// Part of BNC, a utility for retrieving decoding and // converting GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters. // // Copyright (C) 2007 // German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) // http://www.bkg.bund.de // Czech Technical University Prague, Department of Geodesy // http://www.fsv.cvut.cz // // Email: euref-ip@bkg.bund.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * BKG NTRIP Client * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Class: t_pppClient * * Purpose: Precise Point Positioning * * Author: L. Mervart * * Created: 21-Nov-2009 * * Changes: * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <newmatio.h> #include <iomanip> #include <sstream> #include "pppClient.h" #include "pppUtils.h" #include "bncephuser.h" #include "bncutils.h" using namespace BNC_PPP; using namespace std; // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_pppClient::t_pppClient(const t_pppOptions* opt) { _opt = new t_pppOptions(*opt); _filter = new t_pppFilter(this); _epoData = new t_epoData(); _log = new ostringstream(); _ephUser = new bncEphUser(false); _pppUtils = new t_pppUtils(); _newEph = 0; } // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_pppClient::~t_pppClient() { delete _filter; delete _epoData; delete _opt; delete _ephUser; delete _log; delete _pppUtils; if (_newEph) delete _newEph; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppClient::processEpoch(const vector<t_satObs*>& satObs, t_output* output) { // Convert and store observations // ------------------------------ _epoData->clear(); for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < satObs.size(); ii++) { const t_satObs* obs = satObs[ii]; t_prn prn = obs->_prn; t_satData* satData = new t_satData(); if (_epoData->tt.undef()) { _epoData->tt = obs->_time; } satData->tt = obs->_time; satData->prn = QString(prn.toInternalString().c_str()); satData->slipFlag = false; satData->P1 = 0.0; satData->P2 = 0.0; satData->P5 = 0.0; satData->P6 = 0.0; satData->P7 = 0.0; satData->L1 = 0.0; satData->L2 = 0.0; satData->L5 = 0.0; satData->L6 = 0.0; satData->L7 = 0.0; for (unsigned ifrq = 0; ifrq < obs->_obs.size(); ifrq++) { t_frqObs* frqObs = obs->_obs[ifrq]; double cb = 0.0; const t_satCodeBias* satCB = _pppUtils->satCodeBias(prn); if (satCB && satCB->_bias.size()) { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < satCB->_bias.size(); ii++) { const t_frqCodeBias& bias = satCB->_bias[ii]; if (frqObs && frqObs->_rnxType2ch == bias._rnxType2ch) { cb = bias._value; } // FIXME: use C/Q bias for X observations // qDebug() << satData->prn << frqObs->_rnxType2ch.c_str(); } } if (frqObs->_rnxType2ch[0] == '1') { if (frqObs->_codeValid) satData->P1 = frqObs->_code + cb; if (frqObs->_phaseValid) satData->L1 = frqObs->_phase; if (frqObs->_slip) satData->slipFlag = true; } else if (frqObs->_rnxType2ch[0] == '2') { if (frqObs->_codeValid) satData->P2 = frqObs->_code + cb; if (frqObs->_phaseValid) satData->L2 = frqObs->_phase; if (frqObs->_slip) satData->slipFlag = true; } else if (frqObs->_rnxType2ch[0] == '5') { if (frqObs->_codeValid) satData->P5 = frqObs->_code + cb; if (frqObs->_phaseValid) satData->L5 = frqObs->_phase; if (frqObs->_slip) satData->slipFlag = true; } else if (frqObs->_rnxType2ch[0] == '6') { if (frqObs->_codeValid) satData->P6 = frqObs->_code + cb; if (frqObs->_phaseValid) satData->L6 = frqObs->_phase; if (frqObs->_slip) satData->slipFlag = true; } else if (frqObs->_rnxType2ch[0] == '7') { if (frqObs->_codeValid) satData->P7 = frqObs->_code + cb; if (frqObs->_phaseValid) satData->L7 = frqObs->_phase; if (frqObs->_slip) satData->slipFlag = true; } } putNewObs(satData); } // Data Pre-Processing // ------------------- QMutableMapIterator<QString, t_satData*> it(_epoData->satData); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); QString prn = it.key(); t_satData* satData = it.value(); if (cmpToT(satData) != success) { delete satData; it.remove(); continue; } } // Filter Solution // --------------- if (_filter->update(_epoData) == success) { output->_error = false; output->_epoTime = _filter->time(); output->_xyzRover[0] = _filter->x(); output->_xyzRover[1] = _filter->y(); output->_xyzRover[2] = _filter->z(); copy(&_filter->Q().data()[0], &_filter->Q().data()[6], output->_covMatrix); output->_neu[0] = _filter->neu()[0]; output->_neu[1] = _filter->neu()[1]; output->_neu[2] = _filter->neu()[2]; output->_numSat = _filter->numSat(); output->_hDop = _filter->HDOP(); output->_trp0 = _filter->trp0(); output->_trp = _filter->trp(); output->_trpStdev = _filter->trpStdev(); } else { output->_error = true; } output->_log = _log->str(); delete _log; _log = new ostringstream(); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppClient::putNewObs(t_satData* satData) { // Set Observations GPS // -------------------- if (satData->system() == 'G') { if (satData->P1 != 0.0 && satData->P2 != 0.0 && satData->L1 != 0.0 && satData->L2 != 0.0 ) { t_frequency::type fType1 = t_lc::toFreq(satData->system(), t_lc::l1); t_frequency::type fType2 = t_lc::toFreq(satData->system(), t_lc::l2); double f1 = t_CST::freq(fType1, 0); double f2 = t_CST::freq(fType2, 0); double a1 = f1 * f1 / (f1 * f1 - f2 * f2); double a2 = - f2 * f2 / (f1 * f1 - f2 * f2); satData->L1 = satData->L1 * t_CST::c / f1; satData->L2 = satData->L2 * t_CST::c / f2; satData->P3 = a1 * satData->P1 + a2 * satData->P2; satData->L3 = a1 * satData->L1 + a2 * satData->L2; satData->lambda3 = a1 * t_CST::c / f1 + a2 * t_CST::c / f2; satData->lkA = a1; satData->lkB = a2; _epoData->satData[satData->prn] = satData; } else { delete satData; } } // Set Observations Glonass // ------------------------ else if (satData->system() == 'R' && _opt->useSystem('R')) { if (satData->P1 != 0.0 && satData->P2 != 0.0 && satData->L1 != 0.0 && satData->L2 != 0.0 ) { int channel = 0; if (satData->system() == 'R') { const t_eph* eph = _ephUser->ephLast(satData->prn); if (eph) { channel = eph->slotNum(); } else { delete satData; return; } } t_frequency::type fType1 = t_lc::toFreq(satData->system(), t_lc::l1); t_frequency::type fType2 = t_lc::toFreq(satData->system(), t_lc::l2); double f1 = t_CST::freq(fType1, channel); double f2 = t_CST::freq(fType2, channel); double a1 = f1 * f1 / (f1 * f1 - f2 * f2); double a2 = - f2 * f2 / (f1 * f1 - f2 * f2); satData->L1 = satData->L1 * t_CST::c / f1; satData->L2 = satData->L2 * t_CST::c / f2; satData->P3 = a1 * satData->P1 + a2 * satData->P2; satData->L3 = a1 * satData->L1 + a2 * satData->L2; satData->lambda3 = a1 * t_CST::c / f1 + a2 * t_CST::c / f2; satData->lkA = a1; satData->lkB = a2; _epoData->satData[satData->prn] = satData; } else { delete satData; } } // Set Observations Galileo // ------------------------ else if (satData->system() == 'E' && _opt->useSystem('E')) { if (satData->P1 != 0.0 && satData->P5 != 0.0 && satData->L1 != 0.0 && satData->L5 != 0.0 ) { double f1 = t_CST::freq(t_frequency::E1, 0); double f5 = t_CST::freq(t_frequency::E5, 0); double a1 = f1 * f1 / (f1 * f1 - f5 * f5); double a5 = - f5 * f5 / (f1 * f1 - f5 * f5); satData->L1 = satData->L1 * t_CST::c / f1; satData->L5 = satData->L5 * t_CST::c / f5; satData->P3 = a1 * satData->P1 + a5 * satData->P5; satData->L3 = a1 * satData->L1 + a5 * satData->L5; satData->lambda3 = a1 * t_CST::c / f1 + a5 * t_CST::c / f5; satData->lkA = a1; satData->lkB = a5; _epoData->satData[satData->prn] = satData; } else { delete satData; } } // Set Observations BDS // --------------------- else if (satData->system() == 'C' && _opt->useSystem('C')) { if (satData->P2 != 0.0 && satData->P6 != 0.0 && satData->L2 != 0.0 && satData->L6 != 0.0 ) { double f2 = t_CST::freq(t_frequency::C2, 0); double f6 = t_CST::freq(t_frequency::C6, 0); double a2 = f2 * f2 / (f2 * f2 - f6 * f6); double a6 = - f6 * f6 / (f2 * f2 - f6 * f6); satData->L2 = satData->L2 * t_CST::c / f2; satData->L6 = satData->L6 * t_CST::c / f6; satData->P3 = a2 * satData->P2 + a6 * satData->P6; satData->L3 = a2 * satData->L2 + a6 * satData->L6; satData->lambda3 = a2 * t_CST::c / f2 + a6 * t_CST::c / f6; satData->lkA = a2; satData->lkB = a6; _epoData->satData[satData->prn] = satData; } else { delete satData; } } else { delete satData; } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppClient::putOrbCorrections(const std::vector<t_orbCorr*>& corr) { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < corr.size(); ii++) { QString prn = QString(corr[ii]->_prn.toInternalString().c_str()); t_eph* eLast = _ephUser->ephLast(prn); t_eph* ePrev = _ephUser->ephPrev(prn); if (eLast && eLast->IOD() == corr[ii]->_iod) { eLast->setOrbCorr(corr[ii]); } else if (ePrev && ePrev->IOD() == corr[ii]->_iod) { ePrev->setOrbCorr(corr[ii]); } } } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppClient::putClkCorrections(const std::vector<t_clkCorr*>& corr) { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < corr.size(); ii++) { QString prn = QString(corr[ii]->_prn.toInternalString().c_str()); t_eph* eLast = _ephUser->ephLast(prn); t_eph* ePrev = _ephUser->ephPrev(prn); if (eLast && eLast->IOD() == corr[ii]->_iod) { eLast->setClkCorr(corr[ii]); } else if (ePrev && ePrev->IOD() == corr[ii]->_iod) { ePrev->setClkCorr(corr[ii]); } } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppClient::putCodeBiases(const std::vector<t_satCodeBias*>& satCodeBias) { for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < satCodeBias.size(); ii++) { _pppUtils->putCodeBias(new t_satCodeBias(*satCodeBias[ii])); } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppClient::putPhaseBiases(const std::vector<t_satPhaseBias*>& /*satPhaseBias*/) { } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppClient::putTec(const t_vTec* /*vTec*/) { } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppClient::putEphemeris(const t_eph* eph) { if (_newEph) delete _newEph; _newEph = 0; const t_ephGPS* ephGPS = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGPS*>(eph); const t_ephGlo* ephGlo = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGlo*>(eph); const t_ephGal* ephGal = dynamic_cast<const t_ephGal*>(eph); const t_ephBDS* ephBDS = dynamic_cast<const t_ephBDS*>(eph); if (ephGPS) { _newEph = new t_ephGPS(*ephGPS); } else if (ephGlo) { _newEph = new t_ephGlo(*ephGlo); } else if (ephGal) { _newEph = new t_ephGal(*ephGal); } else if (ephBDS) { _newEph = new t_ephBDS(*ephBDS); } if (_newEph) { _ephUser->putNewEph(_newEph, _opt->_realTime); } } // Satellite Position //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc t_pppClient::getSatPos(const bncTime& tt, const QString& prn, ColumnVector& xc, ColumnVector& vv) { t_eph* eLast = _ephUser->ephLast(prn); t_eph* ePrev = _ephUser->ephPrev(prn); if (eLast && eLast->getCrd(tt, xc, vv, _opt->useOrbClkCorr()) == success) { return success; } else if (ePrev && ePrev->getCrd(tt, xc, vv, _opt->useOrbClkCorr()) == success) { return success; } return failure; } // Correct Time of Transmission //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_irc t_pppClient::cmpToT(t_satData* satData) { double prange = satData->P3; if (prange == 0.0) { return failure; } double clkSat = 0.0; for (int ii = 1; ii <= 10; ii++) { bncTime ToT = satData->tt - prange / t_CST::c - clkSat; ColumnVector xc(6); ColumnVector vv(3); if (getSatPos(ToT, satData->prn, xc, vv) != success) { return failure; } double clkSatOld = clkSat; clkSat = xc(4); if ( fabs(clkSat-clkSatOld) * t_CST::c < 1.e-4 ) { satData->xx = xc.Rows(1,3); satData->vv = vv; satData->clk = clkSat * t_CST::c; return success; } } return failure; } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void t_pppClient::reset() { // to delete all parameters delete _filter; _filter = new t_pppFilter(this); // to delete old orbit and clock corrections delete _ephUser; _ephUser = new bncEphUser(false); // to delete old code biases delete _pppUtils; _pppUtils = new t_pppUtils(); }