Changeset 4497 in ntrip

Aug 8, 2012, 1:10:58 PM (13 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r4496 r4497  
    435 It is important to understand that converting RTCM streams to RINEX files requires a-priori information on observation types for specifying a complete RINEX header. Regarding the RINEX Version 2 file header BNC simply introduces all observation types defined in the Version 2 standard and later reports "0.000" for all observations which are not received. However, following this approach is not possible for RINEX Version 3 files from RTCM Version 3 MSM streams because of the huge number of observation types which might in principle show up. The solution implemented in BNC is to start with RINEX Version 3 observation type records from skeleton files (see section 'Skeleton Extension') and switch to a default selection of observation types when such skeleton file is not available.
     435It is important to understand that converting RTCM streams to RINEX files requires a-priori information on observation types for specifying a complete RINEX header. Regarding the RINEX Version 2 file header, BNC simply introduces all observation types defined in the Version 2 standard and later reports "0.000" for all observations which are not received. However, following this approach is not possible for RINEX Version 3 files from RTCM Version 3 MSM streams because of the huge number of observation types which might in principle show up. The solution implemented in BNC is to start with RINEX Version 3 observation type records from skeleton files (see section 'Skeleton Extension') and switch to a default selection of observation types when such skeleton file is not available or it does not contain the required information.
    23752375psID=`echo $!`
    2377 # Define display, run BNC application
    2378 export DISPLAY=localhost:29
    2379 /home/user/BNC/bnc --conf /dev/null --key reqcAction Analyze --key reqcObsFile ons12090.12o --key reqcNavFile brdc2090.12p --key reqcOutLogFile multi.txt --key reqcPlotDir /home/user --nw
     2377# Run BNC application with defined display variable
     2378/home/user/BNC/bnc --conf /dev/null --key reqcAction Analyze --key reqcObsFile ons12090.12o --key reqcNavFile brdc2090.12p --key reqcOutLogFile multi.txt --key reqcPlotDir /home/user --display localhost:29 --nw
    23812380# BNC done, kill X-server process
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