Changeset 4568 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

Aug 28, 2012, 4:06:27 PM (13 years ago)

Documentation updated

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r4552 r4568  
    697697<p><img src="IMG/screenshot29.png"/></p>
    698 <p><u>Figure 9:</u> Example for RINEX quality check output with BNC in Post Processing mode. A multipath analysis is presented in terms of a sky plot.</p>
     698<p><u>Figure 9:</u> Example for RINEX quality check output with BNC in Post Processing mode. A multipath and a signal-to-noise ratio analysis are presented in terms a sky plot.</p>
    700700<p><a name="reqcplots"><h4>3.6.5 Directory for Plots - optional if 'Action' is set</h4></p>
    728 <p>The following Linux command line produces RINEX QC multipath plots offline in 'no window' mode and saves them in directory '/home/user'. Introducing a dummy configuration file /dev/null makes sure that no configuration options previously saved on disc are used:</p>
     728<p>The following Linux command line produces RINEX QC multipath and signal-to-noise ratio plots offline in 'no window' mode and saves them in directory '/home/user'. Introducing a dummy configuration file /dev/null makes sure that no configuration options previously saved on disc are used:</p>
    730730/home/user/bnc --conf /dev/null --key reqcAction Analyze --key reqcObsFile CUT02070.12O --key reqcNavFile BRDC2070.12P --key reqcOutLogFile CUT0.txt --key reqcPlotDir /home/user --nw
    733 <p>The following Linux command line produces the same RINEX QC multipath plots in interactive autoStart mode:</p>
     733<p>The following Linux command line produces the same RINEX QC multipath and signal-to-noise ratio plots in interactive autoStart mode:</p>
    735735/home/user/bnc --conf /dev/null --key reqcAction Analyze --key reqcObsFile CUT02070.12O --key reqcNavFile BRDC2070.12P --key reqcOutLogFile CUT0.txt --key --key startTab 4 --key autoStart 2
    747747<tr><td>reqcNavFile</td><td>RINEX Navigation input files(s)</td></tr>
    748748<tr><td>reqcOutObsFile</td><td>RINEX Observation output file</td></tr>
    749 <tr><td>reqcPlotDir</td><td>RINEX QC multipath plot directory</td></tr>
     749<tr><td>reqcPlotDir</td><td>RINEX QC plot directory</td></tr>
    750750<tr><td>reqcOutNavFile</td><td>RINEX Navigation output file</td></tr>
    24012401least a virtual X-Server such as 'Xvfb' is installed and the '-display' option
    24022402is used. The following is an example shell script to execute BNC in batch mode
    2403 for producing multipath plots from RINEX files. It could be used via 'crontab':
     2403for producing multipath and signal-to-noise ratio plots from RINEX files. It
     2404could be used via 'crontab':
    26002601<td>Aug 2012 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.7 &nbsp;</td>
    2601 <td>[Bug] Bug in L5 decoding fixed<br> [Bug] Bug in on-the-fly configuration fixed<br> [Add] Clock RINEX file header extended<br> [Add] Decoding/converting COMPASS and QZSS added<br> [Add] Work on RINEX v2 and v3 quality check started<br> [Mod] Source code completely re-arranged<br> [Add] QWT and QWTPOLAR graphics libraries added<br> [Add] RINEX v2 and v3 quality check through multipath analysis and sky plot<br> [Bug] Short periodic outages in PPP time series when operated when 'Sync Corr' set to zero<br> |Add] Log observation types contained in RTCM Version 3 MSM streams<br> [Add] Reading RINEX v3 observation type header records from RINEX skeleton files<br> [Add] Logfile for RINEX file editing and concatenation<br>[Add] Save PNG plot files on disk<br> [Add] Version 2.7 published</td>
     2602<td>[Bug] Bug in L5 decoding fixed<br> [Bug] Bug in on-the-fly configuration fixed<br> [Add] Clock RINEX file header extended<br> [Add] Decoding/converting COMPASS and QZSS added<br> [Add] Work on RINEX v2 and v3 quality check started<br> [Mod] Source code completely re-arranged<br> [Add] QWT and QWTPOLAR graphics libraries added<br> [Add] RINEX v2 and v3 quality check through multipath analysis and sky plot<br> [Add] Signal-to-noise sky plot<br> [Bug] Short periodic outages in PPP time series when operated when 'Sync Corr' set to zero<br> |Add] Log observation types contained in RTCM Version 3 MSM streams<br> [Add] Reading RINEX v3 observation type header records from RINEX skeleton files<br> [Add] Logfile for RINEX file editing and concatenation<br>[Add] Save PNG plot files on disk<br> [Add] Version 2.7 published</td>
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