5 years |
stuerze |
upgrade to newmat11 library
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
updated default observation types for Galileo
6 years |
mervart |
Sort MP data (make the largest values always visible)
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes in RTCM3 Decoder with respect to MSM obs codes
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
bug fixed in rinex file concatenation
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
some updates to support RINEX Version 3.04
6 years |
stuerze |
some updates to support RINEX Version 3.04
6 years |
mervart |
6 years |
mervart |
6 years |
mervart |
Analyze more than two signals
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
mervart |
Analyze more than two signals
6 years |
mervart |
Analyze more than two signals
6 years |
mervart |
Analyze more than two signals
6 years |
mervart |
Analyze more than two signals
6 years |
mervart |
Analyze more than two signals
6 years |
mervart |
Analyze more than two signals
6 years |
mervart |
Analyze more than two signals
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to consider a satellite clock drift that is introduced …
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
7 years |
stuerze |
SSR parameter clock rate, clock drift and URA are added within RTNET format
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
7 years |
stuerze |
updated RINEX obs codes
7 years |
stuerze |
some changes to allow 10 Hz observation data generation with correct …
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to allow 10 Hz observation data processing (latency …
7 years |
stuerze |
small bug fixes in 'reqc' ephemeris check
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
7 years |
stuerze |
inidividual satellite system will eb considerred during concatenation …
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to allow GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and SBAS observations in …
7 years |
stoecker |
see #105 - reenable Qt4 build options, drop generic version dependend …
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
7 years |
wiese |
CHANGE: #105 QT5
7 years |
wiese |
CHANGE: #105 toAscii deprecated
7 years |
stuerze |
IRNSS support is added in RINEX QC
7 years |
stuerze |
INRSS support regarding RINEX observation files is added
8 years |
stoecker |
update qwt and qwtpolar, many QT5 fixes (unfinished)
8 years |
stuerze |
set default rinex version 3 obs types if skl file obs types are of …
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes in default observation types
9 years |
stuerze |
some informations about the data source of RINEX navigation files is …
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
System and frequency specific signal priorities are added for RINEX3 …
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to prevent QThread errors
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
rinex qc: satellite visibility is considered now if expected obs is …
9 years |
stuerze |
qc format version string is updated
9 years |
stuerze |
possible obs added in rinex QC
9 years |
stuerze |
bug fixed in RINEX v2.11 header
9 years |
stuerze |
small bug regarding satellite number in rinex epoch fixed
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding obs types
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to remove duplicates in rinex header comments
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to remove duplicates in rinex header comments
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to remove duplicates in rinex header comments
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding obs types
9 years |
stuerze |
minor additions regarding default GLONASS obs types
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes ragarding rinex obs file writing with incomplete skl file
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
some value initialization in constructor is added
9 years |
stuerze |
minor format changes
9 years |
stuerze |
observation types per system are added in header of the QC output
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding rinexV3 writing
9 years |
stuerze |
in case of RINEX3 to RINEX 2 conversion now some comment lines are …
10 years |
weber |
Avoid error message through opening log file only if file name is specified
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to decide between erroneous and outdated ephemerides …
10 years |
stuerze |
harmonization of data type for SSR IOD
10 years |
stuerze |
IOD data type changed, to support IODs computed from CRC over …
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding file reading for PPP
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding windowing for RINEX navigation data
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
10 years |
stuerze |
minor updates in rinex nav version
10 years |
stuerze |
10 years |
stuerze |
windowing added for RINEX navigation data
10 years |
stuerze |
minor simplification of the last changes
10 years |
stuerze |
now empty phase shift lines are considered as well during RNX …
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to prevent crash, if no logfile is specified for qc
10 years |
stuerze |
minor format changes are added to write phase shifts
10 years |
stuerze |
minor format changes are added to write phase shifts
10 years |
stuerze |
typo corrected
10 years |
stuerze |
consideration of obs header etries for phase shifts, GLONASS slots and …
10 years |
stuerze |
renaming of BDS's first frequency band from '1' in '2'
10 years |
stuerze |
BDS frequency band changes in RINEX 3.03 added
10 years |
stuerze |
updates regarding obs header etry "SYS / PHASE SHIFT": list of …
10 years |
stuerze |
I/NAV - F/NAV issue (hopefully:) solved in another way
10 years |
stuerze |
During mixing of ephemeris data sets now the aspect is taken into …
10 years |
stuerze |
Receiver Number, Antenna Number and Antenna Eccentricity are now …
10 years |
stuerze |
Some mandatory RINEX v3 header lines in observation files are added. …
10 years |
stuerze |
set default observation types if empty in skl file
10 years |
weber |
Version 2 signal priority added for post processing mode
10 years |
stuerze |
some more renaming
10 years |
stuerze |
complete renaming Compass to BDS
10 years |
mervart |
10 years |
mervart |
10 years |
mervart |
10 years |
mervart |