Changeset 962 in ntrip

Jul 23, 2008, 6:52:56 PM (17 years ago)

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4 edited


  • trunk/BNC/bnchelp.html

    r955 r962  
    44The BKG Ntrip Client (BNC) is a program for simultaneously retrieving, decoding and converting real-time GNSS data streams from NTRIP broadcasters like <u></u> or <u></u>.
    78BNC has been developed for the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) within the framework of EUREF's Real-time GNSS Project (EUREF-IP, IP for Internet Protocol) and the Real-Time IGS Pilot Project (RTIGS).
    1012BNC has been written under GNU General Public License (GPL). Binaries for BNC are available for Windows, 32-bit Linux, 64-bit Linux (compiled using option -m32), Solaris, and Mac systems. We used the MinGW Version 5.3.1 compiler to create the Windows binary. It is likely that BNC can be compiled on other systems where a GNU compiler and Qt Version 4.3.2 are installed.
     16Please ensure that you have installed the latest version of BNC available from <u></u>. We are continuously working on the program and would appreciate if you could send any comments, suggestions, or bug reports to [] or [].
    3037<li>generate high-rate RINEX Observation and Navigation files to support near real-time GNSS post-processing applications, and/or</li>
    3138<li>generate ephemeris and synchronized observations epoch by epoch through an IP port to support real-time GNSS engines, and/or</li>
     39<li>generate clock and orbit corrections to broadcast ephemeris through an IP port to support real-time Precise Point Positioning on GNSS rovers, and/or</li>
    3240<li>monitor the performance of a network of real-time GNSS reference stations to generate advisory notes.</li>
    4048<li>RTCM Version 2.x containing message types 18 and 19 (GPS and GLONASS), </li>
    41 <li>RTCM Version 3.x containing message types 1002 (GPS, SBAS) or 1004 (GPS), 1010 or 1012 (GLONASS), 1019 or 1020 (broadcast ephemeris)</li>
     49<li>RTCM Version 3.x containing message types 1002 (GPS, SBAS) or 1004 (GPS), 1010 or 1012 (GLONASS), 1019 or 1020 (broadcast ephemeris), 4056 and 4057 (tentative messages for orbit and clock corrections to broadcast ephemeris)</li>
    4250<li>RTIGS containing GPS record types 200 (observations) and 300 (ephemeris).</li>
    694 Please ensure that you have installed the latest version of BNC available from <u></u>. We are continuously working on the program and would appreciate if you could send any comments, suggestions, or bug reports to:
    695 </p>
    696 <p>
    697702Georg Weber<br>
    698703Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)<br>
    699704Frankfurt, Germany<br>
    700 or
     705[] or []
    7127178.1. <a href=#history>History</a><br>
    713 8.2. <a href=#ntrip>NTRIP</a><br>
    714 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 8.2.1 <a href=#source>Source-table</a><br>
    715 8.3. <a href=#rtcm>RTCM</a><br>
    716 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 8.3.1 RTCM <a href=#rtcm2> Version 2.x</a><br>
    717 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 8.3.2 RTCM <a href=#rtcm3> Version 3.x</a><br>
    718 8.4. <a href=#rtigs>RTIGS</a><br>
    719 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 8.4.1 <a href=#soc>SOC</a><br>
    720 8.5. <a href=#config>Config File</a><br>
    721 8.6. <a href=#links>Links</a><br>
     7188.2. <a href=#rtcm>RTCM</a><br>
     719&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 8.2.1 <a href=#ntrip>NTRIP</a><br>
     720&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 8.2.2 RTCM <a href=#rtcm2>Version 2.x</a><br>
     721&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 8.2.3 RTCM <a href=#rtcm3>Version 3.x</a><br>
     7228.3. <a href=#rtigs>RTIGS</a><br>
     723&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 8.3.1 <a href=#soc>SOC</a><br>
     7248.4. <a href=#config>Config File</a><br>
     7258.5. <a href=#links>Links</a><br>
    737 <p><a name="ntrip"><h4>8.2. NTRIP</h4></p>
     741<p><a name="rtcm"><h4>8.2. RTCM</h4></p>
     744The Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) is an international non-profit scientific, professional and educational organization. Special Committees provide a forum in which governmental and non-governmental members work together to develop technical standards and consensus recommendations in regard to issues of particular concern. RTCM is engaged in the development of international standards for maritime radionavigation and radiocommunication systems. The output documents and reports prepared by RTCM Committees are published as RTCM Recommended Standards. Topics concerning Differential Global Navigation Satellite Systems (DGNSS) are handled by the Special Committee SC 104.
     746Personal copies of RTCM Recommended Standards can be ordered through <u></u>.
     749<p><a name="ntrip"><h4>8.2.1 NTRIP</h4></p>
    762 <p><a name="source"><h4>8.2.1 Source-table</h4></p>
    765775The NTRIP broadcaster maintains a source-table containing information on available NTRIP streams, networks of NTRIP streams and NTRIP broadcasters. The source-table is sent to an NTRIP client on request. Source-table records are dedicated to one of the following: Data Streams (record type STR), Casters (record type CAS), or Networks of streams (record type NET).
    778 <p><a name="rtcm"><h4>8.3. RTCM</h4></p>
    780 <p>
    781 The Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) is an international non-profit scientific, professional and educational organization. Special Committees provide a forum in which governmental and non-governmental members work together to develop technical standards and consensus recommendations in regard to issues of particular concern. RTCM is engaged in the development of international standards for maritime radionavigation and radiocommunication systems. The output documents and reports prepared by RTCM Committees are published as RTCM Recommended Standards. Topics concerning Differential Global Navigation Satellite Systems (DGNSS) are handled by the Special Committee SC 104.
    782 <p>
    783 Personal copies of RTCM Recommended Standards can be ordered through <u></u>.
    784 </p>
    786 <p><a name="rtcm2"><h4>8.3.1 RTCM Version 2.x</h4></p>
     789<p><a name="rtcm2"><h4>8.2.2 RTCM Version 2.x</h4></p>
    788791Transmitting GNSS carrier phase data can be done through RTCM Version 2.x messages. Please note that only RTCM Version 2.2 and 2.3 streams may include GLONASS data. Messages that may be of some interest here are:
    824 <p><a name="rtcm3"><h4>8.3.2 RTCM Version 3.x</h4></p>
     827<p><a name="rtcm3"><h4>8.2.3 RTCM Version 3.x</h4></p>
    826829RTCM Version 3.x has been developed as a more efficient alternative to RTCM Version 2.x. Service providers and vendors have asked for a standard that would be more efficient, easy to use, and more easily adaptable to new situations. The main complaint was that the Version 2 parity scheme was wasteful of bandwidth. Another complaint was that the parity is not independent from word to word. Still another was that even with so many bits devoted to parity, the actual integrity of the message was not as high as it should be. Plus, 30-bit words are awkward to handle. The Version 3.x standard is intended to correct these weaknesses.
    852 <p><a name="rtigs"><h4>8.4. RTIGS</h4></p>
     855<p><a name="rtigs"><h4>8.3. RTIGS</h4></p>
    854857RTIGS stands for a data format and transport protocol for GPS observations. It was defined by the Real-Time IGS Working Group (RTIGS WG). Its definition is based on the SOC format. Every RTIGS record has one of the following numbers:
    905 <p><a name="soc"><h4>8.4.1 SOC</h4></p>
     908<p><a name="soc"><h4>8.3.1 SOC</h4></p>
    907910The SOC format has been designed in July 1999 by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the California Institute of Technology (CalTech) to transport 1Hz GPS data with minimal bandwidth over the open Internet. SOC follows the 'little-endian' byte order meaning that the low-order byte of a number is stored in memory at the lowest address, and the high-order byte at the highest address. Because the transport layer is UDP, the format does not include sync bits, a checksum, or cyclic redundancy checksum (CRC). SOC allows to transport the GPS observable CA, P1, P2, L1, and L2, efficiently compressed down to 14 bytes with 1 mm range resolution and 0.02 mm phase resolution. SOC contains epochs for cycle slips, a stand-alone time-tag per epoch, a minimum representation of the receiver's clock solution, 3 SNR numbers, a unique site id, a modulo 12 hour sequence number and flags for receiver type and GPS health. SOC's simple structure comprises an 8 byte header, a 9 byte overhead for timetag, number of gps, etc., plus 21 data bytes per gps.
    914 <p><a name="config"><h4>8.5. Config File</h4></p>
     917<p><a name="config"><h4>8.4. Config File</h4></p>
    916919The following is an example for the contents of a Unix/Linux configuration file ${HOME}/.config/BKG/BKG_NTRIP_Client.conf. It enables the retrieval of stream ACOR0 form and FFMJ3 from for the generation of 15 min RINEX files. RINEX files are uploaded to an archive using script 'up2archive' :
    951 <p><a name="links"><h3>8.6 Links</h3></p>
     954<p><a name="links"><h3>8.5 Links</h3></p>
  • trunk/BNC/bnctabledlg.cpp

    r683 r962  
    8484  _table = new QTableWidget(this);
    85   _table->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Use the 'Get Table' button to download the sourcetable from the NTRIP broadcaster. Select the desired streams line by line, using +Shift and +Ctrl when necessary. Hit 'OK' to return to the main window.</p><p>Pay attention to data fields 'format' and 'format-details'. Keep in mind that BNC can only decode and convert streams that come in RTCM Version 2.x, RTCM Version 3.x, or RTIGS format. RTCM Version 2.x streams must contain message Type 18 and 19 while RTCM Version 3.x streams must contain GPS or SBAS message Type 1002 or 1004 and may contain GLONASS message types 1010 or 1012. See data field 'format-details' for available message types and their repetition rates in brackets.</p><p>Note that in order to produce RINEX Navigation files, RTCM Version 3.x streams containing message Type 1019 (GPS) and 1020 (GLONASS) or RTIGS streams are required.</p><p>The content of data field 'nmea' tells you whether a stream retrieval needs to be initiated by BNC by sending an NMEA-GGA message containing the user (or virtual reference station)'s coordinate.</p>"));
     85  _table->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Use the 'Get Table' button to download the sourcetable from the NTRIP broadcaster. Select the desired streams line by line, using +Shift and +Ctrl when necessary. Hit 'OK' to return to the main window.</p><p>Pay attention to data fields 'format' and 'format-details'. Keep in mind that BNC can only decode and convert streams that come in RTCM Version 2.x, RTCM Version 3.x, or RTIGS format. RTCM Version 2.x streams must contain message Type 18 and 19 while RTCM Version 3.x streams must contain GPS or SBAS message Type 1002 or 1004 and may contain GLONASS message types 1010 or 1012. See data field 'format-details' for available message types and their repetition rates in brackets.</p><p>Note that in order to produce RINEX Navigation files, RTCM Version 3.x streams containing message Type 1019 (GPS) and 1020 (GLONASS) or RTIGS streams are required.</p><p>Search for RTCM Version 3.x streams containing (tentative) message Types 4056 and 4057 if you need corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris.</p><p>The content of data field 'nmea' tells you whether a stream retrieval needs to be initiated by BNC by sending an NMEA-GGA message containing the user (or virtual reference station)'s coordinate.</p>"));
    8686  connect(_table, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),
    8787          this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged()));
  • trunk/BNC/bncwindow.cpp

    r951 r962  
    439439  cLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Port"),                          2, 0);
    440440  cLayout->addWidget(_corrPortLineEdit,                           2, 1);
    441   cLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Saving ephemeris correction files and correction output through IP port."),3,0,1,2,Qt::AlignLeft);
     441  cLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("Saving Broadcast Ephemeris correction files and correction output through IP port."),3,0,1,2,Qt::AlignLeft);
    442442  cLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("    "),4,0);
    443443  cgroup->setLayout(cLayout);
  • trunk/BNS/bnshelp.html

    r961 r962  
    4 The BKG Ntrip Server (BNS) is a program for transforming GNSS satellite clocks and orbits into corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris. These corrections are then encode in RTCM Version 3 format and uploaded to NTRIP broadcasters like <u></u> or <u></u> BNS is meant as a tool for service providers with real-time access to a network of continentally or globally distributet GNSS reference stations.
     4The BKG Ntrip Server (BNS) is a program for transforming GNSS satellite clocks and orbits into corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris. These corrections are then encode in RTCM Version 3.x format and uploaded to NTRIP broadcasters like <u></u> or <u></u> BNS is meant as a tool for service providers with real-time access to a network of continentally or globally distributet GNSS reference stations.
    4949<p><a name="function"><h3>2. Functioning</h3></p>
    51 The BNS procedure for generating RTCM Version 3 clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast ephemeris in radial, along-track and cross-track components is the following:
     51The BNS procedure for generating RTCM Version 3.x clock and orbit corrections to Broadcast ephemeris in radial, along-track and cross-track components is the following:
    5555<li>Continuously receive up to date Broadcast Ephemeris carrying approximate orbits and clocks for all satellites. Receive them in RINEX Version 3 Navigation file format. Read new Broadcast Ephemeris immediately whenever they become available. Tools like the 'BKG Ntrip Client' (BNC) provide this information.</li>
     59Then, epoch by epoch:
    5661<li>Continuously receive best available clock and orbit estimates for all satellites in X,Y,Z Earth-Centered-Earth-Fixed IGS05 reference system. Receive them every epoch in a plain ASCII format as provided by a real-time GNSS engine like RTNet.</li>
    57 </ul>
    58 <p>Then, once per epoch:</p>
    59 <ul>
    6062<li>Calculate X,Y,Z coordinates from Broadcast Ephemeris orbits.</li>
    6163<li>Calculate differences dX,dY,dZ between Broadcast Ephemeris orbits and IGS05 orbits.</li>
    6365<li>Derive model-based estimation of corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris orbits.
    6466<li>Tranform model-based orbit corrections into radial, along-track and cross-track components.</li>
    65 <br><br>
    6667<li>Calculate differences dC between clocks from Broadcast Ephemeris and IGS05 clocks.</li>
    6768<li>Model clock differences through polynomial of low degree.</li>
    6869<li>Derive model-based estimation of corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris clocks.</li>
    69 <br><br>
    70 <li>Encode Broadcast Ephemeris clock and orbit corrections in RTCM Version 3 format.</li>
     70<li>Encode Broadcast Ephemeris clock and orbit corrections in RTCM Version 3.x format.</li>
    7171<li>Upload corrections in RTCM Verion 3 format to NTRIP Broadcaster.</li>
    73 <p>
     75Because BNS is quite demanding concerning communication links, is is recommended to run the three software components BNS, the Broadcast Ephemeris server (i.e. BNC), and the server providing orbits and clocks (i.e. RTNet) on the same host. However, this is not a must.
    7578<p><a name="resources"><h3>3. Resources</h3></p>
    281284<p><a name="caster"><h4>4.6. NTRIP Caster</h4></p>
    283 BNS can upload the resulting stream of cock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris to an Ntrip Broadcaster. For that EUREF and IGS operate NTRIP broadcasters at <u></u> and <u></u> which might be used for stream upload. The stream's format is RTCM Version 3. Note that it only carries the thentative message types 4056 and 4057 for combined GPS and GLONASS clock and orbit corrections.
     286BNS can upload the resulting stream of cock and orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris to an Ntrip Broadcaster. For that EUREF and IGS operate NTRIP broadcasters at <u></u> and <u></u> which might be used for stream upload. The stream's format is RTCM Version 3.x. Note that it only carries the thentative message types 4056 and 4057 for combined GPS and GLONASS clock and orbit corrections.
    331 The following is an example file contents based on combined GPS and GLONASS clock and orbit corrections carried in RTCM Version 3 message types 4056 and 4057:
     334The following is an example file contents based on combined GPS and GLONASS clock and orbit corrections carried in RTCM Version 3.x message types 4056 and 4057:
    409 Currently BNS can only generate the tentative RTCM Version 3 message types 4056 and 4057 for combined GPS and GLONASS orbit and clock corrections.
     412Currently BNS can only generate the tentative RTCM Version 3.x message types 4056 and 4057 for combined GPS and GLONASS orbit and clock corrections.
    500 RTCM Version 3 streams carrying these messages may be used i.e. to support real-time Precise Point Positioning (PPP) applications following the 'state space' approach.
     503RTCM Version 3.x streams carrying these messages may be used i.e. to support real-time Precise Point Positioning (PPP) applications following the 'state space' approach.
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