5 years |
stuerze |
some updates regarding IRNSS mesage numbers
5 years |
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minor changes
5 years |
stuerze |
some updates regarding BDS and IRNSS mesage numbers and signal mapping
5 years |
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minor changes
5 years |
stuerze |
disable debug output
5 years |
stuerze |
initial import igs ssr encoding and decoding + debug output
5 years |
stuerze |
BDS and QZSS SSR signal and tracking mode is adapted with respect to …
5 years |
stuerze |
BDS SSR IOD is changed from 24 into 8 bit with respect to RTCM SSR …
5 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
5 years |
stuerze |
changes regarding fit interval for GPS and QZSS completed
5 years |
stuerze |
small improvement with respect to fit interval for GPS and QZSS at …
5 years |
stuerze |
Harmonization of RTCM3 Signal ID Mapping and RTCM SSR Signal and …
5 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
5 years |
stuerze |
update with respect to BDS signal mapping IDs as far as consistent …
5 years |
stuerze |
number of BDS satelliotes enlarged
5 years |
stuerze |
update with respect to BDS signal mapping IDs as far as consistent …
5 years |
stuerze |
IRNSS support is added in RTCM3 ephemeris encoder
5 years |
stuerze |
IRNSS support is added in RTCM3 decoder, RTCM signal mapping IDs for …
5 years |
stuerze |
IRNSS support is added in RTCM3 decoder, RTCM signal mapping IDs for …
6 years |
stuerze |
BDS Signal Id mapping table is updated with respect to BDS3
6 years |
stuerze |
number of biases enlarged to 100
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
6 years |
stuerze |
minor changes in RTCM3 Decoder with respect to MSM obs codes
6 years |
stuerze |
try to prevent crasches in case of GLONASS satellite coordinate …
6 years |
stuerze |
some updates to support RINEX Version 3.04
6 years |
stuerze |
a computed lock time is added for RTCM3 phase observations as an …
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
7 years |
stuerze |
bug fixed to have now consistent QZSS weeks in clock and orbit …
7 years |
stuerze |
bug fixed regarding TOT in BDS and SBAS RTCM3 ephemeris message
7 years |
stuerze |
the latest changes regarding SSR Satellite ID for BDS and SBAS are …
7 years |
stuerze |
consideration of DF range 0-63 for SSR Satellite IDs as defined in …
7 years |
stuerze |
bug with respect to BDS week fixed
7 years |
stuerze |
receiver type extraction from 1033 RTCM3 messages is added
7 years |
stuerze |
RTCM MT 1020 ephemeris parameter are now completed
7 years |
stuerze |
clock orbit buffer size is enlarged
7 years |
stuerze |
bug fixed in RTCM3MSM Decoder
7 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
7 years |
stuerze |
bug fixed in RTCM3MSM Decoder and file format is adapted to the …
8 years |
stuerze |
RTCM message number for BDS is updated
9 years |
stuerze |
number of allowed biases is enlarged and some future GLONASS signal …
9 years |
stuerze |
Signal and tracking mode identifier are updated with respect to the …
9 years |
stuerze |
Signal and tracking mode identifier are updated with respect to the …
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes
9 years |
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minor changes
9 years |
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limits for spherical harmonics degree and order are extended
9 years |
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minor changes regarding RTCM antenna type descriptor
9 years |
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minor changes regarding RTCM3 antenna type determination
9 years |
wiese |
Create 2.12 branch
copied from trunk/BNC/src/RTCM3
9 years |
stuerze |
minor changes regareding string processing