11 days |
stuerze |
IRNSS replaced by NavIC
11 months |
stuerze |
BNC writes combination results now in a separate output file
11 months |
stuerze |
two more options added to the combination procedure
12 months |
stuerze |
17 months |
stuerze |
revert last changes
17 months |
stuerze |
An option 'Wait for full clock epoch' is added to combination procedure
21 months |
stuerze |
allow to write summary only in sp3 comparison
22 months |
stuerze |
allow 30 sec update rate for sp3 files
22 months |
stuerze |
same changes for future developments towards station individual …
3 years |
stuerze |
consideration of client SSL certificates, if they are available
3 years |
stuerze |
initial changes to consider RINEX Version 4 in future
3 years |
stuerze |
consideration of incoming Code Biases during clock combination
4 years |
stuerze |
parameter added to be able to chose the corrections to be combined
4 years |
stuerze |
an option for the specification of a local skeleton directory is added
4 years |
stuerze |
the default RINEX version in BNC is changed from version 2 to verision 3
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
a computed lock time is added for RTCM3 phase observations as an …
7 years |
stuerze |
some changes to allow 10 Hz observation data generation with correct …
7 years |
stuerze |
inidividual satellite system will eb considerred during concatenation …
7 years |
stoecker |
see #105 - reenable Qt4 build options, drop generic version dependend …
7 years |
wiese |
CHANGE: #105 QT5
8 years |
stoecker |
update qwt and qwtpolar, many QT5 fixes (unfinished)
9 years |
stuerze |
BNC's ephemeris upload is extended to allows an upload of more than …
9 years |
weber |
Keyname 'ignoreSslErrors' changed to 'sslIngoreErrors'
9 years |
weber |
String perfIntr changed to miscIntr and string scanRTCM changed to …
9 years |
weber |
String waitTime changed to outWait
9 years |
weber |
String binSampl changed to outSampl
9 years |
weber |
String obsRate changed to adviseObsRate
9 years |
weber |
String outEphPort changed to ephOutPort
10 years |
stuerze |
Check box for the optional choice of RINEX V3 navigation file names is …
10 years |
stuerze |
Check box for the optional choice of RINEX V3 observation file names …
10 years |
stuerze |
add an option to write only RINEX files if the respective SKL file is …
10 years |
stuerze |
possibility added to send a manual generated NMEA string with a given …
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
mervart |
10 years |
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10 years |
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10 years |
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11 years |
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11 years |
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11 years |
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11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
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11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
weber |
Raw stream output through TCP/IP port enabled
12 years |
weber |
Track plot completed
12 years |
weber |
Trace map funktion modified
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
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12 years |
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12 years |
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12 years |
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12 years |
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12 years |
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12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
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12 years |
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13 years |
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13 years |
weber |
Audio response added to PPP option
13 years |
mervart |
13 years |
mervart |
copied from trunk/BNC/bncwindow.h
13 years |
mervart |