Changeset 4190 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

May 16, 2012, 12:36:03 PM (13 years ago)

Documentation completed

1 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r4184 r4190  
    257257&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#pppsigtrpi>Tropo Init</a><br>
    258258&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#pppsigtrpn>Tropo White Noise</a><br>
    259 4.13. <a href=#combi>Combination</a><br>
    260 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4.13.1 <a href=#combimounttab>Combination Table</a><br>
     2594.13. <a href=#combi>Combine Corrections</a><br>
     260&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4.13.1 <a href=#combimounttab>Combine Corrections Table</a><br>
    261261&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#combiadd>Add Row, Delete</a><br>
    262262&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#combimethod>Method</a><br>
    263263&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#combimax>Maximal Residuum</a><br>
    264264&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#combismpl>Sampling</a><br>
    265 4.14. <a href=#upclk>Upload (clk)</a><br>
     2654.14. <a href=#upclk>Upload Corrections</a><br>
    266266&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4.14.1 <a href=#upadd>Add, Delete Row</a><br>
    267267&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4.14.2 <a href=#uphost>Host, Port, Mountpoint, Password</a><br>
    276276&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#upclkrnx>RINEX </a><br>
    277277&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4.14.9 <a href=#upcustom>Custom Trafo</a><br>
    278 4.15. <a href=#upeph>Upload (eph)</a><br>
     2784.15. <a href=#upeph>Upload Ephemeris</a><br>
    279279&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4.15.1 <a href=#brdcserver>Host &amp; Port</a><br>
    280280&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 4.15.2 <a href=#brdcmount>Mountpoint &amp; Password</a><br>
    1589 <p><a name="combi"><h4>4.13. Combination</h4></p>
     1589<p><a name="combi"><h4>4.13. Combine Corrections</h4></p>
    15911591BNC allows to process several orbit and clock corrections streams in real-time to produce, encode, upload and save a combination of Broadcast Corrections from various providers. It is so far only the satellite clock corrections which are combined while orbit corrections in the combination product as well as the product update rates are just taken over from one of the incoming Broadcast Correction streams. Combining only clock corrections using a fixed orbit reference has the possibility to introduce some analysis inconsistencies. We may therefore eventually consider improvements on this approach. The clock combination can be based either on a plain 'Single-Epoch' or on a 'Kalman' Filter approach.
    1601 In view of IGS real-time products, the 'Combination' functionality has been integrated in BNC because
     1601In view of IGS real-time products, the 'Combine Corrections' functionality has been integrated in BNC because
    16031603<li>the software with its Graphic User Interface and wide range of supported Operation Systems represents a perfect platform to process many Broadcast Correction streams in parallel;</li>
    1650 The part of BNC which enables the combination of orbit and clock corrections streams is not intended for publication under GNU General Public License (GPL). However, pre-compiled BNC binaries which support the 'Combination' option will be available for personal usage.
    1651 </p>
    1653 <p><a name="combimounttab"><h4>4.13.1 Combination Table - optional</h4></p>
     1650The part of BNC which enables the combination of orbit and clock corrections streams is not intended for publication under GNU General Public License (GPL). However, pre-compiled BNC binaries which support the 'Combine Corrections' option will be available for personal usage.
     1653<p><a name="combimounttab"><h4>4.13.1 Combine Corrections Table - optional</h4></p>
    16551655Hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Mountpoint' field, enter a Broadcast Corrections mountpoint from the 'Streams' section and hit Enter. Then double click on the 'AC Name' field to enter your choice of an abbreviation for the Analysis Center (AC) providing the stream. Finally, double click on the 'Weight' field to enter a weight to be applied to this stream in the combination. The stream processing can already be started with only one corrections stream configured for combination.
    1661 The sequence of entries in the 'Combination Table' is not of importance. Note that the orbit information in the final combination stream is just copied from one of the incoming streams. The stream used for providing the orbits may vary over time: if the orbit providing stream has an outage then BNC switches to the next remaining stream for getting hold of the orbit information.</p>
    1662 <p>
    1663 Default is an empty 'Combination Table' meaning that you don't want BNC to combine orbit and clock corrections streams.
    1664 </p>
    1665 <p>
    1666 It is possible to specify only one Broadcast Ephemeris corrections stream in the 'Combination Table'. Instead of combining corrections from several sources BNC will then merge the single corrections stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in SP3 and/or Clock RINEX format when specified accordingly under the 'Upload (clk)' tab.
     1661The sequence of entries in the 'Combine Corrections Table' is not of importance. Note that the orbit information in the final combination stream is just copied from one of the incoming streams. The stream used for providing the orbits may vary over time: if the orbit providing stream has an outage then BNC switches to the next remaining stream for getting hold of the orbit information.</p>
     1663Default is an empty 'Combine Corrections Table' meaning that you don't want BNC to combine orbit and clock corrections streams.
     1666It is possible to specify only one Broadcast Ephemeris corrections stream in the 'Combine Corrections Table'. Instead of combining corrections from several sources BNC will then merge the single corrections stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in SP3 and/or Clock RINEX format when specified accordingly under the 'Upload Corrections' tab.
    16691669<p><a name="combiadd"><h4> Add Row, Delete - optional</h4></p>
    1671 Hit 'Add Row' button to add another row to the 'Combination Table' or hit the 'Delete' button to delete the highlighted row(s).
    1672 </p>
    1674 <p>
    1675 The following screenshots describe an example setup of BNC when combining Broadcast Correction streams and upload them to an NTRIP Broadcaster. Note that it requires specifying options under tabs 'Combination' and 'Upload (clk)'. The example uses the combination product to simultaneously carry out an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution in Quickstart mode which allows monitoring the quality of the combination product in the space domain.
     1671Hit 'Add Row' button to add another row to the 'Combine Corrections Table' or hit the 'Delete' button to delete the highlighted row(s).
     1675The following screenshots describe an example setup of BNC when combining Broadcast Correction streams and upload them to an NTRIP Broadcaster. Note that it requires specifying options under tabs 'Combine Corrections' and 'Upload Corrections'. The example uses the combination product to simultaneously carry out an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution in Quickstart mode which allows monitoring the quality of the combination product in the space domain.
    16861686<p><u>Figure 17:</u> 'INTERNAL' PPP with BNC using combined Broadcast Corrections stream.</p>
    1688 <p><a name="combimethod"><h4> Method - mandatory if 'Combination Table' is populated</h4></p>
     1688<p><a name="combimethod"><h4> Method - mandatory if 'Combine Corrections Table' is populated</h4></p>
    16901690Select a clock combination method. Available options are Kalman 'Filter' and 'Single-Epoch. It is suggested to use the Kalman Filter approach in case the combined stream of Broadcast Corrections is intended for Precise Point Positioning support.
    1693 <p><a name="combimax"><h4> Maximal Residuum - mandatory if 'Combination Table' is populated</h4></p>
     1693<p><a name="combimax"><h4> Maximal Residuum - mandatory if 'Combine Corrections Table' is populated</h4></p>
    16951695<p>BNC combines all incoming clocks according to specified weights. Individual clock estimates that differ by more than 'Maximal Residuum' meters from the average of all clocks will be ignored.<p>
    16971697<p>Default is a 'Maximal Residuum' of 999.0 meters</p>
    1699 <p><a name="combismpl"><h4> Sampling - mandatory if 'Combination Table' is populated</h4></p>
     1699<p><a name="combismpl"><h4> Sampling - mandatory if 'Combine Corrections Table' is populated</h4></p>
    17001700<p>Specify a combination sampling interval. Clock and orbit corrections will be produced following that interval. A value of 10 sec may be an appropriate choice.</p>
    1703 <p><a name="upclk"><h4>4.14. Upload (clk)</h4></p>
     1703<p><a name="upclk"><h4>4.14. Upload Corrections</h4></p>
    17051705BNC can upload streams carrying orbit and clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris in radial, along-track and cross-track components if they are<ol type=a>
    1707 either generated by BNC as a combination of several individual Broadcast Correction streams coming from an number of real-time Analysis Centers (ACs), see section 'Combination',</li>
     1707either generated by BNC as a combination of several individual Broadcast Correction streams coming from an number of real-time Analysis Centers (ACs), see section 'Combine Corrections',</li>
    17091709or generated by BNC because the program receives an ASCII stream of precise satellite orbits and clocks via IP port from a connected real-time GNSS engine. Such a stream would be expected in a plain ASCII format and the associated 'decoder' string would have to be 'RTNET'. </li>
    17151715Then, epoch by epoch:
    1717 <li>Continuously receive the best available clock and orbit estimates for all satellites in X,Y,Z Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed IGS08 reference system. Receive them every epoch in plain ASCII format as provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet or generate them following a 'Combination' approach. </li>
     1717<li>Continuously receive the best available clock and orbit estimates for all satellites in X,Y,Z Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed IGS08 reference system. Receive them every epoch in plain ASCII format as provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet or generate them following a combination approach. </li>
    17181718<li>Calculate X,Y,Z coordinates from Broadcast Ephemeris orbits. </li>
    17191719<li>Calculate differences dX,dY,dZ between Broadcast Ephemeris and IGS08 orbits. </li>
    1970 In case the 'Combination Table' contains only one Broadcast Corrections stream, BNC will merge that stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified here through SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. In such a case you have to define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further options in the 'Upload (clk)' table.
     1970In case the 'Combine Corrections Table' contains only one Broadcast Corrections stream, BNC will merge that stream with Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified here through SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. In such a case you have to define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further options in the 'Upload Corrections' table.
    20082008<p><u>Figure 18:</u> Producing Broadcast Corrections from incoming precise orbits and clocks and uploading them to an NTRIP Broadcaster.</p>
    2010 <p><a name="upeph"><h4>4.15. Upload (eph) </h4></p>
     2010<p><a name="upeph"><h4>4.15. Upload Ephemeris</h4></p>
    20122012BNC can upload a stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris in RTCM Version 3 format to an NTRIP Broadcaster.
    28822882<tr><td>cmbMethod=Filter</td><td>Combination: Approach</td></tr>
    28832883<tr><td>cmbMaxres=</td><td>Combination: Clock outlier threshold</td></tr>
    2885 <tr><td>uploadMountpointsOut=</td><td>Upload(clk): Upload streams</td></tr>
    2886 <tr><td>uploadIntr=1 day</td><td>Upload(clk): File interval</td></tr>
    2887 <tr><td>uploadSampl=5</td><td>Upload(clk): Clock sampling</td></tr>
    2888 <tr><td>uploadSamplOrb=0</td><td>Upload(clk): Orbit sampling</td></tr>
    2889 <tr><td>trafo_dx=</td><td>Upload(clk): Translation X</td></tr>
    2890 <tr><td>trafo_dy=</td><td>Upload(clk): Translation Y</td></tr>
    2891 <tr><td>trafo_dz=</td><td>Upload(clk): Translation Z</td></tr>
    2892 <tr><td>trafo_dxr=</td><td>Upload(clk): Translation change X</td></tr>
    2893 <tr><td>trafo_dyr=</td><td>Upload(clk): Translation change Y</td></tr>
    2894 <tr><td>trafo_dzr=</td><td>Upload(clk): Translation change Z</td></tr>
    2895 <tr><td>trafo_ox=</td><td>Upload(clk): Rotation X</td></tr>
    2896 <tr><td>trafo_oy=</td><td>Upload(clk): Rotation Y</td></tr>
    2897 <tr><td>trafo_oz=</td><td>Upload(clk): Rotation Z</td></tr>
    2898 <tr><td>trafo_oxr=</td><td>Upload(clk): Rotation change X</td></tr>
    2899 <tr><td>trafo_oyr=</td><td>Upload(clk): Rotation change Y</td></tr>
    2900 <tr><td>trafo_ozr=</td><td>Upload(clk): Rotation change Z</td></tr>
    2901 <tr><td>trafo_sc=</td><td>Upload(clk): Scale</td></tr>
    2902 <tr><td>trafo_scr=</td><td>Upload(clk): Scale change</td></tr>
    2903 <tr><td>trafo_t0=</td><td>Upload(clk): Reference year</td></tr>
    2904 <tr><td>uploadEphHost=</td><td>Upload(eph): Host</td></tr>
    2905 <tr><td>uploadEphPort=</td><td>Upload(eph): Port</td></tr>
    2906 <tr><td>uploadEphMountpoint=</td><td>Upload(eph): Moutpoint</td></tr>
    2907 <tr><td>uploadEphPassword=</td><td>Upload(eph): Password</td></tr>
    2908 <tr><td>uploadEphSample=5</td><td>Upload(eph): Samplig</td></tr>
     2884<tr><td>cmbSampl=</td><td>Combination: Orbit and clock sampling</td></tr>
     2886<tr><td>uploadIntr=1 day</td><td>Upload Corrections: File interval</td></tr>
     2887<tr><td>uploadMountpointsOut=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Upload streams</td></tr>
     2888<tr><td>uploadSamplClkRnx=10</td><td>Upload Corrections: Clock sampling</td></tr>
     2889<tr><td>uploadSamplSp3=1</td><td>Upload Corrections: Orbit sampling</td></tr>
     2890<tr><td>uploadSamplRtcmEphCorr=0</td><td>Upload Corrections: Orbit sampling</td></tr>
     2891<tr><td>trafo_dx=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Translation X</td></tr>
     2892<tr><td>trafo_dy=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Translation Y</td></tr>
     2893<tr><td>trafo_dz=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Translation Z</td></tr>
     2894<tr><td>trafo_dxr=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Translation change X</td></tr>
     2895<tr><td>trafo_dyr=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Translation change Y</td></tr>
     2896<tr><td>trafo_dzr=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Translation change Z</td></tr>
     2897<tr><td>trafo_ox=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Rotation X</td></tr>
     2898<tr><td>trafo_oy=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Rotation Y</td></tr>
     2899<tr><td>trafo_oz=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Rotation Z</td></tr>
     2900<tr><td>trafo_oxr=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Rotation change X</td></tr>
     2901<tr><td>trafo_oyr=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Rotation change Y</td></tr>
     2902<tr><td>trafo_ozr=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Rotation change Z</td></tr>
     2903<tr><td>trafo_sc=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Scale</td></tr>
     2904<tr><td>trafo_scr=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Scale change</td></tr>
     2905<tr><td>trafo_t0=</td><td>Upload Corrections: Reference year</td></tr>
     2906<tr><td>uploadEphHost=</td><td>Upload Ephemeris: Host</td></tr>
     2907<tr><td>uploadEphPort=</td><td>Upload Ephemeris: Port</td></tr>
     2908<tr><td>uploadEphMountpoint=</td><td>Upload Ephemeris: Moutpoint</td></tr>
     2909<tr><td>uploadEphPassword=</td><td>Upload Ephemeris: Password</td></tr>
     2910<tr><td>uploadEphSample=5</td><td>Upload Ephemeris: Samplig</td></tr>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.