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2 | \documentclass[10pt]{beamer}
3 | \usetheme{umbc2}
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5 | \setbeamercolor{umbcboxes}{bg=violet!12,fg=black}
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7 | \usepackage{longtable}
8 | \usepackage{tabu}
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10 | \newcommand{\ul}{\underline}
11 | \newcommand{\be}{\begin{equation}}
12 | \newcommand{\ee}{\end{equation}}
13 | \newcommand{\bdm}{\begin{displaymath}}
14 | \newcommand{\edm}{\end{displaymath}}
15 | \newcommand{\bea}{\begin{eqnarray}}
16 | \newcommand{\eea}{\end{eqnarray}}
17 | \newcommand{\bsea}{\begin{subeqnarray}}
18 | \newcommand{\esea}{\end{subeqnarray}}
19 | \newcommand{\mb}[1]{\mbox{#1}}
20 | \newcommand{\mc}[3]{\multicolumn{#1}{#2}{#3}}
21 | \newcommand{\bm}[1]{\mbox{\bf #1}}
22 | \newcommand{\bmm}[1]{\mbox{\boldmath$#1$\unboldmath}}
23 | \newcommand{\bmell}{\bmm\ell}
24 | \newcommand{\hateps}{\widehat{\bmm\varepsilon}}
25 | \newcommand{\graybox}[1]{\psboxit{box .9 setgray fill}{\fbox{#1}}}
26 | \newcommand{\mdeg}[1]{\mbox{$#1^{\mbox{\scriptsize o}}$}}
27 | \newcommand{\dd}{\mbox{\footnotesize{$\nabla \! \Delta$}}}
28 | \newcommand{\p}{\partial\,}
29 | \renewcommand{\d}{\mbox{d}}
30 | \newcommand{\dspfrac}{\displaystyle\frac}
31 | \newcommand{\nl}{\\[4mm]}
32 |
33 | \title{GNSS-Auswertung in Echtzeit}
34 |
35 | \author{Leo\v{s} Mervart}
36 |
37 | \institute{TU Prag}
38 |
39 | \date{Frankfurt, Januar 2014}
40 |
41 | % \AtBeginSection[]
42 | % {
43 | % \begin{frame}
44 | % \frametitle{Table of Contents}
45 | % \tableofcontents[currentsection]
46 | % \end{frame}
47 | % }
48 |
49 | \begin{document}
50 |
51 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
52 |
53 | \begin{frame}
54 | \titlepage
55 | \end{frame}
56 |
57 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
58 |
59 | \begin{frame}
60 | \frametitle{Table of Contents}
61 | \tableofcontents
62 | \end{frame}
63 |
64 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
65 |
66 | \section{PPP NB}
67 | \subsection{Principles}
68 |
69 | \begin{frame}
70 | \frametitle{Principles of PPP NB (Non-Bias) Service}
71 | \framesubtitle{Observation Equations}
72 |
73 | The PPP~NB is based on the processing of the ionosphere-free linear combination of phase
74 | observations
75 | \be
76 | L^{ij}_3 = \varrho^{ij} - c\delta^{ij} + T^{ij} + \bar{N}^{ij}_3 ~,
77 | \ee
78 | where the ambiguity term is given by
79 | \be
80 | \bar{N}^{ij}_3 = N^{ij}_3 - l^{ij}_3
81 | = \frac{c\;f_2}{f^2_1-f^2_2}\;(n^{ij}_1-n^{ij}_2) + \lambda_3\;n^{ij}_1 - l^{ij}_3
82 | \ee
83 | and the ionosphere-free linear combination of code observations
84 | \be
85 | P^{ij}_3 = \varrho^{ij} - c\delta^{ij} + T^{ij} + p^{ij}_3 ~,
86 | \ee
87 | where the code bias $p^{ij}_3$ is the linear combination of biases
88 | $p^{ij}_1,p^{ij}_2$
89 | \end{frame}
90 |
91 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
92 |
93 | \end{document}