21 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
21 months |
stuerze |
allow to write summary only in sp3 comparison
2 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
2 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
3 years |
stuerze |
consideration of client SSL certificates, if they are available
3 years |
stuerze |
initial changes to consider RINEX Version 4 in future
3 years |
stuerze |
Bias SINEX file can be written now during SSR upload
4 years |
stuerze |
Example Configs updated
4 years |
stoecker |
drop the deprecated www prefix
4 years |
stuerze |
parameter added to be able to chose the corrections to be combined
4 years |
stuerze |
an option for the specification of a local skeleton directory is added
4 years |
stuerze |
the default RINEX version in BNC is changed from version 2 to verision 3
5 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
default value for NMEA sampling changed
6 years |
stuerze |
some updates to support RINEX Version 3.04
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
a computed lock time is added for RTCM3 phase observations as an …
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
7 years |
stuerze |
some changes to allow 10 Hz observation data generation with correct …
7 years |
stuerze |
inidividual satellite system will eb considerred during concatenation …
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
8 years |
stuerze |
undefined generation attribute '_' is added to the default signal …
8 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
8 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to switch of the re-read functionlality as it is …
8 years |
stuerze |
settings are not cleared anymore in order to have never an empty …
9 years |
wiese |
ADD: config keywords in context help
9 years |
stuerze |
System and frequency specific signal priorities are added for RINEX3 …
9 years |
stuerze |
BNC's ephemeris upload is extended to allows an upload of more than …
9 years |
weber |
Keyname 'ignoreSslErrors' changed to 'sslIngoreErrors'
9 years |
stuerze |
snx tro interval is added in GUI
9 years |
weber |
String perfIntr changed to miscIntr and string scanRTCM changed to …
9 years |
weber |
String waitTime changed to outWait
9 years |
weber |
String binSampl changed to outSampl
9 years |
weber |
String obsRate changed to adviseObsRate
9 years |
weber |
String outEphPort changed to ephOutPort
9 years |
stuerze |
some re-naming
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
10 years |
stuerze |
default values for the check boxes regarding the optional choice of …
10 years |
weber |
List of configuration file parameters updated
10 years |
weber |
List of settings completed
10 years |
stuerze |
renaming of BDS's first frequency band from '1' in '2'
10 years |
stuerze |
correct typo
10 years |
weber |
Default for 'Plots for signals' specified
10 years |
mervart |
10 years |
mervart |
10 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
weber |
Raw stream output through TCP/IP port enabled
12 years |
weber |
Color for track dots added
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
13 years |
weber |
Audio response added to PPP option
13 years |
mervart |
13 years |
mervart |
copied from trunk/BNC/bncsettings.cpp
13 years |
mervart |