Changeset 2648 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/bncwindow.cpp

Nov 7, 2010, 6:08:24 PM (14 years ago)
1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bncwindow.cpp

    r2603 r2648  
    341341  _pppNMEALineEdit     = new QLineEdit(settings.value("nmeaFile").toString());
    342342  _pppNMEAPortLineEdit = new QLineEdit(settings.value("nmeaPort").toString());
    343   _pppSigCLineEdit  = new QLineEdit(settings.value("pppSigmaCode").toString());
     343  _pppSigCLineEdit     = new QLineEdit(settings.value("pppSigmaCode").toString());
    344344  _pppAverageLineEdit  = new QLineEdit(settings.value("pppAverage").toString());
    345345  _pppRefCrdXLineEdit  = new QLineEdit(settings.value("pppRefCrdX").toString());
    349349  _pppOriginComboBox = new QComboBox();
    350350  _pppOriginComboBox->setEditable(false);
    351   _pppOriginComboBox->addItems(QString("No plot,Start position,X Y Z").split(","));
     351  _pppOriginComboBox->addItems(QString("None,Plot - Start position,Plot - X Y Z,QuickStart - Static,QuickStart - Mobile").split(","));
    352352  int ij = _pppOriginComboBox->findText(settings.value("pppOrigin").toString());
    353353  if (ij != -1) {
    468468  _pppNMEALineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify the full path to a file where PPP results are saved as NMEA messages.</p>"));
    469469  _pppNMEAPortLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify an IP port number to output PPP results as NMEA messages through an IP port.</p>"));
    470   _pppOriginComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select an origin for North/East/Up time series plots in the 'PPP Plot' tab. This option makes only sense for a stationary receiver.</p>"));
     470  _pppOriginComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select an origin for a North/East/Up displacements time series plot in the 'PPP Plot' section or for operating BNC in QuickStart mode starting at a known position.</p><p> - 'Plot - Start position' will let BNC plot a time series referred to the very first determined set of coordinate components.</p><p> - 'Plot - X Y Z' will let BNC plot a time series referred to entered coordinate components XYZ.</p><p> - 'QuickStart - Static' allows to run BNC in QuickStart mode with observations from a stationary receiver located at position XYZ</p><p> - 'QuickStart - Mobile' also allows to run BNC in QuickStart mode. However, the receiver may leave its initial XYZ start position after staying there for two minutes.</p><p>Note that displacements time series plots make only sense for a stationary receiver.</p>"));
    471471  _pppSigCLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a sigma for your code observations in meters.</p><p>5.0 (default) is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p>"));
    472472  _pppAverageLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter the length of a sliding time window in minutes. BNC will continuously output moving average positions computed from those individual positions obtained most recently throughout this period.</p><p>An empty option field (default) means that you don't wont BNC to output moving average positions.</p>"));
    473   _pppRefCrdXLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>You may enter reference coordinates of the receiver position if known. The time series plots shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab will then be referred to these values.</p>"));
    474   _pppRefCrdYLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>You may enter reference coordinates of the receiver position if known. The time series plots shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab will then be referred to these values.</p>"));
    475   _pppRefCrdZLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>You may enter reference coordinates of the receiver position if known. The time series plots shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab will then be referred to these values.</p>"));
    476   _bncFigurePPP->setWhatsThis(tr("PPP time series of North (red), East (green) and Up (blue) coordinate components are shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab when a 'Plot origin' PPP option is applied. Values are either referred to reference coordinates (if specified) or referred to the first estimated set of coordinate compoments. The sliding PPP time series window covers the period of the latest 5 minutes."));
     473  _pppRefCrdXLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter reference coordinate X of the receiver's position.</p>"));
     474  _pppRefCrdYLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter reference coordinate Y of the receiver's position.</p>"));
     475  _pppRefCrdZLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter reference coordinate Z of the receiver's position.</p>"));
     476  _bncFigurePPP->setWhatsThis(tr("PPP time series of North (red), East (green) and Up (blue) coordinate components are shown in the 'PPP Plot' tab when a appropriate option is applied via 'Origin'. Values are either referred to reference coordinates (if specified) or referred to the first estimated set of coordinate compoments. The sliding PPP time series window covers the period of the latest 5 minutes."));
    478478  // Canvas with Editable Fields
    714714  _pppRefCrdZLineEdit->setMaximumWidth(14*ww);
    715715  _pppNMEAPortLineEdit->setMaximumWidth(14*ww);
    716   _pppOriginComboBox->setMaximumWidth(14*ww);
    717716  _pppSPPComboBox->setMaximumWidth(8*ww);
    718717  pppLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0,14*ww);
    734733  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppAverageLineEdit,                  2, 4);
    735734  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Averaging"),              2, 4, Qt::AlignRight); 
    736   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Plot origin"),            3, 0);
     735  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Origin"),                 3, 0);
    737736  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppOriginComboBox,                   3, 1, 1, 2);
    738   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("  "),                     3, 3);
     737  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" X"),                     3, 3, Qt::AlignRight);
    739738  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppRefCrdXLineEdit,                  3, 4);
    740   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("  "),                     3, 5);
     739  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" Y"),                     3, 5, Qt::AlignRight);
    741740  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppRefCrdYLineEdit,                  3, 6);
    742   pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("  "),                     3, 7);
     741  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(" Z"),                     3, 7, Qt::AlignRight);
    743742  pppLayout->addWidget(_pppRefCrdZLineEdit,                  3, 8);
    744743  pppLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("NMEA File (full path)"),  4, 0);
    13001299        connect(thread, SIGNAL(newLatency(QByteArray, double)),
    13011300                _bncFigureLate, SLOT(slotNewLatency(QByteArray, double)));
    1302         if (settings.value("pppOrigin").toString() != "No plot") {
     1301        if (settings.value("pppOrigin").toString() != "None"  &&
     1302            settings.value("pppOrigin").toString() != "QuickStart - Mobile") {
    13031303          disconnect(thread,
    13041304                     SIGNAL(newPosition(bncTime, double, double, double)),
    16291629      _pppGLONASSCheckBox->setEnabled(true);
    16301630      _pppOriginComboBox->setEnabled(true);
    1631       if (_pppOriginComboBox->currentText() == "X Y Z" ) {
     1631      if (_pppOriginComboBox->currentText() == "Plot - X Y Z" ||
     1632          _pppOriginComboBox->currentText() == "QuickStart - Static" ||
     1633          _pppOriginComboBox->currentText() == "QuickStart - Mobile" ) {
    16321634        _pppRefCrdXLineEdit->setPalette(palette_white);
    16331635        _pppRefCrdXLineEdit->setEnabled(true);
    16451647        _pppRefCrdZLineEdit->setEnabled(false);
    16461648      }
    1647       if (_pppOriginComboBox->currentText() != "No plot" ) {
     1649      if (_pppOriginComboBox->currentText() != "None" &&
     1650          _pppOriginComboBox->currentText() != "Plot - Start position" &&
     1651          _pppOriginComboBox->currentText() != "QuickStart - Mobile" ) {
    16481652        _pppAverageLineEdit->setPalette(palette_white);
    16491653        _pppAverageLineEdit->setEnabled(true);
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