Changeset 9443 in ntrip

May 25, 2021, 4:27:28 PM (4 years ago)

update regarding PPP

1 edited


  • trunk/BNC/src/pppWidgets.cpp

    r9420 r9443  
    179179  _corrWaitTime->setSuffix(" sec");
    181   _staTable->setColumnCount(10);
     181  _staTable->setColumnCount(11);
    182182  _staTable->setRowCount(0);
    183183  _staTable->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(
    184      QString("Station,Sigma N,Sigma E,Sigma H,Noise N,Noise E,Noise H,Tropo Sigma,Tropo Noise, NMEA Port").split(","));
     184     QString("Station,Sigma N,Sigma E,Sigma H,Noise N,Noise E,Noise H,Tropo Sigma,Tropo Noise, Iono Noise, NMEA Port").split(","));
    185185  _staTable->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection);
    186186  _staTable->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
    206206  // WhatsThis, PPP (2)
    207207  // ------------------
    208   _staTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify values for Sigma and white Noise of the Stations North, East and Height coordinate components in meters. Specify also a Sigma in meters for a priori model based Tropospheric delays and a Sigma in meters per second for the delay's Noise.</p><p>Specifying one record per Station is mandatory. BNC will only process data for stations which are listed here. To define a station, specify the 'Mountpoint' when in 'Real-Time Streams' mode or the 4-character station ID when in 'RINEX Files' mode.</p><p>'Sigma' is meant to describe the uncertainty of a single coordinate or tropospheric delay estimated for one epoch. 'Noise' is meant to describe the variation of estimates from epoch to epoch.</p><p><ul><li>A Sigma of 100.0 meters may be an appropriate choice e.g. for the initial N/E/H coordinates. However, this value may be significantly smaller (i.e. 0.01) for stations with well-known a priori coordinates.</li><li>A Noise of 100.0 meters for the estimated N/E/H coordinates may also be appropriate considering the potential movement of a rover position.</li><li>A value of 0.1 meters may be an appropriate Sigma for the a priori model based Tropospheric delay estimation.</li><li>Specify a Noise to describe the expected variation of the tropospheric effect over time. Supposing 1Hz observation data, specifying a value of 3e-6 would mean that the tropospheric effect may vary 3600 * 3e-6 = 0.01 meters per hour.</li></ul></p><p>You can also specify a 'NMEA Port' to output coordinates in NMEA format through an IP port of your local host. <i>[key: PPP/staTable]</i></p>"));
     208  _staTable->setWhatsThis(tr("<p>Specify values for Sigma and white Noise of the Stations North, East and Height coordinate components in meters. Specify also a Sigma in meters for a priori model based Tropospheric delays and a Sigma in meters per second for the delay's Noise.</p><p>Specifying one record per Station is mandatory. BNC will only process data for stations which are listed here. To define a station, specify the 'Mountpoint' when in 'Real-Time Streams' mode or the 4-character station ID when in 'RINEX Files' mode.</p><p>'Sigma' is meant to describe the uncertainty of a single coordinate or tropospheric delay estimated for one epoch. 'Noise' is meant to describe the variation of estimates from epoch to epoch.</p><p><ul><li>A Sigma of 100.0 meters may be an appropriate choice e.g. for the initial N/E/H coordinates. However, this value may be significantly smaller (i.e. 0.01) for stations with well-known a priori coordinates.</li><li>A Noise of 100.0 meters for the estimated N/E/H coordinates may also be appropriate considering the potential movement of a rover position.</li><li>A value of 0.1 meters may be an appropriate Sigma for the a priori model based Tropospheric delay estimation.</li><li>Specify a Noise to describe the expected variation of the tropospheric effect over time. Supposing 1Hz observation data, specifying a value of 3e-6 would mean that the tropospheric effect may vary 3600 * 3e-6 = 0.01 meters per hour.</li><li>Specify a Noise to describe the expected variation of the ionospheric effect over time.</li></ul></p><p>You can also specify a 'NMEA Port' to output coordinates in NMEA format through an IP port of your local host. <i>[key: PPP/staTable]</i></p>"));
    210210  // WhatsThis, PPP (3)
    583583     if (iCol == 7) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("0.1"));
    584584     if (iCol == 8) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("3e-6"));
    585      if (iCol == 9) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("0"));
     585     if (iCol == 9) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("0.10"));
     586     if (iCol == 10) _staTable->setItem(iRow, iCol, new QTableWidgetItem("0"));
    586587  }
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