11 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
11 months |
stuerze |
nmea sampling is also used for AutoNMEA option
11 months |
stuerze |
16 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
17 months |
stuerze |
minor changes
2 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
2 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
2 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
2 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
3 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
3 years |
stuerze |
update regarding PPP
3 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
3 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
4 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
4 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
4 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
4 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
4 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regarding latency check, ssr and long mountpoint names
5 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
5 years |
stuerze |
some updates regarding IRNSS mesage numbers
5 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
5 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
5 years |
stuerze |
port error messages extended
5 years |
stuerze |
port error messages extended
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
small but fine changes within the latency checker
7 years |
stuerze |
some changes to allow 10 Hz observation data real-time processing
7 years |
stuerze |
a small bug regarding latency checker should be solved now
7 years |
stoecker |
see #105 - reenable Qt4 build options, drop generic version dependend …
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes with respect to latencychecker
7 years |
stuerze |
antenna and receiver info from message type 1007, 1008 and 1033 completed
7 years |
stuerze |
receiver type extraction from 1033 RTCM3 messages is added
8 years |
stoecker |
update qwt and qwtpolar, many QT5 fixes (unfinished)
8 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
8 years |
stuerze |
the latency checker is now able to check ssr data streams with …
9 years |
stuerze |
satellite information added to "Wrong observation epoch" message
9 years |
stuerze |
check regarding wrong observation epochs is done in latencychecker as …
9 years |
stuerze |
mionor changes to allow programm interruption by Ctrl+C in case of raw …
9 years |
stuerze |
a try to fix a persistent memory leak
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to allow a complete end of program only in debug + …
9 years |
stuerze |
#BNC_DEBUG added
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to allow a clean end of program
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes to prevent the loss of observation epochs
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
stuerze |
try to prevent a crash after failed decoding
9 years |
stuerze |
minor addition to prevent a crash after failed decoding
9 years |
weber |
String scanRTCM changed to miscScanRTCM
10 years |
stuerze |
NMEA TCP port functionlity removed into bncgetthread class in order to …
10 years |
weber |
GLONASS Slot/Channel output in logfile changed
10 years |
stuerze |
scanning of GLONASS slots is added
10 years |
stoecker |
integrate RTCM3 parsing into BNC and directly fill target structures, …
10 years |
stuerze |
consider GPGGA and GNGGA in manual nmea mode
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes for sending manual nmea
10 years |
stuerze |
add initial GGA string for NMEA auto mode
10 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
10 years |
stuerze |
possibility added to send a manual generated NMEA string with a given …
10 years |
weber |
Documentation completed
10 years |
weber |
NMEA upload function modified
10 years |
weber |
Upload of NMEA GNGGA string added
10 years |
stuerze |
consider RTCM2/RINEX2 in scanRTCM()
10 years |
stuerze |
consider type C,L,D,D in scanRtcm()
10 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
mervart |
11 years |
weber |
Ras stream output through TCP/IP port enabled
11 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
12 years |
mervart |
13 years |
mervart |
13 years |
mervart |
13 years |
mervart |
13 years |
mervart |
copied from trunk/BNC/bncgetthread.cpp
13 years |
stoecker |
fix crash with Galileo ephemeris available, some other valgrind fixes …