8 years |
stuerze |
undefined generation attribute '_' is added to the default signal …
8 years |
stoecker |
update qwt and qwtpolar, many QT5 fixes (unfinished)
8 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to switch of the re-read functionlality as it is …
8 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
8 years |
stuerze |
some further updates regarding ITRF2014
8 years |
stuerze |
minor changes: IGS08 => IGS14
9 years |
wiese |
ADD: config keywords in context help
9 years |
stuerze |
System and frequency specific signal priorities are added for RINEX3 …
9 years |
stuerze |
input and output part is now separated in PPP(1) layout
9 years |
stuerze |
the possibility to load an ocean loading file is added in GUI for …
9 years |
stuerze |
bug fixed regarding map generation from sourcetable entry
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
BNC's ephemeris upload is extended to allows an upload of more than …
9 years |
stuerze |
BNC's release number is now part of variable BNCVERSION
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding skl file names
9 years |
stuerze |
release number is added in BNC logfile header line
9 years |
stuerze |
release number added in about window
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation for SINEX tropo AC and Solution ID added
9 years |
stuerze |
Agency and solution ID added in SINEX TRO File header
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
stuerze |
some code cleanup
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Typo corrected
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
What's This completed for PPP (1) panel.
9 years |
weber |
Keyname 'ignoreSslErrors' changed to 'sslIngoreErrors'
9 years |
stuerze |
automatic file name generation for ppp output files is added
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
SNX TRO file documentation completed
9 years |
weber |
SNX TRO interval documentation completed
9 years |
stuerze |
snx tro interval is added in GUI
9 years |
weber |
Typo in parameter miscIntr corrected
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completedDocumentation completedDocumentation …
9 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
String perfIntr changed to miscIntr and string scanRTCM changed to …
10 years |
weber |
String waitTime changed to outWait
10 years |
weber |
String binSampl changed to outSampl
10 years |
weber |
String obsRate changed to adviseObsRate
10 years |
weber |
String outEphPort changed to ephOutPort
10 years |
stuerze |
some restructuring
10 years |
stuerze |
some re-naming
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Hide country code in streams table
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to prevent crash because of chenaged mountPoint entries
10 years |
stuerze |
RINEX v3 filenames can now be formed optionally during RINEX file …
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
stuerze |
country information from source table is added to have it available …
10 years |
stuerze |
Check box for the optional choice of RINEX V3 navigation file names is …
10 years |
stuerze |
Check box for the optional choice of RINEX V3 observation file names …
10 years |
weber |
Option field extended
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Typo corrected
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Reset time series plot before restart of post processing PPP using …
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Typo corrected
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Typy corrected
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
stuerze |
some gui chages regarding planned activities
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
stuerze |
add an option to write only RINEX files if the respective SKL file is …
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
stuerze |
consider GPGGA and GNGGA in manual nmea mode
10 years |
weber |
Log output extended
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
stuerze |
correct typo
10 years |
stuerze |
possibility added to send a manual generated NMEA string with a given …
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
Typo corrected