/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: t_pppParlist * * Purpose: List of estimated parameters * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 29-Jul-2014 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <iomanip> #include <algorithm> #include <newmatio.h> #include "pppParlist.h" #include "pppSatObs.h" #include "pppStation.h" #include "bncutils.h" #include "bncconst.h" #include "pppClient.h" using namespace BNC_PPP; using namespace std; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_pppParam::t_pppParam(e_type type, const t_prn& prn, t_lc::type tLC, const vector<t_pppSatObs*>* obsVector) { _type = type; _prn = prn; _tLC = tLC; _x0 = 0.0; _indexOld = -1; _indexNew = -1; _noise = 0.0; _ambInfo = 0; switch (_type) { case crdX: _epoSpec = false; _sigma0 = OPT->_aprSigCrd[0]; _noise = OPT->_noiseCrd[0]; break; case crdY: _epoSpec = false; _sigma0 = OPT->_aprSigCrd[1]; _noise = OPT->_noiseCrd[1]; break; case crdZ: _epoSpec = false; _sigma0 = OPT->_aprSigCrd[2]; _noise = OPT->_noiseCrd[2]; break; case clkR: _epoSpec = true; _sigma0 = OPT->_noiseClk; break; case amb: _epoSpec = false; _sigma0 = OPT->_aprSigAmb; _ambInfo = new t_ambInfo(); if (obsVector) { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < obsVector->size(); ii++) { const t_pppSatObs* obs = obsVector->at(ii); if (obs->prn() == _prn) { double offGG = 0; if (_prn.system() == 'R' && tLC != t_lc::MW) { offGG = PPP_CLIENT->offGG(); } double offGB = 0; if (_prn.system() == 'C' && tLC != t_lc::MW) { offGB = PPP_CLIENT->offGB(); } _x0 = floor((obs->obsValue(tLC) - offGG - offGB - obs->cmpValue(tLC)) / obs->lambda(tLC) + 0.5); break; } } } break; case offGG: _epoSpec = true; _sigma0 = 1000.0; _x0 = PPP_CLIENT->offGG(); break; case offGB: _epoSpec = true; _sigma0 = 1000.0; _x0 = PPP_CLIENT->offGB(); break; case trp: _epoSpec = false; _sigma0 = OPT->_aprSigTrp; _noise = OPT->_noiseTrp; break; case ion: _epoSpec = false; _sigma0 = OPT->_aprSigIon; _noise = OPT->_noiseIon; break; case cBias1: case cBias2: _epoSpec = false; _sigma0 = OPT->_aprSigCodeBias; _noise = OPT->_noiseCodeBias; break; case pBias1: case pBias2: _epoSpec = false; _sigma0 = OPT->_aprSigPhaseBias; _noise = OPT->_noisePhaseBias; break; } } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_pppParam::~t_pppParam() { delete _ambInfo; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double t_pppParam::partial(const bncTime& /* epoTime */, const t_pppSatObs* obs, const t_lc::type& tLC, const t_prn refPrn) const { // Special Case - Melbourne-Wuebbena // --------------------------------- if (tLC == t_lc::MW && _type != amb) { return 0.0; } const t_pppStation* sta = PPP_CLIENT->staRover(); ColumnVector rhoV = sta->xyzApr() - obs->xc().Rows(1,3); map<t_frequency::type, double> codeCoeff; map<t_frequency::type, double> phaseCoeff; map<t_frequency::type, double> ionoCoeff; obs->lcCoeff(tLC, codeCoeff, phaseCoeff, ionoCoeff); switch (_type) { case crdX: if (tLC == t_lc::GIM || tLC == t_lc::Tz0) {return 0.0;} return (sta->xyzApr()[0] - obs->xc()[0]) / rhoV.NormFrobenius(); case crdY: if (tLC == t_lc::GIM || tLC == t_lc::Tz0) {return 0.0;} return (sta->xyzApr()[1] - obs->xc()[1]) / rhoV.NormFrobenius(); case crdZ: if (tLC == t_lc::GIM || tLC == t_lc::Tz0) {return 0.0;} return (sta->xyzApr()[2] - obs->xc()[2]) / rhoV.NormFrobenius(); case clkR: if (tLC == t_lc::GIM || tLC == t_lc::Tz0) {return 0.0;} return 1.0; case offGG: if (tLC == t_lc::GIM || tLC == t_lc::Tz0) {return 0.0;} return (obs->prn().system() == 'R') ? 1.0 : 0.0; case offGB: if (tLC == t_lc::GIM || tLC == t_lc::Tz0) {return 0.0;} return (obs->prn().system() == 'C') ? 1.0 : 0.0; case amb: if (tLC == t_lc::GIM || tLC == t_lc::Tz0) {return 0.0;} else if ((OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->IF) || (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->PPPRTK) || (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->UncombPPP) || (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMcodeBias && !obs->isReference()) || (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMphaseBias && !obs->isReference()) ) { if (obs->prn() == _prn) { if (tLC == _tLC) { return (obs->lambda(tLC)); } else if (tLC == t_lc::lIF && _tLC == t_lc::MW) { return obs->lambda(t_lc::lIF) * obs->lambda(t_lc::MW) / obs->lambda(t_lc::l2); } else { if (_tLC == t_lc::l1) { return obs->lambda(t_lc::l1) * phaseCoeff[t_lc::toFreq(obs->prn().system(),t_lc::l1)]; } else if (_tLC == t_lc::l2) { return obs->lambda(t_lc::l2) * phaseCoeff[t_lc::toFreq(obs->prn().system(),t_lc::l2)]; } } } } break; case trp: if (tLC == t_lc::GIM) { return 0.0; } else if (tLC == t_lc::Tz0) { return 1.0; } else { return 1.0 / sin(obs->eleSat()); } case ion: if (obs->prn() == _prn) { if (tLC == t_lc::c1) { return ionoCoeff[t_lc::toFreq(obs->prn().system(),t_lc::c1)]; } else if (tLC == t_lc::c2) { return ionoCoeff[t_lc::toFreq(obs->prn().system(),t_lc::c2)]; } else if (tLC == t_lc::l1) { return ionoCoeff[t_lc::toFreq(obs->prn().system(),t_lc::l1)]; } else if (tLC == t_lc::l2) { return ionoCoeff[t_lc::toFreq(obs->prn().system(),t_lc::l2)]; } else if (tLC == t_lc::GIM) { return -1.0; } } if (tLC == t_lc::GIM && _prn == refPrn) { return 1.0; } break; case cBias1: if (tLC == t_lc::c1) { return 1.0; } else { return 0.0; } break; case cBias2: if (tLC == t_lc::c2) { return 1.0; } else { return 0.0; } break; case pBias1: if (tLC == t_lc::l1) { return 1.0; } else { return 0.0; } break; case pBias2: if (tLC == t_lc::l2) { return 1.0; } else { return 0.0; } } return 0.0; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string t_pppParam::toString() const { stringstream ss; switch (_type) { case crdX: ss << "CRD_X"; break; case crdY: ss << "CRD_Y"; break; case crdZ: ss << "CRD_Z"; break; case clkR: ss << "REC_CLK "; break; case offGG: ss << "OGG "; break; case offGB: ss << "OGB "; break; case trp: ss << "TRP "; break; case amb: ss << "AMB " << left << setw(3) << t_lc::toString(_tLC) << right << ' ' << _prn.toString(); break; case ion: ss << "ION " << left << setw(3) << t_lc::toString(_tLC) << right << ' ' << _prn.toString(); break; case cBias1: case cBias2: case pBias1: case pBias2: ss << "BIAS " << left << setw(3) << t_lc::toString(_tLC) << right << ' ' << "REC"; break; } return ss.str(); } // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_pppParlist::t_pppParlist() { } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_pppParlist::~t_pppParlist() { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < _params.size(); ii++) { delete _params[ii]; } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc t_pppParlist::set(const bncTime& epoTime, const std::vector<t_pppSatObs*>& obsVector, const QMap<char, t_pppRefSat*>& refSatMap) { // Remove some Parameters // ---------------------- vector<t_pppParam*>::iterator it = _params.begin(); while (it != _params.end()) { t_pppParam* par = *it; bool remove = false; if (par->epoSpec()) { remove = true; } else if (par->type() == t_pppParam::crdX || par->type() == t_pppParam::crdY || par->type() == t_pppParam::crdZ) { if (par->lastObsTime().valid() && (epoTime - par->lastObsTime() > 60.0)) { remove = true; } } else if (par->type() == t_pppParam::amb) { char system = par->prn().system(); t_prn refPrn = t_prn(); if (OPT->_refSatRequired) { refPrn = (refSatMap[system])->prn(); } if ((par->lastObsTime().valid() && (epoTime - par->lastObsTime() > 60.0)) || ( refPrn == par->prn())) { remove = true; } } if (remove) { delete par; it = _params.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } // Check whether parameters have observations // ------------------------------------------ for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < _params.size(); ii++) { t_pppParam* par = _params[ii]; if (par->prn() == 0) { par->setLastObsTime(epoTime); if (par->firstObsTime().undef()) { par->setFirstObsTime(epoTime); } } else { for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < obsVector.size(); jj++) { const t_pppSatObs* satObs = obsVector[jj]; if (satObs->prn() == par->prn()) { par->setLastObsTime(epoTime); if (par->firstObsTime().undef()) { par->setFirstObsTime(epoTime); } break; } } } } // Required Set of Parameters // -------------------------- vector<t_pppParam*> required; // Coordinates // ----------- required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::crdX, t_prn(), t_lc::dummy)); required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::crdY, t_prn(), t_lc::dummy)); required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::crdZ, t_prn(), t_lc::dummy)); // Receiver Clock // -------------- required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::clkR, t_prn(), t_lc::dummy)); // GPS-GLONASS Clock Offset // ------------------------ if (OPT->useSystem('R')) { required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::offGG, t_prn(), t_lc::dummy)); } // GPS-BDS Clock Offset // ------------------------ if (OPT->useSystem('C')) { required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::offGB, t_prn(), t_lc::dummy)); } // Troposphere // ----------- if (OPT->estTrp()) { required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::trp, t_prn(), t_lc::dummy)); } // Ionosphere // ---------- if (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->UncombPPP || OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMcodeBias || OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMphaseBias ) { for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < obsVector.size(); jj++) { const t_pppSatObs* satObs = obsVector[jj]; required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::ion, satObs->prn(), t_lc::dummy)); } } // Ambiguities // ----------- for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < obsVector.size(); jj++) { const t_pppSatObs* satObs = obsVector[jj]; if ((OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->IF) || (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->PPPRTK) || (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->UncombPPP) || (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMcodeBias && !satObs->isReference()) || (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMphaseBias && !satObs->isReference()) ) { const vector<t_lc::type>& ambLCs = OPT->ambLCs(satObs->prn().system()); for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < ambLCs.size(); ii++) { required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::amb, satObs->prn(), ambLCs[ii], &obsVector)); } } } // Receiver Code Biases // -------------------- if (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMcodeBias) { required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::cBias1, t_prn(), t_lc::c1)); required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::cBias2, t_prn(), t_lc::c2)); } // Receiver Phase Biases // --------------------- if ((OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMphaseBias) || (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->PPPRTK) ) { required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::pBias1, t_prn(), t_lc::l1)); required.push_back(new t_pppParam(t_pppParam::pBias2, t_prn(), t_lc::l2)); } // Check if all required parameters are present // -------------------------------------------- for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < required.size(); ii++) { t_pppParam* parReq = required[ii]; bool found = false; for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < _params.size(); jj++) { t_pppParam* parOld = _params[jj]; if (parOld->isEqual(parReq)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { delete parReq; } else { _params.push_back(parReq); } } // Set Parameter Indices // --------------------- sort(_params.begin(), _params.end(), t_pppParam::sortFunction); for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < _params.size(); ii++) { t_pppParam* par = _params[ii]; par->setIndex(ii); for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < obsVector.size(); jj++) { const t_pppSatObs* satObs = obsVector[jj]; if (satObs->prn() == par->prn()) { par->setAmbEleSat(satObs->eleSat()); par->stepAmbNumEpo(); } } } return success; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppParlist::printResult(const bncTime& epoTime, const SymmetricMatrix& QQ, const ColumnVector& xx) const { string epoTimeStr = string(epoTime); const t_pppStation* sta = PPP_CLIENT->staRover(); LOG << endl; t_pppParam* parX = 0; t_pppParam* parY = 0; t_pppParam* parZ = 0; for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < _params.size(); ii++) { t_pppParam* par = _params[ii]; if (par->type() == t_pppParam::crdX) { parX = par; } else if (par->type() == t_pppParam::crdY) { parY = par; } else if (par->type() == t_pppParam::crdZ) { parZ = par; } else { int ind = par->indexNew(); double apr = (par->type() == t_pppParam::trp) ? t_tropo::delay_saast(sta->xyzApr(), M_PI/2.0) : par->x0(); LOG << epoTimeStr << ' ' << par->toString() << ' ' << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << apr << ' ' << showpos << setw(10) << setprecision(4) << xx[ind] << noshowpos << " +- " << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << sqrt(QQ[ind][ind]); if (par->type() == t_pppParam::amb) { LOG << " el = " << setw(6) << setprecision(2) << par->ambEleSat() * 180.0 / M_PI << " epo = " << setw(4) << par->ambNumEpo(); } LOG << endl; } } if (parX && parY && parZ) { ColumnVector xyz(3); xyz[0] = xx[parX->indexNew()]; xyz[1] = xx[parY->indexNew()]; xyz[2] = xx[parZ->indexNew()]; ColumnVector neu(3); xyz2neu(sta->ellApr().data(), xyz.data(), neu.data()); SymmetricMatrix QQxyz = QQ.SymSubMatrix(1,3); SymmetricMatrix QQneu(3); covariXYZ_NEU(QQxyz, sta->ellApr().data(), QQneu); LOG << epoTimeStr << ' ' << sta->name() << " X = " << setprecision(4) << sta->xyzApr()[0] + xyz[0] << " +- " << setprecision(4) << sqrt(QQxyz[0][0]) << " Y = " << setprecision(4) << sta->xyzApr()[1] + xyz[1] << " +- " << setprecision(4) << sqrt(QQxyz[1][1]) << " Z = " << setprecision(4) << sta->xyzApr()[2] + xyz[2] << " +- " << setprecision(4) << sqrt(QQxyz[2][2]) << " dN = " << setprecision(4) << neu[0] << " +- " << setprecision(4) << sqrt(QQneu[0][0]) << " dE = " << setprecision(4) << neu[1] << " +- " << setprecision(4) << sqrt(QQneu[1][1]) << " dU = " << setprecision(4) << neu[2] << " +- " << setprecision(4) << sqrt(QQneu[2][2]) << endl; } }