Changeset 2221 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/RTCM3/ephemeris.cpp

Jan 12, 2010, 8:36:29 AM (14 years ago)

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1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/RTCM3/ephemeris.cpp

    r1239 r2221  
    66#include "ephemeris.h"
     7#include "bncutils.h"
    78#include "timeutils.h"
    270271  out << endl;
     274// Derivative of the state vector using a simple force model (static)
     276ColumnVector t_ephGlo::glo_deriv(double /* tt */, const ColumnVector& xv) {
     278  // State vector components
     279  // -----------------------
     280  ColumnVector rr = xv.rows(1,3);
     281  ColumnVector vv = xv.rows(4,6);
     283  // Acceleration
     284  // ------------
     285  static const double GM    = 398.60044e12;
     286  static const double AE    = 6378136.0;
     287  static const double OMEGA = 7292115.e-11;
     288  static const double C20   = -1082.63e-6;
     290  double rho = rr.norm_Frobenius();
     291  double t1  = -GM/(rho*rho*rho);
     292  double t2  = 3.0/2.0 * C20 * (GM*AE*AE) / (rho*rho*rho*rho*rho);
     293  double t3  = OMEGA * OMEGA;
     294  double t4  = 2.0 * OMEGA;
     295  double z2  = rr(3) * rr(3);
     297  // Vector of derivatives
     298  // ---------------------
     299  ColumnVector va(6);
     300  va(1) = vv(1);
     301  va(2) = vv(2);
     302  va(3) = vv(3);
     303  va(4) = (t1 + t2*(1.0-5.0*z2/(rho*rho)) + t3) * rr(1) + t4*vv(2);
     304  va(5) = (t1 + t2*(1.0-5.0*z2/(rho*rho)) + t3) * rr(2) - t4*vv(1);
     305  va(6) = (t1 + t2*(3.0-5.0*z2/(rho*rho))     ) * rr(3);
     307  return va;
     310// Compute Glonass Satellite Position (virtual)
     312void t_ephGlo::position(int GPSweek, double GPSweeks,
     313                        double* xc, double* vv) const {
     315  static const double secPerWeek  = 7 * 86400.0;
     316  static const double nominalStep = 10.0;
     318  memset(xc, 0, 4*sizeof(double));
     319  memset(vv, 0, 3*sizeof(double));
     321  double dtPos = GPSweeks - _tt;
     322  if (GPSweek != _GPSweek) { 
     323    dtPos += (GPSweek - _GPSweek) * secPerWeek;
     324  }
     326  int nSteps  = int(fabs(dtPos) / nominalStep) + 1;
     327  double step = dtPos / nSteps;
     329  for (int ii = 1; ii <= nSteps; ii++) {
     330    _xv = rungeKutta4(_tt, _xv, step, glo_deriv);
     331    _tt += step;
     332  }
     334  // Position and Velocity
     335  // ---------------------
     336  xc[0] = _xv(1);
     337  xc[1] = _xv(2);
     338  xc[2] = _xv(3);
     340  vv[0] = _xv(4);
     341  vv[1] = _xv(5);
     342  vv[2] = _xv(6);
     344  // Clock Correction
     345  // ----------------
     346  double dtClk = GPSweeks - _GPSweeks;
     347  if (GPSweek != _GPSweek) { 
     348    dtClk += (GPSweek - _GPSweek) * secPerWeek;
     349  }
     350  xc[3] = -_tau + _gamma * dtClk;
     353// IOD of Glonass Ephemeris (virtual)
     355int t_ephGlo::IOD() const {
     357  bool old = false;
     359  if (old) { // 5 LSBs of iod are equal to 5 LSBs of tb
     360    unsigned int tb  = int(fmod(_GPSweeks,86400.0)); //sec of day
     361    const int shift = sizeof(tb) * 8 - 5;
     362    unsigned int iod = tb << shift;
     363    return (iod >> shift);
     364  }
     365  else     { 
     366    return int(fmod(_tki, 3600)) / 30;
     367  }
     370// Print Glonass Ephemeris (virtual)
     372void t_ephGlo::print(std::ostream& out) const {
     376// Set Glonass Ephemeris
     378void t_ephGlo::set(const glonassephemeris* ee) {
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