Todo's sorted by priority: BNS ========================= (1) We often have small (~20...30 sec) outages in the CLK* streams. I dont know where this comes from. The situation can be checked through (ntrip:ntrip) (see column 'Connected for') (2) One would expect that a new ephemeris set always comes with a later validity time tag than a previously distributed ephemeris set. However, this is not always true. Sometimes new ephemeris sets come with a validity time tag which is earlier than the validity time tag of a previously distributed ephemeris set. This is something we should consider in BNS. Gerhard observed that we dont consider this right now. The consequence is that a satellite gets lost for PPP clients because they deal with another ephemeris set than the correctors provided by BNS. (3) Shall We add the following validity check to BNS and BNS for the GLONASS broadcast ephemeris messages? (a) If the time of validity differs by more than +/- 30 min from the time of reception, then the 1019/1020 messages are rejected. (b) However, if correcting the time of validity of such rejected 1019/1020 message by exactly 3 hours leads to a new validity time within +/- 30 min of the reception time, then the broadcast ephemeris are nevertheless accepted. (c) The following is Gerhard's opinion: Die 1020 Message ist sauber definiert. Es gab zwar in der Anfangsphase hier und da Probleme mit einigen Implementation, die sind aber meines Wissens gelöst. Ich halte es für sehr kritisch, eine 3-Stunden Differenz automatisch zu akzeptieren und vielleicht sogar zu korrigieren. BNC ========================= (1) Should we spend time to improve BNC's convergence? Should we follow a procedure like the one Oscar implemented? If not: Can we do something which helps a bit and does not involve too much work? Or should we better do nothing? (a) Calculate, for each satellite, the STD of the code multipath in the iono-free combination Pc, as a combination the carrier phase and the code. Do this continuously, using a circular register that contains the observations of the previous 10 minutes. (b) Introduce a default STD that is used when, either at the beginning or after an interruption in the data, there is less than 10 minutes worth of data for finding the multipath STD as in (1), and the STD with insufficient data is less than this default. (c) Introduce use a "fudge factor" to multiply the data-based STD and get the actual value used to get the data. This is necessary, because the correct weight of the data depends on numerous factors, particularly the weights assigned to the phase and to the a priori values of the unknowns. This problem also is true for (b), (c), and (d). So the fudge factor really depends on the overall strategy and cannot be used in different software implementations. Everyone has to find it the hard way, by trial and error, making lots of solutions. (The variance of unit weight is of very limited help for this purpose.) (d) Downweight the code by a large factor when a satellite is below 20 degrees in elevation, or the 3-D precision of the coordinates being estimated falls below something like 25 cm (again, this will be a different threshold with different software). (2) Could we use the XYZ from 'Plot origion' to improve BNC's conversion when we start the program (supposed the user has good a-priori coordinates)? So far the introduced XYZ is only used for the plot. (3) NMEA GGA string is not fully compatible with the standard. The following are observations by Tamas Horvath: (a) Time tag should refer to UTC time and not GPS system time. (b) Time tag format is and not hhmmss. (c) The GPS Quality indicator field is 1 (GPS SPS Mode), which is correct, as there is no category for PPP. In my opinion the NMEA protocol should be extended by a new indicator number for PPP to make a clear difference between autonomous GNSS and PPP. (d) The HDOP value is constantly 2.0, which is obviously not real. I think this field is filled with 2.0 as a default value in BNC. (e) The Age of Differential GPS data field is not populated. I believe here the age of RTCM SSR data should be put. (4) BNC has a problem when the observation update rate is > 1Hz. Records get mixed then in the RINEX files. A 10 Hz stream to test the situation is available from GFZ caster through stream A17H. (5) GW: Keep an eye on