Changeset 9850 in ntrip

Oct 17, 2022, 12:01:22 PM (2 years ago)

minor changes

6 edited


  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bnchelp.html

    r9839 r9850  
    117117&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.4.7 <a href="#sklDir">Skeleton Directory</a><br>
    118118&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.4.8 <a href="#rnxscript">Script</a><br>
    119 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.4.9 <a href="#rnxvers3">Version 3</a><br>
     119&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.4.9 <a href="#rnxvers3_4">Version 3 and 4</a><br>
    120120&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.4.10 <a href="#rnxvers2">Version 2</a><br>
    121121&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 2.5 <a href="#ephemeris"><b>RINEX Ephemeris</b></a><br>
    594594serial or TCP communication link for the purpose of Precise Point Positioning.
    596 <p><img src="IMG/Figure_01.png"width=900/></p>
     596<p><img src="IMG/Figure01.png" width="900"></p>
    597597<p>Figure 1: Flowchart, BNC connected to a GNSS rover for Precise Point Positioning</p>
    603 <p><img src="IMG/Figure_02.png"width=900/></p>
     603<p><img src="IMG/Figure02.png"width=900/></p>
    604604<p>Figure 2: Flowchart, BNC converting RTCM streams to RINEX batches</p>
    612 <p><img src="IMG/Figure_03.png"width=900/></p>
     612<p><img src="IMG/Figure03.png"width=900/></p>
    613613<p>Figure 3: Flowchart, BNC feeding a real-time GNSS engine and uploading encoded Broadcast Corrections</p>
    620 <p><img src="IMG/Figure_04.png"width=900/></p>
     620<p><img src="IMG/Figure04.png"width=900/></p>
    621621<p>Figure 4: Flowchart, BNC combining Broadcast Correction streams</p>
    649649a 'Streams' section, a section for 'Log' tabs, and a 'Bottom menu bar' section, see figure below.
    651 <p><img src="IMG/Figure_05.png"width=900/></p>
     651<p><img src="IMG/Figure05.png"width=900/></p>
    652652<p>Figure 5: Sections on BNC's main window</p>
    808808To compile the BNC program, you first download the source code from the SVN repository <a href=""
    809809target="_blank"></a>. Go to directory BNC and run the following commands:<br>
    811812    qmake
    814815You will find a build of BNC in directory BNC.
    815 </p>
    818819<b>Mac OS X Systems</b><br>
    820822<u>Xcode and Qt Installation</u><br>
    821824Xcode and Qt are required to compile BNC on OS X. Both tools are freely available. Xcode can be downloaded from the
    822825App Store or the Apple Developer Connection website. Once installed, run Xcode, go to 'Preferences->Downloads' and install the Command Line Tools component. Qt can be downloaded from the Qt Project website. We suggest installing version 4.8.4 or higher. The Qt libraries for Mac can be downloaded from <u></u>. Once downloaded, mount the disk image, run the Qt.mpkg package and follow instructions from the installation wizard.
    825 <p>
    826828<u>Compiling BNC</u><br>
    827830The version of qmake supplied in the Qt binary package is configured to use the macx-xcode specification.
    828831This can be overridden with the '-spec macx-g++' option which makes it possible to use qmake to create a Makefile to
    841844<u>Bundle Deployment</u><br>
    842847When distributing BNC it is necessary to bundle in all related Qt resources in the package. The Mac Deployment Tool
    843848has been designed to automate the process of creating a deployable application bundle that contains the Qt libraries
    844849as private frameworks. To use it, issue the following commands where is located.
    846853   macdeployqt -dmg
    848856Refer to the following webpage for further information: <a href=""
    872 <ol type="1">
    873881  <li>GUI, input fields level</li>
    874882  <li>Active configuration level</li>
    875883  <li>Configuration file, disk level</li>
    876 </ol>
    878 <p><img src="IMG/Figure_06.png"width=900/></p>
     886<p><img src="IMG/Figure06.png"width=900/></p>
    879887<p>Figure 6: Management of configuration options in BNC:<br>
    887 Configuration options are usually specified using GUI input fields (1) after launching BNC. When hitting the 'Start' button, configuration options are transferred one level down to become BNC's active configuration (2), allowing the program to begin its operation. Pushing the 'Stop' button ends data processing so that the user can finally terminate BNC through 'File'->'Quit'->'Save Options' which saves processing options in a configuration file to disk (3). It is important to understand that:
     895Configuration options are usually specified using GUI input fields (1) after launching BNC.
     896When hitting the 'Start' button, configuration options are transferred one level down to become BNC's active configuration (2),
     897allowing the program to begin its operation. Pushing the 'Stop' button ends data processing so that the user can finally
     898terminate BNC through 'File'->'Quit'->'Save Options' which saves processing options in a configuration file to disk (3). It is important to understand that:
    889901  <li>Active configuration options (2) are independent from GUI input fields and configuration file content.</li>
    896908  <li>A specific BNC configuration can be started in 'no window' mode from scratch without a configuration file if options for the active configuration level (2) are provided via command line.</li>
    898 </p>
    900912<p><h4 id="introExamples">1.6.1 Examples</h4></p>
    919 We furthermore suggest for convenience reasons that you configure your system to automatically start BNC when you double-click a file with the filename extension '.bnc'. The following describes what to do on MS Windows systems to associate the BNC program to such configuration files:
     931We furthermore suggest for convenience reasons that you configure your system to automatically start BNC when you
     932double-click a file with the filename extension '.bnc'. The following describes what to do on MS Windows systems to associate
     933the BNC program to such configuration files:
    962976<ol type="1">
    963 <li>Configuration File 'RinexObs.bnc'<br>
    964 Purpose: Convert RTCM streams to RINEX Observation files. The configuration pulls streams from Ntrip
    965 Broadcasters using Ntrip Version 1 to generate 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 3 Observation files.
    966 See <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for observation
    967 stream resources.
     977<li> Configuration File 'RinexObs.bnc'<br>
     978Purpose: Convert RTCM streams to RINEX Observation files.
     979The configuration pulls RTCM Version 3 streams from Ntrip Broadcasters using
     980Ntrip Version 2 to generate 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 4 Observation files.
     981See <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
     982for observation stream resources.
    970985<li>Configuration File 'RinexEph.bnc'<br>
    971 Purpose: Convert a RTCM stream
    972 with navigation messages to RINEX Navigation files. The configuration pulls a RTCM Version 3 stream with Broadcast
    973 Ephemeris coming from the real-time EUREF and IGS networks and saves hourly RINEX Version 3 Navigation files.
    974 See <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
     986Purpose: Convert a RTCM stream with navigation messages to RINEX Navigation
     987files. The configuration pulls a RTCM Version 3 stream with Broadcast Ephemeris
     988coming from the real-time EUREF and IGS networks and saves hourly RINEX Version
     9894 Navigation files. See <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    975990for further real-time Broadcast Ephemeris resources.
    978993<li>Configuration File 'BrdcCorr.bnc'<br>
    979 Purpose: Save Broadcast Corrections from RTCM SSR messages in hourly plain ASCII files.
    980 See <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    981  for various real-time IGS or EUREF orbit/clock correction products.
     994Purpose: Save Broadcast Corrections from RTCM SSR messages in hourly plain
     995ASCII files. See <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
     996for various real-time IGS or EUREF orbit/clock correction products.
    984999<li>Configuration File 'RinexConcat.bnc'<br>
    985 Purpose: Concatenate several RINEX Version 3 files to produce one compiled file and edit the marker name in the file
    986 header. The sampling interval is set to 30 seconds. See section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for
    987 examples on how to call BNC from command line in 'no window' mode for RINEX file editing, concatenation and quality check.
     1000Purpose: Concatenate several RINEX Version 3 files to produce one compiled file
     1001and edit the marker name in the file header. The sampling interval is set to 30
     1002seconds. See section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for examples on
     1003how to call BNC from command line in 'no window' mode for RINEX file editing,
     1004concatenation and quality check.
    9901007<li>Configuration File 'RinexQC.bnc'<br>
    991 Purpose: Check the quality of a RINEX Version 3 file by means of a multipath analysis. Results are saved on disk in terms of a
    992 plot in PNG format. See section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for examples on how to call BNC from command
    993 line in 'no window' mode for RINEX file editing, concatenation and quality check.
     1008Purpose: Check the quality of a RINEX Version 4 file by means of a multipath
     1009analysis. Results are saved on disk in terms of a plot in PNG format. See
     1010section 'RINEX Editing & QC' in the documentation for examples on how to call
     1011BNC from command line in 'no window' mode for RINEX file editing, concatenation
     1012and quality check.
    9961015<li>Configuration File 'RTK.bnc'<br>
    997 Purpose: Feed a serially connected receiver with observations from a nearby reference station for conventional RTK.
    998 The stream is scanned for RTCM messages. Message type numbers and latencies of incoming observations are reported in BNC's logfile.
     1016Purpose: Feed a serial connected receiver with observations from a nearby
     1017reference station for conventional RTK. The stream is scanned for RTCM
     1018messages. Message type numbers and latencies of incoming observations are
     1019reported in BNC's logfile.
    10011022<li>Configuration File 'FeedEngine.bnc'<br>
    1002 Purpose: Feed a real-time GNSS engine with observations from remote reference stations. The configuration pulls a single
    1003 stream from an Ntrip Broadcaster. You could also pull several streams from different casters. Incoming observations are decoded,
    1004 synchronized, output through a local IP port and also saved into a file. Failure and recovery thresholds are specified
    1005 to inform about outages.
     1023Purpose: Feed a real-time GNSS engine with observations from remote reference
     1024stations. The configuration pulls a single stream from an Ntrip Broadcaster.
     1025You could also pull several streams from different casters. Incoming
     1026observations are decoded, synchronized, output through a local IP port and also
     1027saved into a file. Failure and recovery thresholds are specified to inform
     1028about outages.
    10081031<li>Configuration File 'PPP.bnc'<br>
    1009 Purpose: Precise Point Positioning from observations of a rover receiver. The configuration reads RTCM Version 3
    1010 observations, a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a stream with Broadcast Corrections. Positions are saved in the logfile.
     1032Purpose: Precise Point Positioning from observations of a rover receiver. The
     1033configuration reads RTCM Version 3 observations, a Broadcast Ephemeris stream
     1034and a stream with Broadcast Corrections. Positions are saved in the logfile.
     1035More detailed PPP results are saved in the PPP logfile.
    10131038<li>Configuration File 'PPPNet.bnc'<br>
    1014 Purpose: Precise Point Positioning for several rovers or receivers from an entire network of reference stations in one
    1015 BNC job. The possible maximum number of PPP solutions per job depends on the processing power of the hosting computer.
    1016 This example configuration reads two RTCM Version 3 observation streams, a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a stream
    1017 with Broadcast Corrections. PPP Results for the two stations are saved in PPP logfiles.
     1039Purpose: Precise Point Positioning for several rovers or receivers from an
     1040entire network of reference stations in one BNC job. The possible maximum
     1041number of PPP solutions per job depends on the processing power of the hosting
     1042computer. This example configuration reads two RTCM Version 3 observation
     1043streams, a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a stream with Broadcast Corrections.
     1044Detailed PPP Results for the two stations are saved in PPP logfiles.
    10201047<li>Configuration File 'PPPQuickStart.bnc'<br>
    1021 Purpose: Precise Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a static receiver with precisely known
    1022 position. The configuration reads RTCM Version 3 observations, Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream.
    1023 Positions are saved in NMEA format on disc. They are also output through IP port for real-time visualization with tools
    1024 like RTKPLOT. Positions are saved in the logfile.
     1048Purpose: Precise Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a
     1049static receiver with precisely known position. The configuration reads RTCM
     1050Version 3 observations, Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream.
     1051Positions are saved in NMEA format on disc. They are also output through IP
     1052port for real-time visualization with tools like RTKPLOT. Positions are saved
     1053in the logfile.
    10271056<li>Configuration File 'PPPPostProc.bnc'<br>
    1028 Purpose: Precise Point Positioning in post
    1029 processing mode. BNC reads RINEX Version 3 Observation and Navigation files
    1030 and a Broadcast Correction file. PPP processing options are set to support
    1031 the Quick-Start mode. The output is saved in a specific post processing
    1032 logfile and contains coordinates derived over time following the
    1033 implemented PPP filter algorithm.
     1057Purpose: Precise Point Positioning in post processing mode. BNC reads RINEX
     1058Version 3 Observation and Navigation files and a Broadcast Correction file.
     1059Optionally, an Ionosphere file containing VTEC informations can be used. If such
     1060a file is not specified, VTEC informations from the Broadcast Corrections file
     1061are used. PPP processing options are set to support the Quick-Start mode.
     1062The output is saved in a specific post processing logfile and contains
     1063coordinates derived over time following the implemented PPP filter algorithm.
    1036 <li>Configuration File 'PPPGoogleMaps.bnc'<br>
    1037 Purpose: Track BNC's point positioning
    1038 solutions using Google Maps or OpenStreetMap as background. BNC reads a
    1039 RINEX Observation file and a RINEX Navigation file to carry out a
    1040 'Standard Point Positioning' solution in post processing mode. Although
    1041 this is not a real-time application, it requires the BNC host to be connected
    1042 to the Internet. Specify a computation speed, then hit button 'Open Map'
    1043 to open the track map, then hit 'Start' to visualize receiver positions on top of GM/OSM maps.
     1066<li>Configuration File 'PPPOsm.bnc'<br>
     1067Purpose: Track BNC's point positioning solutions using OpenStreetMap as background.
     1068BNC reads a RINEX Observation file and a RINEX Navigation file to carry out
     1069a 'Standard Point Positioning' solution in post processing mode.
     1070Although this is not a real-time application it requires the BNC host to be
     1071connected to the Internet. Specify a computation speed, then hit button 'Open Map'
     1072to open the track map, then hit 'Start' to visualize receiver positions on top
     1073of OSM maps.
    10461076<li>Configuration File 'SPPQuickStartGal.bnc'<br>
    1047 Purpose: Single Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a static
    1048 receiver with quite precisely known position.
    1049 The configuration uses GPS, GLONASS and Galileo observations and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream.
     1077Purpose: Single Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a
     1078static receiver with quite precisely known position. The configuration uses
     1079Galileo observations only and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream.
    10521082<li>Configuration File 'SaveSp3.bnc'<br>
    1053 Purpose: Produces SP3 files from a Broadcast
    1054 Ephemeris stream and a Broadcast Correction stream. The Broadcast Correction
    1055 stream is formally introduced in BNC's 'Combine Corrections' table. Note that
    1056 producing SP3 requires an ANTEX file because SP3 file content should be
    1057 referred to CoM.
     1083Purpose: Produces SP3 files from a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a Broadcast
     1084Correction stream. The Broadcast Correction stream is formally introduced in
     1085BNC's 'Combine Corrections' table. Note that producing SP3 requires an ANTEX
     1086file because SP3 file content should be referred to CoM..
    10601089<li>Configuration File 'Sp3ETRF2000PPP.bnc'<br>
    1061 Purpose: Produce SP3 files from a Broadcast
    1062 Ephemeris stream and a stream carrying ETRF2000 Broadcast Corrections. The
    1063 Broadcast Correction stream is formally introduced in BNC's 'Combine
    1064 Corrections' table. The configuration leads to a SP3 file containing orbits also referred
    1065 to ETRF2000. Pulling in addition observations from a reference station at
    1066 precisely known ETRF2000 position allows comparing an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution
    1067 with a known ETRF2000 reference coordinate.
     1090Purpose: Produce SP3 files from a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a stream
     1091carrying ETRF2000 Broadcast Corrections. The Broadcast Correction stream is
     1092formally introduced in BNC's 'Combine Corrections' table. The configuration
     1093leads to a SP3 file containing orbits also referred to ETRF2000. Pulling in
     1094addition observations from a reference station at precisely known ETRF2000
     1095position allows comparing an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution with a known ETRF2000
     1096reference coordinate.
    10701099<li>Configuration File 'Upload.bnc'<br>
    1071 Purpose: Upload orbits and clocks from a
    1072 real-time GNSS engine to an Ntrip Broadcaster. For that the configuration reads
    1073 precise orbits and clocks in RTNET format. It also reads a stream carrying
    1074 Broadcast Ephemeris. BNC converts the orbits and clocks into Broadcast
    1075 Corrections and encodes them to RTCM Version 3 SSR messages to finally upload them to
    1076 an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite
    1077 Antenna Phase Center (APC) and reference system IGS14. Orbits are saved on disk
    1078 in SP3 format and clocks are saved in Clock RINEX format.
     1100Purpose: Upload orbits and clocks from a real-time GNSS engine to an Ntrip
     1101Broadcaster. For that the configuration reads precise orbits and clocks in
     1102RTNET format. It also reads a stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris. BNC converts
     1103the orbits and clocks into Broadcast Corrections and encodes them to
     1104IGS-SSR messages to finally upload them to an Ntrip Broadcaster. The
     1105Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC)
     1106and reference system IGS14. Orbits are saved on disk in SP3 format and clocks
     1107are saved in Clock RINEX format.
    10811110<li>Configuration File 'Combi.bnc'<br>
    1082 Purpose: Pull several streams carrying Broadcast
    1083 Corrections and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream from an Ntrip Broadcaster to
    1084 produce a combined Broadcast Correction stream. BNC encodes the combination
    1085 product in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages and uploads that to an Ntrip
    1086 Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC) and not to satellite
    1087 Center of Mass (CoM). Its reference system is IGS14. Orbits are saved in SP3
    1088 format (referred to CoM) and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
     1111Purpose: Pull 2 streams carrying Broadcast Corrections, and Satellite Code Biases
     1112together with Broadcast Ephemeris from an Ntrip Broadcaster
     1113to produce a combined Broadcast Correction stream.
     1114BNC encodes the combination product in IGS-SSR messages and uploads them to
     1115an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is referred to
     1116satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC) and not to satellite Center of
     1117Mass (CoM). Its reference system is IGS14. Orbits are saved in SP3 format
     1118(referred to CoM) and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    10911121<li>Configuration File 'CombiPPP.bnc'<br>
    1092 Purpose: This configuration equals the 'Combi.bnc' configuration. However, the combined
    1093 Broadcast Corrections are in addition used for an 'INTERNAL' PPP solution
    1094 based on observations from a static reference station with known precise
    1095 coordinates. This allows a continuous quality check of the combination product
    1096 through observing coordinate displacements.
     1122Purpose: This configuration equals the 'Combi.bnc' configuration. However, the
     1123combined Broadcast Corrections are in addition used for an 'INTERNAL' PPP
     1124solutions based on observations from a static reference station with known
     1125precise coordinates. This allows a continuous quality check of the combination
     1126product through observing coordinate displacements.
    10991129<li>Configuration File 'UploadEph.bnc'<br>
    1100 Purpose: Pull a number of streams from reference
    1101 stations to get hold of contained Broadcast Ephemeris messages. They are
    1102 encoded to RTCM Version 3 format and uploaded for the purpose of providing
    1103 a Broadcast Ephemeris stream with an update rate of 5 seconds.
     1130Purpose: Pull a number of streams from reference stations to get the
     1131contained Broadcast Ephemeris messages. They are encoded to RTCM Version 3
     1132format and uploaded for the purpose of providing a Broadcast Ephemeris stream
     1133with an update rate of 5 seconds.
    11061136<li>Configuration File 'CompareSp3.bnc'<br>
    1107 Purpose: Compare two SP3 files to calculate
    1108 RMS values for orbit and clock differences. GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS
    1109 satellite R18 are excluded from this comparison. Comparison results are saved
    1110 in a logfile.
     1137Purpose: Compare two SP3 files to calculate RMS values for orbit and clock
     1138differences. GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS satellite R18 are excluded from this
     1139comparison. Comparison results are saved in a logfile.
    11131142<li>Configuration File 'Empty.bnc'<br>
    1114 Purpose: Provide an empty example configuration file for
    1115 BNC which only contains default settings.
     1143Purpose: Provide an empty example configuration file for BNC which only
     1144contains the default settings.
    11261155<li>Shell Script ''<br>
    11271156Purpose: Equals configuration file example 'RinexQC.bnc', checks the quality of
    1128 a RINEX Version 3 file by means of a multipath analysis. Virtual X-Server
    1129 'Xvfb' is operated while producing plot files in PNG format. BNC is offline. All
    1130 results are saved on disk.
     1157a RINEX Version 4 file by means of a multipath analysis. The platform offscreen
     1158is used while producing plot files in PNG format. BNC is offline.
     1159All results are saved on disk.
    11341163Purpose: Equals configuration file example 'RinexConcat.bnc', concatenates
    11351164several RINEX Version 3 files to produce one compiled file and edit the marker
    1136 name in the file header. The sampling interval is set to 30 seconds.
     1165name in the file header. The sampling interval is set to 30 seconds. BNC is
    11411171stream with navigation messages to RINEX Navigation files. The configuration
    11421172pulls a RTCM Version 3 stream with Broadcast Ephemeris coming from the
    1143 real-time EUREF and IGS networks and saves hourly RINEX Version 3 Navigation
    1144 files. BNC runs online until it's terminated after 10 seconds. See <a href=""
    1145 target="_blank"></a> for further real-time Broadcast Ephemeris resources.
     1173real-time EUREF and IGS networks and saves hourly RINEX Version 4 Navigation
     1174files. BNC runs online until it's terminated after 10 seconds.
     1175See <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
     1176for further real-time Broadcast Ephemeris resources.
    11561187Purpose: Equals configuration file example 'RinexObs.bnc', converts RTCM
    11571188streams to RINEX Observation files. The configuration pulls streams from two
    1158 Ntrip Broadcasters using Ntrip Version 1 to generate 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 3
    1159 Observation files. See <a href="" target="_blank"></a> for
    1160 observation stream resources. BNC runs online until it's terminated after 30
     1189Ntrip Broadcasters using Ntrip Version 2 to generate 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 4
     1190Observation files.
     1191See <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
     1192for observation stream resources. BNC runs online until it's terminated after 30
    11681200<ol start="27">
    11691201<li>Shell Script ''<br>
    1170 Purpose: Equals configuration file example 'CompareSp3.bnc', compares two SP3 files to calculate RMS values for orbit and clock differences. However, instead of excluding GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS satellite R18 from the comparison as specified in 'CompareSp3.bnc', GPS satellite G06 and all GLONASS satellites are excluded via command line option. BNC runs offline. Comparison results are saved in a logfile.
     1202Purpose: Equals configuration file example 'CompareSp3.bnc', compares two SP3
     1203files to calculate RMS values for orbit and clock differences. However, instead
     1204of excluding GPS satellite G05 and GLONASS satellite R18 from the comparison as
     1205specified in 'CompareSp3.bnc', GPS satellite G06 and all GLONASS satellites are
     1206excluded via command line option. BNC runs offline. Comparison results are saved
     1207in a logfile.
    11941231EUREF as well as IGS adhere to an open data policy. Streams are made available through Ntrip Broadcasters at
    1195 <a href="" target="_blank"></a>,
    1196  <a href="" target="_blank"></a>,
    1197  <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and
    1198  <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
     1232 <a href="" target="_blank"></a>,
     1233 <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and
     1234 <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
    11991235 free of charge to anyone for any purpose. There is no indication up until now how many users will need to be supported simultaneously. The given situation may develop in such a way that it might become difficult to serve all registered users at the same times. In cases where limited resources on the Ntrip Broadcaster side (software restrictions, bandwidth limitation etc.) dictates, first priority in stream provision will be given to stream providers followed by re-broadcasting activities and real-time analysis centers while access to others might be temporarily denied.
    1240 Over the years, the BNC Subversion (SVN) software archive received over seven thousand commits made by 11 contributors representing about one hundred thirty thousand lines of code. The well-established, mature codebase is mostly written in C++ language. Its publication under GNU GPL is thought to be well-suited for test, validation and demonstration of new approaches in precise real-time satellite navigation when IP streaming is involved. Commissioned by a German governmental agency, the overall intention has been to push the development of RTCM Recommended Standards to the benefit of IAG institutions and services such as IGS and the interested public in general.
    1241 </p>
    1242 <p>
    1243 In February 2014 the overall responsibility at BKG for the concept and realization of BNC was handed over from Georg Weber to Axel Rülke. He is in charge now for guiding the application and further evolution of the software in view of appearing new satellite navigation systems and services.
     1276The well-established, mature codebase is mostly written in C++ language. Its publication under GNU GPL is thought to be well-suited for test, validation and demonstration of new approaches in precise real-time satellite navigation when IP streaming is involved. Commissioned by a German governmental agency, the overall intention has been to push the development of RTCM Recommended Standards to the benefit of IAG institutions and services such as IGS and the interested public in general.
    12621295The 'File' button lets you
    12641298  <li>Select an appropriate font.<br>
    12701304  <li>Quit the BNC program.</li>
    1272 </p>
    12741308<p><h4 id="help">2.1.2 Help</h4></p>
    12771311The 'Help' button provides access to
    12791314  <li>Help contents.<br>You may keep the 'Help Contents' window open while configuring BNC.</li>
    12811316  <li>General information about BNC.<br>Close the 'About BNC' window to continue working with BNC.</li>
    1283 </p>
    12851319<p><h4 id="network">2.2 Network</h4></p>
    1316 <p><img src="IMG/screenshot40.png"/></p>
     1350<p><img src="IMG/Figure07.png"/></p>
    13171351<p>Figure 7: BNC's 'Network' panel configured to ignore eventually occurring SSL error messages</p>
    1329 The following is an example for the content of a logfile written by BNC when operated in Single Point Positioning (SPP) mode:
    1330 </p>
    1331 <pre>
    1332 15-06-30 11:40:17 ========== Start BNC v2.12 (MAC) ==========
    1333 15-06-30 11:40:17 Panel 'PPP' active
    1334 15-06-30 11:40:17 CUT07: Get data in RTCM 3.x format
    1335 15-06-30 11:40:17 RTCM3EPH: Get data in RTCM 3.x format
    1336 15-06-30 11:40:17 Configuration read: PPP.conf, 2 stream(s)
    1338 15-06-30 11:40:21 2015-06-30_11:40:19.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6814 Y = 4870283.8110 Z = -3360808.3085 NEU:  -0.0000  -0.0000  -0.0000 TRP:  +2.4026  -0.0001
    1339 15-06-30 11:40:22 2015-06-30_11:40:20.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6853 Y = 4870283.8130 Z = -3360808.3082 NEU:  +1.1639  +0.6988  -2.1178 TRP:  +2.4018  +0.0003
    1340 15-06-30 11:40:23 2015-06-30_11:40:21.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6862 Y = 4870283.8155 Z = -3360808.3107 NEU:  +0.1317  -0.4655  -4.4614 TRP:  +2.4009  +0.0009
    1341 15-06-30 11:40:24 2015-06-30_11:40:22.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6864 Y = 4870283.8106 Z = -3360808.3099 NEU:  +0.1543  +0.2121  -1.0190 TRP:  +2.4022  +0.0009
    1342 15-06-30 11:40:25 2015-06-30_11:40:23.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6861 Y = 4870283.8111 Z = -3360808.3105 NEU:  -0.9782  +0.0916  -2.3544 TRP:  +2.4017  +0.0013
    1343 15-06-30 11:40:26 2015-06-30_11:40:24.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6884 Y = 4870283.8123 Z = -3360808.3103 NEU:  -0.5606  -0.0938  -1.9498 TRP:  +2.4018  +0.0016
    1344 15-06-30 11:40:27 2015-06-30_11:40:25.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6913 Y = 4870283.8133 Z = -3360808.3122 NEU:  -0.1799  -0.1525  -4.8142 TRP:  +2.4007  +0.0025
    1345 15-06-30 11:40:28 2015-06-30_11:40:26.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6919 Y = 4870283.8171 Z = -3360808.3184 NEU:  +0.7497  +0.7994  -2.0363 TRP:  +2.4018  +0.0032
    1346 15-06-30 11:40:29 2015-06-30_11:40:27.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6923 Y = 4870283.8196 Z = -3360808.3230 NEU:  +0.8099  +0.5592  -2.8552 TRP:  +2.4015  +0.0039
    1347 15-06-30 11:40:30 2015-06-30_11:40:28.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6960 Y = 4870283.8219 Z = -3360808.3222 NEU:  -0.2952  +1.9737  -4.5565 TRP:  +2.4008  +0.0047
    1348 15-06-30 11:40:31 2015-06-30_11:40:29.000 CUT07 X = -2364337.6982 Y = 4870283.8209 Z = -3360808.3209 NEU:  +0.3563  +2.1067  -5.5327 TRP:  +2.4005  +0.0057
     1363The following is an example for the content of a logfile written by BNC when operated in Precise Point Positioning (PPP) mode:
     136622-10-04 19:53:57 ========== Start BNC v2.13 (LINUX) ==========
     136722-10-04 19:53:57 Panel 'PPP' active
     136822-10-04 19:53:57 WTZR00DEU0: Get data in RTCM 3.x format
     136922-10-04 19:53:57 BCEP00BKG0: Get data in RTCM 3.x format
     137022-10-04 19:53:58 SSRA00BKG1: Get data in RTCM 3.x format
     137122-10-04 19:53:58 Configuration read: 08_PPP.bnc, 3 stream(s)
     137222-10-04 19:53:58 BCEP00BKG0: UNHEALTHY EPH G28 LNAV: 2022 10 04 20 00 00
     137322-10-04 19:54:13 2022-10-04_19:53:59.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.5340 Y = 931854.3984 Z = 4801568.4250 NEU:  -0.1623  +0.2450  +0.2991 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0002
     137422-10-04 19:54:13 2022-10-04_19:54:00.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.5393 Y = 931854.4017 Z = 4801568.4126 NEU:  -0.1748  +0.2471  +0.2936 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0002
     137522-10-04 19:54:14 2022-10-04_19:54:01.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.4979 Y = 931854.4015 Z = 4801568.3441 NEU:  -0.1891  +0.2560  +0.2153 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0004
     137622-10-04 19:54:14 2022-10-04_19:54:02.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.4871 Y = 931854.4003 Z = 4801568.3157 NEU:  -0.1995  +0.2573  +0.1868 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0007
     137722-10-04 19:54:14 2022-10-04_19:54:03.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.4698 Y = 931854.3966 Z = 4801568.3005 NEU:  -0.1961  +0.2575  +0.1637 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0009
     137822-10-04 19:54:14 2022-10-04_19:54:04.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.4598 Y = 931854.3940 Z = 4801568.2881 NEU:  -0.1964  +0.2573  +0.1476 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0010
     137922-10-04 19:54:18 2022-10-04_19:54:05.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.4625 Y = 931854.3971 Z = 4801568.2917 NEU:  -0.1966  +0.2597  +0.1525 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0012
     138022-10-04 19:54:18 2022-10-04_19:54:06.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.4587 Y = 931854.3966 Z = 4801568.2912 NEU:  -0.1940  +0.2600  +0.1496 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0014
     138122-10-04 19:54:18 2022-10-04_19:54:07.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.4539 Y = 931854.3931 Z = 4801568.2818 NEU:  -0.1960  +0.2577  +0.1389 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0018
     138222-10-04 19:54:18 2022-10-04_19:54:08.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.4502 Y = 931854.3946 Z = 4801568.2757 NEU:  -0.1975  +0.2599  +0.1321 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0021
     138322-10-04 19:54:18 2022-10-04_19:54:09.000 WTZR00DEU0 X = 4075580.4478 Y = 931854.3958 Z = 4801568.2737 NEU:  -0.1973  +0.2617  +0.1293 TRP:  +2.1833  +0.0023
    13891424Data will be saved in blocks in the received format separated by ASCII time stamps like (example):
    1391    2010-08-03T18:05:28 RTCM3EPH RTCM_3 67
    1392 </pre>
    1393 </p>
    1394 <p>
    1395 This example block header tells you that 67 bytes were saved in the data block following this time stamp. The information in this block is encoded in RTCM Version 3 format, comes from mountpoint RTCM3EPH and was received at 18:05:28 GPS Time on 2010-08-03. BNC adds its own time stamps in order to allow the reconstruction of a recorded real-time situation.
     1426   2022-10-04T20:07:31 WTZR00DEU0 RTCM_3.3 202
     1430This example block header tells you that 202 bytes were saved in the data block following this time stamp. The information in this block is encoded in RTCM Version 3 format, comes from mountpoint WTZR00DEU0 and was received at 20:07:31 GPS Time on 2022-10-04. BNC adds its own time stamps in order to allow the reconstruction of a recorded real-time situation.
    14011436<p><h4 id="rinex">2.4 RINEX Observations</h4></p>
    1403 Observations will be converted to RINEX if they come in either RTCM Version 2 or RTCM Version 3 format. Depending on the RINEX version and incoming RTCM message types, files generated by BNC may contain data from GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, QZSS, and/or BDS (BeiDou). In case an observation type is listed in the RINEX header but the corresponding observation is unavailable, its value is set to zero '0.000' or left blank. Note that the 'RINEX TYPE' field in the RINEX Version 3 Observation file header is always set to 'M(MIXED)' or 'Mixed' even if the file only contains data from one system.
    1404 </p>
    1405 <p>
    1406 It is important to understand that converting RTCM streams to RINEX files requires a priori information on observation types for specifying a complete RINEX header. Regarding the RINEX Version 2 file header, BNC simply introduces all observation types defined in the Version 2 standard and later reports "0.000" for observations which are not received. However, following this approach is not possible for RINEX Version 3 files from RTCM Version 3 MSM streams because of the huge number of observation types, which might in principle show up. The solution implemented in BNC is to start with RINEX Version 3 observation type records from skeleton files (see section 'Skeleton Extension' and 'Skeleton Mandatory') and switch to a default selection of observation types when such file is not available or does not contain the required information. The following is the default selection of observation types specified for a RINEX Version 3 file:
    1407 </p>
    1408 <pre>
    1409 C    9 C2I L2I S2I C6I L6I S6I C7I L7I S7I                  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1410 E   12 C1X L1X S1X C5X L5X S5X C7X L7X S7X C8X L8X S8X      SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1411 G   15 C1C L1C S1C C1W L1W S1W C2X L2X S2X C2W L2W S2W C5X  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1412        L5X S5X                                              SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1413 J   24 C1C L1C S1C C1S L1S S1S C1L L1L S1L C1X L1X S1X C2S  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1414        L2S S2S C2L L2L S2L C2X L2X S2X C5X L5X S5X          SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1415 R   12 C1C L1C S1C C1P L1P S1P C2C L2C S2C C2P L2P S2P      SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1416 S    9 C1C L1C S1C C5I L5I S5I C5Q L5Q S5Q                  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1417 </pre>
    1419 <p>
    1420 Please note that RTCM Version 3 messages 1084 for GLONASS observations do not contain the GLONASS channel numbers. These observation messages can only be converted to RINEX when you add messages which include the channel numbers. This could be done by means of an additional stream carrying 1087 GLONASS observation messages or an additional stream carrying 1020 GLONASS ephemeris messages. You could also consider setting up a stream which contains both, the 1084 and the 1020 messages.
    1421 </p>
    1422 <p>
    1423 The screenshot below shows an example setup of BNC when converting streams to RINEX. Streams are coming from various Ntrip Broadcasters as well as from a serial communication link. Specifying a decoder string 'ZERO' would mean to not convert the affected stream but save its content as received. The 'SSL Error' recorded in the 'Log' tab is caused by the fact that observation stream downloads from IGS and MGEX Broadcasters initiate the download of RINEX skeleton files from a HTTPS (TLS/SSL) website and BNC has been configured in this example to ignore SSL errors as shown in the preceding 'Network' panel screenshot.
    1424 </p>
    1426 <p><img src="IMG/screenshot16.png"/></p>
    1427 <p>Figure 8: BNC translating incoming observation streams to 15 min RINEX Version 3 Observation files</p>
     1438Observations will be converted to RINEX if they come in either RTCM Version 2 or RTCM Version 3 format.
     1439Depending on the RINEX version and incoming RTCM message types, files generated by BNC may contain
     1440data from GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BDS, SBAS, QZSS, and/or IRNSS. In case an observation type is listed
     1441in the RINEX header but the corresponding observation is unavailable, its value is set to zero '0.000' or left blank.
     1442Note that the 'RINEX TYPE' field in the RINEX Version 3 Observation file header is always set to 'M(MIXED)' or 'Mixed'
     1443even if the file only contains data from one system.
     1446It is important to understand that converting RTCM streams to RINEX files requires a priori information on observation types
     1447for specifying a complete RINEX header. Regarding the RINEX Version 2 file header, BNC simply introduces all observation types defined
     1448in the Version 2 standard and later reports "0.000" for observations which are not received.
     1449However, following this approach is not possible for RINEX Version 3 files from RTCM Version 3 MSM streams because of the huge number
     1450of observation types, which might in principle show up. The solution implemented in BNC is to start with
     1451RINEX Version 3 observation type records from skeleton files (see section 'Skeleton Extension' and 'Skeleton Mandatory') and switch to
     1452a default selection of observation types when such file is not available or does not contain the required information.
     1454Please note that RTCM Version 3 messages 1084 (MSM4) for GLONASS observations do not contain the GLONASS channel numbers.
     1455These observation messages can only be converted to RINEX when you add messages which include the channel numbers,
     1456such as the GLONASS ephemeris messages 1020. The GLONASS channel number is available as extended information within MSM5/7 messages.
     1459The screenshot below shows an example setup of BNC when converting streams to RINEX. Streams are coming from Ntrip Broadcaster
     1460<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.
     1461Specifying a decoder string 'ZERO' would mean to not convert the affected stream but save its content as received.
     1462On Wed Oct  5 2022 that would result for the Mountpoint 'FFMJ00DEU0' into a file named 'FFMJ00DEU0_221005'.
     1465<p><img src="IMG/Figure08.png"/></p>
     1466<p>Figure 8: BNC translating incoming observation streams to 15 min RINEX Version 4 Observation files</p>
    14291468<p><h4 id="rnxname">2.4.1 RINEX Filenames</h4></p>
    1431 The default for RINEX filenames in BNC follows the convention of RINEX Version 3. However, the software provides options to alternatively follow the filename convention of RINEX Version 2.
    1432 </p>
    1434 <p>
    1435 In case of RINEX Version 3 filenames, the following convention holds:
    1437 <p>
     1470The RINEX filenames generated by BNC depend on the chosen RINEX format.
     1471The following convention holds in case of RINEX Version 3 and RINEX Version 4 filenames:
    14391475  <tr><td><b>Filename Parameter&nbsp; &nbsp;</b></td><td><b>&nbsp;# Char.</b></td><td><b>&nbsp; Meaning</b></td></tr>
    14471483  <tr><td>Compression</td><td>&nbsp; 2-3</td><td>&nbsp; Compression method (optional)</td></tr>
    1449 </p>
    1450 <p>
    1451 Example for Mixed RINEX Version 3 GNSS observation filename, file containing 1 hour of data, one observation every second, 'MO' standing for 'Mixed Observations':
    1452 <pre>
    1453    ALGO00CAN_R_20121601000_01H_01S_MO.rnx
    1454 </pre>
    1455 </p>
     1487Examples (Figure 8) for Mixed RINEX Version 4 GNSS observation filenames, files containing 15 minutes of data,
     1488one observation every second, 'MO' standing for 'Mixed Observations':
     1491   FFMJ00DEU_S_20222781400_15M_01S_MO.rnx
     1492   CUT000AUS_S_20222781400_15M_01S_MO.rnx
    14571496Note that filename details are produced from the stream's mountpoint as well as corresponding BNC settings and meta data from the Ntrip Broadcaster source-table.
    1461 RINEX Version 2 filenames are derived by BNC from the first 4 characters of the corresponding stream's mountpoint (4-Char Station ID). For example, data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and WETTZELL will have hourly RINEX Observation files named</p>
    1463 <pre>
    1464    FRAN{ddd}{h}.{yy}O
    1465    WETT{ddd}{h}.{yy}O
    1466 </pre>
    1467 <p>
    1468 where 'ddd' is the day of year, 'h' is a letter which corresponds to an hour long UTC time block and 'yy' is the year.
    1469 </p>
    1470 <p>
    1471 If there is more than one stream with identical 4-Char Station ID (same first 4 characters for their mountpoints), the mountpoint strings are split into two sub-strings and both become part of the RINEX filename. For example, when simultaneously retrieving data from mountpoints FRANKFURT and FRANCE, their hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files are named as</p>
    1472 <pre>
    1473    FRAN{ddd}{h}_KFURT.{yy}O
    1474    FRAN{ddd}{h}_CE.{yy}O
    1475 </pre>
    1476 <p>
    1477 If several streams show up with exactly the same mountpoint name (example: BRUS0 from <u></u> and BRUS0 from <u></u>), BNC adds an integer number to the filename, leading e.g. to hourly RINEX Version 2 Observation files like</p>
    1478 <pre>
    1479    BRUS{ddd}{h}_0.{yy}O
    1480    BRUS{ddd}{h}_1.{yy}O
    1481 </pre>
    1482 <p>
    1483 Note that RINEX Version 2 filenames for all intervals less than 1 hour follow the filename convention for 15 minutes RINEX Version 2 Observation files e.g.</p>
    1484 <pre>
    1485    FRAN{ddd}{h}{mm}.{yy}O
    1486 </pre>
    1487 <p>
    1488 where 'mm' is the starting minute within the hour.
     1500RINEX Version 2 filenames are derived from the first 4 characters of the corresponding stream's mountpoint (4-Char Station ID).
     1501For example, data from mountpoints FFMJ00DEU0 and CUT000AUS0 will have 15-minutes RINEX Observation files named
     1504   FFMJ278O00.22O
     1505   CUT0278O00.22O
     1509The RINEX version 2 filneme convention can be summrized as follows:
     1511   {4-Char-Station-ID}{ddd}{h}{mm}.{yy}O
     1513where 'ddd' is the day of year, 'h' is a letter which corresponds to an hour long UTC time block,
     1514'mm' is the starting minute within the hour. and 'yy' is the year.
    14911517<p><h4 id="rnxdir">2.4.2 Directory - optional</h4></p>
    1493 Here you can specify the path to where the RINEX Observation files will be stored. If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create RINEX Observation files. Default value for 'Directory' is an empty option field, meaning that no RINEX Observation files will be written.
     1519Here you can specify the path to where the RINEX Observation files will be stored.
     1520If the specified directory does not exist, BNC will not create RINEX Observation files.
     1521Default value for 'Directory' is an empty option field, meaning that no RINEX Observation files will be written.
    14961524<p><h4 id="rnxinterval">2.4.3 File Interval - mandatory if 'Directory' is set</h4></p>
    1498 Select the length of the RINEX Observation file to be generated. The default value is 15 minutes.
     1526Select the length of the RINEX Observation file to be generated. The default value is 1 day.
    1518 Sometimes public RINEX header skeleton files are not available, their content is not up to date, or you need to put additional/optional records in the RINEX header. For that, BNC allows using personal skeleton files that contain the header records you would like to include. You can derive a personal RINEX header skeleton file from the information given in an up to date sitelog. A file in the RINEX Observations 'Directory' with a 'Skeleton extension' suffix is interpreted by BNC as a personal RINEX header skeleton file for the corresponding stream.
    1519 </p>
    1520 <p>
    1521 When producing RINEX Observation files from mountpoints (examples) 'BRUX00BEL0', 'WTZR_RTCM3', and 'BRUX0', the following skeleton filenames would be accepted
    1522 </p>
    1523 <pre>
    1524    BRUX00BEL.skl (9 char corresponding to RINEX version 3)
    1525    WTZR_RTCM.skl (9 char corresponding to RINEX version 3)
    1526    BRUX.skl      (4 char corresponding to RINEX version 2)
    1527 </pre>
    1528 <p>
    1529 if 'Skeleton extension' is set to 'skl'.
     1546Sometimes public RINEX header skeleton files are not available, their content is not up to date, or you need to put additional/optional
     1547records in the RINEX header. For that, BNC allows using personal skeleton files that contain the header records you would like to include.
     1548You can derive a personal RINEX header skeleton file from the information given in an up to date sitelog.
     1549A file in the RINEX Observations 'Directory' with a 'Skeleton extension' suffix is interpreted by BNC as a personal RINEX header skeleton file
     1550for the corresponding stream.
     1553When producing RINEX Observation files from mountpoints like 'BRUX00BEL0', 'WTZR_RTCM3', and 'BRUX0', the following skeleton filenames would be accepted
     1556   BRUX00BEL.skl (9 char corresponding to RINEX version 3,4)
     1557   WTZR_RTCM.skl (9 char corresponding to RINEX version 3,4)
     1558   BRUX.skl (4 char corresponding to RINEX version 2)
     1561if 'Skeleton extension' is set to 'skl'. As an alternative the basename is tried to use with lower cases as well.
    15321564Note the following regulations regarding personal RINEX header skeleton files:
    1533 <ul>
    1534   <li>If such a file exists in the 'RINEX directory', the corresponding public RINEX header skeleton file is ignored. The RINEX header is generated solely from the content of the personal skeleton.</li>
    1535   <li>Personal skeletons should contain a complete first header record of type<br>
    1536       - &nbsp; RINEX VERSION / TYPE<br></li>
    1537   <li>They should then contain an empty header record of type
    1538       <br>- &nbsp; PGM / RUN BY / DATE<br>BNC will complete this line and include it in the RINEX file header.</li>
     1565If such a file exists in the 'RINEX directory', the corresponding public RINEX header skeleton file is ignored.
     1566The RINEX header is generated solely from the content of the personal skeleton.
     1568  <li>Personal skeletons should contain a complete first header record of type 'RINEX VERSION / TYPE'</li>
     1569  <li>They should then contain an empty header record of type 'PGM / RUN BY / DATE' which will be completed by BNC and included in the RINEX file header.</li>
    15391570  <li>They should further contain complete header records of type
    1540       <br>- &nbsp; MARKER NAME
    1541       <br>- &nbsp; OBSERVER / AGENCY
    1542       <br>- &nbsp; REC # / TYPE / VERS
    1543       <br>- &nbsp; ANT # / TYPE
    1544       <br>- &nbsp; APPROX POSITION XYZ
    1545       <br>- &nbsp; ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
    1546       <br>- &nbsp; WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2 (RINEX Version 2)
    1547       <br>- &nbsp; SYS / # / OBS TYPES (for RINEX Version 3 files, will be ignored in Version 2 files)</li>
     1571      <br> &nbsp; 'MARKER NAME'
     1572      <br> &nbsp; 'OBSERVER / AGENCY'
     1573      <br> &nbsp; 'REC # / TYPE / VERS'
     1574      <br> &nbsp; 'ANT # / TYPE'
     1575      <br> &nbsp; 'APPROX POSITION XYZ'
     1576      <br> &nbsp; 'ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N'
     1577      <br> &nbsp; 'WAVELENGTH FACT L1/2 for RINEX Version 2 files
     1578      <br> &nbsp; 'SYS / # / OBS TYPES' for RINEX Version 3 files, will be ignored in Version 2 files</li>
    15481579  <li>They may contain any other optional complete header record as defined in the RINEX documentation.</li>
    1549   <li>They should also contain an empty header record of type
    1550      <br>- &nbsp; # / TYPES OF OBSERV (only RINEX Version 2, will be ignored when in Version 3 files)
    1551      <br>BNC will include these lines in the final RINEX file header together with an additional
    1552      <br>- &nbsp; COMMENT
    1553      <br>line describing the source of the stream.</li>
    1554   <li>They should finally contain an empty last header record of type
    1555     <br>- &nbsp; END OF HEADER</li>
    1556 <li>They must not contain a header record of type<br>- &nbsp; TIME OF FIRST OBS</li>
     1580  <li>They should also contain an empty header record of type '# / TYPES OF OBSERV'. It will be used in RINEX Version 2 files and ignored in Version 3 files.
     1581  <li>BNC will include these lines in the final RINEX file header together with an additional 'COMMENT'-line describing the source of the stream.</li>
     1582  <li>Personal skeletons  must not contain a header record of type 'TIME OF FIRST OBS'</li>
     1583  <li>They should finally contain an empty last header record of type 'END OF HEADER'</li>
    15631591The following is a skeleton example for a RINEX file:
    1565 <p>
    1566 <pre>
    1567                     OBSERVATION DATA    M (MIXED)           RINEX VERSION / TYPE
    1568                                                             PGM / RUN BY / DATE
    1569 CUT0                                                        MARKER NAME
     1595<pre><p style="font-family:Monospace">
     1596                    OBSERVATION DATA    M                   RINEX VERSION / TYPE
     1598 FROM SITELOG CUT000AUS_20201020.log                        COMMENT
     1599OBS TYPES from                    COMMENT
     1600CUT000AUS                                                   MARKER NAME
    1570160159945M001                                                   MARKER NUMBER
    1571 5023K67889          TRIMBLE NETR9       5.01                REC # / TYPE / VERS
     1602                    CUT                                     OBSERVER / AGENCY
     16035023K67889          TRIMBLE NETR9       5.45                REC # / TYPE / VERS
    157216044928353386          TRM59800.00     SCIS                    ANT # / TYPE
    15731605 -2364337.2699  4870285.5624 -3360809.8398                  APPROX POSITION XYZ
    15741606        0.0000        0.0000        0.0000                  ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
    1575  CUT                                     OBSERVER / AGENCY
    1576 C   10 C1I L1I D1I S1I C6I L6I S6I C7I L7I S7I              SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1577 E   13 C1X L1X D1X S1X C5X L5X S5X C7X L7X S7X C8X L8X S8X  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    15781607G   13 C1C L1C D1C S1C C2W L2W S2W C2X L2X S2X C5X L5X S5X  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1579 J   19 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1X L1X S1X C1Z L1Z S1Z C2X L2X S2X  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1580        C5X L5X S5X C6L L6L S6L                              SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    15811608R   13 C1C L1C D1C S1C C1P L1P S1P C2C L2C S2C C2P L2P S2P  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1582 S    7 C1C L1C D1C S1C C5I L5I S5I                          SYS / # / OBS TYPES
    1584 SITELOG cut0_20150507.log                                   COMMENT
     1609E   13 C1X L1X D1X S1X C7X L7X S7X C8X L8X S8X C5X L5X S5X  SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     1610J   10 C1C L1C D1C S1C C2X L2X S2X C5X L5X S5X              SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     1611C   10 C2I L2I D2I S2I C6I L6I S6I C7I L7I S7I              SYS / # / OBS TYPES
     1612 22 R01  1 R02 -4 R03  5 R04  6 R05  1 R06 -4 R07  5 R08  6 GLONASS SLOT / FRQ #
     1613    R09 -2 R10 -7 R11  0 R12 -1 R13 -2 R14 -7 R15  0 R17  4 GLONASS SLOT / FRQ #
     1614    R18 -3 R19  3 R20  2 R21  4 R23  3 R24  2               GLONASS SLOT / FRQ #
    15851615                                                            END OF HEADER
    1586 </pre>
    1587 <p>
    15891620<p><h4 id="sklMandat">2.4.6 Skeleton Mandatory - optional</h4></p>
    1613 <p><h4 id="rnxvers3">2.4.9 Version 3 - optional</h4></p>
    1614 <p>
    1615 The default format for RINEX Observation files is RINEX Version 3. There is nothing to activate in addition to save RTCM Version 3 observation streams in RINEX Version 3 format.
    1616 </p>
    1618 <p>
    1619 Note, that it is possible to force an RTCM Version 2 stream to be saved in RINEX Version 3 file format. However, this is not recommended, because such stream cannot be precisely mapped to RINEX Version 3 as the required information on tracking modes (observation attributes) is not part of RTCM Version 2.
     1644<p><h4 id="rnxvers3_4">2.4.9 Version 3 and 4 - optional</h4></p>
     1646Currently, the default format for RINEX Observation files is RINEX Version 3.
     1647RINEX version 4 can be chosen as well. The resulting observation files are backward compatible to RINEX version 3.
     1650Note, that it is possible to force an RTCM Version 2 stream to be saved in RINEX Version 3 file format.
     1651However, this is not recommended, because such stream cannot be precisely mapped to RINEX Version 3
     1652as the required information on tracking modes (observation attributes) is not part of RTCM Version 2.
    16221655<p><h4 id="rnxvers2">2.4.10 Version 2 - optional</h4></p>
    1624 GNSS observation data are generally hold available within BNC according to attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. These attributes describe the tracking mode or channel when generating the observation signals. Capital letters specifying signal generation attributes are A, B, C, D, I, L, M, N, P, Q, S, W, X, Y, and Z, see RINEX Version 3 documentation. Although RINEX Version 3 with its signal generation attributes is the internal default processing format for BNC, there are two applications where the program can be setup to produce data files in RINEX Version 2.11 format:
     1657GNSS observation data are generally hold available within BNC according to attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3 or 4.
     1658These attributes describe the tracking mode or channel when generating the observation signals.
     1659Capital letters specifying signal generation attributes are e.g. A, B, C, D, E, I, L, M, N, P, Q, S, W, X, Y, or Z, see RINEX Version 3 and 4 documentation.
     1660Nevertheless, there are two applications where the program can be setup to produce data files in RINEX Version 2.11 format:
    16251661<ol type="1">
    16261662<li>When saving the content of incoming observation streams in RINEX Version 2 files as described in this section.</li>
    1627 <li>When editing or concatenating RINEX 3 files to save them in Version 2 format, see section on 'RINEX Editing & QC'.</li>
     1663<li>When editing or concatenating RINEX version 3/4 files to save them in Version 2 format, see section on 'RINEX Editing & QC'.</li>
    1629 Select RINEX 'Version 2' if you would like to save RTCM Version 3 observation streams in RINEX Version 2 format. As the Version 2 format ignores signal generation attributes, BNC is forced to somehow map RINEX Version 3 to RINEX Version 2 although this cannot be done in one-to-one correspondence. Hence we introduce a 'Signal priority' list of attributes (characters, forming a string) for mapping Version 3 to Version 2.
    1630 </p>
    1631 <p>
    1632 Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and frequency specific. For example:</li>
     1665Select RINEX 'Version 2' if you would like to save RTCM Version 3 observation streams in RINEX Version 2 format.
     1666As the Version 2 format ignores signal generation attributes, BNC is forced to somehow map RINEX Version 3/4 to RINEX Version 2
     1667although this cannot be done in one-to-one correspondence.
     1668Hence we introduce a 'Signal priority' list of attributes (characters, forming a string) for mapping Version 3/4 to Version 2.
     1671Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and frequency specific. For example:
    16341674<li>'CWPX_?' (General signal priorities valid for all GNSS)</li>
    16361676<li>'G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX' (System and frequency specific signal priorities)</li>
    1638 </p>
    16401680The default 'Signal priority' list is defined as follows:
    1642  <li>'G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:128&DPX C:7&DPZ I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'</li>
     1682 <li>'G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:18&DPX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'</li>
    16451685As an example the 'Signal priority' of 'CWPX_?' is explained in more detail:
    1647 <li>Signals with attribute 'C' enjoy the highest priority. If such a Version 3 observation becomes available, it is presented as RINEX Version 2 observation if that is the format you wish to see. Observations with other attributes are being ignored.</li>
     1687<li>Signals with attribute 'C' enjoy the highest priority. If such a RINEX Version 3/4 observation becomes available, it is presented as RINEX Version 2 observation if that is the format you wish to see. Observations with other attributes are being ignored.</li>
    16481688<li>If no signal with 'C' attribute is available but we have an observation with 'W' attribute, BNC presents that one as RINEX Version 2 observation and ignores all observations with other attributes. The same applies mutatis mutandis to observations with P and X attributes.</li>
    1649 <li>If no signal with 'C', 'W', 'P', or 'X' attribute is available but a signal with undefined generation attribute (underscore character, '_') exists, BNC presents that one as RINEX Version 2 observation. Note that observation attributes should actually always be available in RINEX Version 3. Hence the underscore character makes only sense in a few very special cases.</li>
     1689<li>If no signal with 'C', 'W', 'P', or 'X' attribute is available but a signal with undefined generation attribute (underscore character, '_') exists, BNC presents that one as RINEX Version 2 observation. Note that observation attributes should actually always be available in RINEX Version 3/4. Hence the underscore character makes only sense in a few very special cases.</li>
    16501690<li>If no signal with 'C', 'W', 'P', 'X', or '_' generation attribute exists then the question mark '?' tells BNC to present the first of any other appearing signal as RINEX Version 2 observation.</li>
    1655 You may like to specify your own 'Signal priority' string(s) for producing RINEX Version 2 files. If you neither convert observation streams to RINEX Version 2 nor concatenate RINEX Version 3 to Version 2 files, then the 'Version 2' option is meaningless.
     1695You may like to specify your own 'Signal priority' string(s) for producing RINEX Version 2 files.
    16601700Broadcast Ephemeris can be saved in RINEX Navigation files when received e.g. via RTCM Version 3 message types:
    16621703<li> 1019 (GPS) or </li>
    16631704<li> 1020 (GLONASS) or </li>
     1705<li> 1041 (IRNSS) or </li>
     1706<li> 1042 (BDS/BeiDou) or </li>
     1707<li> 1043 (SBAS) or </li>
    16641708<li> 1044 (QZSS) or </li>
    1665 <li> 1043 (SBAS) or </li>
    16661709<li> 1045 (Galileo F/NAV) or </li>
    1667 <li> 1046 (Galileo I/NAV) or </li>
    1668 <li> 1042 (BDS/BeiDou) or </li>
    1669 <li> 1041 (IRNSS). </li>
    1670 </ul>
    1671 </p>
     1710<li> 1046 (Galileo I/NAV). </li>
    16721712 <p> The filename convention follows the details given in section 'RINEX Filenames' except that the first four characters are 'BRDC'.
    1675 Regarding RINEX Version 3 you will find all ephemeris data for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, QZSS, BDS, and IRNSS gathered in one Navigation file.
    1676 </p>
    1677 <p>
    1678 The following is an example for a RINEX Version 3 Navigation filename. The file contains one day's data. 'MN' stands for 'Multi Constellation Navigation' data.
    1679 <pre>
    1680    BRDC00DEU_S_20121600000_01D_MN.rnx
    1681 </pre>
    1682 </p>
     1715Regarding RINEX Version 3/4 you will find all ephemeris data for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, SBAS, QZSS, BDS, and IRNSS gathered in one Navigation file.
     1718The following is an example for a RINEX Version 3/4 Navigation filename. The file contains one hour's data. 'MN' stands for 'Multi Constellation Navigation' data.
     1721   BRDC00WRD_S_20222791000_01H_MN.rnx
    1689 Note further that BNC will ignore incorrect or outdated Broadcast Ephemeris data when necessary, leaving a note 'WRONG EPHEMERIS' or 'OUTDATED EPHEMERIS' in the logfile.
     1730Note further that BNC will ignore incorrect or outdated Broadcast Ephemeris data, leaving a note 'WRONG EPHEMERIS' or 'OUTDATED EPHEMERIS' in the logfile.
    17101751<p><h4 id="ephvers">2.5.4 Version - optional</h4></p>
    1712 Default format for RINEX Navigation files containing Broadcast Ephemeris is RINEX Version 3. Select 'Version 2' if you want to save the ephemeris data in RINEX Version 2.11 format.
    1713 </p>
    1714 <p>
    1715 Note that this does not concern the Broadcast Ephemeris output through IP port, which is always in RINEX Version 3 format.
     1753Default format for RINEX Navigation files containing Broadcast Ephemeris is RINEX Version 3, saving the ephemeris data in RINEX Version 3.05.
     1754Select 'Version 2' if you want to save the ephemeris data in RINEX Version 2.11 format.
     1755Select 'Version 4' if you want to save the ephemeris data in RINEX Version 4.x format.
     1758Note that the here choosen Version concerns the Broadcast Ephemeris output through IP port as well.
    1763 Note that logfiles from analyzing RINEX files may become quite large. Hence, BNC provides an option 'Summary only' to limit logfile content to some essential information in case 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'. The following is an example for a RINEX quality check analysis logfile:
    1764 <pre>
    1765 QC Format Version  : 1.1
    1767 Navigation File(s) : BRDC2520.15P
    1768 Ephemeris          : 2985 OK   0 BAD
    1770 Observation File   : CUT02520.15O
    1771 RINEX Version      : 3.03
    1772 Marker Name        : CUT0
    1773 Marker Number      : 59945M001
    1774 Receiver           : TRIMBLE NETR9
    1775 Antenna            : TRM59800.00     SCIS
    1776 Position XYZ       :  -2364337.2699   4870285.5624  -3360809.8398
     1806Note that logfiles from analyzing RINEX files may become quite large. Hence, BNC provides an option 'Summary only'
     1807to limit logfile content to some essential information in case 'Action' is set to 'Analyze'.
     1808The following is an example for a RINEX quality check analysis logfile:
     1810<pre><p style="font-family:Monospace">
     1811Navigation File(s) : MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx
     1812Ephemeris          : 1893 OK   3592 UNHEALTHY   24 WRONG
     1813                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH J07 LNAV: 2022 06 21 07 00 00
     1814                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH J02 LNAV: 2022 06 21 09 00 00
     1815                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G32 LNAV: 2022 06 21 16 00 00
     1816                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH J03 LNAV: 2022 06 21 17 00 00
     1817                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G22 LNAV: 2022 06 21 18 00 00
     1818                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G31 LNAV: 2022 06 21 18 00 00
     1819                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH C35 D1  : 2022 06 21 17 00 14
     1820                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH J07 LNAV: 2022 06 21 19 00 00
     1821                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G23 LNAV: 2022 06 21 20 00 00
     1822                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH C26 D1  : 2022 06 21 19 00 14
     1823                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G10 LNAV: 2022 06 21 20 00 00
     1824                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G16 LNAV: 2022 06 21 22 00 00
     1825                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH C44 D1  : 2022 06 21 20 00 14
     1826                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G27 LNAV: 2022 06 21 22 00 00
     1827                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G15 LNAV: 2022 06 21 22 00 00
     1828                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH C24 D1  : 2022 06 21 21 00 14
     1829                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH E11 FNAV: 2022 06 21 22 00 00
     1830                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH C40 D1  : 2022 06 21 22 00 14
     1831                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G21 LNAV: 2022 06 22 00 00 00
     1832                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH J04 LNAV: 2022 06 21 23 00 00
     1833                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH C21 D1  : 2022 06 21 22 00 14
     1834                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH C12 D1  : 2022 06 21 22 00 14
     1835                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH G08 LNAV: 2022 06 22 00 00 00
     1836                     MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_MN.rnx : WRONG EPH E25 FNAV: 2022 06 21 23 30 00
     1838Observation File   : MAO000USA_R_20221720000_01D_30S_MO.rnx
     1839RINEX Version      : 4.00
     1840Marker Name        : MAO0
     1841Marker Number      : 40445M005
     1842Receiver           : SEPT POLARX5
     1843Antenna            : LEIAR25.R3      LEIT
     1844Position XYZ       :  -5466067.2677  -2404332.8007   2242123.7442
    17771845Antenna dH/dE/dN   :   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000
    1778 Start Time         : 2015-09-09
    1779 End Time           : 2015-09-09
    1780 Interval           : 1
    1781 Navigation Systems : 6    C E G J R S
    1782 Observation Types C: C2I L2I D2I S2I C6I L6I S6I C7I L7I S7I
    1783 Observation Types E: C1X L1X D1X S1X C5X L5X S5X C7X L7X S7X C8X L8X S8X
    1784 Observation Types G: C1C L1C D1C S1C C2W L2W S2W C2X L2X S2X C5X L5X S5X
    1785 Observation Types J: C1C L1C D1C S1C C1X L1X S1X C1Z L1Z S1Z C2X L2X S2X C5X L5X S5X C6L L6L S6L
    1786 Observation Types R: C1C L1C D1C S1C C1P L1P S1P C2C L2C S2C C2P L2P S2P
    1787 Observation Types S: C1C L1C D1C S1C C5I L5I S5I
    1789   C: Satellites: 13
    1790   C: Signals   : 3    2I 6I 7I
    1792       C:   2I: Observations      : 396567 (  511017)    77.60 %
    1793       C:   2I: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1794       C:   2I: Gaps              :     8676
    1795       C:   2I: Mean SNR          :     41.7
    1796       C:   2I: Mean Multipath    :     0.42
    1798       C:   6I: Observations      : 396233 (  511017)    77.54 %
    1799       C:   6I: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1800       C:   6I: Gaps              :     8761
    1801       C:   6I: Mean SNR          :     44.4
    1802       C:   6I: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
    1804       C:   7I: Observations      : 396233 (  511017)    77.54 %
    1805       C:   7I: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1806       C:   7I: Gaps              :     8761
    1807       C:   7I: Mean SNR          :     43.6
    1808       C:   7I: Mean Multipath    :     0.30
    1810   E: Satellites: 5
    1811   E: Signals   : 4    1X 5X 7X 8X
    1813       E:   1X: Observations      :  74468 (  196545)    37.89 %
    1814       E:   1X: Slips (file+found):        0 +       2
    1815       E:   1X: Gaps              :     2758
    1816       E:   1X: Mean SNR          :     45.1
    1817       E:   1X: Mean Multipath    :     0.37
    1819       E:   5X: Observations      :  74422 (  196545)    37.87 %
    1820       E:   5X: Slips (file+found):        0 +       2
    1821       E:   5X: Gaps              :     2785
    1822       E:   5X: Mean SNR          :     45.2
    1823       E:   5X: Mean Multipath    :     0.32
    1825       E:   7X: Observations      :  74422 (  196545)    37.87 %
    1826       E:   7X: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1827       E:   7X: Gaps              :     2785
    1828       E:   7X: Mean SNR          :     44.2
    1829       E:   7X: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
    1831       E:   8X: Observations      :  74429 (  196545)    37.87 %
    1832       E:   8X: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1833       E:   8X: Gaps              :     2784
    1834       E:   8X: Mean SNR          :     49.9
    1835       E:   8X: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
    1837   G: Satellites: 28
    1838   G: Signals   : 4    1C 2W 2X 5X
    1840       G:   1C: Observations      : 439952 ( 1100652)    39.97 %
    1841       G:   1C: Slips (file+found):        0 +      21
    1842       G:   1C: Gaps              :    10901
    1843       G:   1C: Mean SNR          :     44.0
    1844       G:   1C: Mean Multipath    :     0.63
    1846       G:   2W: Observations      : 422560 ( 1100652)    38.39 %
    1847       G:   2W: Slips (file+found):        0 +      19
    1848       G:   2W: Gaps              :    11133
    1849       G:   2W: Mean SNR          :     31.1
    1850       G:   2W: Mean Multipath    :     0.42
    1852       G:   2X: Observations      : 205305 ( 1100652)    18.65 %
    1853       G:   2X: Slips (file+found):        0 +      10
    1854       G:   2X: Gaps              :     7269
    1855       G:   2X: Mean SNR          :     43.3
    1856       G:   2X: Mean Multipath    :     0.47
    1858       G:   5X: Observations      : 120638 ( 1100652)    10.96 %
    1859       G:   5X: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1860       G:   5X: Gaps              :     3330
    1861       G:   5X: Mean SNR          :     49.9
    1862       G:   5X: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
    1864   J: Satellites: 1
    1865   J: Signals   : 6    1C 1X 1Z 2X 5X 6L
    1867       J:   1C: Observations      :  38040 (   39309)    96.77 %
    1868       J:   1C: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1869       J:   1C: Gaps              :     1003
    1870       J:   1C: Mean SNR          :     49.0
    1871       J:   1C: Mean Multipath    :     0.33
    1873       J:   1X: Observations      :  38040 (   39309)    96.77 %
    1874       J:   1X: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1875       J:   1X: Gaps              :     1003
    1876       J:   1X: Mean SNR          :     51.5
    1877       J:   1X: Mean Multipath    :     0.32
    1879       J:   1Z: Observations      :  38040 (   39309)    96.77 %
    1880       J:   1Z: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1881       J:   1Z: Gaps              :     1003
    1882       J:   1Z: Mean SNR          :     48.4
    1883       J:   1Z: Mean Multipath    :     0.40
    1885       J:   2X: Observations      :  38040 (   39309)    96.77 %
    1886       J:   2X: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1887       J:   2X: Gaps              :     1003
    1888       J:   2X: Mean SNR          :     48.7
    1889       J:   2X: Mean Multipath    :     0.31
    1891       J:   5X: Observations      :  38040 (   39309)    96.77 %
    1892       J:   5X: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1893       J:   5X: Gaps              :     1003
    1894       J:   5X: Mean SNR          :     53.0
    1895       J:   5X: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
    1897       J:   6L: Observations      :  38040 (   39309)    96.77 %
    1898       J:   6L: Slips (file+found):        0 +       0
    1899       J:   6L: Gaps              :     1003
    1900       J:   6L: Mean SNR          :     50.6
    1901       J:   6L: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
    1903   R: Satellites: 23
     1846Start Time         : 2022-06-21
     1847End Time           : 2022-06-21
     1848Interval           : 30 sec
     1849Navigation Systems : 5    C E G J R
     1850Observation Types C: C1P L1P D1P S1P C5P L5P D5P S5P C2I L2I D2I S2I C7I L7I D7I S7I C6I L6I D6I S6I C7D L7D D7D S7D
     1851Observation Types E: C1C L1C D1C S1C C6C L6C D6C S6C C5Q L5Q D5Q S5Q C7Q L7Q D7Q S7Q C8Q L8Q D8Q S8Q
     1852Observation Types G: C1C L1C D1C S1C C1W S1W C2W L2W D2W S2W C2L L2L D2L S2L C5Q L5Q D5Q S5Q C1L L1L D1L S1L
     1853Observation Types I: C5A L5A D5A S5A
     1854Observation Types J: C1C L1C D1C S1C C2L L2L D2L S2L C5Q L5Q D5Q S5Q C1L L1L D1L S1L C1Z L1Z D1Z S1Z C5P L5P D5P S5P
     1855Observation Types R: C1C L1C D1C S1C C1P L1P D1P S1P C2P L2P D2P S2P C2C L2C D2C S2C
     1856Observation Types S: C1C L1C D1C S1C C5I L5I D5I S5I
     1858  C: Satellites: 42
     1859  C: Signals   : 6    1P 2I 5P 6I 7D 7I
     1861      C:   1P: Observations      :  28217
     1862      C:   1P: Slips (file+found):       60 +       0
     1863      C:   1P: Gaps              :      147
     1864      C:   1P: Mean SNR          :     43.9
     1865      C:   1P: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
     1867      C:   2I: Observations      :  43725
     1868      C:   2I: Slips (file+found):      124 +      50
     1869      C:   2I: Gaps              :      209
     1870      C:   2I: Mean SNR          :     44.8
     1871      C:   2I: Mean Multipath    :     0.71
     1873      C:   5P: Observations      :  28373
     1874      C:   5P: Slips (file+found):       52 +       0
     1875      C:   5P: Gaps              :      100
     1876      C:   5P: Mean SNR          :     43.5
     1877      C:   5P: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
     1879      C:   6I: Observations      :  43887
     1880      C:   6I: Slips (file+found):       95 +      30
     1881      C:   6I: Gaps              :      156
     1882      C:   6I: Mean SNR          :     44.6
     1883      C:   6I: Mean Multipath    :     0.27
     1885      C:   7D: Observations      :  30073
     1886      C:   7D: Slips (file+found):       45 +       0
     1887      C:   7D: Gaps              :       28
     1888      C:   7D: Mean SNR          :     44.1
     1889      C:   7D: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
     1891      C:   7I: Observations      :  11450
     1892      C:   7I: Slips (file+found):       23 +       0
     1893      C:   7I: Gaps              :       16
     1894      C:   7I: Mean SNR          :     43.0
     1895      C:   7I: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
     1897  E: Satellites: 27
     1898  E: Signals   : 5    1C 5Q 6C 7Q 8Q
     1900      E:   1C: Observations      :  28931
     1901      E:   1C: Slips (file+found):       49 +       6
     1902      E:   1C: Gaps              :       83
     1903      E:   1C: Mean SNR          :     42.7
     1904      E:   1C: Mean Multipath    :     0.43
     1906      E:   5Q: Observations      :  27473
     1907      E:   5Q: Slips (file+found):       34 +       6
     1908      E:   5Q: Gaps              :       62
     1909      E:   5Q: Mean SNR          :     43.5
     1910      E:   5Q: Mean Multipath    :     0.22
     1912      E:   6C: Observations      :  27564
     1913      E:   6C: Slips (file+found):       40 +       0
     1914      E:   6C: Gaps              :       77
     1915      E:   6C: Mean SNR          :     45.5
     1916      E:   6C: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
     1918      E:   7Q: Observations      :  27504
     1919      E:   7Q: Slips (file+found):       35 +       7
     1920      E:   7Q: Gaps              :       55
     1921      E:   7Q: Mean SNR          :     44.2
     1922      E:   7Q: Mean Multipath    :     0.25
     1924      E:   8Q: Observations      :  27099
     1925      E:   8Q: Slips (file+found):       48 +       0
     1926      E:   8Q: Gaps              :       35
     1927      E:   8Q: Mean SNR          :     47.1
     1928      E:   8Q: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
     1930  G: Satellites: 32
     1931  G: Signals   : 6    1C 1L 1W 2L 2W 5Q
     1933      G:   1C: Observations      :  33608 (   35429)    94.86 %
     1934      G:   1C: Slips (file+found):      120 +      40
     1935      G:   1C: Gaps              :      159
     1936      G:   1C: Mean SNR          :     43.8
     1937      G:   1C: Mean Multipath    :     0.56
     1939      G:   1L: Observations      :   4975 (   35429)    14.04 %
     1940      G:   1L: Slips (file+found):       17 +       5
     1941      G:   1L: Gaps              :       17
     1942      G:   1L: Mean SNR          :     44.0
     1943      G:   1L: Mean Multipath    :     0.54
     1945      G:   1W: Observations      :  32785 (   35429)    92.54 %
     1946      G:   1W: Slips (file+found):        0 +      41
     1947      G:   1W: Gaps              :       83
     1948      G:   1W: Mean SNR          :     33.5
     1949      G:   1W: Mean Multipath    :     0.55
     1951      G:   2L: Observations      :  24939 (   35429)    70.39 %
     1952      G:   2L: Slips (file+found):       81 +      26
     1953      G:   2L: Gaps              :       95
     1954      G:   2L: Mean SNR          :     41.4
     1955      G:   2L: Mean Multipath    :     0.49
     1957      G:   2W: Observations      :  32785 (   35429)    92.54 %
     1958      G:   2W: Slips (file+found):      110 +      44
     1959      G:   2W: Gaps              :       83
     1960      G:   2W: Mean SNR          :     33.5
     1961      G:   2W: Mean Multipath    :     0.32
     1963      G:   5Q: Observations      :  17026 (   35429)    48.06 %
     1964      G:   5Q: Slips (file+found):       41 +       8
     1965      G:   5Q: Gaps              :       47
     1966      G:   5Q: Mean SNR          :     46.2
     1967      G:   5Q: Mean Multipath    :     0.26
     1969  J: Satellites: 4
     1970  J: Signals   : 6    1C 1L 1Z 2L 5P 5Q
     1972      J:   1C: Observations      :   9433 (    9493)    99.37 %
     1973      J:   1C: Slips (file+found):       64 +       7
     1974      J:   1C: Gaps              :       14
     1975      J:   1C: Mean SNR          :     38.0
     1976      J:   1C: Mean Multipath    :     0.71
     1978      J:   1L: Observations      :   9438 (    9493)    99.42 %
     1979      J:   1L: Slips (file+found):       14 +      10
     1980      J:   1L: Gaps              :       10
     1981      J:   1L: Mean SNR          :     38.9
     1982      J:   1L: Mean Multipath    :     0.58
     1984      J:   1Z: Observations      :   9428 (    9493)    99.32 %
     1985      J:   1Z: Slips (file+found):       20 +       7
     1986      J:   1Z: Gaps              :       16
     1987      J:   1Z: Mean SNR          :     40.6
     1988      J:   1Z: Mean Multipath    :     0.61
     1990      J:   2L: Observations      :   9435 (    9493)    99.39 %
     1991      J:   2L: Slips (file+found):       12 +       9
     1992      J:   2L: Gaps              :       10
     1993      J:   2L: Mean SNR          :     38.9
     1994      J:   2L: Mean Multipath    :     0.58
     1996      J:   5P: Observations      :   9443 (    9493)    99.47 %
     1997      J:   5P: Slips (file+found):       12 +       0
     1998      J:   5P: Gaps              :        8
     1999      J:   5P: Mean SNR          :     36.4
     2000      J:   5P: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
     2002      J:   5Q: Observations      :   9457 (    9493)    99.62 %
     2003      J:   5Q: Slips (file+found):       12 +       0
     2004      J:   5Q: Gaps              :        7
     2005      J:   5Q: Mean SNR          :     41.4
     2006      J:   5Q: Mean Multipath    :     0.00
     2008  R: Satellites: 22
    19042009  R: Signals   : 4    1C 1P 2C 2P
    1906       R:   1C: Observations      : 323918 (  904107)    35.83 %
    1907       R:   1C: Slips (file+found):        0 +      44
    1908       R:   1C: Gaps              :     7295
    1909       R:   1C: Mean SNR          :     44.9
    1910       R:   1C: Mean Multipath    :     0.77
    1912       R:   1P: Observations      : 323761 (  904107)    35.81 %
    1913       R:   1P: Slips (file+found):        0 +      44
    1914       R:   1P: Gaps              :     7305
    1915       R:   1P: Mean SNR          :     43.4
    1916       R:   1P: Mean Multipath    :     0.58
    1918       R:   2C: Observations      : 323521 (  904107)    35.78 %
    1919       R:   2C: Slips (file+found):        0 +      44
    1920       R:   2C: Gaps              :     7305
    1921       R:   2C: Mean SNR          :     40.8
    1922       R:   2C: Mean Multipath    :     0.56
    1924       R:   2P: Observations      : 321751 (  904107)    35.59 %
    1925       R:   2P: Slips (file+found):        0 +      37
    1926       R:   2P: Gaps              :     7317
    1927       R:   2P: Mean SNR          :     40.3
    1928       R:   2P: Mean Multipath    :     0.49
    1930   S: Satellites: 4
    1931   S: Signals   : 2    1C 5I
    1933       S:   1C: Observations      : 152158 (  157236)    96.77 %
    1934       S:   1C: Slips (file+found):        0 +       1
    1935       S:   1C: Gaps              :     4013
    1936       S:   1C: Mean SNR          :     40.4
    1937       S:   1C: Mean Multipath    :     0.75
    1939       S:   5I: Observations      :  76078 (  157236)    48.38 %
    1940       S:   5I: Slips (file+found):        0 +       1
    1941       S:   5I: Gaps              :     2007
    1942       S:   5I: Mean SNR          :     44.1
    1943       S:   5I: Mean Multipath    :     0.47
    1945 > 2015 09 09 13 04 50.0000000 23  1.2
    1946 R09   1.46   36.90   8  L1C s. 34.3  C1C  . 0.00  L1P s. 33.2  C1P  . 0.00  L2C s. 26.4  C2C  . 0.00  L2P s. 22.1  C2P  . 0.00
    1947 R10  49.67   46.84   8  L1C .. 52.3  C1C  . 0.62  L1P .. 51.2  C1P  . 0.52  L2C .. 42.9  C2C  . 0.51  L2P .. 42.4  C2P  . 0.40
    1948 R11  68.25 -168.71   8  L1C .. 52.1  C1C  . 0.32  L1P .. 50.2  C1P  . 0.38  L2C .. 44.6  C2C  . 0.40  L2P .. 43.4  C2P  . 0.36
    1949 R12  15.62 -148.75   8  L1C .. 40.6  C1C  . 0.94  L1P .. 38.9  C1P  . 0.51  L2C .. 41.1  C2C  . 0.61  L2P .. 40.7  C2P  . 0.45
    1950 R20  26.26  150.44   8  L1C .. 40.2  C1C  . 0.90  L1P .. 38.8  C1P  . 0.63  L2C .. 44.8  C2C  . 0.57  L2P .. 44.4  C2P  . 0.46
    1951 R21  71.53 -163.80   8  L1C .. 53.3  C1C  . 0.32  L1P .. 51.6  C1P  . 0.40  L2C .. 50.3  C2C  . 0.43  L2P .. 49.3  C2P  . 0.39
    1952 R22  40.38  -54.63   8  L1C .. 50.0  C1C  . 0.44  L1P .. 48.7  C1P  . 0.46  L2C .. 47.1  C2C  . 0.49  L2P .. 46.7  C2P  . 0.44
    1953 E11  68.80  -54.74   8  L1X .. 49.9  C1X  . 0.22  L5X .. 49.8  C5X  . 0.19  L7X .. 49.1  C7X  . 0.00  L8X .. 55.3  C8X  . 0.00
    1954 E12  58.84  141.76   8  L1X .. 50.0  C1X  . 0.14  L5X .. 49.4  C5X  . 0.21  L7X .. 48.2  C7X  . 0.00  L8X .. 55.1  C8X  . 0.00
    1955 E18   0.00    0.00   8  L1X .. 53.5  C1X  . 0.11  L5X .. 51.0  C5X  . 0.15  L7X .. 50.1  C7X  . 0.00  L8X .. 56.5  C8X  . 0.00
    1956 J01  21.34   23.40  12  L1C .. 41.2  C1C  . 0.59  L1X .. 43.2  C1X  . 0.38  L1Z .. 41.3  C1Z  . 0.58  L2X .. 40.0  C2X  . 0.47  L5X .. 44.7  C5X  . 0.00  L6L .. 41.6  C6L  . 0.00
    1957 S27  16.04  -73.53   4  L1C .. 37.8  C1C  . 0.81  L5I .. 39.9  C5I  . 0.41
    1958 S28  38.63  -50.63   4  L1C .. 45.5  C1C  . 0.49  L5I .. 47.4  C5I  . 0.48
    1959 S29  41.28   46.44   2  L1C .. 43.2  C1C  . 0.00
    1960 S37  41.28   46.44   2  L1C .. 42.1  C1C  . 0.00
    1961 C01  45.38   41.07   6  L2I .. 42.1  C2I  . 0.20  L6I .. 45.1  C6I  . 0.00  L7I .. 46.0  C7I  . 0.22
    1962 C02  36.53  -53.83   6  L2I .. 37.1  C2I  . 0.31  L6I .. 42.6  C6I  . 0.00  L7I .. 41.3  C7I  . 0.24
    1963 C03  53.80  -10.40   6  L2I .. 42.8  C2I  . 0.19  L6I .. 47.3  C6I  . 0.00  L7I .. 46.0  C7I  . 0.21
    1964 C04  30.52   62.20   6  L2I .. 37.3  C2I  . 0.33  L6I .. 42.4  C6I  . 0.00  L7I .. 41.3  C7I  . 0.25
    1965 C05  19.48  -71.66   6  L2I .. 36.6  C2I  . 0.40  L6I .. 40.0  C6I  . 0.00  L7I .. 38.5  C7I  . 0.37
    1966 C07  63.30   26.64   6  L2I .. 48.5  C2I  . 0.41  L6I .. 49.3  C6I  . 0.00  L7I .. 48.1  C7I  . 0.25
    1967 C08  76.83 -113.07   6  L2I .. 48.9  C2I  . 0.22  L6I .. 50.5  C6I  . 0.00  L7I .. 48.7  C7I  . 0.24
    1968 C10  83.00  -66.65   6  L2I .. 48.8  C2I  . 0.20  L6I .. 50.0  C6I  . 0.00  L7I .. 48.1  C7I  . 0.23
    1969 > 2015 09 09 13 04 52.0000000 33  0.9
     2011      R:   1C: Observations      :  21692 (   22743)    95.38 %
     2012      R:   1C: Slips (file+found):      506 +      29
     2013      R:   1C: Gaps              :      202
     2014      R:   1C: Mean SNR          :     47.1
     2015      R:   1C: Mean Multipath    :     0.75
     2017      R:   1P: Observations      :  21411 (   22743)    94.14 %
     2018      R:   1P: Slips (file+found):      393 +      19
     2019      R:   1P: Gaps              :       90
     2020      R:   1P: Mean SNR          :     46.9
     2021      R:   1P: Mean Multipath    :     0.56
     2023      R:   2C: Observations      :  18380 (   22743)    80.82 %
     2024      R:   2C: Slips (file+found):      384 +      22
     2025      R:   2C: Gaps              :      102
     2026      R:   2C: Mean SNR          :     44.2
     2027      R:   2C: Mean Multipath    :     0.55
     2029      R:   2P: Observations      :  18118 (   22743)    79.66 %
     2030      R:   2P: Slips (file+found):      277 +      16
     2031      R:   2P: Gaps              :       67
     2032      R:   2P: Mean SNR          :     44.6
     2033      R:   2P: Mean Multipath    :     0.38
     2035> 2022 06 21 00 00  0.0000000 50  0.5
     2036G08   0.00    0.00   9  L1C .. 44.1  C1C  . 0.58  C1W  . 0.59  L2W .. 40.6  C2W  . 0.77  L2L .. 37.3  C2L  . 0.74  L5Q .. 45.3  C5Q  . 0.33
     2037G10  32.29   79.31   9  L1C .. 49.6  C1C  . 0.16  C1W  . 0.16  L2W .. 44.0  C2W  . 0.09  L2L .. 48.2  C2L  . 0.11  L5Q .. 51.6  C5Q  . 0.09
     2038G16  54.18 -127.22   5  L1C .. 47.1  C1C  . 0.21  C1W  . 0.21  L2W .. 39.4  C2W  . 0.10
     2039G21  15.13  -68.49   5  L1C .. 41.8  C1C  . 0.53  C1W  . 0.53  L2W .. 25.6  C2W  . 0.27
     2040G22  26.49  158.25   5  L1C .. 44.6  C1C  . 0.27  C1W  . 0.27  L2W .. 30.1  C2W  . 0.29
     2041G23   0.00    0.00  11  L1C .. 45.3  C1C  . 0.33  C1W  . 0.33  L2W .. 33.9  C2W  . 0.17  L2L .. 42.5  C2L  . 0.24  L5Q .. 46.3  C5Q  . 0.25  L1L .. 45.7  C1L  . 0.27
     2042G26   0.00    0.00   9  L1C .. 46.7  C1C  . 0.28  C1W  . 0.29  L2W .. 36.8  C2W  . 0.09  L2L .. 43.7  C2L  . 0.21  L5Q .. 48.6  C5Q  . 0.10
     2043G27   0.00    0.00   9  L1C .. 48.8  C1C  . 0.23  C1W  . 0.23  L2W .. 43.4  C2W  . 0.17  L2L .. 48.2  C2L  . 0.15  L5Q .. 51.9  C5Q  . 0.10
     2044G31   0.00    0.00   7  L1C .. 35.7  C1C  . 4.35  C1W  . 4.31  L2W .. 18.4  C2W  . 4.31  L2L s. 31.1  C2L  . 0.00
     2045G32   0.00    0.00   9  L1C .. 49.2  C1C  . 0.32  C1W  . 0.32  L2W .. 39.9  C2W  . 0.15  L2L .. 44.6  C2L  . 0.16  L5Q .. 48.0  C5Q  . 0.09
     2046R03  28.32   36.60   8  L1C .. 51.6  C1C  . 0.48  L1P .. 51.5  C1P  . 0.44  L2P .. 46.6  C2P  . 0.27  L2C .. 46.7  C2C  . 0.29
     2047R04  67.08   99.63   8  L1C .. 52.3  C1C  . 0.29  L1P .. 52.5  C1P  . 0.23  L2P .. 49.3  C2P  . 0.08  L2C .. 49.4  C2C  . 0.13
     2048R05  35.15 -178.38   8  L1C .. 52.8  C1C  . 0.33  L1P .. 52.9  C1P  . 0.29  L2P .. 47.2  C2P  . 0.12  L2C .. 46.5  C2C  . 0.22
     2049R09  20.70  -90.25   8  L1C .. 48.6  C1C  . 0.93  L1P .. 48.4  C1P  . 0.44  L2P .. 42.9  C2P  . 0.46  L2C .. 44.3  C2C  . 0.61
     2050R10   6.26  -47.08   4  L1C .. 39.0  C1C  . 0.00  L1P .. 38.3  C1P  . 0.00
     2051R17   1.93   99.86   3  L1C .. 27.5  C1C  . 0.00  C2C  . 0.00
     2052R18  30.07   60.84   8  L1C .. 52.0  C1C  . 0.21  L1P .. 51.7  C1P  . 0.20  L2P .. 46.4  C2P  . 0.15  L2C .. 46.0  C2C  . 0.17
     2053R19  34.86    5.26   8  L1C .. 40.9  C1C  . 0.48  L1P .. 40.0  C1P  . 0.42  L2P .. 44.8  C2P  . 0.29  L2C .. 44.9  C2C  . 0.33
     2054R20   5.06  -48.82   8  L1C .. 34.6  C1C  . 2.67  L1P .. 32.8  C1P  . 2.55  L2P .. 36.2  C2P  . 2.19  L2C .. 34.3  C2C  . 2.24
     2055E02  43.91 -107.45  10  L1C .. 47.6  C1C  . 0.27  L6C .. 50.3  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 48.5  C5Q  . 0.11  L7Q .. 48.8  C7Q  . 0.14  L8Q .. 51.7  C8Q  . 0.00
     2056E03   2.45 -161.42  10  L1C .. 37.7  C1C  . 0.74  L6C .. 37.4  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 36.9  C5Q  . 0.14  L7Q .. 37.6  C7Q  . 0.18  L8Q .. 40.3  C8Q  . 0.00
     2057E04   8.83   44.72   7  C1C  . 0.00  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 28.5  C5Q  . 0.00  C7Q  . 0.00  L8Q .. 31.2  C8Q  . 0.00
     2058E05  37.64  160.08  10  L1C .. 46.5  C1C  . 0.13  L6C .. 49.7  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 47.0  C5Q  . 0.12  L7Q .. 47.5  C7Q  . 0.10  L8Q .. 50.3  C8Q  . 0.00
     2059E09  42.44   89.19  10  L1C .. 47.7  C1C  . 0.20  L6C .. 50.7  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 48.1  C5Q  . 0.09  L7Q .. 48.9  C7Q  . 0.19  L8Q .. 51.5  C8Q  . 0.00
     2060E11  20.61   64.05  10  L1C .. 41.7  C1C  . 0.14  L6C .. 42.8  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 39.0  C5Q  . 0.14  L7Q .. 39.2  C7Q  . 0.12  L8Q .. 42.1  C8Q  . 0.00
     2061E25  29.05 -169.12  10  L1C .. 44.2  C1C  . 0.36  L6C .. 47.6  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 45.0  C5Q  . 0.13  L7Q .. 46.0  C7Q  . 0.20  L8Q .. 48.5  C8Q  . 0.00
     2062E30  18.32  -53.65  10  L1C .. 42.8  C1C  . 0.34  L6C .. 46.1  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 42.7  C5Q  . 0.26  L7Q .. 43.5  C7Q  . 0.32  L8Q .. 46.1  C8Q  . 0.00
     2063E34  26.84  -52.94  10  L1C .. 45.5  C1C  . 0.36  L6C .. 46.7  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 44.1  C5Q  . 0.22  L7Q .. 44.6  C7Q  . 0.21  L8Q .. 47.4  C8Q  . 0.00
     2064E36  44.38   10.32  10  L1C .. 47.1  C1C  . 0.23  L6C .. 50.4  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 48.4  C5Q  . 0.18  L7Q .. 49.1  C7Q  . 0.13  L8Q .. 51.7  C8Q  . 0.00
     2065J02  25.68  -71.42  12  L1C .. 43.6  C1C  . 0.60  L2L .. 40.0  C2L  . 0.83  L5Q .. 44.4  C5Q  . 0.00  L1L .. 43.6  C1L  . 0.71  L1Z .. 43.4  C1Z  . 0.64  L5P .. 40.8  C5P  . 0.00
     2066J03  18.88  -66.71  12  L1C .. 41.0  C1C  . 0.45  L2L .. 40.3  C2L  . 0.58  L5Q .. 42.9  C5Q  . 0.00  L1L .. 41.7  C1L  . 0.49  L1Z .. 41.4  C1Z  . 0.47  L5P .. 39.4  C5P  . 0.00
     2067J04   6.08 -127.48  12  L1C .. 39.3  C1C  . 1.18  L2L .. 38.2  C2L  . 1.45  L5Q .. 39.2  C5Q  . 0.00  L1L .. 38.7  C1L  . 1.31  L1Z .. 40.4  C1Z  . 1.21  L5P .. 35.0  C5P  . 0.00
     2068J07   3.70  -94.81  11  C1C  . 0.51  L2L .. 37.0  C2L  . 0.20  L5Q .. 39.5  C5Q  . 0.00  L1L .. 32.7  C1L  . 0.21  L1Z .. 38.9  C1Z  . 0.25  L5P .. 30.9  C5P  . 0.00
     2069C01  20.30 -102.21   6  L2I .. 41.8  C2I  . 0.28  L7I .. 42.6  C7I  . 0.00  L6I .. 40.1  C6I  . 0.08
     2070C04  35.59 -109.87   6  L2I .. 44.5  C2I  . 0.09  L7I .. 45.4  C7I  . 0.00  L6I .. 44.6  C6I  . 0.04
     2071C11  18.91  -42.10   6  L2I .. 39.0  C2I  . 1.22  L7I .. 46.1  C7I  . 0.00  L6I .. 44.6  C6I  . 0.45
     2072C12  51.55    8.60   6  L2I .. 48.5  C2I  . 0.36  L7I .. 51.5  C7I  . 0.00  L6I .. 50.9  C6I  . 0.14
     2073C14   7.32 -150.82   6  L2I .. 37.8  C2I  . 2.35  L7I .. 40.9  C7I  . 0.00  L6I .. 41.4  C6I  . 0.25
     2074C21  75.79  138.30  10  L1P .. 49.0  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 51.9  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 50.8  C2I  . 0.25  L6I .. 52.5  C6I  . 0.07  L7D .. 51.0  C7D  . 0.00
     2075C22  36.50   44.63  10  L1P .. 47.4  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 47.4  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 49.6  C2I  . 0.24  L6I .. 49.9  C6I  . 0.25  L7D .. 47.3  C7D  . 0.00
     2076C24  16.27 -139.62  10  L1P .. 43.9  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 42.8  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 44.7  C2I  . 0.69  L6I .. 43.5  C6I  . 0.17  L7D .. 42.6  C7D  . 0.00
     2077C25   8.87  -85.45  10  L1P .. 38.0  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 40.3  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 41.7  C2I  . 1.90  L6I .. 41.5  C6I  . 0.39  L7D .. 39.8  C7D  . 0.00
     2078C26   4.25  177.77  10  L1P .. 40.0  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 37.8  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 41.7  C2I  . 0.58  L6I .. 40.5  C6I  . 0.22  L7D .. 37.7  C7D  . 0.00
     2079C34  36.24  -28.48  10  L1P .. 46.7  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 42.5  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 48.9  C2I  . 0.43  L6I .. 48.1  C6I  . 0.22  L7D .. 42.3  C7D  . 0.00
     2080C35  16.68  103.11  10  L1P .. 41.8  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 41.5  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 43.3  C2I  . 0.37  L6I .. 43.0  C6I  . 0.19  L7D .. 40.9  C7D  . 0.00
     2081C40  10.26  -34.76  10  L1P .. 42.4  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 37.4  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 43.1  C2I  . 0.49  L6I .. 39.4  C6I  . 0.53  L7D .. 38.4  C7D  . 0.00
     2082C42  30.61 -156.42  10  L1P .. 46.0  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 46.6  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 47.7  C2I  . 0.42  L6I .. 48.1  C6I  . 0.08  L7D .. 46.1  C7D  . 0.00
     2083C44  53.90   52.53  10  L1P .. 48.1  C1P  . 0.00  L5P .. 49.4  C5P  . 0.00  L2I .. 50.9  C2I  . 0.32  L6I .. 50.9  C6I  . 0.15  L7D .. 48.9  C7D  . 0.00
     2084C57   0.00    0.00   4  L2I .. 48.1  C2I  . 0.26  L6I .. 48.2  C6I  . 0.09
     2085C59  15.79 -100.68   6  L2I .. 43.8  C2I  . 0.15  L6I .. 41.7  C6I  . 0.14  L7D .. 41.5  C7D  . 0.00
     2086> 2022 06 21 00 00 30.0000000 49  0.5
    1971 </pre>
    1972 </p>
    1982 > 2015 09 09 13 04 50.0000000 23  1.2
     2099> 2022 06 21 00 00 30.0000000 49  0.5
    2002 R10  49.67   46.84   8  L1C .. 52.3  C1C  . 0.62  L1P .. 51.2  C1P  . 0.52  L2C .. 42.9  C2C  . 0.51  L2P .. 42.4  C2P  . 0.40
     2119E05  37.64  160.08  10  L1C .. 46.5  C1C  . 0.13  L6C .. 49.7  C6C  . 0.00  L5Q .. 47.0  C5Q  . 0.12  L7Q .. 47.5  C7Q  . 0.10  L8Q .. 50.3  C8Q  . 0.00
    2017 L1C s. 34.3
     2134L1C .. 46.5
    2023 C1P  . 0.52
    2024 </pre>
    2025 <p>
    2026 contains
    2027 </p>
    2028 <ul>
    2029   <li>RINEX Version 3 observation code </li>
     2140C1C  . 0.13
     2143contains the RINEX Version 3/4 observation code and
    20302146  <li>for a carrier phase observation: </li>
    20312147  <ul>
    2042 With respect to the summary note, that in addition to cycle slips recorded in the RINEX 'file', cycle slips identified by BNC are reported as 'found'.
     2158With respect to the summary note, that in addition to cycle slips recorded in the RINEX 'file',
     2159cycle slips identified by BNC are reported as 'found'.
    20492166and tracking mode or channel must be separated by ampersand character '&'. Specifications for each navigation systems must be separated by blank character ' '.
    2051 <p>Examples for 'Plots for signals' option:<ul><li> G:1&2&5 R:1&2&3 E:1&7 C:2&6 J:1&2 I:5&9 S:1&5 <br>
     2168<p>Examples for 'Plots for signals' option:<ul><li> G:1&2&5 R:1&2&3 E:1&7 C:2&6 J:1&2 I:5&9 S:1&5
    20522169(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st, 2nd and 5th frequency, GLONASS observations on 1st, 2nd and 3rd frequency,
    20532170QZSS observations on 1st and 2nd frequency, Galileo observations on 1st and 7th frequency, BeiDou observations on
    2054 1st and 6th frequency, SBAS observations on 1st frequency.)
     21712end and 6th frequency, SBAS observations on 1st frequency.)
    2056 <li>G:1C&5X<br>(Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st frequency in C tracking mode and GPS observations on 5th frequency in X tracking mode.)
     2173<li>G:1C&5X (Plots will be based on GPS observations on 1st frequency in C tracking mode and GPS observations on 5th frequency in X tracking mode.)
    2058 <li>C:6I&7I<br>(Plots will be based on BeiDou observations on 6th frequency in I tracking mode and BeiDou observations on 7th frequency in I tracking mode.)
     2175<li>C:6I&7I (Plots will be based on BeiDou observations on 6th frequency in I tracking mode and BeiDou observations on 7th frequency in I tracking mode.)
  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncmain.cpp

    r9822 r9850  
    126126      "   rnxOnlyWithSKL {Using RINEX skeleton file is mandatory [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}\n"
    127127      "   rnxScript      {File upload script, full path [character string]}\n"
    128       "   rnxV2Priority  {Priority of signal attributes [character string, list separated by blank character, example: G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX C:IQX]}\n"
     128      "   rnxV2Priority  {Priority of signal attributes [character string, list separated by blank character, example: G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX C:267&IQX]}\n"
    129129      "   rnxVersion     {Specifies the RINEX version of the file contents [integer number: 2|3|4 ]}\n"
    130130      "\n"
    143143      "   reqcOutLogFile        {Output logfile, full path [character string]}\n"
    144144      "   reqcLogSummaryOnly    {Output only summary of logfile [integer number: 0=no,2=yes]}\n"
    145       "   reqcSkyPlotSignals    {Observation signals [character string, list separated by blank character, example: C:2&7 E:1&5 G:1&2 J:1&2 R:1&2 S:1&5 I:5&9]}\n"
     145      "   reqcSkyPlotSignals    {Observation signals [character string, list separated by blank character, example: C:2&6 E:1&5 G:1&2 J:1&2 R:1&2 S:1&5 I:5&9]}\n"
    146146      "   reqcPlotDir           {QC plots directory [character string]}\n"
    147147      "   reqcRnxVersion        {RINEX version [integer number: 2|3]}\n"
  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncsettings.cpp

    r9795 r9850  
    132132    setValue_p("reqcNewReceiverNumber", "");
    133133    setValue_p("reqcUseObsTypes",     "");
    134     setValue_p("reqcV2Priority",      "G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:128&DPX C:7&DPZ I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX");
     134    setValue_p("reqcV2Priority",      "G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:18&DPX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX");
    135135    // SP3
    136136    setValue_p("sp3CompFile",         "");
  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r9821 r9850  
    257257  QString hlp = settings.value("rnxV2Priority").toString();
    258258  if (hlp.isEmpty()) {
    259     hlp = "G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:128&DPX C:7&DPZ I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX";
     259    hlp = "G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:18&DPX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX";
    260260  }
    261261  _rnxV2Priority = new QLineEdit(hlp);
    13941394  _rnxFileCheckBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tick check box 'Skeleton mandatory' in case you want that RINEX files are only produced if skeleton files are available for BNC. If no skeleton file is available for a particular source then no RINEX Observation file will be produced from the affected stream.</p><p>Note that a skeleton file contains RINEX header information such as receiver and antenna types. In case of stream conversion to RINEX Version 3, a skeleton file should also contain information on potentially available observation types. A missing skeleton file will therefore enforce BNC to only save a default set of RINEX 3 observation types. <i>[key: rnxOnlyWithSKL]</i></p>"));
    13951395  _rnxScrpLineEdit->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Whenever a RINEX Observation file is finally saved, you may want to compress, copy or upload it immediately, for example via FTP. BNC allows you to execute a script/batch file to carry out such operation.</p><p>Specify the full path of a script or batch file. BNC will pass the full RINEX Observation file path to the script as command line parameter (%1 on Windows systems, $1 on Unix/Linux/Mac systems). <i>[key: rnxScript]</i></p>"));
    1396   _rnxV2Priority->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a priority list of characters defining signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. Priorities will be used to map observations with RINEX Version 3 attributes from incoming streams to Version 2. The underscore character '_' stands for undefined attributes. A question mark '?' can be used as wildcard which represents any one character.</p><p>Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and freq. specific. For example: </li><ul><li>'CWPX_?' (General signal priorities valid for all GNSS) </li><li>'I:ABCX' (System specific signal priorities for IRNSS) </li><li>'G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX' (System and frequency specific signal priorities) </li></ul>Default is the following priority list 'G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:128&DPX C:7&DPZ I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'. <i>[key: rnxV2Priority]</i></p>"));
     1396  _rnxV2Priority->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a priority list of characters defining signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. Priorities will be used to map observations with RINEX Version 3 attributes from incoming streams to Version 2. The underscore character '_' stands for undefined attributes. A question mark '?' can be used as wildcard which represents any one character.</p><p>Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and freq. specific. For example: </li><ul><li>'CWPX_?' (General signal priorities valid for all GNSS) </li><li>'I:ABCX' (System specific signal priorities for IRNSS) </li><li>'G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX' (System and frequency specific signal priorities) </li></ul>Default is the following priority list 'G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:18&DPX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'. <i>[key: rnxV2Priority]</i></p>"));
    13971397  _rnxVersComboBox->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select the format for RINEX Observation files. <i>[key: rnxVersion]</i></p>"));
  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/reqcdlg.cpp

    r9760 r9850  
    148148  QString hlp = settings.value("reqcV2Priority").toString();
    149149  if (hlp.isEmpty()) {
    150     hlp = "G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:128&DPX C:7&DPZ I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX";
     150    hlp = "G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:18&DPX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX";
    151151  }
    152152  _reqcV2Priority = new QLineEdit(hlp);
    242242  _reqcRnxVersion->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select version number of emerging new RINEX file.</p><p>Note the following:</p><p>When converting <u>RINEX Version 2 to Version 3 </u>Observation files, the tracking mode or channel information (signal attribute, see RINEX Version 3 documentation) in the (last out of the three characters) observation code is left blank if unknown.</p><p>When converting <u>RINEX Version 3 to Version 2</u>, the mapping of observations follows a 'Signal priority list' with signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. <i>[key: reqcRnxVersion]</i></p>"));
    243243  _reqcSampling->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Select sampling rate of emerging new RINEX Observation file. <i>[key: reqcSampling]</i></p>"));
    244   _reqcV2Priority->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a priority list of characters defining signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. Priorities will be used to map observations with RINEX Version 3 attributes from incoming streams to Version 2. The underscore character '_' stands for undefined attributes. A question mark '?' can be used as wildcard which represents any one character.</p><p>Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and freq. specific. For example: </li><ul><li>'CWPX_?' (General signal priorities valid for all GNSS) </li><li>'C:IQX I:ABCX' (System specific signal priorities for BDS and IRNSS) </li><li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX' (System and frequency specific signal priorities) </li></ul>Default is the following priority list 'G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:128&DPX C:7&DPZ I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'. <i>[key: reqcV2Priority]</i></p>"));
     244  _reqcV2Priority->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a priority list of characters defining signal attributes as defined in RINEX Version 3. Priorities will be used to map observations with RINEX Version 3 attributes from incoming streams to Version 2. The underscore character '_' stands for undefined attributes. A question mark '?' can be used as wildcard which represents any one character.</p><p>Signal priorities can be specified as equal for all systems, as system specific or as system and freq. specific. For example: </li><ul><li>'CWPX_?' (General signal priorities valid for all GNSS) </li><li>'C:IQX I:ABCX' (System specific signal priorities for BDS and IRNSS) </li><li>'G:12&PWCSLXYN G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX' (System and frequency specific signal priorities) </li></ul>Default is the following priority list 'G:12&PWCSLX G:5&IQX R:12&PC R:3&IQX R:46&ABX E:16&BCXZ E:578&IQX J:1&SLXCZ J:26&SLX J:5&IQX C:267&IQX C:18&DPX I:ABCX S:1&C S:5&IQX'. <i>[key: reqcV2Priority]</i></p>"));
    245245  _reqcStartDateTime->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify begin of emerging new RINEX Observation file. <i>[key: reqcStartDateTime]</i></p>"));
    246246  _reqcEndDateTime->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify end of emerging new RINEX Observation file. <i>[key: reqcEndDateTime]</i></p>"));
  • TabularUnified trunk/BNC/src/upload/bncuploadcaster.cpp

    r9795 r9850  
    308308    delete _outSocket; _outSocket = 0;
    309309    int l = ans.indexOf("\r\n", 0);
    310     emit(newMessage("Broadcaster: Connection broken for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1() + ": " + ans.left(l), true));
    311   } else {
    312     emit(newMessage("Broadcaster: Connection opened for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1(), true));
     310    emit(newMessage("Broadcaster " + _casterOutHost.toLatin1() + ":" + QString("%1").arg(_casterOutPort).toLatin1() +
     311                    ": Connection broken for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1() + ": " + ans.left(l), true));
     312  } else {
     313    emit(newMessage("Broadcaster" +   _casterOutHost.toLatin1() + ":" + QString("%1").arg(_casterOutPort).toLatin1() +
     314                    ": Connection opened for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1(), true));
    313315    _sOpenTrial = 0;
    314316  }
    323325    if (!_outSocket->waitForEncrypted(timeOut)) {
    324326      emit(newMessage(
    325           "Broadcaster: Connect timeout for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1() + " ("
     327           "Broadcaster " + _casterOutHost.toLatin1() + ":" + QString("%1").arg(_casterOutPort).toLatin1() +
     328           ": Connect timeout for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1() + " ("
    326329              + outHost.toLatin1() + ":"
    327330              + QString("%1) ").arg(outPort).toLatin1()
    330333      return false;
    331334    } else {
    332       emit(newMessage("Broadcaster: SSL handshake completed for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1(), true));
     335      emit(newMessage("Broadcaster " + _casterOutHost.toLatin1() + ":" + QString("%1").arg(_casterOutPort).toLatin1() +
     336                      ": SSL handshake completed for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1(), true));
    333337    }
    334338  } else {
    335339    _outSocket->connectToHost(outHost, outPort);
    336340    if (!_outSocket->waitForConnected(timeOut)) {
    337       emit(newMessage(
    338           "Broadcaster: Connect timeout for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1() + " ("
     341      emit(newMessage("Broadcaster " + _casterOutHost.toLatin1() + ":" + QString("%1").arg(_casterOutPort).toLatin1() +
     342                      ": Connect timeout for " + _mountpoint.toLatin1() + " ("
    339343              + outHost.toLatin1() + ":"
    340344              + QString("%1) ").arg(outPort).toLatin1()
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.