Changeset 9908 in ntrip for trunk

Nov 24, 2022, 10:16:57 PM (2 years ago)

minor changes towards IGS20

3 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/bncclockrinex.cpp

    r9418 r9908  
    117117  _out << "I07 S20 S24 S27 S28 S29 S33 S35 S37 S38                     PRN LIST" << endl;
    119   _out << "     0    IGS14                                             "
     119  _out << "     0    IGS20                                             "
    120120       << "# OF SOLN STA / TRF" << endl;
  • trunk/BNC/src/bncsp3.cpp

    r9418 r9908  
    139139  _out << "#dP" << datTim.toString("yyyy MM dd hh mm").toLatin1().data()
    140140       << setw(12) << setprecision(8) << sec
    141        << " " << setw(7) << numEpo << " ORBIT IGS14 HLM  IGS" << endl;
     141       << " " << setw(7) << numEpo << " ORBIT IGS20 HLM  IGS" << endl;
    143143  _out << "## "
  • trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r9889 r9908  
    15171517  // WhatsThis, Upload Corrections
    15181518  // -----------------------------
    1519   _uploadTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris (Broadcast Corrections) as well as Code Biases in different SSR formats. You may have a situation where clocks, orbits and code biases come from an external Real-time Network Engine (1) or a situation where clock and orbit corrections are combined within BNC (2).</p><p>(1) BNC identifies a stream as coming from a Real-time Network Engine if its format is specified as 'RTNET' and hence its decoder string in the 'Streams' canvas is 'RTNET'. It encodes and uploads that stream to the specified Ntrip Broadcaster Host and Port</p><p>(2) BNC understands that it is expected to encode and upload combined Broadcast Ephemeris Corrections if you specify correction streams in the 'Combine Corrections' table.</p><p>To fill the 'Upload Corrections' table, hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Host' field to enter the IP or URL of an Ntrip Broadcaster and hit Enter. Select the Ntrip Version that shall be used for data upload. Then double click on the 'Port', 'Mount' and 'Password' fields to enter the Ntrip Broadcaster IP port (default is 80), the mountpoint and the stream upload password. If Ntrip Version 2 is chosen, click to the 'User' field to enter a stream upload user name. An empty 'Host' option field means that you don't want to upload corrections.</p><p>Select a target coordinate reference System (e.g. IGS14) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>Select a target SSR format (e.g. IGS-SSR) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>By default orbit and clock corrections refer to Antenna Phase Center (APC). Tick 'CoM' to refer uploaded corrections to Center of Mass instead of APC.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Corrections plus Broadcast Ephemeris as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create such files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC0SSRRTS${V3PROD}.sp3.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Correction clocks plus Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC0SSRRTS${V3PROD}.clk.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Code Biases as SINEX Bias files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create SINEX Bias files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC0SSRRTS${V3PROD}.bia.</p><p>Note that '${V3PROD}' produces the time stamp in the filename, which is related to the RINEX version 3 filename concept.</p><p>Finally, specify a SSR Provider ID (issued by RTCM), SSR Solution ID, and SSR Issue of Data number.</p><p>In case the 'Combine Corrections' table contains only one Broadcast Correction stream, BNC will add that stream content to the Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified via SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. You should then define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further option in the 'Upload Corrections' table. <i>[key: uploadMountpointsOut]</i></p>"));
     1519  _uploadTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>BNC can upload clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris (Broadcast Corrections) as well as Code Biases in different SSR formats. You may have a situation where clocks, orbits and code biases come from an external Real-time Network Engine (1) or a situation where clock and orbit corrections are combined within BNC (2).</p><p>(1) BNC identifies a stream as coming from a Real-time Network Engine if its format is specified as 'RTNET' and hence its decoder string in the 'Streams' canvas is 'RTNET'. It encodes and uploads that stream to the specified Ntrip Broadcaster Host and Port</p><p>(2) BNC understands that it is expected to encode and upload combined Broadcast Ephemeris Corrections if you specify correction streams in the 'Combine Corrections' table.</p><p>To fill the 'Upload Corrections' table, hit the 'Add Row' button, double click on the 'Host' field to enter the IP or URL of an Ntrip Broadcaster and hit Enter. Select the Ntrip Version that shall be used for data upload. Then double click on the 'Port', 'Mount' and 'Password' fields to enter the Ntrip Broadcaster IP port (default is 80), the mountpoint and the stream upload password. If Ntrip Version 2 is chosen, click to the 'User' field to enter a stream upload user name. An empty 'Host' option field means that you don't want to upload corrections.</p><p>Select a target coordinate reference System (e.g. IGS20) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>Select a target SSR format (e.g. IGS-SSR) for outgoing clock and orbit corrections.</p><p>By default orbit and clock corrections refer to Antenna Phase Center (APC). Tick 'CoM' to refer uploaded corrections to Center of Mass instead of APC.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Corrections plus Broadcast Ephemeris as SP3 orbit files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create such files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC0SSRRTS${V3PROD}.sp3.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Broadcast Correction clocks plus Broadcast Ephemeris clocks as Clock RINEX files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create Clock RINEX files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC0SSRRTS${V3PROD}.clk.</p><p>Specify a path for saving generated Code Biases as SINEX Bias files. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create SINEX Bias files. The following is a path example for a Linux system: /home/user/BNC0SSRRTS${V3PROD}.bia.</p><p>Note that '${V3PROD}' produces the time stamp in the filename, which is related to the RINEX version 3 filename concept.</p><p>Finally, specify a SSR Provider ID (issued by RTCM), SSR Solution ID, and SSR Issue of Data number.</p><p>In case the 'Combine Corrections' table contains only one Broadcast Correction stream, BNC will add that stream content to the Broadcast Ephemeris to save results in files specified via SP3 and/or Clock RINEX file path. You should then define only the SP3 and Clock RINEX file path and no further option in the 'Upload Corrections' table. <i>[key: uploadMountpointsOut]</i></p>"));
    15201520  addUploadRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Hit 'Add Row' button to add another line to the 'Upload Corrections' table.</p>"));
    15211521  delUploadRowButton->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Hit 'Del Row' button to delete the highlighted line(s) from the 'Upload Corrections' table.</p>"));
    28312831      QComboBox* system = new QComboBox();
    28322832      system->setEditable(false);
    2833       system->addItems(QString("IGS14,ETRF2000,GDA2020,SIRGAS2000,DREF91,Custom").split(","));
     2833      system->addItems(QString("IGS20,ETRF2000,GDA2020,SIRGAS2000,DREF91,Custom").split(","));
    28342834      system->setFrame(false);
    28352835      _uploadTable->setCellWidget(iRow, iCol, system);
    29342934        QComboBox* system = new QComboBox();
    29352935        system->setEditable(false);
    2936         system->addItems(QString("IGS14,ETRF2000,GDA2020,SIRGAS2000,DREF91,Custom").split(","));
     2936        system->addItems(QString("IGS20,ETRF2000,GDA2020,SIRGAS2000,DREF91,Custom").split(","));
    29372937        system->setFrame(false);
    29382938        system->setCurrentIndex(system->findText(hlp[iCol]));
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