#ifndef OBSPOOL_H #define OBSPOOL_H #include #include #include #include #include "pppSatObs.h" #include "bnctime.h" #include "pppRefSat.h" namespace BNC_PPP { class t_pppObsPool { public: class t_epoch { public: t_epoch(const bncTime& epoTime, std::vector& obsVector, bool pseudoObsIono); ~t_epoch(); std::vector& obsVector() {return _obsVector;} const std::vector& obsVector() const {return _obsVector;} const bncTime& epoTime() const {return _epoTime;} bool pseudoObsIono() const {return _pseudoObsIono;} private: bncTime _epoTime; std::vector _obsVector; bool _pseudoObsIono; }; t_pppObsPool(); ~t_pppObsPool(); void putCodeBias(t_satCodeBias* satCodeBias); void putPhaseBias(t_satPhaseBias* satPhaseBias); void putTec(t_vTec* _vTec); void putEpoch(const bncTime& epoTime, std::vector& obsVector, bool pseudoObs); void deleteLastEpoch(); const t_satCodeBias* satCodeBias(const t_prn& prn) const { return _satCodeBiases[prn.toInt()]; } const t_satPhaseBias* satPhaseBias(const t_prn& prn) const { return _satPhaseBiases[prn.toInt()]; } const t_vTec* vTec() const {return _vTec;} t_epoch* lastEpoch() { if (_epochs.size()) { return _epochs.back(); } else { return 0; } } // RefSatMap of the current epoch // ============================== void initRefSatMapElement(char system) {_refSatMap[system] = new t_pppRefSat();} void clearRefSatMap() { QMapIterator it(_refSatMap); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); delete it.value(); } _refSatMap.clear(); } QMap getRefSatMap() {return _refSatMap;} t_pppRefSat* getRefSatMapElement(char sys) {return _refSatMap[sys];} // RefSatMap of the last epoch // =========================== QMap getRefSatMapLastEpoch() {return _refSatMapLastEpoch;} t_prn getRefSatMapElementLastEpoch(char sys) {return _refSatMapLastEpoch[sys];} void setRefSatMapElementLastEpoch(char sys, t_prn prn) {_refSatMapLastEpoch[sys] = prn;} void saveLastEpoRefSats() { QMapIterator it(getRefSatMap()); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); t_prn prn = it.value()->prn(); setRefSatMapElementLastEpoch(prn.system(), prn); }; } // RefSat change required in current epoch // ======================================= void setRefSatChangeRequired(char sys, bool refSatChangeRequired) { _refSatChangeRequiredMap[sys] = refSatChangeRequired; } bool refSatChangeRequired() { QMapIterator it(_refSatChangeRequiredMap); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.value() == true) { return true; } } return false; } bool refSatChangeRequired(char sys) { return _refSatChangeRequiredMap[sys]; } // RefSat changed in current epoch (different from last epoch) // =========================================================== void setRefSatChanged(char sys, bool refSatChanged) { _refSatChangedMap[sys] = refSatChanged; } bool refSatChanged() { QMapIterator it(_refSatChangedMap); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); if (it.value() == true) { return true; } } return false; } bool refSatChanged(char sys) { return _refSatChangedMap[sys]; } private: t_satCodeBias* _satCodeBiases[t_prn::MAXPRN+1]; t_satPhaseBias* _satPhaseBiases[t_prn::MAXPRN+1]; t_vTec* _vTec; std::deque _epochs; QMap _refSatMap; QMap _refSatChangeRequiredMap; QMap _refSatChangedMap; QMap _refSatMapLastEpoch; }; } #endif