br> [Add] Quick start mode for PPP<br> [Mod] Design of format for feeding engine changed to follow RINEX v3<br> [Mod] Implementation of SSR message encoding modified according to standard<br> [Add] SSL/TLS Support of NTRIP Version 2<br> [Mod] Switch to Qt version 4.7.3<br> [Add] RINEX editing, concatenation and quality check<br> [Add] Reading all configuration options from command line<br> [Mod] RTCMv3 Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris message 1045<br> [Mod] Change default configuration file suffix from 'ini' to 'bnc'<br> [Add] Specific rates for orbits and clocks in streams and SP3/RNX files</td>
    27372751NTRIP is an open none-proprietary protocol. Major characteristics of NTRIP's dissemination technique are:
    2739 <li>Based on the popular HTTP streaming standard; comparatively easy to implement when having limited client and server platform resources available.</li>
    2740 <li>Application not limited to one particular plain or coded stream content; ability to distribute any kind of GNSS data.</li>
    2741 <li>Potential to support mass usage; disseminating hundreds of streams simultaneously for thousands of users possible when applying modified Internet Radio broadcasting software.</li>
    2742 <li>Considering security needs; stream providers and users don't necessarily get into contact, streams often not blocked by firewalls or proxy servers protecting Local Area Networks.</li>
     2753<li>Based on the popular HTTP streaming standard; comparatively easy to implement when having limited client and server platform resources available;</li>
     2754<li>Application not limited to one particular plain or coded stream content; ability to distribute any kind of GNSS data;</li>
     2755<li>Potential to support mass usage; disseminating hundreds of streams simultaneously for thousands of users possible when applying modified Internet Radio broadcasting software;</li>
     2756<li>Considering security needs; stream providers and users don't necessarily get into contact, streams often not blocked by firewalls or proxy servers protecting Local Area Networks;</li>
    27432757<li>Enables streaming over mobile IP networks because of using TCP/IP.</li>
    2768 <li>cleared and fixed design problems and HTTP protocol violations;</li>
    2769 <li>replaced non standard directives;</li>
    2770 <li>chunked transfer encoding;</li>
    2771 <li>improvements in header records;</li>
    2772 <li>source-table filtering;</li>
     2782<li>Cleared and fixed design problems and HTTP protocol violations;</li>
     2783<li>Replaced non standard directives;</li>
     2784<li>Chunked transfer encoding;</li>
     2785<li>Improvements in header records;</li>
     2786<li>Source-table filtering;</li>
    27732787<li>RTSP communication.</li>
    28352849<li>Type 1012, GLONASS L1 and L2 code and phase and ambiguities and carrier to noise ratio.</li>
    28362850<li>Type 1013, Modified julian date, leap second, configured message types and interval.</li>
    2837 <li>Type 1014 and 1017, Network RTK (MAK) messages (under development).</li>
     2851<li>Type 1014 and 1017, Network RTK (MAK) messages.</li>
    28382852<li>Type 1019, GPS ephemeris.</li>
    28392853<li>Type 1020, GLONASS ephemeris.</li>
    2840 <li>Type 4088 and 4095, Proprietary messages (under development).
    2841 </li>
    2842 </ul>
    2843 </p>
    2845 <p>
    2846 The following is proposed Galileo Navigation Message under discussion for standardization:
     2854<li>Type 4088 and 4095, Proprietary messages.
     2860The following is a proposed Galileo Navigation Message under discussion for standardization:
    28482862<li>Type 1045, Galileo ephemeris.</li>
    2871 <p>
    2872 The following are proposed 'Multiple Signal Messages' (MSM) under discussion for standardization:
     2885The following are so-called 'Multiple Signal Messages' (MSM):
    28742887<li>Type 1071, Compact GPS pseudo-ranges</li>
    28922905<li>Type 1095, Full Galileo pseudo-ranges, carrier phases, Doppler and signal strength</li>
    28932906<li>Type 1096, Full Galileo pseudo-ranges and carrier phases plus signal strength (high resolution)</li>
    2894 <li>Type 1097, Full Galileo pseudo-ranges, carrier phases, Doppler and signal strength (high resolution)<br><br></li>
     2907<li>Type 1097, Full Galileo pseudo-ranges, carrier phases, Doppler and signal strength (high resolution)</li>
     2912The following are proposed 'Multiple Signal Messages' (MSM) under discussion for standardization:
    28952914<li>Type 1101, Compact SBAS pseudo-ranges</li>
    28962915<li>Type 1102, Compact SBAS carrier phases</li>
    29192938<p><a name="config"><h4>5.3. Configuration Examples</h4></p>
    2921 <p>BNC comes with a number of configuration examples which can be used on all operating systems. There are two ways to start BNC using one of these files:
    2922 <ul>
    2923 <li> On graphical systems you may use the computer mouse to 'drag' a configuration file icon and 'drop' it on top of BNC's program icon.
    2924 </li>
    2925 <li> On non-graphical systems you may start BNC using a command line with the following option for a configuration file (example for Windows systems):<br>bnc.exe --conf &lt;configFileName&gt;
    2926 </li>
    2927 </ul>
    2928 Presented example configuration files contain a user ID 'user' and a password 'pass' for accessing streams from various NTRIP Broadcasters. Replace these account details by a the personal user ID and password you receive following an online registration through <u></u>.
    2929 </p>
    2930 <p>
    2931 Note that the account for an NTRIP Broadcaster is usually limited to pulling a certain maximum number of streams at the same time. As running some of the example configurations requires pulling several streams, it is suggested to make sure that you don't exceed your account's limits.
    2932 </p>
    2933 <p>
    2934 Make also sure that directories which are part of the example configurations exist on your system or adjust the affected configuration options according to your needs.
    2935 </p>
    2936 <p>
    2937 Some BNC options require antenna phase center variations as made available from IGS through so-called ANTEX files at <u></u>. An example ANTEX file is also part of the BNC package for convenience.
    2938 </p>
    2939 <p>
    2940 The example configurations assume that no proxy protects your BNC host. Should a proxy be operated in front of BNC then you need to introduce its IP and port in the 'Network' tab.
     2941BNC comes with a number of configuration examples which can be used on all operating systems. Copy the complete directory 'Example_Configs' which comes with the software including sub-directories 'Input' and 'Output' to your disc. There are two ways to start BNC using one of the example configurations:
     2945On graphical systems (except for Mac systems) you may use the computer mouse to 'drag' a configuration file icon and 'drop' it on top of BNC's program icon.
     2948On non-graphical systems you may start BNC using a command line with the following option for a configuration file (example for Windows systems):<br>
     2949bnc.exe --conf <configFileName> --nw
     2953Although it's not a must, we suggest that you always create BNC configuration files with the file name extension '.bnc'.
     2957We furthermore suggest for convenience reasons that you configure your system to automatically start BNC when you double-click a file with the file name extension '.bnc'. The following describes what to do on Windows systems to associate the BNC program to such configuration files:
    29432960<ol type=b>
     2961<li>Right-click a file that has the extension '.bnc' and then click 'Open'. If the 'Open' command is not available, click 'Open With' or double-click the file.</li>
     2962<li>Windows displays a dialog box that says that the system cannot open this file. The dialog box offers several options for selecting a program.</li>
     2963<li>Click 'Select the program from a list', and then click 'OK'.</li>
     2964<li>The 'Open With' dialog box is displayed. Click 'Browse', locate and then click the BNC program, and then click 'Open'.</li>
     2965<li>Click to select the 'Always use the selected program to open this kind of file' check box.</li>
     2966<li>Click 'OK'.</li>
     2970Some of the presented example configuration files contain a user ID 'Example' with a password 'Configs' for accessing a few GNSS streams from public Ntrip Broadcasters. This generic account is arranged for convenience reasons only. Please be so kind as to replace the generic account details as well as the place holders 'User' and 'Pass' by the personal user ID and password you receive following an online registration through <u></u>.
     2974Note that the account for an Ntrip Broadcaster is usually limited to pulling a specified maximum number of streams at the same time. As running some of the example configurations requires pulling several streams, it is suggested to make sure that you don't exceed your account's limits.
     2978Make also sure that sub-directories 'Input' and 'Output' which are part of the example configurations exist on your system or adjust the affected example configuration options according to your needs.
     2982Some BNC options require antenna phase center variations as made available from IGS through so-called ANTEX files at <u></u>. An example ANTEX file 'igs08.atx' is part of the BNC package for convenience.
     2986The example configurations assume that no proxy protects your BNC host. Should a proxy be operated in front of BNC then you need to introduce its IP and port in the 'Network' tab.
     2990You should be able to run all configuration examples without changing their options. However, configurations 'Upload.bnc' and 'UploadPPP.bnc' are exceptions because they require an input stream from a connected network engine.
     2992<ol type=b>
    29452994<li>File 'RinexObs.bnc'<br>
    2946 The purpose of this configuration is to convert RTCM streams to RINEX Observation files. The configuration pulls streams from several Ntrip Broadcasters using different Ntrip versions and generate 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 3 Observation files. See for observation stream resources.
     2995The purpose of this configuration is showing how to convert RTCM streams to RINEX Observation files. The configuration pulls one stream from an Ntrip Broadcasters using Ntrip version 1 to generate a 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 3 Observation file. See for observation stream resources.
    29492998<li>File 'RinexEph.bnc'<br>
    2950 The purpose of this configuration is to convert RTCM streams to RINEX Navigation files. The configuration pulls an RTCM Version 3 stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris coming from the real-time EUREF and IGS network. It saves hourly RINEX Version 3 Navigation files. See for further real-time Broadcast Ephemeris resources.
     2999The purpose of this configuration is showing how to convert a RTCM stream carrying navigation messages to a RINEX Navigation files. The configuration pulls an RTCM Version 3 stream with Broadcast Ephemeris coming from the real-time EUREF and IGS networks. It saves hourly RINEX Version 3 Navigation files. See for further real-time Broadcast Ephemeris resources.
    29533002<li>File 'SSR.bnc'<br>
    2954 The purpose of this configuration is to save Broadcast Corrections from RTCM SSR messages in a plain ASCII format as hourly files. See for further real-time IGS or EUREF orbit/clock products. 
     3003The purpose of this configuration is to save Broadcast Corrections from RTCM SSR messages in a plain ASCII format as hourly files. See for further real-time IGS or EUREF orbit/clock products.
    29573006<li>File 'RinexConcat.bnc'<br>
    29583007The purpose of this configuration is to concatenate RINEX Version 3 files to produce a concatenated file and edit the marker name in the file header. The sampling interval is set to 30 seconds. See section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for examples on how to call BNC from command line in 'no window' mode for RINEX file editing, concatenation and quality checks.
    29653014<li>File 'RTK.bnc'<br>
    2966 The purpose of this configuration is to feed a serial connected receiver with observations from a reference station for conventional RTK. The stream is scanned for RTCM messages. Message type numbers and latencies of incoming observation are reported in BNC's logfile.  
     3015The purpose of this configuration is to feed a serial connected receiver with observations from a reference station for conventional RTK. The stream is scanned for RTCM messages. Message type numbers and latencies of incoming observation are reported in BNC's logfile.
    29693018<li>File 'FeedEngine.bnc'<br>
    2970 The purpose of this configuration is to feed a real-time GNSS engine with observations from a number of remote reference stations. The configuration pulls streams provided in various formats from different Ntrip Broadcasters. Incoming observations are decoded, synchronized and output through a local IP port and saved into a file. Failure and recovery thresholds are specified to inform about outages.
     3019The purpose of this configuration is to feed a real-time GNSS engine with observations from a remote reference stations. The configuration pulls a single streams from an NTRIP Broadcasters. It would of course be possible to pull several streams from differenc casters. Incoming observations are decoded, synchronized and output through a local IP port and saved into a file. Failure and recovery thresholds are specified to inform about outages.
    29733022<li>File 'PPP.bnc'<br>
    2974 The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning from observations of a rover receiver. The configuration reads RTCM Version 3 observations, a stream of Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream. Positions are saved in the logfile.
     3023The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning from observations of a rover receiver. The configuration reads RTCM Version 3 observations, a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a stream with Broadcast Corrections. Positions are saved in the logfile.
    29773026<li>File 'PPPQuickStart.bnc'<br>
    2978 The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a static receiver with precisely known position. The configuration reads RTCM Version 3 observations, Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream. Positions are saved in NMEA format on disc.  Positions are also output through IP port for real-time visualization with tools like RTKPLOT.
     3027The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a static receiver with precisely known position. The configuration reads RTCM Version 3 observations, Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream. Positions are saved in NMEA format on disc. Positions are also output through IP port for real-time visualization with tools like RTKPLOT. POsitions are also saved in the logfile.
    29813030<li>File 'PPPPostProc.bnc'<br>
    2982 The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in Post
     3031The purpose of this configuration is Precise Point Positioning in Post Processing mode. BNC reads a RINEX Observation and a RINEX Version 3 Navigation files and a Broadcast Corrections files. PPP processing otions are set to support the Quick-Start mode. The output is saved in a specific Post Processing logfile and contains the coordinates derived over time following the implemented PPP filter algorithm.
    2984 Processing mode. BNC reads a RINEX Observation and a RINEX Version 3 Navigation files and a Broadcast Corrections files. PPP processing otions are set to support the Quick-Start mode. The output is saved in a specific Post Processing logfile and contains the coordinates derived over time following the implemented PPP filter algorithm.
    29863034<li>File 'SPPQuickStartGal.bnc'<br>
    2987 The purpose of this configuration is Single Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a static receiver with precisely known position. The configuration uses GPS, GLONASS and Galileo observertions and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream. 
     3035The purpose of this configuration is Single Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a static receiver with precisely known position. The configuration uses GPS, GLONASS and Galileo observertions and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream.
    29903038<li>File 'Sp3.bnc'<br>
    2991 The purpose of this configuraiton is to produce SP3 files from a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a Broadcast Corrections stream. Note that this requires an ANTEX file because SP3 file contents should be referred to CoM.
     3039The purpose of this configuraiton is to produce SP3 files from a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a Broadcast Corrections stream. The Broadcast Corrections stream is formally introduced in BNC's 'Combine Corrections' table. Note that producing SP3 requires an ANTEX file because SP3 file contents should be referred to CoM.
    29983046<li>File 'Upload.bnc'<br>
    2999 The purpose of this configuration is to upload orbits and clocks from a real-time GNSS engine to an Ntrip Broadcaster. For that the configuration reads precise orbits and clocks in RTNET format. It also reads a stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris. BNC converts the orbits and clocks into Broadcast Corrections and encodes them in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages to uploads them to an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Corrections stream is referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC) and IGS08. Orbits are saved on disk in SP3 format and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
     3047The purpose of this configuration is to upload orbits and clocks from a real-time GNSS engine to an NTRIP Broadcaster. For that the configuration reads precise orbits and clocks in RTNET format. It also reads a stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris. BNC converts the orbits and clocks into Broadcast Corrections and encodes them in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages to uploads them to an NTRIP Broadcaster. The Broadcast Corrections stream is referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC) and IGS08. Orbits are saved on disk in SP3 format and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    30023050<li>File 'UploadPPP.bnc'<br>
    3003 This configuration equals the 'Upload.bnc' configuration. However, the Broadcast Corrections are in addition used for an 'INTERNAL' PPP soltution based on observations from a static reference station with known precise coordinates. This allows a continuous quality check of the Broadcast Corrections through observing coordinate displacements. 
     3051This configuration equals the 'Upload.bnc' configuration. However, the Broadcast Corrections are in addition used for an 'INTERNAL' PPP soltution based on observations from a static reference station with known precise coordinates. This allows a continuous quality check of the Broadcast Corrections through observing coordinate displacements.
    30063054<li>File 'Combi.bnc'<br>
    3007 The purpose of this configuration is to pull several streams carrying Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from an Ntrip Broadcaster to produce a combined Broadcast Corrections stream. BNC encodes the combination product in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages and uploads that to an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Corrections stream is not referred to satellite Center of Mass (CoM). It is referred to IGS08. Orbits are saved in SP3 format and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
     3055The purpose of this configuration is to pull several streams carrying Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from an NTRIP Broadcaster to produce a combined Broadcast Corrections stream. BNC encodes the combination product in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages and uploads that to an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Corrections stream is not referred to satellite Center of Mass (CoM). It is referred to IGS08. Orbits are saved in SP3 format and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    30363084<tr><td>proxyPort=</td><td>Network: Proxy port</td></tr>
    30373085<tr><td>sslCaCertPath=</td><td>Network: Path to SSL certificates</td></tr>
    3038 <tr><td>ignoreSslErrors=0</td><td>Network: Ignore ssl authorization errors</td></tr>
     3086<tr><td>ignoreSslErrors=</td><td>Network: Ignore ssl authorization errors</td></tr>
    30403088<tr><td>logFile=</td><td>General: Logfile (full path)</td></tr>
    30983146<tr><td>nmeaFile=</td><td>PPP Client: NMEA outputfile</td></tr>
    30993147<tr><td>nmeaPort=</td><td>PPP Client: NMEA IP output port</td></tr>
    3100 <tr><td>pppPlotCoordinates=0</td><td>PPP Client: Plot NEU time series</td></tr>
     3148<tr><td>pppPlotCoordinates=</td><td>PPP Client: Plot NEU time series</td></tr>
    31013149<tr><td>postObsFile=</td><td>PPP Client: Observations file</td></tr>
    31023150<tr><td>postNavFile=</td><td>PPP Client: Navigation file</td></tr>
    31113159<tr><td>pppSync=</td><td>PPP Client: Sync observations and corrections</td></tr>
    31123160<tr><td>pppAverage=</td><td>PPP Client: Lenght of time window for moving average</td></tr>
    3113 <tr><td>pppQuickStart=200</td><td>PPP Client: Quick-Start period</td></tr>
     3161<tr><td>pppQuickStart=</td><td>PPP Client: Quick-Start period</td></tr>
    31143162<tr><td>pppMaxSolGap=</td><td>PPP Client: Maximal Solution Gap</td></tr>
    31153163<tr><td>pppSigmaCode=</td><td>PPP Client: Sigma for Code observations</td></tr>
    31393187<tr><td>reqcNewAntennaName=</td><td>Reqc: New antenna</td></tr>
    31403188<tr><td>reqcOldReceiverName=</td><td>Reqc: Old receiver</td></tr>
    3141 <tr><td>reqcNewReceiverName=</td><td>Reqc:  New receiver</td></tr>
     3189<tr><td>reqcNewReceiverName=</td><td>Reqc: New receiver</td></tr>
    31433191<tr><td>combineStreams=</td><td>Combination: List of correction streams</td></tr>
    3180 <li>'mountPoints' to change the selection of streams to be processed, see section 'Streams',</li>
    3181 <li>'waitTime' to change the 'Wait for full obs epoch' option, see section 'Feed Engine', and</li>
     3228<li>'mountPoints' to change the selection of streams to be processed, see section 'Streams';</li>
     3229<li>'waitTime' to change the 'Wait for full obs epoch' option, see section 'Feed Engine';</li>
    31823230<li>'binSampl' to change the 'Sampling' option, see section 'Feed Engine'.</li>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.