Changeset 1543 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

Jan 27, 2009, 10:46:57 AM (16 years ago)

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r1541 r1543  
    278 However, sometimes public RINEX header skeleton files are not available, its contents is not up to date, or you need to put additional/optional records in the RINEX header. For that BNC allows using personal skeleton files that contain the header records you would like to include. You can derive a personal RINEX header skeleton file from the information given in an up to date sitelog. A file in the RINEX 'Directory' with a 'Skeleton extension' is interpreted by BNC as a personal RINEX header skeleton file for the corresponding stream.
     278However, sometimes public RINEX header skeleton files are not available, its contents is not up to date, or you need to put additional/optional records in the RINEX header. For that BNC allows using personal skeleton files that contain the header records you would like to include. You can derive a personal RINEX header skeleton file from the information given in an up to date sitelog. A file in the RINEX Observations 'Directory' with a 'Skeleton extension' suffix is interpreted by BNC as a personal RINEX header skeleton file for the corresponding stream.
    289 if RINEX 'Skeleton extension' is set to 'skl'.
     289if 'Skeleton extension' is set to 'skl'.
    11741174<p><a name="config"><h4>8.4. Configuration Example</h4></p>
    1176 The following is an example for the contents of a configuration file 'BNC.ini'. It enables the retrieval of stream ACOR0 form and FFMJ3 from for the generation of 15 min RINEX files. RINEX files are uploaded to an archive using script 'up2archive' :
    1177 <pre>
    1178 [General]
    1179 adviseFail=15
    1180 adviseReco=5
    1181 adviseScript=
    1182 autoStart=0
    1183 binSampl=0
    1184 casterUrlList=http://user:pass@euref-ip:2101
    1185 corrIntr=1 day
    1186 corrPath=
    1187 corrPort=
    1188 corrTime=5
    1189 ephIntr=15 min
    1190 ephPath=/home/usr/rinex
    1191 ephV3=2
    1192 logFile=/home/weber/bnc.log
    1193 makePause=0
    1194 miscMount=
    1195 mountPoints=// RTCM_2.3 43.36 351.60 no 1, // RTCM_3.0 41.58 1.40 no 1
    1196 ntripVersion=1
    1197 obsRate=
    1198 onTheFlyInterval=1 day
    1199 outEphPort=
    1200 outFile=
    1201 outPort=
    1202 outUPort=
    1203 perfIntr=
    1204 proxyHost=
    1205 proxyPort=
    1206 rnxAppend=2
    1207 rnxIntr=15 min
    1208 rnxPath=/home/user/rinex
    1209 rnxSampl=0
    1210 rnxScript=/home/user/rinex/up2archive
    1211 rnxSkel=
    1212 rnxV3=0
    1213 scanRTCM=0
    1214 serialAutoNMEA=0
    1215 serialBaudRate=9600
    1216 serialDataBits=8
    1217 serialMountPoint=
    1218 serialParity=NONE
    1219 serialPortName=
    1220 serialStopBits=1
    1221 startTab=8
    1222 waitTime=5
    1223 </pre>
     1176The following table's left column is an example for the contents of a configuration file 'BNC.ini'. It enables the retrieval of stream ACOR0 form for the generation of 15 min RINEX files. RINEX files are uploaded to an archive using script 'up2archive' :
     1181<tr><td>[General]</td><td>Settings: Group</td></tr>
     1182<tr><td>adviseFail=15</td><td>Outages: Failure threshold</td></tr>
     1183<tr><td>adviseReco=5</td><td>Outages: Recovery threshold</td></tr>
     1184<tr><td>adviseScript=</td><td>Outages: Script (full path)</td></tr>
     1185<tr><td>autoStart=0</td><td>General: Auto start</td></tr>
     1186<tr><td>binSample=0</td><td>Feed Engine: Sampling</td></tr>
     1187<tr><td>casterUrlList=http://user:pass@euref-ip:2101</td><td>Internal memory: Visited caster URLs</td></tr>
     1188<tr><td>corrIntr=1 day</td><td>Ephemeris Corrections: Interval</td></tr>
     1189<tr><td>corrPath=</td><td>Ephemeris Corrections: Directory </td></tr>
     1190<tr><td>corrPort=</td><td>Ephemeris Corrections: Port</td></tr>
     1191<tr><td>corrTime=5</td><td>Ephemeris Corrections: Wait for full epoch</td></tr>
     1192<tr><td>ephIntr=15 min</td><td>RINEX Ephemeris: Interval</td></tr>
     1193<tr><td>ephPath=</td><td>RINEX Ephemeris: Directory</td></tr>
     1194<tr><td>ephV3=0</td><td>RINEX Ephemeris: Version 3</td></tr>
     1195<tr><td>logFile=/home/weber/bnc.log</td><td>General: Logfile (full path)</td></tr>
     1196<tr><td>makePause=0</td><td>Outages: Pause</td></tr>
     1197<tr><td>miscMount=</td><td>Miscellaneous: Mountpoint</td></tr>
     1198<tr><td>mountPoints=//<br>/ACOR0 RTCM_2.3 43.36 351.60 no 1</td><td>Streams: broadcaster:port/mountpoint</td></tr>
     1199<tr><td>ntripVersion=1</td><td>Add Streams: NTRIP Version</td></tr>
     1200<tr><td>obsRate=</td><td>Outages: Observation rate</td></tr>
     1201<tr><td>onTheFlyInterval=1 day</td><td>General: Reread configuration</td></tr>
     1202<tr><td>outEphPort=</td><td>RINEX Ephemeris: Port</td></tr>
     1203<tr><td>outFile=</td><td>Feed Engine: File (full path)</td></tr>
     1204<tr><td>outPort=</td><td>Feed Engine: Port</td></tr>
     1205<tr><td>outUPort=</td><td>Feed Engine: Port (unsynchronized)</td></tr>
     1206<tr><td>perfIntr=</td><td>Miscellaneous: Log latency</td></tr>
     1207<tr><td>proxyHost=</td><td>Proxy: Proxy host</td></tr>
     1208<tr><td>proxyPort=</td><td>Proxy: Proxy port</td></tr>
     1209<tr><td>rnxAppend=2</td><td>General: Append files</td></tr>
     1210<tr><td>rnxIntr=15 min</td><td>RINEX Observations: Interval</td></tr>
     1211<tr><td>rnxPath=/home/user/rinex</td><td>RINEX Observations: Directory</td></tr>
     1212<tr><td>rnxSample=0</td><td>RINEX Observations: Sampling</td></tr>
     1213<tr><td>rnxScript=/home/user/rinex/up2archive</td><td>RINEX Observations: Script (full path)</td></tr>
     1214<tr><td>rnxSkel=</td><td>RINEX Observations: Skeleton extension</td></tr>
     1215<tr><td>rnxV3=0</td><td>RINEX Observation: Version 3</td></tr>
     1216<tr><td>scanRTCM=0</td><td>Miscellaneous: Scan RTCM</td></tr>
     1217<tr><td>serialAutoNMEA=0</td><td>Serial Link: Auto NMEA</td></tr>
     1218<tr><td>serialBaudRate=9600</td><td>Serial Link: Baud rate</td></tr>
     1219<tr><td>serialDataBits=8</td><td>Serial Link: Data bits</td></tr>
     1220<tr><td>serialMountPoint=</td><td>Serial Link: Mountpoint</td></tr>
     1221<tr><td>serialParity=NONE</td><td>Serial Link: Parity</td></tr>
     1222<tr><td>serialPortName=</td><td>Serial Link: Port name</td></tr>
     1223<tr><td>serialStopBits=1</td><td>Serial Link: Stop bits</td></tr>
     1224<tr><td>startTab=0</td><td>Internal memory: Last shown tab</td></tr>
     1225<tr><td>waitTime=5</td><td>Feed Engine: Wait for full epoch</td></tr>
    12301233<li>'mountPoints' to change the selection of streams to be processed, see section 'Streams',</li>
    1231 <li>'waitTime' to change the 'Wait for full epoch' option, see section 'Synchronized Observations', and</li>
    1232 <li>'binSampl' to change the 'Sampling' option, see section 'Synchronized Observations'.</li>
     1234<li>'waitTime' to change the 'Wait for full epoch' option, see section 'Feed Engine', and</li>
     1235<li>'binSampl' to change the 'Sampling' option, see section 'Feed Engine'.</li>
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