Changeset 9565 in ntrip for trunk/BNC/src

Dec 14, 2021, 1:10:26 PM (3 years ago)

update regarding PPP

5 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/PPP/pppClient.cpp

    r9561 r9565  
    517517      }
    519       // Check if obs have code biases
    520       // -----------------------------
    521       if (OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMcodeBias ||
    522           OPT->_obsModelType == OPT->DCMphaseBias) {
    523         useObsWithCodeBiasesOnly(_obsRover);
    524       }
     519      // use observations only if satellite code biases are available
     520      // ------------------------------------------------------------
     521      useObsWithCodeBiasesOnly(_obsRover);
    526524      if (int(_obsRover.size()) < _opt->_minObs) {
  • trunk/BNC/src/PPP/pppSatObs.cpp

    r9562 r9565  
    311311  retVal = sqrt(retVal);
    313   // De-Weight GLONASS code measurements
    314   // -----------------------------------
    315   if (_prn.system() == 'R'  &&
    316       (t_lc::includesCode(tLC) || t_lc::includesPhase(tLC) )) {
    317     retVal *= 5.0;
    318   }
    319   if (_prn.system() == 'C'  &&
    320       (t_lc::includesCode(tLC) || t_lc::includesPhase(tLC) )) {
     313  // De-Weight measurements
     314  /* ----------------------
     315  if (_prn.system() == 'R'  && t_lc::includesCode(tLC)) {
    321316    retVal *= 2.0;
    322317  }
    324319  // Elevation-Dependent Weighting
    325320  // -----------------------------
  • trunk/BNC/src/bncwindow.cpp

    r9552 r9565  
    14531453  _pppWidgets._modelObs->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of PPP model you want to use:</p><p><ul><li>Iopnosphere-free PPP</li><li>Uncombined PPP</li><li>PPP-RTK (recommended for test purposes only because of an incomplete standardized SSR model)</li><li>DCM with Code or Phase Biases</li><li></p><p>[key: PPP/modelObs]</i></p>"));
    14541454  _pppWidgets._pseudoObs->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify which kind of pseudo observations you want to use. Please note, pseudo observations regarding the Ionosphere are useful, as soon as the ionospheric information is more accurate than the code data accuracy. <i>[key: PPP/pseudoObs]</i></p>"));
    1455   _pppWidgets._sigmaC1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a Sigma for GPS C1 code observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of C1 code observations to a PPP solution from combined code and phase data. 1.0 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Sigma C1 = 1.0' <i>[key: PPP/sigmaC1]</i></p>"));
    1456   _pppWidgets._sigmaL1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a Sigma for GPS L1 phase observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of L1 phase observations to a PPP solutions from combined code and phase data. 0.01 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Sigma L1 = 0.01' <i>[key: PPP/sigmaL1]</i></p>"));
    1457   _pppWidgets._sigmaGIM->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a Sigma for GIM pseudo observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of GIM pseudo observations to a PPP solution. 3.0 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Sigma GIM = 3.0' <i>[key: PPP/sigmaGIM]</i></p>"));
     1455  _pppWidgets._sigmaC1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a Sigma for GNSS C1 code observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of C1 code observations to a PPP solution from combined code and phase data. 2.0 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Sigma C1 = 2.0' <i>[key: PPP/sigmaC1]</i></p>"));
     1456  _pppWidgets._sigmaL1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a Sigma for GNSS L1 phase observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of L1 phase observations to a PPP solutions from combined code and phase data. 0.02 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Sigma L1 = 0.02' <i>[key: PPP/sigmaL1]</i></p>"));
     1457  _pppWidgets._sigmaGIM->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Enter a Sigma for GIM pseudo observations in meters.</p><p>The higher the sigma you enter, the less the contribution of GIM pseudo observations to a PPP solution. 5.0 is likely to be an appropriate choice.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Sigma GIM = 5.0' <i>[key: PPP/sigmaGIM]</i></p>"));
    14581458  _pppWidgets._maxResC1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from GPS C1 code observations in a PPP solution. '3.0' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Res C1 = 3.0' <i>[key: PPP/maxResC1]</i></p>"));
    1459   _pppWidgets._maxResL1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from GPS L1 code observations in a PPP solution. '0.03' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Res L1 = 0.03' <i>[key: PPP/maxResL1]</i></p>"));
    1460   _pppWidgets._maxResGIM->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from GIM pseudo observations in a PPP solution. '6.0' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Res L1 = 1.0' <i>[key: PPP/maxResGIM]</i></p>"));
     1459  _pppWidgets._maxResL1->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from GPS L1 phase observations in a PPP solution. '0.03' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Res L1 = 0.03' <i>[key: PPP/maxResL1]</i></p>"));
     1460  _pppWidgets._maxResGIM->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify a maximum for residuals from GIM pseudo observations in a PPP solution. '3.0' meters may be an appropriate choice for that.</p><p>If the maximum is exceeded, contributions from the corresponding observation will be ignored in the PPP solution.</p><p>Default is an empty option field, meaning<br>'Max Res GIM = 3.0' <i>[key: PPP/maxResGIM]</i></p>"));
    14611461  _pppWidgets._eleWgtCode->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tic 'Ele Wgt Code' to use satellite Elevation depending Weights for Code observations in the PPP solution. <i>[key: PPP/eleWgtCode]</i></p>"));
    14621462  _pppWidgets._eleWgtPhase->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Tic 'Ele Wgt Phase' to use satellite Elevation depending Weights for Phase observations in the PPP solution. <i>[key: PPP/eleWgtPhase]</i></p>"));
  • trunk/BNC/src/pppMain.cpp

    r9562 r9565  
    412412    opt->_maxResC1    = settings.value("PPP/maxResC1").toDouble(); if (opt->_maxResC1 <= 0.0) opt->_maxResC1 = 3.0;
    413413    opt->_maxResL1    = settings.value("PPP/maxResL1").toDouble(); if (opt->_maxResL1 <= 0.0) opt->_maxResL1 = 0.03;
    414     opt->_maxResGIM   = settings.value("PPP/maxResGIM").toDouble(); if (opt->_maxResGIM <= 0.0) opt->_maxResGIM = 6.0;
     414    opt->_maxResGIM   = settings.value("PPP/maxResGIM").toDouble(); if (opt->_maxResGIM <= 0.0) opt->_maxResGIM = 3.0;
    415415    opt->_eleWgtCode  = (settings.value("PPP/eleWgtCode").toInt() != 0);
    416416    opt->_eleWgtPhase = (settings.value("PPP/eleWgtPhase").toInt() != 0);
  • trunk/BNC/src/pppWidgets.cpp

    r9559 r9565  
    346346  }
    347347  else {
    348     _sigmaL1->setText("0.01");
     348    _sigmaL1->setText("0.02");
    349349  }
    353353  }
    354354  else {
    355     _sigmaGIM->setText("4.0");
     355    _sigmaGIM->setText("5.0");
    356356  }
    374374  }
    375375  else {
    376     _maxResGIM->setText("6.0");
     376    _maxResGIM->setText("3.0");
    377377  }
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