Changeset 9826 in ntrip for trunk

Sep 15, 2022, 9:45:18 AM (2 years ago)

Update Example Configs readme

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/Example_Configs/00_Readme.txt

    r9776 r9826  
    78781. Configuration File 'RinexObs.bnc'
    79 Purpose: Convert RTCM streams to RINEX Observation files. The configuration
    80 pulls streams from Ntrip Broadcasters using Ntrip Version 2 to generate 15min
    81 1Hz RINEX Version 4 Observation files. See
     79Purpose: Convert RTCM streams to RINEX Observation files.
     80The configuration pulls RTCM Version 3 streams from Ntrip Broadcasters using
     81Ntrip Version 2 to generate 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 4 Observation files. See
    8282 for observation stream resources.
    126126configuration reads RTCM Version 3 observations, a Broadcast Ephemeris stream
    127127and a stream with Broadcast Corrections. Positions are saved in the logfile.
     128More detailed PPP results are saved in the PPP logfile.
    1291309. Configuration File 'PPPNet.bnc'
    133134computer. This example configuration reads two RTCM Version 3 observation
    134135streams, a Broadcast Ephemeris stream and a stream with Broadcast Corrections.
    135 PPP Results for the two stations are saved in PPP logfiles.
     136Detailed PPP Results for the two stations are saved in PPP logfiles.
    13713810. Configuration File 'PPPQuickStart.bnc'
    14514611. Configuration File 'PPPPostProc.bnc'
    146147Purpose: Precise Point Positioning in post processing mode. BNC reads RINEX
    147 Version 3 Observation and 3 Navigation files and a Broadcast Correction file.
     148Version 3 Observation and Navigation files and a Broadcast Correction file.
    148149PPP processing options are set to support the Quick-Start mode. The output is
    149150saved in a specific post processing logfile and contains coordinates derived
    15215312. Configuration File 'PPPOsm.bnc'
    153 Purpose: Track BNC's point positioning solutions using
    154 OpenStreetMap as background. BNC reads a RINEX Observation file and a RINEX
    155 Navigation file to carry out a 'Standard Point Positioning' solution in post
    156 processing mode. Although this is not a real-time application it requires the
    157 BNC host to be connected to the Internet. Specify a computation speed, then hit
    158 button 'Open Map' to open the track map, then hit 'Start' to visualize receiver
    159 positions on top of OSM maps.
     154Purpose: Track BNC's point positioning solutions using OpenStreetMap as background.
     155BNC reads a RINEX Observation file and a RINEX Navigation file to carry out
     156a 'Standard Point Positioning' solution in post processing mode.
     157Although this is not a real-time application it requires the BNC host to be
     158connected to the Internet. Specify a computation speed, then hit button 'Open Map'
     159to open the track map, then hit 'Start' to visualize receiver positions on top
     160of OSM maps.
    16116213. Configuration File 'SPPQuickStartGal.bnc'
    162163Purpose: Single Point Positioning in Quick-Start mode from observations of a
    163164static receiver with quite precisely known position. The configuration uses
    164 GPS, GLONASS and Galileo observations and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream.
     165Galileo observations only and a Broadcast Ephemeris stream.
    16616714. Configuration File 'SaveSp3.bnc'
    183184Broadcaster. For that the configuration reads precise orbits and clocks in
    184185RTNET format. It also reads a stream carrying Broadcast Ephemeris. BNC converts
    185 the orbits and clocks into Broadcast Corrections and encodes them to RTCM
    186 Version 3 SSR messages to finally upload them to an Ntrip Broadcaster. The
     186the orbits and clocks into Broadcast Corrections and encodes them to
     187IGS-SSR messages to finally upload them to an Ntrip Broadcaster. The
    187188Broadcast Correction stream is referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC)
    188189and reference system IGS14. Orbits are saved on disk in SP3 format and clocks
    19119217. Configuration File 'Combi.bnc'
    192 Purpose: Pull several streams carrying Broadcast Corrections and a Broadcast
    193 Ephemeris from an Ntrip Broadcaster to produce a combined Broadcast Correction
    194 stream. BNC encodes the combination product in RTCM Version 3 SSR messages and
    195 uploads that to an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is
    196 referred to satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC) and not to satellite Center of
     193Purpose: Pull 2 streams carrying Broadcast Corrections, and Satellite Code Biases
     194together with Broadcast Ephemeris from an Ntrip Broadcaster
     195to produce a combined Broadcast Correction stream.
     196BNC encodes the combination product in IGS-SSR messages and uploads them to
     197an Ntrip Broadcaster. The Broadcast Correction stream is referred to
     198satellite Antenna Phase Center (APC) and not to satellite Center of
    197199Mass (CoM). Its reference system is IGS14. Orbits are saved in SP3 format
    198200(referred to CoM) and clocks in Clock RINEX format.
    20720919. Configuration File 'UploadEph.bnc'
    208 Purpose: Pull a number of streams from reference stations to get hold of
     210Purpose: Pull a number of streams from reference stations to get the
    209211contained Broadcast Ephemeris messages. They are encoded to RTCM Version 3
    210212format and uploaded for the purpose of providing a Broadcast Ephemeris stream
    23023222. Shell Script ''
    231233Purpose: Equals configuration file example 'RinexQC.bnc', checks the quality of
    232 a RINEX Version 3 file by means of a multipath analysis. Virtual X-Server
    233 'Xvfb' is operated while producing plot files in PNG format. BNC is offline.
     234a RINEX Version 4 file by means of a multipath analysis. The platform offscreen
     235is used while producing plot files in PNG format. BNC is offline.
    234236All results are saved on disk.
    244246stream with navigation messages to RINEX Navigation files. The configuration
    245247pulls a RTCM Version 3 stream with Broadcast Ephemeris coming from the
    246 real-time EUREF and IGS networks and saves hourly RINEX Version 3 Navigation
     248real-time EUREF and IGS networks and saves hourly RINEX Version 4 Navigation
    247249files. BNC runs online until it's terminated after 10 seconds.  See
    248 for further real-time Broadcast
     250 for further real-time Broadcast
    249251Ephemeris resources.
    258260Purpose: Equals configuration file example 'RinexObs.bnc', converts RTCM
    259261streams to RINEX Observation files. The configuration pulls streams from two
    260 Ntrip Broadcasters using Ntrip Version 1 to generate 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 3
    261 Observation files. See for
     262Ntrip Broadcasters using Ntrip Version 2 to generate 15min 1Hz RINEX Version 4
     263Observation files. See for
    262264observation stream resources. BNC runs online until it's terminated after 30
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