Changeset 9587 in ntrip
- Timestamp:
- Jan 7, 2022, 12:49:21 PM (3 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/BNC/src
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r9481 r9587 27 27 28 28 #include <QtCore> 29 #include <QString> 29 30 #include <string> 30 31 #include <newmat.h> -
r9571 r9587 42 42 #include <sstream> 43 43 #include <QMessageBox> 44 //#include <QString> 44 45 #include <cmath> 45 46 … … 186 187 QByteArray msgLocal = msg; 187 188 if (msg.indexOf('\n') == 0) { 188 *_logStream << endl; 189 *_logStream << Qt::endl; 189 190 msgLocal = msg.mid(1); 190 191 } 191 192 *_logStream << currentDateAndTimeGPS().toString("yy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss ").toLatin1().data(); 192 *_logStream << << endl; 193 *_logStream << << Qt::endl; 193 194 _logStream->flush(); 194 195 _logFile->flush(); … … 391 392 if ( ! (appendFlagGPS & QIODevice::Append)) { 392 393 QString line; 393 line.sprintf( 394 line.asprintf( 394 395 "%9.2f%11sN: GNSS NAV DATA M: Mixed%12sRINEX VERSION / TYPE\n", 395 396 defaultRnxNavVersion3, "", ""); … … 400 401 << _userName.toLatin1().data() 401 402 << hlp.toLatin1().data() 402 << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; 403 << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << Qt::endl; 403 404 404 405 QStringListIterator it(comments); … … 407 408 } 408 409 409 line.sprintf("%60sEND OF HEADER\n", ""); 410 line.asprintf("%60sEND OF HEADER\n", ""); 410 411 *_ephStreamGPS << line; 411 412 … … 419 420 if (! (appendFlagGPS & QIODevice::Append)) { 420 421 QString line; 421 line.sprintf("%9.2f%11sN: GPS NAV DATA%25sRINEX VERSION / TYPE\n", 422 line.asprintf("%9.2f%11sN: GPS NAV DATA%25sRINEX VERSION / TYPE\n", 422 423 defaultRnxNavVersion2, "", ""); 423 424 *_ephStreamGPS << line; … … 427 428 << _userName.toLatin1().data() 428 429 << hlp.toLatin1().data() 429 << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; 430 << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << Qt::endl; 430 431 431 432 QStringListIterator it(comments); … … 434 435 } 435 436 436 line.sprintf("%60sEND OF HEADER\n", ""); 437 line.asprintf("%60sEND OF HEADER\n", ""); 437 438 *_ephStreamGPS << line; 438 439 … … 449 450 << _userName.toLatin1().data() 450 451 << hlp.toLatin1().data() 451 << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << endl; 452 << "PGM / RUN BY / DATE" << Qt::endl; 452 453 453 454 QStringListIterator it(comments); -
r9178 r9587 84 84 } 85 85 if (!_log) { 86 *_log << "ERROR: SP3Comp requires logfile specification" << endl; 86 *_log << "ERROR: SP3Comp requires logfile specification" << Qt::endl; 87 87 goto exit; 88 88 } 89 89 90 90 for (int ii = 0; ii < _sp3FileNames.size(); ii++) { 91 *_log << "! SP3 File " << ii+1 << ": " << _sp3FileNames[ii] << endl; 91 *_log << "! SP3 File " << ii+1 << ": " << _sp3FileNames[ii] << Qt::endl; 92 92 } 93 93 if (_sp3FileNames.size() != 2) { 94 *_log << "ERROR: sp3Comp requires two input SP3 files" << endl; 94 *_log << "ERROR: sp3Comp requires two input SP3 files" << Qt::endl; 95 95 goto end; 96 96 } … … 102 102 } 103 103 catch (const string& error) { 104 *_log << "ERROR: " << error.c_str() << endl; 104 *_log << "ERROR: " << error.c_str() << Qt::endl; 105 105 } 106 106 catch (const char* error) { 107 *_log << "ERROR: " << error << endl; 107 *_log << "ERROR: " << error << Qt::endl; 108 108 } 109 109 catch (Exception& exc) { 110 *_log << "ERROR: " << exc.what() << endl; 110 *_log << "ERROR: " << exc.what() << Qt::endl; 111 111 } 112 112 catch (std::exception& exc) { 113 *_log << "ERROR: " << exc.what() << endl; 113 *_log << "ERROR: " << exc.what() << Qt::endl; 114 114 } 115 115 catch (QString error) { 116 *_log << "ERROR: " << error << endl; 116 *_log << "ERROR: " << error << Qt::endl; 117 117 } 118 118 catch (...) { 119 *_log << "ERROR: " << "unknown exception" << endl; 119 *_log << "ERROR: " << "unknown exception" << Qt::endl; 120 120 } 121 121 -
r9561 r9587 31 31 << "IF PPP" 32 32 << "Uncombined PPP" 33 << "PPP-RTK"34 33 << "DCM with Code Biases" 35 34 << "DCM with Phase Biases";
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