Changeset 1111 in ntrip for trunk/BNS/bnshelp.html

Sep 10, 2008, 1:40:13 PM (17 years ago)

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • trunk/BNS/bnshelp.html

    r1107 r1111  
    43 <li>read GNSS clocks and orbits in plain ASCII format from an IP port. They can be produced by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet and should be referenced to the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system.</li>
    44 <li>read GNSS Broadcast Ephemeris in RINEX Navigation file format from an IP port. This information can be provided in real-time by the 'BKG Ntrip Client' (BNC) program.</li>
     43<li>read GNSS clocks and orbits in SP3 format from an IP port. They can be produced by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet and should be referenced to the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system.</li>
     44<li>read GNSS Broadcast Ephemeris in RINEX Navigation format from an IP port. This information can be provided in real-time by the 'BKG Ntrip Client' (BNC) program.</li>
    4545<li>convert the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed clocks and and orbits into corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris with radial, along-track and cross-track components.</li>
    4646<li>upload the clock and orbit corrections as a stream to an NTRIP Broadcaster.</li>
    6565Then, epoch by epoch:
    67 <li>Continuously receive the best available clock and orbit estimates for all satellites in X,Y,Z Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed IGS05 reference system. Receive them every epoch in a plain ASCII format as provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet.</li>
     67<li>Continuously receive the best available clock and orbit estimates for all satellites in X,Y,Z Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed IGS05 reference system. Receive them every epoch in SP3 format as provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet.</li>
    6868<li>Calculate X,Y,Z coordinates from Broadcast Ephemeris orbits.</li>
    6969<li>Calculate differences dX,dY,dZ between Broadcast Ephemeris orbits and IGS05 orbits.</li>
    8484<p><a name="resources"><h3>3. Resources</h3></p>
    86 The current size of the real-time stream produced by BNS is in the order 5 kbits/sec depending on the number of visible satellites. When uploading the stream to an NTRIP Broadcaster, user needs to ensure that the connection used can sustain the required bandwidth.
     86The current size of the real-time stream produced by BNS is in the order of 5 kbits/sec depending on the number of visible satellites. When uploading the stream to an NTRIP Broadcaster, user needs to ensure that the connection used can sustain the required bandwidth.
    187 <p><a name="ephserver"><h4>4.5.1 Host & Port - mandatory</h4></p>
    188 <p>
    189 Enter the IP address and port number of a Broadcast Ephemeris server like BNC to establish a persistent socket connection, see section 'Flow Chart' under 'Help' for socket communication details. If BNS runs on the same host as BNC, should be used as the server's IP address. Make sure that this server is up and running before you start BNS.
    190 </p>
    192 <p><a name="ephsave"><h4>4.5.2 Save - optional</h4></p>
    193 </p>
    194 Specify the full path to a file where received Broadcast Ephemeris will logged. Beware that the size of this file can rapidly increase. Default is an empty option field meaning that logging is disabled.
    195 </p>
    197188The following is an example log of Broadcast Ephemeris records in RINEX Version 3 Navigation file format for satellite GPS PRN32 and GLONASS PRN04:
     208<p><a name="ephserver"><h4>4.5.1 Host & Port - mandatory</h4></p>
     210Enter the IP address and port number of a Broadcast Ephemeris server like BNC to establish a persistent socket connection, see section 'Flow Chart' under 'Help' for socket communication details. If BNS runs on the same host as BNC, should be used as the server's IP address. Make sure that this server is up and running before you start BNS.
     213<p><a name="ephsave"><h4>4.5.2 Save - optional</h4></p>
     215Specify the full path to a file where received Broadcast Ephemeris will be logged. Beware that the size of this file can rapidly increase. Default is an empty option field meaning that logging is disabled.
    217218<p><a name="co"><h4>4.6. Clocks & Orbits</h4></p>
    219 BNS requires GNSS clocks and orbits in the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system. They can be provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet and are expected to refer to the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system.
    220 </p>
    222 <p><a name="coport"><h4>4.6.1 Listening Port - mandatory</h4></p>
    223 <p>
    224 BNS is listening at an IP port for incoming GNSS clocks and orbits in a plain ASCII format. Enter the respective IP port number to setup a server socket for incoming data, see section 'Flow Chart' under 'Help' for socket communication details. Make sure that the software providing clocks and orbits is up and running before you start BNS.
    225 </p>
    227 <p><a name="cosave"><h4>4.6.2 Save - optional</h4></p>
    228 <p>
    229 Specify the full path to a file where received clocks and orbits from a real-time engine will logged. Beware that the size of this file can rapidly increase. Default is an empty option field meaning that logging is disabled.
    230 </p>
    232 <p>
    233 Below you find an example of precise clocks and orbits coming in plain ASCII format from a real-time GNSS engine. Each epoch starts with an asterisk character followed by GPS Week, Second in GPS Week and Number of satellites. Subsequent records provide the following set of parameters for each satellite:
     220BNS requires GNSS clocks and orbits in the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system in SP3 format. They can be provided by a real-time GNSS engine such as RTNet and are expected to refer to the IGS Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed (ECEF) reference system.
     224Below you find an example of precise clocks and orbits coming in SP3 format from a real-time GNSS engine. Each epoch starts with an asterisk character followed by GPS Week, Second in GPS Week and Number of satellites. Subsequent records provide the following set of parameters for each satellite:
     270<p><a name="coport"><h4>4.6.1 Listening Port - mandatory</h4></p>
     272BNS is listening at an IP port for incoming GNSS clocks and orbits in SP3 format. Enter the respective IP port number to setup a server socket for incoming data, see section 'Flow Chart' under 'Help' for socket communication details. Make sure that the software providing clocks and orbits is up and running before you start BNS.
     275<p><a name="cosave"><h4>4.6.2 Save - optional</h4></p>
     277Specify the full path to a file where received clocks and orbits from a real-time engine will be logged. Beware that the size of this file can rapidly increase. Default is an empty option field meaning that logging is disabled.
    279280<p><a name="ephc"><h4>4.7. Ephemeris Corrections</h4></p>
    431 Currently BNS can only generate the tentative RTCM Version 3.x message Type 4056 and 4057 for combined GPS and GLONASS orbit and clock corrections. Note that the length of data fields in these messages is not yet standardized. What's implemented in BNS is just a temporary solutions.
     432Currently BNS can only generate the tentative RTCM Version 3.x message Type 4056 and 4057 for combined GPS and GLONASS orbit and clock corrections. Note that the length of data fields in these messages is not yet standardized. What's implemented in BNS is just a temporary solution.
    466 <tr><td>August 2008 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 1.0 &nbsp;</td><td>[Add] Beta Binaries published.</td></tr>
     467<tr><td>Sep 2008 &nbsp;</td><td>Version 1.0 &nbsp;</td><td>[Add] Beta Binaries published.</td></tr>
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