Changeset 4223 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

May 29, 2012, 12:52:43 PM (13 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r4215 r4223  
    623623<p><a name="reqcedit"><h4>3.6.2 Set Edit Options - mandatory if 'Edit/Concatenate' is set</h4></p>
    624 <p>Once the 'Edit/Concatenate' action is selected, you have to 'Set Edit Options'. BNC lets you specify the RINEX version, sampling interval, begin and end of file, operator, comment lines, and marker, antenna, receiver details.
    625 </p>
    626 <p>
    627 When converting RINEX Version 2 to RINEX Version 3, the tracking mode or channel information in the (last character out of the three characters) observation code is left blank if unknown. When converting RINEX Version 3 to RINEX Version 2:
     624<p>Once the 'Edit/Concatenate' action is selected, you have to 'Set Edit Options'. BNC lets you specify the RINEX version, sampling interval, begin and end of file, operator, comment lines, and marker, antenna, receiver details. Note that sampling, begin/end and marker/antenna/receiver specification are only meaningful for RINEX Observation files.
     627When converting RINEX Version 2 to RINEX Version 3 Observation files, the tracking mode or channel information in the (last character out of the three characters) observation code is left blank if unknown. When converting RINEX Version 3 to RINEX Version 2 Observation files:
    629629<li>C1P in RINEX Version 3 is mapped to P1 in RINEX Version 2</li>
    635635  <p>Specifying a 'RUN BY' string to be included in the emerging new RINEX file header is another option. Default is an empty option field meaning the operator's ID is automatically used as 'RUN BY' string.</p>
    637 If you specify a 'New' but no 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX file will be filled accordingly. If you in addition specify an 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX file will only be filled accordingly where 'Old' specifications match existing file contents.
     637If you specify a 'New' but no 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will be filled accordingly. If you in addition specify an 'Old' marker/antenna/receiver name, the corresponding data field in the emerging new RINEX Observation file will only be filled accordingly where 'Old' specifications match existing file contents.
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