Changeset 2307 in ntrip for trunk/BNC

Feb 19, 2010, 1:11:20 PM (15 years ago)

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r2289 r2307  
    80 The usual handling of BNC is that you first select a number of streams ('Add Stream'). Any stream configured to BNC shows up on the 'Streams' canvas in the middle of BNC's main window. You then go through BNC's various configuration tabs to select a combination of input, processing and output options before you start the program ('Start'). Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Log' tab. The bandwidth consumtion per stream, the latency of incoming observations and PPP time series for coordinate components are shown in the 'Throughput', 'Latency' and 'PPP' tabs of the main window.
     80The usual handling of BNC is that you first select a number of streams ('Add Stream'). Any stream configured to BNC shows up on the 'Streams' canvas in the middle of BNC's main window. You then go through BNC's various configuration tabs to select a combination of input, processing and output options before you start the program ('Start'). Records of BNC's activities are shown in the 'Log' tab. The bandwidth consumtion per stream, the latency of incoming observations and PPP time series for coordinate components are shown in the 'Throughput', 'Latency' and 'PPP Plot' tabs of the main window.
    146146&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#ppptropo>Estimate Tropo</a><br>
    147147&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#pppglo>Use GLONASS</a><br>
    148 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.11.3 <a href=#pppnmearef>Ref. Coordinates</a><br>
     148&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.11.3 <a href=#pppnmearef>Plot Origin</a><br>
    149149&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.11.4 <a href=#pppnmeaout>NMEA</a><br>
    150150&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href=#pppnmeafile>File</a><br>
    158158&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.13.2 <a href=#throughput>Throughput</a><br>
    159159&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.13.3 <a href=#latency>Latency</a><br>
    160 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.13.4 <a href=#ppptab>Static PPP</a><br>
     160&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.13.4 <a href=#ppptab>PPP Plot</a><br>
    1611613.14. <a href=#bottom>Bottom Menu Bar</a><br>
    162162&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 3.14.1. <a href=#streamadd>Add Stream - Coming from Caster</a><br>
    953953PPP results are shown in the 'Log' tab on the bottom of BNC's main window. Depending on the processing options, the following values are shown about once per second (example):
    955 09-12-15 22:30:39  PPP CAS10 22:30:44.0 9  -901775.887 +- 0.058  2409382.427 +- 0.046  -5816746.721 +- 0.087  0.014 +- 0.005
     95509-12-15 22:30:39  PPP CAS10 22:30:44.0 9  -901775.887 +- 0.058  2409382.427 +- 0.046  -5816746.721 +- 0.087
    959 The 'PPP' string in that is followed by the selected mounpoint, a PPP time stamp in GPS Time, the number of processed satellites, and XYZ coordinates with their formal errors as derived from the implemented filter in [m]. If the troposphere estimation flag is set then the estimated troposphere correction follows together with its formal error in [m]. The implemented algorithm includes an outlier and cycle slip detection. The maximum for accepted residuals is hard coded to 10 meters for code observations and 10 centimeters for phase observations.
    960 </p>
    961 <p>
    962 More detailed PPP results are saved in BNC's logfile. There you find the estimated
    963 <ul>
     959The 'PPP' string in that is followed by the selected mounpoint, a PPP time stamp in GPS Time, the number of processed satellites, and XYZ coordinates with their formal errors as derived from the implemented filter in [m]. The implemented algorithm includes an outlier and cycle slip detection. The maximum for accepted residuals is hard coded to 10 meters for code observations and 10 centimeters for phase observations.
     962More detailed PPP results are saved in BNC's logfile. Depending on the selected processing options you find
     964<li>code and phase residuals for GPS and GLONASS in [m], </li>
    964965<li>receiver clock errors in [m], </li>
    965 <li>a-priori and correction values of tropospheric zenith delay in [m],'
     966<li>a-priori and correction values of tropospheric zenith delay in [m],
    966967<li>L3 biases, also known as 'floated ambiguities', given per satellite.
    968969These parameters are saved together with their standard deviation. Example extract from a log file:
    970 10-01-07 15:18:02 Precise Point Positioning
    971 clk = -1.697 +-  0.801
    972 trp =   2.176 -0.000 +-  0.010
    973 amb G11 =  0.637 +-  0.256
    974 amb G17 =  4.773 +-  0.338
    975 amb G20 = -0.979 +-  0.312
    976 amb G23 = -5.682 +-  0.320
    977 amb G31 =  1.017 +-  0.689
     97110-01-07 15:18:02
     972residuals code  0.778 -0.608 -1.269 1.697
     973residuals phase 0.002 0.001 -0.002 -0.002
     974residuals glo   -0.000 0.000 0.001
     976    clk = 112578.741 +-  9.345
     977    trp =   2.339 +0.000 +-  0.010
     978    amb G11 = -1.762 +-  3.590
     979    amb G19 = -18.195 +-  5.386
     980    amb G23 =  1.316 +-  4.843
     981    amb G32 =  9.299 +-  3.920
     982    amb R01 = -146.297 +-  4.568
     983    amb R02 = -146.738 +- 15.037
     984    amb R17 = -156.881 +- 13.671
    1017 <p><a name="pppnmearef"><h4>3.11.3 Ref. Coordinates - optional</h4></p>
    1018 <p>
    1019 You may specify X,Y,Z reference coordinate components for the receiver's position if known. The North/East/Up time series plots shown in the 'PPP' tab will then be referred to these values. The default values for the coordinate components are empty option fields, meaning that BNC will refer time series plots to the first estimated position and not to any reference coordinate.
     1024<p><a name="pppnmearef"><h4>3.11.3 Plot Origin - optional</h4></p>
     1026Select an origin for North/East/Up time series plots in the 'PPP Plot' tab. Note that this makes only sense for a stationary receiver. Available options are
     1028<li>'Start position', meaning that BNC will refer time series plots to the first estimated position.
     1030<li>'X Y Z', meaning the known reference coordinate components for the receiver's position.
     1033Default is the selection of an empty option field meaning that no PPP time series will be plotted in the "PPP Plot' tab..
    1110 <p><a name="ppptab"><h4>3.13.4 Static PPP</h4></p>
    1111 <p>
    1112 Precise Point Positioning time series of North (red), East (green) and Up (blue) coordinate components are shown in the 'PPP' tab when the 'Static' PPP option is applied. Values are either referred to reference coordinates (if specified) or referred to the first estimated set of coordinate components. The time as given in format [hh:mm] refers to GPS Time. The sliding PPP time series window covers a period of 5 minutes. Note that it may take up to 30 seconds or more till the first PPP solutions becomes available.
     1124<p><a name="ppptab"><h4>3.13.4 PPP Plot</h4></p>
     1126Precise Point Positioning time series of North (red), East (green) and Up (blue) coordinate components are shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab when a 'Plot origin' option is defined. Values are either referred to reference coordinates (if specified) or referred to the first estimated set of coordinate components. The time as given in format [hh:mm] refers to GPS Time. The sliding PPP time series window covers a period of 5 minutes. Note that it may take up to 30 seconds or more till the first PPP solutions becomes available.
    14251439<td>Feb 2010 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 2.0 &nbsp;</td>
    1426 <td>[Mod] Change sign of Broadcast Ephemeris correctors<br> [Add] Real-time PPP options</td>
     1440<td>[Mod] Change sign of Broadcast Ephemeris correctors<br> [Add] Real-time PPP option</td>
    16821696<tr><td>pppEstTropo=0</td><td>PPP Client: Estimate troposphere</td></tr>
    16831697<tr><td>pppGLONASS=0</td><td>PPP Client: Use GLONASS</td></tr>
     1698<tr><td>pppOrigin=</td><td>PPP Client: Origin of time series plot</td></tr>
     1699<tr><td>pppRefCrdX=</td><td>PPP Client: X coordinate of plot origin</td></tr>
     1700<tr><td>pppRefCrdY=</td><td>PPP Client: Y coordinate of plot origin</td></tr>
     1701<tr><td>pppRefCrdZ=</td><td>PPP Client: Z coordinate of plot origin</td></tr>
    16841702<tr><td>nmeaFile=</td><td>PPP Client: NMEA outputfile</td></tr>
    16851703<tr><td>nmeaPort=</td><td>PPP Client: NMEA IP output port</td></tr>
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