/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Server * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: bncSinexTro * * Purpose: writes SINEX TRO files * * Author: A. Stürze * * Created: 19-Feb-2015 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include "bncsinextro.h" using namespace BNC_PPP; using namespace std; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncSinexTro::bncSinexTro(const t_pppOptions* opt, const QString& sklFileName, const QString& intr, int sampl) : bncoutf(sklFileName, intr, sampl) { _opt = opt; (!sampl) ? _sampl = 1 : _sampl = sampl; if (!_opt->_antexFileName.empty()) { _antex = new bncAntex(_opt->_antexFileName.c_str()); } else { _antex = 0; } } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bncSinexTro::~bncSinexTro() { closeFile(); if (_antex) delete _antex; } // Write Header //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncSinexTro::writeHeader(const QDateTime& datTim) { int GPSWeek; double GPSWeeks; bncSettings settings; GPSweekFromDateAndTime(datTim, GPSWeek, GPSWeeks); int daysec = int(fmod(GPSWeeks, 86400.0)); int dayOfYear = datTim.date().dayOfYear(); QString yy = datTim.toString("yy"); QString creationTime = QString("%1:%2:%3").arg(yy) .arg(dayOfYear, 3, 10, QLatin1Char('0')) .arg(daysec , 5, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); QString startTime = creationTime; QString endTime = QString("%1:%2:%3").arg(yy) .arg(dayOfYear, 3, 10, QLatin1Char('0')) .arg(84600 , 5, 10); QString intStr = settings.value("PPP/snxtroIntr").toString(); int intr, indHlp = 0; if ((indHlp = intStr.indexOf("min")) != -1) { intr = intStr.left(indHlp-1).toInt(); intr *= 60; } else if ((indHlp = intStr.indexOf("hour")) != -1) { intr = intStr.left(indHlp-1).toInt(); intr *= 3600; } else if ((indHlp = intStr.indexOf("day")) != -1) { intr = intStr.left(indHlp-1).toInt(); intr *= 86400; } QString numberOfEpochs = QString("%1").arg(1, 5, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); _out << "%=TRO 2.00 BNC " << creationTime.toStdString() << " BNC " << startTime.toStdString() << " " << endTime.toStdString() << " P " << numberOfEpochs.toStdString() << " 0 " << " T " << endl; _out << "+FILE/REFERENCE" << endl; _out << " DESCRIPTION " << "BNC generated SINEX TRO file" << endl; _out << " OUTPUT " << "Total Troposphere Zenith Path Delay Product" << endl; _out << " SOFTWARE " << BNCPGMNAME << endl; _out << " INPUT " << "Orbit and Clock information used from BRDC and RTCM-SSR streams" << endl; _out << "-FILE/REFERENCE" << endl << endl; _out << "+SITE/ID" << endl; _out << "-SITE/ID" << endl << endl; if (!_opt->_recNameRover.empty()) { _out << "+SITE/RECEIVER" << endl; _out << "*SITE PT SOLN T DATA_START__ DATA_END____ DESCRIPTION_________ S/N__ FIRMWARE___" << endl; _out << " " << _opt->_roverName.substr(0,4) << " A 1 P " << startTime.toStdString() << " " << endTime.toStdString() << " " << _opt->_recNameRover << endl; _out << "-SITE/RECEIVER" << endl << endl; } _out << "+SITE/ANTENNA" << endl; _out << "*SITE PT SOLN T DATA_START__ DATA_END____ DESCRIPTION_________ S/N__" << endl; _out << " " << _opt->_roverName.substr(0,4) << " A 1 P " << startTime.toStdString() << " " << endTime.toStdString() << " " << _opt->_antNameRover << endl; _out << "-SITE/ANTENNA" << endl << endl; if (_antex) { if (_opt->_LCsGPS.size()) { _out << "+SITE/GPS_PHASE_CENTER" << endl; _out << "* UP____ NORTH_ EAST__ UP____ NORTH_ EAST__ " << endl; _out << "*DESCRIPTION_________ S/N__ L1->ARP(M)__________ __L2->ARP(M)________ AZ_EL_____" << endl; _out << QString(" %1").arg(_opt->_antNameRover.c_str(), 20,QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << " " << _antex->pcoSinexString(_opt->_antNameRover, t_frequency::G1).toStdString() << _antex->pcoSinexString(_opt->_antNameRover, t_frequency::G2).toStdString() << endl; _out << "-SITE/GPS_PHASE_CENTER" << endl << endl; } if (_opt->_LCsGLONASS.size()) { _out << "+SITE/GLONASS_PHASE_CENTER" << endl; _out << "* UP____ NORTH_ EAST__ UP____ NORTH_ EAST__ " << endl; _out << "*DESCRIPTION_________ S/N__ L1->ARP(M)__________ __L2->ARP(M)________ AZ_EL_____" << endl; _out << QString(" %1").arg(_opt->_antNameRover.c_str(), 20,QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << " " << _antex->pcoSinexString(_opt->_antNameRover, t_frequency::R1).toStdString() << _antex->pcoSinexString(_opt->_antNameRover, t_frequency::R2).toStdString() << endl; _out << "-SITE/GLONASS_PHASE_CENTER" << endl << endl; } if (_opt->_LCsGalileo.size()) { _out << "+SITE/GALILEO_PHASE_CENTER" << endl; _out << "* UP____ NORTH_ EAST__ UP____ NORTH_ EAST__ " << endl; _out << "*DESCRIPTION_________ S/N__ L1->ARP(M)__________ __L2->ARP(M)________ AZ_EL_____" << endl; _out << QString(" %1").arg(_opt->_antNameRover.c_str(), 20,QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << " " << _antex->pcoSinexString(_opt->_antNameRover, t_frequency::E1).toStdString() << _antex->pcoSinexString(_opt->_antNameRover, t_frequency::E5).toStdString() << endl; _out << "-SITE/GALILEO_PHASE_CENTER" << endl << endl; } if (_opt->_LCsBDS.size()) { _out << "+SITE/BEIDOU_PHASE_CENTER" << endl; _out << "* UP____ NORTH_ EAST__ UP____ NORTH_ EAST__ " << endl; _out << "*DESCRIPTION_________ S/N__ L1->ARP(M)__________ __L2->ARP(M)________ AZ_EL_____" << endl; _out << QString(" %1").arg(_opt->_antNameRover.c_str(), 20,QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << " " << _antex->pcoSinexString(_opt->_antNameRover, t_frequency::C2).toStdString() << _antex->pcoSinexString(_opt->_antNameRover, t_frequency::C7).toStdString() << endl; _out << "-SITE/BEIDOU_PHASE_CENTER" << endl << endl; } } _out << "+SITE/ECCENTRICITY" << endl; _out << "* UP______ NORTH___ EAST____" << endl; _out << "*SITE PT SOLN T DATA_START__ DATA_END____ AXE ARP->BENCHMARK(M)_________" << endl; _out << " " << _opt->_roverName.substr(0,4) << " A 1 P " << startTime.toStdString() << " " << endTime.toStdString() << " " << " UNE" << QString("%1").arg(_opt->_neuEccRover(3), 9, 'f', 4, QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << QString("%1").arg(_opt->_neuEccRover(1), 9, 'f', 4, QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << QString("%1").arg(_opt->_neuEccRover(2), 9, 'f', 4, QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << endl; _out << "-SITE/ANTENNA" << endl << endl; _out << "+TROP/COORDINATES" << endl; _out << "*SITE PT SOLN T __STA_X_____ __STA_Y_____ __STA_Z_____ SYSTEM REMRK" << endl; _out << " " << _opt->_roverName.substr(0,4) << " A 1 P" << QString("%1").arg(_opt->_xyzAprRover(1), 13, 'f', 3, QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << QString("%1").arg(_opt->_xyzAprRover(2), 13, 'f', 3, QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << QString("%1").arg(_opt->_xyzAprRover(3), 13, 'f', 3, QLatin1Char(' ')).toStdString() << " ITRF08"<< endl; _out << "-TROP/COORDINATES"<< endl << endl; _out << "+TROP/DESCRIPTION" << endl; _out << "*KEYWORD______________________ VALUE(S)______________" << endl; _out << " SAMPLING INTERVAL " << setw(4) << _sampl << endl; _out << " SAMPLING TROP " << setw(4) << _sampl << endl; _out << " ELEVATION CUTOFF ANGLE " << setw(4) << int(_opt->_minEle * 180.0/M_PI) << endl; _out << " TROP MAPPING FUNCTION " << "Saastamoinen" << endl; _out << " SOLUTION_FIELDS_1 " << "TROTOT STDEV" << endl; _out << "-TROP/DESCRIPTION"<< endl << endl; _out << "+TROP/SOLUTION" << endl; _out << "*SITE EPOCH_______ TROTOT STDEV" << endl; } // Write One Epoch //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc bncSinexTro::write(QByteArray staID, int GPSWeek, double GPSWeeks, double trotot, double stdev) { QDateTime datTim = dateAndTimeFromGPSweek(GPSWeek, GPSWeeks); int daysec = int(fmod(GPSWeeks, 86400.0)); int dayOfYear = datTim.date().dayOfYear(); QString yy = datTim.toString("yy"); QString time = QString("%1:%2:%3").arg(yy) .arg(dayOfYear, 3, 10, QLatin1Char('0')) .arg(daysec , 5, 10, QLatin1Char('0')); if ((reopen(GPSWeek, GPSWeeks) == success) && (fmod(daysec, double(_sampl)) == 0.0)) { _out << ' ' << staID.left(4).data() << ' ' << time.toStdString() << ' ' << noshowpos << setw(6) << setprecision(1) << trotot * 1000.0 << noshowpos << setw(6) << setprecision(1) << stdev * 1000.0 << endl; _out.flush(); return success; } else { return failure; } } // Close File (write last lines) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void bncSinexTro::closeFile() { _out << "-TROP/SOLUTION" << endl; _out << "%=ENDTROP" << endl; bncoutf::closeFile(); }